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Changes since 0.95.4

The following bugs were fixed since release of 0.95.4 and are available in the develop branch:

  • AI was unable to accuse someone for trial
  • overflowing resources (honey bug) were not removed from market
  • offer/need events at markets were bad for performance, so the item limit was removed. Texts are not ideal yet.
  • cocottes stopped working after midnight

I also moved the danegeld from mercenaries to robbers.

TWP 0.95.4

This is a non-beta release for the changes introduced an polished during the 0.95.3beta. Thanks and kudos to Ictiv, DarkOmegaMK2 and Sir Kitteh from the Steam forum for their testing and support during the beta!

Additional changes:

  • removed logging calls in AI
  • implemented AI control for player divehouse

TWP 0.95.3beta

This version offers a thorough rework of AI dynasties. It still requires testing of AI and performance in longer games:

NOTE this is a beta release, so don't blame me for breaking your game. It's possible to have two installations of the game side-by-side, make use of that. Also, I'd appreciate any feedback regarding the AI or the mod in general.

  • The courting process works all the way up to marriage. The AI is now able to start with a single character, just like the player.

  • The AI should even be able to build the first workshop pretty soon, but I still recommend giving them one workshop at game start.

  • Several dynasty actions were moved to idle behavior of a SIM. This includes tavern visits, medical treatment, poison treatment and usage of boosting artefacts. It also includes additional courting actions to make sure they are able to get married.

  • Idle family members (non-party) will also perform idle actions (see above).

  • The decisions of AI dynasties are now partly based on a priority system that calculates their current interest in political and military actions. The decisions are also based on current events like duels, trials and office applications.

  • The AI will now focus aggressive actions on a few enemies. The current enemies are reconsidered every other day and may include economic rivals, current feuds and other colored dynasties.

  • The AI did not receive/spend money in most scripted actions. I found a workaround to enable normal finances for AI dynasties. Try getting them bankrupt :)

  • The divehouse was unable to use the sales counter for smuggled goods. It is now enabled.

  • The working hours of some professions were reduced. I'll check the balancing of these changes later, just seemed right to give these guys some leisure time and sleep.

    • Brewer: 10--24
    • Priest: 9--21
    • Cocotte: 12-- 2
    • Medic: 8--22
    • Banker: 6--20
    • Juggler: 9--21
  • burglary: added check for building owners and diplomatic state

  • f_CreditMoney: always credit to workbuilding, not workers

  • send cart and traderoutes: set movespeed to run

  • bugfix: availability of medicine was ignored on treat target

  • decrease chance for inferno, but include workshops

  • bugfix: calculate affordable amount of items to buy

  • bugfix: removed call to unused medicinechest

  • bugfix: dyn member should not look for spouses

  • enable king to vote on treasurer

  • bugfix: no idle measures just before trial/duel/election

  • increase city income (taxes) to handle increased repair costs

  • removed log error for CocotteIdle

2019-02-11 Several Bugfixes

  • bugfix: sales counter should offer mussel soup
  • bugfix: alias not found for employees in creditmoney (cancels medical treatment)
  • bugfix: check presession and pretrial behavior on AI (should fix AI running away from sessions, requires testing)

2019-02-12 Bugfixes for trials, pickpocket and kontor events

  • bugfix: don't pickpocket buildings
  • bugfix: kontor/market events cancelled early

2019-02-18 Bugfixes for trial and new measure

  • The salescounter of fishinghuts did not restock properly. Also removed herring from the counter.
  • New measure: thugs may now be set to automatic. They will then look for tasks (patrol, escort, gather evidence) by themselves.
  • bugfix: pretrial measure stopped early, freeing the SIM for other tasks
  • bugfix: player SIMs did not move during cutscenes (with active logging)
  • AI should not use privileges in the first round (seriously, getting banned in your first round is nasty)

TWP 0.95.2

This version improves the sales counter and balance sheets for workshops. It also introduces some major changes to the rogue class.


  • The warehouse has access to a special sales counter. You may offer any goods at the warehouse. The sales counter is limited to 16 slots though.

  • Some item selections (send cart, trade route) have been changed to an icon based approach. This should make the process more natural.

  • The thieves now have a measure that steals directly from the sales counter of a building. The measure is similar to the old plunder measure, but targets sales counters only. It may need further balancing.

  • The balance sheet of a workshop now calculates the wages into your shop balance for each round.

  • The measure "Send card, load and return" now unloads the goods if it returns to its home workshop.

Rogue changes

  • The Mercenary camp was removed from the rogue class and is now available to everyone. Mercenaries now offer escort and patrols. Further rework will require a closer look at the measures of mercenaries.

  • Kidnapping was moved to robbers and requires third level. Robber and thief now share the same indoor scene, since the robbers need the prison cell.

  • A balance sheet is now available for rogue buildings. Note that robbed carts will not show as theft, but selling the goods will be listed as income.

  • Thieves can now be properly controlled by the AI. You should see more burglaries happen than before.

  • The thief measures now depend on the building level. Your start out with pickpocketing. Second level grants burglary. Third level allows you to steal from sales counters.


  • Farms and orchards did not restock the sales counter automatically.

  • World traders did not move between workshops to buy random goods. This bug made sales counters much more profitable than intended.

  • Randomized the gender of the main character of opposing dynasties.

  • Some issues were located that produced errors in the logfile.

  • Fixed a bug that led to shadow dynasties having no carts at all.

Known Bugs

  • The wrenches of AI controlled taverns do not go out to work.

  • Some text substitution errors show in the log, but I didn't find the source yet.

Modding Information

The following information may be helpful for modders:

  • Most of the functions regarding the reworked sales counter can be found in library/economy.lua. This file is also home to a few functions regarding the balance sheet of workshops.

  • Most building scripts were refactored to use functions in library/bld.lua. Hence the references to bld_HandleOnSetup(), bld_HandlePingHour() and similar functions. This makes additions to these actions much easier.

  • I implemented some helper functions for carts in library/cart.lua.

  • The rogue actions of the AI are now implemented in library/roguelib.lua. These functions (i.e. pickpocket) will first attempt to find a valid destination and then start the measure or return false.

  • I found the hard coded function CityFindCrowdedPlace() to be bugged. Most importantly the result is not random, leading to a lot of thieves at one place.

  • The list of items offered in sales counters can be found in DB/BuildingToItems.dbt. If you add your own items, make sure to add them to those lists.

TWP 0.95.1

Bug fixes:

  • AI will now balance choices for new buildings properly.
  • Switched steel upgrade, shortsword and longsword in upgrade tree of smithy.
  • Black death did not spread properly.
  • Bribes by AI were reduced based on the bribe target. This stops the bribe spamming.

Bug fixes by Fajeth:

  • No use of toad excrements (Krötenschleim) outside of working hours.
  • Fixed tutorial (Gwendo).
  • Removed unused impacts.
  • Fixed class check for church measures.
  • Enable wool for visions.
  • Polluted well only causes cold and influenza now.
  • Several fixes in movement functions.
  • Improved pathfinding in Dusseldorp
  • Stop courting when fiance is hired.
  • Added secondmessage when proposing to workers.
  • Family members outside the current party were just standing around.
  • Dynasty characters did not work properly in AI-controlled buildings.
  • Fixed message when no random worker was available for hire.
  • Fixed message when hiring employees while budget is low.