Musing and recording various game design elements.
"Dragon" randomly placed on bottom level. Reach the dragon to win the game
You're trying to delivery pizza (maybe other foods?) to a dragon in cave.
You have to get it past the various challenges that are in the dragon's cave. Probably:
- Bandits
- Goblins/Goblins/Trolls/Ogres
- Wild Animals
- Unscrupulous Adventurers
Food clock would be the temperature of the food item to be delivered. Find ways to warm/chill the item to extend hunger clock.
Score could probably be your tip based on turns/time/temp.
Maybe have it be close to coffee break roguelike in duration 15~30 minutes expected completion time.
"Classes" could depend on the food item, or perhaps you just select a delivery approach (sneaky, bruiser, trickster)
Is the character an adventurer? Or just a really amazing, the best ever, delivery person. I'm leaning towards the latter with a bunch of delivery themed abilities, primarily no killing.
Maybe some kind of meta progression or meta flavor?
- Regenerate seen levels w/ player ghosts
- Easter Eggs from previous runs. (Maybe a creature has stolen your gear and is using it?)
- In game text? Hinting at a previously seen level/past delivery characters when something happens.
Dungeon should instead be caves for a dragon. Maybe we have multiple customers, some go to caves, some dungeons, etc...
Lots of small levels? Fewer big levels? Maybe a few big levels with lots of dead end levels? Maybe branches add complexity
- Player
- Shoes
- Distraction Items (Flashlight?)
- Smoke Bombs?
- Monsters/Creatures
- Armour
- Clubs/Swords
- Natural Weapons (Teeth/Claws)
- Consumables
- Heat packs (Warm the pizza)
- Lost adventuring gear (wands/potions?)
Superb Delivery Person, not a real fighter
- Focus on mobility, evasion, distraction tactics.
- Stamina for sprinting and performing evasive maneuvers instead of MP?
- Maybe some characters are of races/species that have some magic abilities?
Some creatures may have magic but the player might not exactly. Maybe some player choices could have some magic abilities? Maybe all delivery people are not mundane.