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TODO - Please see tests and doc strings in source for now...


The DateTime class acts as a thin wrapper around UTC epochs/timestamps, with the constructor supporting coercions and varying granularity/precision (from years to milliseconds). Default precision is milliseconds.

Key Precision
y Year
M Month
d Day
h Hour
m Minute
s Second
t Millisecond

Note: DateTime instances also define the above keys as properties, plus getters for week-in-year (.w) and quarter (.q).

import { dateTime } from "";

// create w/ current date (or pass epoch, string, Date or DateTime instances)
const a = dateTime();
// DateTime { y: 2020, M: 8, d: 19, h: 12, m: 17, s: 16, t: 884 }

// provide additional precision (here year only)
const b = dateTime(a, "y");
// or
const b = a.withPrecision("y")
// DateTime { y: 2020, M: 0, d: 1, h: 0, m: 0, s: 0, t: 0 }

// Sat Sep 19 2020 12:17:16 GMT'
// '2020-09-19T12:17:16.884Z'

// 2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z

// true

// 30

// 263

// 38

// true\

// true

Math & comparison

DateTime instances support basic math to derive future/past instances, given an offset period. Period identifiers are any Precision ID (see above) or w (week, aka 7 days) or q (quarter, aka 3 months):

import { dateTime, difference, absDifference, asDays } from "";

const a = dateTime();
// DateTime { y: 2020, M: 8, d: 19, h: 12, m: 17, s: 16, t: 884 }

// create new instance 61 seconds in the future
// any `Period` ID can be used
a.add(61, "s")
// DateTime { y: 2020, M: 8, d: 19, h: 12, m: 18, s: 17, t: 884 }

// ...or 90 days ago
a.add(-90, "d")
// DateTime { y: 2020, M: 5, d: 21, h: 12, m: 17, s: 16, t: 884 }

// ...or 2 quarters (aka 2x 3 months) ahead of time
a.add(2, "q").toISOString()
// "2021-03-19T12:17:16.884Z"

// check for equivalence
// true

// are dates equal (with tolerance of ±100 ms)
a.eqDelta(a.add(99, "t"), 100)
// true, "s"))
// -1000

// compute (signed) difference between dates (in milliseconds)
difference(a, "1970-01-01") === a.getTime()
// true

// difference = a - b
difference("2020-02", "2021-02")
// -31622400000

// always produces unsigned result
absDifference("2020-02", "2021-02")
// 31622400000

// compute abs difference in days
asDays(absDifference("2020-02", "2021-02"))
// 366 (because 2020 was a leap year)


Several iterators are provided to produce timestamps of various granularities between two given dates. Originally, these were intended for visualization purposes (i.e. as axis tick label generators for

  • years()
  • querters()
  • months()
  • weeks()
  • days()
  • hours()
  • minutes()
  • seconds()
  • milliseconds()
import { months, FMT_yyyyMMdd } from "";

[...months("2021-01-03", "2021-07-16")]
// [
//   1609459200000,
//   1612137600000,
//   1614556800000,
//   1617235200000,
//   1619827200000,
//   1622505600000,
//   1625097600000
// ]

[...months("2021-01-03", "2021-07-16")].map((x) => FMT_yyyyMMdd(x))
// [
//   '2021-02-01',
//   '2021-03-01',
//   '2021-04-01',
//   '2021-05-01',
//   '2021-06-01',
//   '2021-07-01'
// ]

Relative dates


Relative dates can be obtained via parseRelative() or relative().

import { dateTime, parseRelative } from "";

const now = dateTime();
// DateTime { y: 2021, M: 2, d: 21, h: 14, m: 26, s: 0, t: 661 }

// see the linked documentation for all supported formats
parseRelative("2 weeks ago", now);
// DateTime { y: 2021, M: 2, d: 7, h: 14, m: 26, s: 0, t: 661 }

parseRelative("an hour", now);
// DateTime { y: 2021, M: 2, d: 21, h: 15, m: 26, s: 0, t: 661 }

parseRelative("tomorrow", now);
// DateTime { y: 2021, M: 2, d: 22, h: 14, m: 26, s: 0, t: 661 }

parseRelative("-1 month", now)
// DateTime { y: 2021, M: 1, d: 21, h: 14, m: 26, s: 0, t: 661 }


Dates can be formatted as relative descriptions using formatRelative() and formatRelativeParts(). Both functions use the currently active locale and accept an optional reference date (default: now()).

import {
	setLocale, withLocale, DE_LONG, EN_LONG,
	formatRelative, formatRelativeParts, formatDuration,
} from "";


formatRelative("2020-06-01", "2021-07-01")
// "1 year ago"
formatRelative("2020-08-01", "2021-07-01")
// "11 months ago"
formatRelative("2021-07-01 13:45", "2021-07-01 12:05")
// "in 2 hours"
formatRelative("2021-07-01 12:23:24", "2021-07-01 12:05")
// "in 18 minutes"

// with default precision (seconds)
formatRelativeParts("2012-12-25 17:59:34", "2021-07-16 12:05")
// "8 years, 6 months, 21 days, 17 hours, 5 minutes, 26 seconds ago"

// with day precision
formatRelativeParts("2012-12-25 17:59:34", "2021-07-16 12:05", "d")
// "8 years, 6 months, 22 days ago"

// with month precision
formatRelativeParts("2012-12-25 17:59:34", "2021-07-16 12:05", "M")
// "8 years, 7 months ago"

formatRelativeParts("2021-07-16", "2021-01-01", "y")
// "in less than 1 year"

// with locale DE_LONG
withLocale(DE_LONG, () => formatRelativeParts("2020-01-01 12:34"))
// "vor 1 Jahr, 6 Monaten, 15 Tagen, 23 Stunden, 38 Minuten, 9 Sekunden"

// obtain the relative parts in raw form
// returns tuple of: [sign, years, months, days, hours, mins, secs, millis]
decomposeDifference("2020-01-01 12:34",
// [-1, 1, 6, 15, 23, 38, 9, 703]

// format a duration (in ms), optionally with given precision
// "12 h, 34 min, 56 s"

formatDuration(45296000, "h")
// "13 h"

// "< 1 d"

Date & time formatters

Custom date/time formatters can be assembled via defFormat(), using the following partial format identifiers. The MMM and E formatters use the currently active locale. To escape a formatter and use as a string literal, prefix the term with \\.

ID Description
yy Short year (2 digits)
yyyy Full year (4 digits)
M Unpadded month
MM Zero-padded 2-digit month
MMM Month name in current locale (e.g. Feb)
d Unpadded day of month
dd Zero-padded 2-digit day of month
E Weekday name in current locale (e.g. Mon)
w Unpadded week-in-year (ISO8601)
ww Zero-padded 2-digit week-in-year (ISO8601)
q Unpadded quarter
H Unpadded hour of day (0-23)
HH Zero-padded 2-digit hour of day (0-23)
h Unpadded hour of day (1-12)
m Unpadded minute of hour
mm Zero-padded 2-digit minute of hour
s Unpadded second of minute
ss Zero-padded 2-digit second of minute
S Unpadded millisecond of second
SS Zero-padded 3-digit millisecond of second
A 12-hour AM/PM marker (uppercase)
a 12-hour am/pm marker (lowercase)
Z Timezone offset in signed ±HH:mm format
ZZ Same as Z, but special handling for UTC
/ED Locale-specific weekday-day separator
/DM Locale-specific day-month separator
/MY Locale-specific month-year separator
/HM Locale-specific hour-minute separator

(Format IDs somewhat based on Java's SimpleDateFormat)

The following preset formatters are available:

  • FMT_ISO - "2020-09-13T21:42:07.123Z"
  • FMT_ISO_SHORT - "2020-09-13T21:42:07Z"
  • FMT_yyyyMMdd - "2020-09-13"
  • FMT_yyyyMMdd_ALT - "20200913"
  • FMT_Mdyyyy - "9/13/2020"
  • FMT_MMMdyyyy - "Sep 13 2020"
  • FMT_dMyyyy - "13/9/2020"
  • FMT_dMMMyyyy - "13 Sep 2020"
  • FMT_yyyyMMdd_HHmmss - 20200913-214207
  • FMT_HHmm - "21:42"
  • FMT_hm - "9:42 PM"
  • FMT_HHmmss - "21:42:07"
  • FMT_HHmmss_ALT - "214207"
  • FMT_hms - "9:42:07 PM"
  • FMT_yyyy - "2020" (4 digit year)
  • FMT_MM - "12" (2 digit month)
  • FMT_ww - "52" (2 digit week)
  • FMT_dd - "28" (2 digit day in month)
  • FMT_HH - "23" (2 digit hour, 24h system)
  • FMT_mm - "59" (2 digit minute)
  • FMT_ss - "01" (2 digit second)

All formatters are fully composable/nestable, i.e. new formats can be created using existing formats like so:

import { defFormat, FMT_HHmmss, FMT_yyyyMMdd } from "";

defFormat([FMT_yyyyMMdd, " @ ", FMT_HHmmss])();
// "2024-02-28 @ 12:05:47"


For timebased media applications, the higher-order defTimecode() can be used to create a formatter for a given FPS (frames / second, in [1..1000] range), e.g. HH:mm:ss:ff. The returned function takes a single arg (time in milliseconds) and returns formatted string.

The timecode considers days too, but only includes them in the result if the day part is non-zero. The 4 separators between each field can be customized via 2nd arg (default: all :).

import { defTimecode, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND } from "";

const a = defTimecode(30);
a(1*HOUR + 2*MINUTE + 3*SECOND + 4*1000/30)
// "01:02:03:04"

// "01:00:00:00:00"

const b = defTimecode(30, ["d ", "h ", "' ", '" ']);
b(DAY + HOUR + 2*MINUTE + 3*SECOND + 999)
// "01d 01h 02' 03" 29"


The following locale presets are available by default:

Preset Example
DE_SHORT 29.6.2021 @ 5:48
DE_LONG Dienstag, 29. Juni 2021 @ 5:48
EN_SHORT 29/06/2021 @ 5.48 am
EN_LONG Tuesday 29 June 2021 @ 5.48 am
ES_LONG martes 29 junio 2021 @ 5:48
FR_LONG mardi 29 juin 2021 @ 5h 48
IT_LONG martedì 29 giugno 2021 @ 5.48

The MMM (month) and E (weekday) formatters make use of the strings provided by the current LOCALE (default: EN_SHORT) and can be set/changed via the setLocale() function:

import {
	dateTime, defFormat, setLocale,
} from "";

const fmt = defFormat(["E", " ", "d", " ", "MMM", " ", "yyyy"]);

setLocale(EN_SHORT); // also the default
// {
//   months: [
//     'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
//     'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'
//   ],
//   days: [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ]
// }

// Sat 19 Sep 2020


// Saturday 19 September 2020

Use withLocale() to only temporarily set a locale and execute a function with it, then automatically restoring the currently active locale.

import { dateTime, withLocale, FR_LONG } from "";

// 'Fri 16 Jul 2021'

withLocale(FR_LONG, () => fmt(dateTime()));
// 'vendredi 16 juillet 2021'

// 'Fri 16 Jul 2021'