Releases: theyosh/TerrariumPI
4.0.0: A brand new version
TerrariumPI version 4!
Finally, there is a first release version 4! It took more time than wanted, but it is here!
Disclaimer: There is no 'easy' upgrade from 3 to 4. Read here the needed steps
New features
This new version has some major changes and updates:
- New admin interface based on AdminLTE
- Running multiple terrariums with one Raspberry PI
- Multiple areas of the same type. So you can now have 3 temperature areas in 1 terrarium
- 80% new code base
- Better database migrations
- New documentation website (in progress)
- Using Python3 only and virtual environments
For now there is a separate branch for version 4. This is done, so that people do not do an unexpected upgrade from version 3 to version 4. Which is not possible and would give a lot of problems.
In the future the master branch will become version 4. But that will not happen this year.
For the complete installation steps and optional migration steps are described here
There is and will not be a smooth upgrade path. TerrariumPI 4 needs a reinstall of the Pyhon code. So you can re-use your existing Raspberry PI, but read very careful the migration steps
Missing features
At the moment, not all features of TerrariumPI version 3 are available in version 4. There are multiple reasons for it.
- Notifications is only working now for email, http(s) post and traffic light. More information here: #597
Version 4.0.0 Beta 1
This is another test version of TerrariumPI 4! There are some new features like a database migration system. Therefore, you need to reinstall this version from scratch. Else you will get database issues.
Also, there is no migration path from version 3 to version 4. So version 4 is a new install. So if you want to test this version, use a different Pi then your production.
There will be a converting script that will convert the old version 3 power data to the new version. So you will not loose your power costs calculation. So make sure you have a backup of the important files
3.10.0: Latest 3.X release
This is the latest 3.X release. Version 4 should be stable enough to use and a first release is coming. This is a small release which finalize this version.
There is no migration path from version 3 to 4. So keep a copy of the important files if you want to install version 4.
After the update, re-run the installer, reboot and clear browser cache in your browser.
- Support for Honeywell HumidIcon sensors
Change log
Full change log can be found here
Version 4 - Alpha 1
This is the first test release for version 4! It took a while, more then wanted. But we are getting close. At the moment this version is not production stable. And not all code is tested yet! So you can expect issues.
Also, there is no migration path from version 3 to version 4. So version 4 is a new install. So if you want to test this version, use a different Pi then your production.
There will be a converting script that will convert the old version 3 power data to the new version. So you will not loose your power costs calculation. So make sure you have a backup of the important files
Discussion: #539
3.9.9: Happy new year !!
Happy new year release. It took again a long time, but this time due to the fact there is a complete rewrite of the code being done. We are working on version 4
After the update, re-run the installer, reboot and clear browser cache in your browser.
For now, a new release with a lot of changes. Some highlights:
- New languages: Now we have Spanish
- New sensors: CCS811 CO2 sensor
- New relays: TP Link Kasa
- Realtime sensor data on the webcam images
- UI updates containing language settings
- DB cleanup code. This is a manual action
Version 4.0 is getting closer. We are working on multiple enclosures with multiple areas to control. But also some awesome new features:
- Auto detect of Sonoff power swithes with Zeroconf and known USB relays
- Very easy dimmer setups
- Multi stage light setup with dimmers
Change log
Full change log can be found here
3.9.8: To long no release
Finally a new release. Took about one year, and it is only a minor release :)
After the update, re-run the installer, reboot and clear browser cache in your browser.
As there are a lot of small fixes, the biggest one is that everybody can add/update translations. More information: So please help out!
MOTD: We have a message of the day when you login into your pi with SSH:
And please post some images in this issue if you have not done yet: #210
As we getting closer to release version 4.0.0 the next versions will only have bug fixes. As of version 4.0.0 the idea is to rewrite some part of the code, to make it possible to:
- control multiple enclosures
- more variations in lighting options
- more variations in temperature options
- more to come...
Keep in mind, it is (still) a hobby project in my spare hours :)
3.9.7: A lots of new small stuff
This release is a bit bigger then wanted, but then, more release would be necessary. So for now, here are the updates.
After the update, re-run the installer, reboot and clear browser cache in your browser.
New software
- Added calendar system with hardware replacement reminders
- Webbased reboot or shutdown
New hardware
- Support for script power switches
- Support for Sonoff power switches
- AM2320 Sensor
- Disabled chaging existing hardware types
- Dashboard auto menu hiding.
- Disable the motion boxes in webcam settings.
- More small fixes
3.9.6: Multiple releases combined
New hardware
There is now support for:
- MH-Z19 CO2 sensor
- MLX90614 Infrared temperature sensor
- More OLED displays
- Meross MS425E cloud power switches
- Denkovi V2 usb power switches
There are a lot of small fixes and updates. See the full list below. There are a few releases skipped due to continues new features and updates.
After the update, re-run the installer, reboot and clear browser cache in your browser.
3.9.3: More live webcam streaming, full sensor refactor and small changes
Sensor refactor
Due to code refactoring, all sensor code has been rewritten. It has been tested as much as possible. Not all sensor hardware is available to me. This refactoring is needed for #202 .
Due to the code refactor, the sensor id's have changed. The upgrade process will take care of this. During the startup, all sensor id's will be changed in the settings file and in the database.
Warning: database update can take up a lot of time! (20+ min)
More live webcams
Now it is also possible to add remote HLS webcams. They will be pulled by the TerrariumPI software and then displayed as a local one. No problems will port numbers if the webcam is internal on a different port.
Small updates
Some small updates have been made to the interface. Look at the change log for detail. One nice fix is that webcam images are now all written to temporary memory instead of the SD card. This should reduce the wear on the SD card.
After the update, re-run the installer, reboot and clear browser cache in your browser.
3.9.1: Live webcam streaming, webhooks, code refactor and more
With this release it is possible to livestream the Raspberry Pi cam. This will be done on the background using the hardware chip on the GPU. Therefore you will have a livestream with about 6 seconds delay This will not harm the CPU usage or temperature of your Pi.
It is now also possible to notify other services of changes in TerrariumPI. Configure it in the notifications settings. The data that is posted is the same as the %raw_data% value. Test it by sending yourself emails.
Code refactor
The power switch code is refactored for easier use. This should make the code more manageable.
Sensor fixes for erratic values
Per sensor you can now specify the max value that a sensor may change in value. Some DHTXX sensors have some strange readouts, which should be ignored. This is now possible per sensor.
After the update, re-run the installer, reboot and clear browser cache in your browser.