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HTML: Brackets, a text editor for the web by Adobe.

Go: Any IDE of your choice which has a Go language plugin.

The toolchain

The Go programming language comes with a set of tools along with the standard installation.



gofmt main.go : Prints the formatted source code of main.go file on the console.

gofmt -w main.go: Writes the formatted code in the file main.go

gofmt -w Tasks: Runs gofmt on all the files in the folder Tasks.

go fmt can be used in place of gofmt -w.

Most IDEs can be configured to run gofmt on save.

It is highly recommended to run gofmt before committing to version control.


It extracts documentation comments on all the Go projects present in $GOPATH/src, and the standard library present in $GOROOT.

It has two interfaces:

  • Web:

    Usage: godoc -http=:6060

    The documentation of net/http is present at localhost:6060/pkg/net/http. godoc also allows users to read the Go source code of the packages. Since Go is now implemented in Go itself, we can read the source code of Go language.

Note: Verbose Flag

Depending on how much projects are in your $GOPATH, it'll take time for godoc to get up and running, please use -v flag. Using the -v flag, we come to know when the server got up.

  • Commandline:

    Usage: godoc net/http

    This will provide the documentation of net/http on the terminal, like the man command. The catch here is that we need to know the exact library name.

    The packages where comments aren't present show up as blank pages in godoc.


The documentation covered by godoc is the documentation about the API, since only the exported functions have documentation comments in godoc. This documentation is different from the logic documentation.

go test

Go has testing support built into the language. For each code file file.go, the corresponding test cases should be present in a file named as file_test.go in the same folder. The Go compiler ignores all the *_test.go files while building the application.

go build

We can build our application using go build. It parses all the .go files except the *_test.go files in the entire folder and all sub folders along with imported libraries if any, and creates a statically linked binary. The binary name is the same as the project folder name, if we want a custom name we should use the -o flag.

Example: go build -o tasks

Build time

By default, go build builds the entire application and the depending libraries, into a static binary and later throws all away. This results in rebuilding everything every single time go build is executed. For caching the library builds, use go install first and go build later.

Cross compilation

Go allows cross compilation. We have to pass the OS name as linux/darwin/windows as GOOS as shown in the below commands.

env GOOS=darwin GOARCH=386 go build -o
env GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 go build -o tasks.exe

go install

Creates a statically linked binary and places it in $GOPATH/bin. Also creates a .a file of the library and puts it in the $GOPATH/pkg folder. In future builds this library file will be reused until the underlying code is changed.

For using tools built with Go like we use unix commands, we need to add $GOPATH/bin to the environment variable $PATH.

Note: $PATH

On Linux/Unix the $PATH environment variable is a list of directories which are known to have executables. When we call some executable from any terminal, the shell goes through all folders present in $PATH one at a time until it finds the executable.

In Linux/Unix, this is done using: export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin. This line needs to be added to either .bashrc or .profile, whichever is being used by the shell.

The profile files are present in the home folder. Do a cd ~ and check for either of the files mentioned above.

go run

go run combines building and running the application in one command.

It generates a binary in the temp folder and executes it. The binary file isn't retained after the run.

go get

This is the package manager in Go. It internally clones the version control repository parameter passed to it, can be any local/remote git repository. It then runs go install on the library, making the library available in $GOPATH/pkg. If the repository doesn't have any buildable files then go get might complain, but that happens after the repository is cloned.

go clean

This command is for cleaning files that are generated by compilers, including the following files:

_obj/            // old directory of object, left by Makefiles
_test/           // old directory of test, left by Makefiles
_testmain.go     // old directory of gotest, left by Makefiles
test.out         // old directory of test, left by Makefiles
build.out        // old directory of test, left by Makefiles
*.[568ao]        // object files, left by Makefiles

DIR(.exe)        // generated by go build
DIR.test(.exe)   // generated by go test -c
MAINFILE(.exe)   // generated by go build MAINFILE.go

Other commands

Go provides more commands than those we've just talked about.

go fix // upgrade code from an old version before go1 to a new version after go1
go version // get information about your version of Go
go env // view environment variables about Go
go list // list all installed packages

For details about specific commands, go help <command>.


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