- Render pages with react/redux
- Swap deploys from exrm/edeliver to distillery
- convert layouts from haml to eex
- Remove dead developers portal
- complete rewrite in Elixir/Phoenix
- Add capistrano and puma for production deploys
- Updated HN URL to fix 301 and perform precise URL match
- Minor refactoring
- Added subreddit loader, no integration
- Much more/better logging. Log file, per request, cleaner msgs
- Better caching organization
- Re-added ENV-specific caching
- Now a sinatra app! simpler and junk
- Has caching through redis
- Allow selection of sources to search
- Updated HNSearch to new Algolia host and path
- Much improved error handling (it exists now and isn't a massive pile of rescues)
- More Error conditions and reporting of downed sources
- Cleaned up some minor method calls
- DiscussItApp class now takes optional source argument for queries to a single site
- Updated docs
- fixed submit-page issue with displaying ranking as 'undefined'
- added error message display to submit-page for DI internal server error
- updated specs with let syntax and clearer messages
- added response caching per API-call along with full listing fetch
- changed response caching to full-listing for DEV environment only, else cache per call
- moved trailing-slash stripper into controller for now so works for ajax & caching
- replaced old-submit with AJAX-ified newsubmit
- removed excess comments
- added newsubmit page with initial rewrite for AJAX-loading of results
- now filters zero-comment threads for BOTH top and all results on submit page
- added filtering of zero-comment threads to submit page
- added rails_admin panel
- added tooltip to explain score + comment_count on submit page
- removed slashdot_api references from discuss-it codebase. Now fully-separate app (github.com/theoretick/slashdot-api)
- added Faraday::Timeout rescue
- better versioning. see lib/discuss-it/version
- added version number to user-agent
- added developer portal at
- added user accounts!
- added persistent searches (linked to user if signed in)
- displays comment_count and score on submit page now
- JSON return on submit page now has better sectioning w/ hit_count on each
- many minor bugfixes
- many minor code cleaning tweaks
- changed DiscussIt API calls to Faraday+Typhoes, in prep for parallelism
- add comment_count to all API returns for smarter sorting
- top/all results renamed to top/all discussions
- top discussions now sort as well, highest is first
- changed 'query' param to 'url' for consistency
- added user accounts with devise
- added search model, currently unconnected to anything
- better routes, removed static_pages namespace
- migrated DB to postgres
- added api_status.JS indicator to landing. displays if any external APIS are down
- spec refactoring
- better DiscussItAPI version handling, default to latest
- minor css tweaks
- discuss_it is now a module, subdivided and elegantly clean
- changed background image to pure-css with linear-gradient
- added more tests for discuss_it. Now full coverage for app-side.
- added many rescues for HTTP timeouts and nil responses, far more robust
- cleaned up and updated comments
- deleted extra scaffolding files and coffee-script crap [theoretick]
- added nokogiri to gemfile, whoops
- better comments
- moved inline style into SCSS
- added favicon
- now deployed on dual heroku instances which query themselves. crazzyy
- Updated README with word-choice changes, twitter and github links, and bookmarklet [theoretick]
- More robust slashdot fetching, cleaner code, now idempotent, less hackery
- colorized rake tasks! whooo doggy!
- Preliminary support for slashdot links
- DiscussIt app queries concurrent webrick instance for serving slashdot DB postings
- slashdot scrapper populates DB with raketask
- currently returns any slashdot discussion if found in DB
- slashdot_postings has_many urls
- cleaner discuss_it_api code
- better comments appwide
- updated README [CodingAntecedent]
- now suggested searches on homepage [CodingAntecedent]
- APIv3 -- YA rewrite better, even more OOPy [theoretick]
- Prettier pages sitewide, now w/ FlatUI
- full unittest suite for APIv3
- APIv2 -- much much better, more OOPy
- full unittest suite for APIv2 [CodingAntecedent]
- support HN searches
- support Reddit searches
- all queries live