- organisation: Fixed gitignore syntax (3a22bfaa)
- update dependency: geofirestore (40397e26)
- Git:
- tests: added lots of low level tests (108c8c34)
- Files:
- added dependency: geofirestore to use for real time geo queries (53930ce3)
- Tests: added routes for multiple components in tests (1fa54308)
- dependencies:
- update:
- organisation: moved wiki and todo project to readme (2cae55fd)
- unknown: did some things apparently but do not remeber what... ! (08000c4c)
- Maps API: retry loading every 3 secs (49f6bb7f)
- Development tools: added eslint as eslint-config-react-app from https://www.npmjs.com/package/eslint-config-react-app (7b20f069)
- Tests/GetFromFirestore.js: now working, redux-firestore listeners (16925c3a)
- tools:
- Router:
- redirect: removed redirect because of loop (80d89435)
- CoVoPlaceChooser: moved maps api script to head (b2fcd6fb)
- eslint: switch case indentation normalised (e77b7a87)
- PlacesAutocomplete: declared callback func before api load (8514193f)
- Gmaps: before react-places-autocomplete update to enable async (6353fa98)
- git: fixed timestamp previously tracked but should be ignored (919c4026)
- tools: added generate-changelog to dev dependencies and added scripts to use it in package.json (0513d373)
- refactor: small changes (81c6089c)
- store: moved store creation and firebase init to files (30e2850d)
- added dependency: geofirestore to use for real time geo queries (53930ce3)
- Tests: added routes for multiple components in tests (1fa54308)
- dependencies:
- update:
- Maps API: retry loading every 3 secs (49f6bb7f)
- Development tools: added eslint as eslint-config-react-app from https://www.npmjs.com/package/eslint-config-react-app (7b20f069)
- Tests/GetFromFirestore.js: now working, redux-firestore listeners (16925c3a)
- CoVoPlaceChooser: moved maps api script to head (b2fcd6fb)
- eslint: switch case indentation normalised (e77b7a87)
- PlacesAutocomplete: declared callback func before api load (8514193f)
- Gmaps: before react-places-autocomplete update to enable async (6353fa98)
- tools: added generate-changelog to dev dependencies and added scripts to use it in package.json (0513d373)
- refactor: small changes (81c6089c)
- store: moved store creation and firebase init to files (30e2850d)