If a command depends on another one being run before it, you can call in the console command itself. This is useful if a command depends on another command or if you want to create a "meta" command that runs a bunch of other commands (for instance, all commands that need to be run when the project's code has changed on the production servers: clearing the cache, generating Doctrine proxies, dumping web assets, …).
Use the get()
or find()
method of Fidry\Console\Command\CommandRegistry
find the command you want to run by passing the command name. Then, create a new
with the arguments and options you
want to pass to the command.
Eventually, calling the execute()
method actually runs the command and returns
the returned code from the command (return value from command's execute()
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
// src/Console/Command/CreateUserCommand.php
namespace App\Console\Command;
use Fidry\Console\Command\CommandAware;
use Fidry\Console\Command\CommandAwareness;
use Fidry\Console\Command\Command;
use Fidry\Console\IO;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArrayInput;
final class CreateUserCommand implements Command, CommandAware
use CommandAwareness;
// ...
public function execute(IO $io): int
$command = $this->getCommandRegistry()->find('demo:greet');
$arguments = [
'name' => 'Fabien',
'--yell' => true,
$greetInput = new ArrayInput($arguments);
$returnCode = $command->execute(
new IO(
// ...