Name | Type | Description | Notes |
date | \DateTime | ISO 8601 Format = YYYY-MM-DD | [optional] |
dbt | int | Days-Beyond-Terms (DBT). The dollar-weighted average number of days beyond the invoice due date a business pays its bills | [optional] |
total_account_balance | \TheLogicStudio\ExperianBusinessesPHP\Model\AmountModifier | [optional] | |
current_percentage | int | Percentage of the account balance considered current relative to payment terms. "999" indicates that the creditor has not supplied account aging | [optional] |
dbt30 | int | Percentage of the account balance that is beyond terms (late) in the 1-30 day range | [optional] |
dbt60 | int | Percentage of the account balance that is beyond terms (late) in the 61-90 day range | [optional] |
dbt90 | int | Percentage of the account balance that is beyond terms (late) in the 61-90 day range | [optional] |
dbt91_plus | int | Percentage of the account balance that is beyond terms (late) in the 91+ day range | [optional] |