Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | string | Business name (required) | [default to 'Experian'] |
city | string | Business city | [default to 'Costa Mesa'] |
state | string | Business state code (e.g. CA) | [default to 'CA'] |
subcode | string | Your Experian account subcode for billing purposes | [default to '0586548'] |
street | string | Current street address of the business, include suite number if applicable | [optional] [default to '475 ANTON BLVD'] |
zip | string | 5-digit zip code | [optional] [default to '92626'] |
phone | string | 10-digit phone number | [optional] [default to '9495673800'] |
tax_id | string | 9-digit federal tax ID or Employer Identification Number | [optional] [default to '176970333'] |
geo | bool | If true, businessGeocode data will be returned. If geo is omitted or false, the response will not include geo data | [optional] [default to true] |
comments | string | Optionally, you can send a comment along with your request; and the comment will be returned with your response. Useful for your internal ID tracking | [optional] [default to 'testing'] |