- Linux
- Windows
- WinPwn (S3cur3Th1sSh1t)
- PEAS (carlospolop)
- PrivEscCheck (itm4n)
- linuxprivescchecker
- LinEnum
- linux local enumeration script
- linux exploit suggestor
- unix privesc check (pentestmonkey)
- linux smart enumeration
- pspy - linux process monitoring
- Windows File Type Manager
- PrintSpoofer blog post
- alternatives: {hot,juicy}Potato, RoguePotato, SweetPotato, zcgonvh/EfsPotato
- Hwacha (linux ssh swiss army knife)
- sshgobrute (static binary for ssh brute)
- recipeforroot.com
- Linux (gtfobins)
- Windows (lolbas)
- Defeating Windows User Account Control
"A tarball containing a statically linked copy of nmap and all its scripts that you can upload and run on any box is very useful for this. The various nfs-* and especially smb-* scripts nmap has will be extremely useful." - Phineas Fisher
- practical guide to NTML relaying
- No PSExec Needed
- pedantic guide to pivoting - part 1
- Offensive Lateral Movement (SpecterOps)
- WMI Persistence (fireeye)