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AWS Certified Machine Learning – Study Notes

These notes are written by a data scientist, so some basic topics may be glanced over

Learning Path

  1. Linux Academy
  2. SageMaker FAQ
  3. Blog Posts
  4. Practise exams

Below is a high level overview. More in-depth explanations are found in separate files

  • Machine learning lifecycle
  • Supervised vs Unsupervised vs Reinforcement learning
  • Optimisation
  • Regularisation (L1 Lasso & L2 Ridge)
  • Hyperparameters
  • Cross-validation

2. Data

  • Feature selection
  • Feature engineering
  • Principal Component analysis (PCA)
  • Missing and unbalanced data
  • Label encoding & One-hot-encoding
  • Train-test splits & Randomisation
  • RecordIO format
  • Logistic Regression
  • Linear regression
  • SVM
  • Decision trees
  • Random Forest
  • K-means
  • KNN
  • Latent Dirichlet ALlocation - LDA
  • Neural Networks
  • Activations functions (sigmoid, Tanh, ReLU)
  • Weights & biases
  • Forward & Back propogation
  • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
  • Filters
  • Transfer Learning
  • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
  • Sensitivity (Recall / TPR)
  • Specificity (TNR)
  • Precision
  • Accuracy
  • ROC / AUC
  • F1 Score
  • Gini impurity
  • Pytorch & Scikit-learn
  • Tensorflow & Keras
  • MXNET & Gluon
  • Tensors & Graphs
  • S3 Datalakes
  • Kinesis (video stream / data stream / firehose / data analytics)
  • Glue
  • Athena
  • Elastic Map Reduce (EMR) & Spark
  • EC2 instance types for ML
  • AWS Machine Learning service (deprecate)
  • Rekognition (images)
  • Rekognition (videos)
  • Polly (text2speech)
  • Transcribe (speech2text)
  • Translate
  • Comprehend
  • Lex (chatbots)
  • Step Functions


  • Sagemaker High Level
  • Three stages: Build, train, deploy
  • Sagemaker console
  • Sagemaker API
  • Sagemaker Python SDK
  • !!Define your problem first!!
  • Build process: Visualise, Explore, Feature engineering, Synthesize data, Convert data, Change structure (joins), Split data
  • Ground truth
  • SageMaker Algorithms: Built in, marketplace, custom
  • Algorithm Types: eg. BlazingText (AWS-Comprehend), Image classification (AWS-Rekognition)
  • Architecture behind Sagemaker training: Algorithms stored in docker containers in ECS, spin up EC2 instances
  • AWS Marketplace: Algorithms are to be trained, Model packages are pre-trained
  • Where to access data: S3, EFS, FSx for Lustre
  • Filetypes: Files / Pipe (recordIO)
  • Instance types: ml.m4, ml.c4, ml.p2 (gpu)
  • Some algorithms only support GPU instances
  • Managed spot training & Checkpoints
  • Automated Hyperparameter tuning
  • Real-time inference
  • Batch inference
  • Sagemaker root access
  • AmazoneSageMakerFullAccess policy: Admin access to SageMaker + necessary access to other services
  • Sagemaker can see objects in S3 by default, can't access
  • Deployed into public VPC by default


  • AWS DeepLens – Deep learning enabled video camera for developers
  • AWS DeepRacer - Reinforcement learning enabled race-car

Sagemaker FAQs notes

  • CloudTrail to see SageMaker API calls
  • Notebooks persist on the volume of the attached instance. So stopping the instance doesn't make you lose your progress.
  • Managed spot training uses Spot instance to train. Have to specify time to wait for spot capacity
    • Good when you have flexibility
    • Uses checkpoints to store progress. Avoids failure when instance is terminated.
  • BlazingText
  • Automated hyperparameter tuning available for all algorithms (including custom one).
    • Uses a custom Bayesian Optimization under the hood
  • Can currently only optimise for one objective (ie. accuracy or speed)
  • Reinforcement learning is a machine learning technique that enables an agent to learn in an interactive environment by trial and error using feedback from its own actions and experiences
    • Available to train in SageMaker. Can use AWS RoboMaker, Open AI Gym or commercial simulation environments to train
  • SageMaker Neo: Enables machine learning models to train once and run anywhere in the cloud and at the edge
    • Optimizes models built with popular deep learning frameworks that can be used to deploy on multiple hardware platforms
    • Two major components – a compiler and a runtime
    • Supports the most popular deep learning models for computer vision and decision tree models:
      • AlexNet, ResNet, VGG, Inception, MobileNet, SqueezeNet, and DenseNet models trained in MXNet and TensorFlow,
      • classification and random cut forest models trained in XGBoost
  • Model performance from multiple runs is available in the Management Console in tabular form giving you a leaderboard
  • Can't directly access the underlying hardware SageMaker runs on
  • Can scale manually, or automatically using Application Auto Scaling
  • CloudWatch Metrics to monitor SageMaker environment
    • Logs written to CloudWatch

SageMaker Algorithms - Overview

  • Built-in algorithms:
    • linear regression
    • logistic regression
    • k-means clustering
    • principal component analysis (PCA)
    • factorization machines
    • neural topic modeling
    • latent dirichlet allocation
    • gradient boosted trees
    • sequence2sequence
    • time series forecasting
    • word2vec
    • image classification
  • Optimized containers:
    • Apache MXNet
    • Tensorflow
    • Chainer
    • PyTorch
  • Custom algorithms by using Docker images