- poi denotes path-organizer
- 實現 條件性的被解釋的代碼
- little-tester
- 在不同的平臺下執行不同的代碼
- a stack of buffer would solve this problem
- too many literal is too waste of memory
- error code is different between windows and linux which is problematic
this is needed when doing report of the dictionary
- div can not handle the following -8 2 div .
- inline comment such as add1 << dup . >> swap will be viewed as add1swap
- << >> can not be in “”
- there are 64 positions below the all those stacks when you are belowing-stack so much bad things happen
- 想要加入 @:address <number> 或者 <number> %>:address
- 但是 由於對 offset 的計算是在編譯時進行的 所以根本就沒利用到這裏所能得到的最大的靈活性 以至於沒法以良好的方式實現 在 local_data_heap 中動態地分配變長的內存
- 形成這種局面的原因在於 對局部變元的名字和值的關係的處理 是在編譯時期進行的
- 由於這中問題產生於兩種分配內存方式的交織 所以 其解決辦法也許是 再多入返回站一個指針 這個指針所指向的數據區中的數據 是純粹在運行時動態分配的 但是這些數據沒有名字 [名字的問題是另外一個指針結局的]
- use “jo” to denote bead and use “jojo” to denote a thread of beads [which reads like “珠珠” in Chinese]
- a predicate of a type which denotes a subtype of that type uses that type as postfix such as “space-char?”
- a function of a type uses that type as prefix such as “string-reverse” “string-equal?”
- side-effect of structured data is postfixed by “!”
- using underline to compose big word from small words
- using “$” as prefix and postfix separator
- indentation level = 3
- naming convention of jo
convention jo type prefix “V__” variable prefix “M__” macro - but I use
- “zero” instead of “V__zero”
- “true” instead of “V__true”
- using dash to compose big word from small words
- using “,” as prefix and postfix separator
- indentation style = free
- words are separated by space except for bar-ket every bar-ket is viewed as a word
- syntax & semantic
syntax semantic borderfix “* *” variable borderfix “+ +” [maybe use] bar-ket ( ) not use bar-ket [ ] not use bar-ket { } macro call (for macros of which the number of arguments is not fix) double-quote viewed as special bar-ket (bar is the same as ket) to support string literal prefix “!” exception postfix “!” some of the side-effect postfix “?” predicate - but I use
- “true” instead of ”true”
- “false” instead of ”false”
- if one wish to get a named unique id a jo maybe used for a jo is an address in memory it is unique as a memory address
- but there is not effort made to distinguish address and fixnum as different type of things thus this kind of unique id is not fit for some tasks
- simplifications are for teaching purpose only
- first and foremost function programming will NOT be supported in this implementation
- a helper function must be defined before it is used
- no mixfix-notation
- function call is “function” instead of “(function)”
- no such thing like 1 2 (add) = 1 (add 2) = (add 1 2)
- no named local argument
- thus no inited local argument
- no title-name-table
- thus in this implementation we only use single name space
- thus in this implementation we do NOT have the concept of “context” so the syntax is not as flexible as it will be in cicada-language
- no type
- no type inference
- no dynamic type tag
- no static type declaration
- global linked-list for naming
- not hash-table
- by the way in classical forth the linked-list of jo is called dictionary
- no dynamic-memory-management
- no garbage-collector
- about comment
- the comment of the argument & return value of function is allowed to be written in free style normal comment
- indirect-threaded-code interpreter
- macro about argument_stack & return_stack
- macro about jo & jojo
- macro about next
- the way to do memory allocation
- begin_to_interpret_threaded_code
- little_test
- instruction as special primitive function
- literal
- address
- and primitive functions about
- the stack
- bool
- fixnum
- memory
- and taca for explicit tail-call
- false?branch and taca are needed for “power”
- primitive function about io
- write_byte
- read_byte
- more function about io
- about word
- about string
- about number
- more function
- jo
- char
- buffer
- more in epilog
- last_link
- function about dictionary
- find
- execute-word
- basic-REPL as postfix-notation function executer
- basic-REPL
- type of jo
- more in epilog
- current-free-address,primitive-string-heap
- colon semicolon
- ”:” and “;” are used to read a string of words for compiler [looks like bar-ket but special]
- comment is handled here “<< >>” as the only way to do comment
- compiler
- make-jojo
and macro for make-jojo
- macro system
- exception handling system
- function about definition which leave data into memory
- make-jojo
and macro for make-jojo
- local-variable
- jo 的數組 每個數組外加一些元數據
- 單項鏈接的鏈表
- jo 的詮釋者 決定了 如何入這個棧
- 結尾詞 決定了 如何出這個棧
- 兩個一對
- 兩個一對 每對爲 [語法處理函數, 作用於字符串的謂詞]
- a heap like table of string
- 只有一個 local-variable-table 用以在編譯時期解決局部變元的名與值的對應 這個數據結構被 M__local_variable_save_string 和 M__local_variable_fetch_string 所使用
- 其中保存
- offset-in-local-data-heap
- length-of-string
- address-of-string
- 並且每次在定義一個新的函數體的時候 這個 local-variable-table 會被初始化
- 基本的接口是
- clear 清空 offset 和 border
- insert 插入字符串 和 offset-in-local-data-heap
- find 通過字符串尋找 offset-in-local-data-heap
- cursor 每次 find 的時候使用一個新的 cursor 來做循環
- border insert 會擴大 border find 以 border 爲邊界
另外 還有一個全局變量
- offset 用以計算 offset-in-local-data-heap
- 原理如下
- 在 cicada-nymph 中 load 一個 file 的時候 需要指定出這個 被 load 的 file 的路徑
- 維護一個需要被搜索的路徑的列表 以使得 load 的 file 的時候 不必使用完整的路徑
- 提供自動管理搜索路徑的機制
- 維護搜索路徑的列表的方式是 利用文件系統中的一個某個固定路徑 也就是說 只有唯一的一個需要被找到的路徑 而其他的路徑都是被自動管理的 這個路徑將有一個默認值 並且可以被環境變量覆蓋
- 限制加載文件的方式 使得只能使用所提供的動態管理機制來加載文件 這樣就可以減輕理解這個系統的困難
- flower bar-ket can not be nested in fasm’s “match”
- when defining macro conditionally one should use “if eq” & “finish if”
- when doing “define” or “equ” one should use “match { }”
;;;; before you compile the code
;;;; do not forget to choose your platform
;;;; in the following code
include "platform-configuration.inc"
;; define platform linux or windows
;; define machine 64bit or 32bit
;; in fasm, "dup" is a reserved word
dup equ duplicate
;; in fasm, "end" is a reserved word
finish equ end
end equ exit
match =64bit, machine {
jo_size = 8 ;; (byte)
xx equ dq
match =32bit, machine {
jo_size = 4 ;; (byte)
xx equ dd
rax equ eax
rbx equ ebx
rcx equ ecx
rdx equ edx
rsp equ esp
rbp equ ebp
rsi equ esi
rdi equ edi
syscall equ int 80h
- /usr/include/asm/unistd_64.h (on archlinux)
- http://blog.rchapman.org/post/36801038863/linux-system-call-table-for-x86-64
match =linux =64bit, platform machine {
define linux64_sys_6_r8 r8
define linux64_sys_5_r9 r9
define linux64_sys_4_r10 r10
define linux64_sys_3_rdx rdx
define linux64_sys_2_rsi rsi
define linux64_sys_1_rdi rdi
define linux64_sys_n_rax rax
define linux64_syscall_read 0
define linux64_syscall_write 1
define linux64_syscall_open 2
define linux64_syscall_close 3
define linux64_syscall_getpid 39
define linux64_syscall_exit 60
;; about open & read & write
open_read = 0
open_write = 1
open_readAndWrite = 2
open_creat = 0100o
open_rewrite = 1000o ;; rewrite if file exist
open_append = 2000o
open_excl = 0200o ;; ensure that THIS call creates the file
open_noctty = 0400o
open_nonblock = 4000o
open_nondelay = open_nonblock
open_sync = 10000o
open_async = 20000o
open_direct = 40000o
;; to minimize cache effects of the I/O to and from this file.
open_largefile = 100000o
open_directory = 200000o
open_nofollow = 400000o ;; If pathname is a symbolic link, then the open fails.
match =linux =64bit, platform machine {
format ELF64 executable 3
match =linux =64bit, platform machine {
entry begin_to_interpret_threaded_code
segment readable executable writeable
- /usr/include/asm/unistd_32.h (on archlinux)
match =linux =32bit, platform machine {
define linux32_sys_6_ebp ebp
define linux32_sys_5_edi edi
define linux32_sys_4_esi esi
define linux32_sys_3_edx edx
define linux32_sys_2_ecx ecx
define linux32_sys_1_ebx ebx
define linux32_sys_n_eax eax
define linux32_syscall_exit 1
define linux32_syscall_read 3
define linux32_syscall_write 4
define linux32_syscall_open 5
define linux32_syscall_close 6
define linux32_syscall_getpid 20
open_read = 0
open_write = 1
open_readAndWrite = 2
open_creat = 0100o
open_rewrite = 1000o ;; rewrite if file exist
open_append = 2000o
match =linux =32bit, platform machine {
format ELF executable 3
match =linux =32bit, platform machine {
entry begin_to_interpret_threaded_code
segment readable executable writeable
- Stack Allocation Calling Convention x64 Software Conventions
- why windows64 is different
- if you respect the calling convention
- your functions will be able to call other functions which respect the calling convention
- your functions will be call-able by other functions which respect the calling convention
- in our program
- we do NOT need to respect the calling convention to let our functions be call-able by other function which respect the calling convention
- we ONLY need to respect the calling convention to let our functions be able to call other functions which respect the calling convention
- before a call to function in kernel you have to 16-byte aligne the stack
- pass first 4 arguments by rcx rdx r8 r9 pass other arguments by stack
- you have to reserve 4 place for the first 4 arguments although you do not need to push them into stack
- you have to reserve 4 place for the first 4 arguments even if the function you are calling only uses less then 4 arguments
- the code I am using to handle windows calling convention is de-macro-lized and un-optimized this is for teaching purpose only
match =windows =64bit, platform machine {
define windows64_fun_4_r9 r9
define windows64_fun_3_r8 r8
define windows64_fun_2_rdx rdx
define windows64_fun_1_rcx rcx
match =windows =64bit, platform machine {
format PE64 console
match =windows =64bit, platform machine {
entry begin_to_interpret_threaded_code
section '.text' code writeable readable executable
- macro about windows64 calling-convention
match =windows =64bit, platform machine {
;; 這裏的 number_of_arguments 其實代表
;; 在對齊棧之後
;; 你還想要將棧的指針 向下移動多少個單位
;; 根據 windows calling convention
;; 這個數字最少是 4
macro windows64_function number_of_arguments \{
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov rax, rsp
add rax, 8*number_of_arguments
mov rbx, 1111b
and rbx, rax
sub rsp, 16
add rsp, rbx
macro end_windows64_function \{
mov rsp, rbp
pop rbp
match =windows =32bit, platform machine {
match =windows =32bit, platform machine {
format PE console
match =windows =32bit, platform machine {
entry begin_to_interpret_threaded_code
section '.text' code writeable readable executable
- implemented as a memory map
current_free_address$un_initialized_memory = address$un_initialized_memory
labeling equ = current_free_address$un_initialized_memory
preserve equ current_free_address$un_initialized_memory = current_free_address$un_initialized_memory +
- when doing “push” a stack-pointer moves to lower address
- note that another style is that when doing “push” a stack-pointer moves to higher address
- the stack-pointer always stores the address of current-free-address of the stack
- note that another style is that under the stack-pointer there always stores the value of the-top-of-the-stack
- for we do not build border-check into the interface of pop and push we allocation some memory below the stacks
preserve 64 * jo_size
address$argument_stack labeling
preserve 1024 * 1024 * jo_size
match =64bit, machine {
;; if you want to extend cicada in assembly
;; the following registers must NOT be used
define pointer$argument_stack r15
match =64bit, machine {
macro push_argument_stack register \{
mov [pointer$argument_stack], register
add pointer$argument_stack, jo_size
macro pop_argument_stack register \{
sub pointer$argument_stack, jo_size
mov register, [pointer$argument_stack]
match =32bit, machine {
xx address$argument_stack
match =32bit, machine {
macro push_argument_stack register \{
if register in <eax>
push ebx
mov ebx, [pointer$argument_stack]
mov [ebx], register
add ebx, jo_size
mov [pointer$argument_stack], ebx
pop ebx
push eax
mov eax, [pointer$argument_stack]
mov [eax], register
add eax, jo_size
mov [pointer$argument_stack], eax
pop eax
finish if
macro pop_argument_stack register \{
if register in <eax>
push ebx
mov ebx, [pointer$argument_stack]
sub ebx, jo_size
mov register, [ebx]
mov [pointer$argument_stack], ebx
pop ebx
push eax
mov eax, [pointer$argument_stack]
sub eax, jo_size
mov register, [eax]
mov [pointer$argument_stack], eax
pop eax
finish if
preserve 64 * jo_size
address$return_stack labeling
preserve 1024 * 1024 * jo_size
match =64bit, machine {
;; if you want to extend cicada in assembly
;; the following registers must NOT be used
define pointer$return_stack r14
match =64bit, machine {
macro push_return_stack register \{
mov [pointer$return_stack], register
add pointer$return_stack, jo_size
macro pop_return_stack register \{
sub pointer$return_stack, jo_size
mov register, [pointer$return_stack]
match =32bit, machine {
xx address$return_stack
match =32bit, machine {
macro push_return_stack register \{
if register in <eax>
push ebx
mov ebx, [pointer$return_stack]
mov [ebx], register
add ebx, jo_size
mov [pointer$return_stack], ebx
pop ebx
push eax
mov eax, [pointer$return_stack]
mov [eax], register
add eax, jo_size
mov [pointer$return_stack], eax
pop eax
finish if
macro pop_return_stack register \{
if register in <eax>
mov ebx, [pointer$return_stack]
sub ebx, jo_size
mov register, [ebx]
mov [pointer$return_stack], ebx
mov eax, [pointer$return_stack]
sub eax, jo_size
mov register, [eax]
mov [pointer$return_stack], eax
finish if
match =64bit, machine {
macro next \{
pop_return_stack rbx
mov rax, [rbx]
add rbx, jo_size
push_return_stack rbx
jmp qword [rax]
match =32bit, machine {
macro next \{
pop_return_stack rbx
mov rax, [rbx]
add rbx, jo_size
push_return_stack rbx
jmp dword [rax]
- at the beginning
- argument-stack << 2 >>
- return-stack
- [ (square) ] (square) (end)
- next
- argument-stack << 2 >>
- return-stack
(square) - [ (square) ] - [ (dup) ] (end) (mul) (end)
- next
- argument-stack << 2, 2 >>
- return-stack
(square) (dup) - [ (square) ] - [ (mul) ] (end) (end)
- next
- argument-stack << 4 >>
- return-stack
(dup) (square) (mul) - [ (square) ] - [ (end) ] (end)
- next
- argument-stack << 4 >>
- return-stack
(square) (square) - [ (end) ] - [ (dup) ] (mul) (end)
- next
- argument-stack << 4, 4 >>
- return-stack
(square) (square) (dup) - [ (end) ] - [ (mul) ] (end)
- next
- argument-stack << 16 >>
- return-stack
(square) (dup) (square) (mul) - [ (end) ] - [ (end) ]
- next
- argument-stack << 16 >>
- return-stack
(square) (square) - [ (end) ]
- next
- argument-stack << 16 >>
- return-stack
- [ ]
- it is really simple ^-^ is it not ?
match =linux =64bit, platform machine {
pop_argument_stack linux64_sys_1_rdi
mov linux64_sys_n_rax, linux64_syscall_exit
match =linux =64bit, platform machine {
xor linux64_sys_1_rdi, linux64_sys_1_rdi
mov linux64_sys_n_rax, linux64_syscall_exit
match =linux =64bit, platform machine {
mov linux64_sys_1_rdi, 6
mov linux64_sys_n_rax, linux64_syscall_exit
match =linux =32bit, platform machine {
pop_argument_stack linux32_sys_1_ebx
mov linux32_sys_n_eax, linux32_syscall_exit
match =linux =32bit, platform machine {
xor linux32_sys_1_ebx, linux32_sys_1_ebx
mov linux32_sys_n_eax, linux32_syscall_exit
match =linux =32bit, platform machine {
mov linux32_sys_1_ebx, 6
mov linux32_sys_n_eax, linux32_syscall_exit
match =windows =64bit, platform machine {
windows64_function 4
sub rsp, 8*4
pop_argument_stack windows64_fun_1_rcx
call [ExitProcess]
match =windows =64bit, platform machine {
windows64_function 4
sub rsp, 8*4
xor windows64_fun_1_rcx, windows64_fun_1_rcx
call [ExitProcess]
match =windows =64bit, platform machine {
windows64_function 4
sub rsp, 8*4
mov windows64_fun_1_rcx, 6
call [ExitProcess]
match =windows =32bit, platform machine {
pop_argument_stack rax
push rax
call [ExitProcess]
match =windows =32bit, platform machine {
push 0
call [ExitProcess]
match =windows =32bit, platform machine {
push 6
call [ExitProcess]
;; initial link to point to 0 (as null)
link = 0
size$primitive_string_heap = 64 * 1024 ;; (byte)
times size$primitive_string_heap db 0
current_free_address$primitive_string_heap = address$primitive_string_heap
- 2 bytes for length of name_string
- note that the following is using local label
macro make_primitive_string string {
virtual at 0
db string
dw (.end$string - .start$string)
load .length word from (.end$string)
finish virtual
store word .length at (current_free_address$primitive_string_heap)
current_free_address$primitive_string_heap = current_free_address$primitive_string_heap + 2
repeat .length
virtual at 0
db string
load .char byte from (% - 1)
finish virtual
store byte .char at (current_free_address$primitive_string_heap)
current_free_address$primitive_string_heap = current_free_address$primitive_string_heap + 1
finish repeat
- note that after a “next” “jmp” to a explainer the “rax” stores the value of the jo to be explained so “rax” is used as an inexplicit argument of the following functions
- explain$function is used as jojo-head and explains the meaning of the jojo as function
- a jojo-head identifies one type of jo
macro define_function string, jo {
xx current_free_address$primitive_string_heap
make_primitive_string string
xx link
link = link__#jo
xx explain$function
;; here follows a jojo as function-body
- find a jojo from a function-jo and push the jojo to return-stack
- a jojo can not be of size 0
- use rax as an argument which stores a jo
mov rbx, [current_free_address$local_data_heap]
push_return_stack rbx
add rax, jo_size
push_return_stack rax
- primitive functions are special they explain themself and their type is not identified by jojo-head
macro define_primitive_function string, jo {
xx current_free_address$primitive_string_heap
make_primitive_string string
xx link
link = link__#jo
xx assembly_code__#jo
;; here follows assembly code
;; as primitive function body
- no constant only variable
- when a variable jo in the jojo it push the value of the variable to argument_stack
- when wish to change a variable’s value use key_word “address” to get the address of the variable
macro define_variable string, jo {
xx current_free_address$primitive_string_heap
make_primitive_string string
xx link
link = link__#jo
xx explain$variable
;; here follows a value of jo_size
;; only one value is allowed
add rax, jo_size
mov rbx, [rax]
push_argument_stack rbx
- the same as function we need to redefine it for the value of explainer is used to decide the type of the jo
macro define_macro string, jo {
xx current_free_address$primitive_string_heap
make_primitive_string string
xx link
link = link__#jo
xx explain$macro
;; here follows a jojo as function-body
mov rbx, [current_free_address$local_data_heap]
push_return_stack rbx
add rax, jo_size
push_return_stack rax
- explain$exception will
- search the return-stack for that exception
- special side-effect on return-stack to do exception handling
macro define_exception string, jo {
xx current_free_address$primitive_string_heap
make_primitive_string string
xx link
link = link__#jo
xx explain$exception
;; here follows a jojo as function-body
- when “explain$exception” is called jojo by jojo it searchs the jo stored in “rax” in the return-stack of course only jojo with “exception_head” as head needs to be searched
- for example
we have
define_exception "!exception-1", !exception_1 xx fun1 xx fun2 xx end
- return-stack
(prepare_for) (exception_head) (!exception_1) (!exception_2) (end_of_prepare) (prepare_for) (function_1) - [ pointer ] - [ (exception_head) ] - [ (function_2) ] - [ (!exception_1) ] (!exception_1) (end) (end) (!exception_2) (end_of_prepare) (function_1) (function_2) (end) the pointer above is into argument-stack
- next
- pointer$argument_stack should be set to the pointer above
- and
to call “next” again
the return-stack should be change to
- [ (fun1) ] (fun2) (end)
- so we need a two-level loop
- note that although we have to use assembly code to write primitive functions but we still can use argument-stack to pass arguments
- no error handling for now
match =64bit, machine {
mov rsi, rax
pop_return_stack rbx
mov rax, qword [rbx]
cmp rax, exception_head
je .next_jo
cmp pointer$return_stack, address$return_stack
je .not_found
jmp .next_jojo
;; expecting
;; rbx jojo
;; rsi jo (to cmp)
add rbx, jo_size
mov rax, qword [rbx]
cmp rax, rsi
je .found
test rax, rax
jz .next_jojo
jmp .next_jo
;; expecting
;; pointer$return_stack
;; rsi jo
pop_return_stack rax
mov pointer$argument_stack, rax
mov rbx, [current_free_address$local_data_heap]
push_return_stack rbx
add rsi, jo_size
push_return_stack rsi
call __exit_with_six
- no error handling for now
match =32bit, machine {
mov rsi, rax
pop_return_stack rbx
mov rax, dword [rbx]
cmp rax, exception_head
je .next_jo
mov rdx, [pointer$return_stack]
cmp rdx, address$return_stack
je .not_found
jmp .next_jojo
;; expecting
;; rbx jojo
;; rsi jo (to cmp)
add rbx, jo_size
mov rax, dword [rbx]
cmp rax, rsi
je .found
test rax, rax
jz .next_jojo
jmp .next_jo
;; expecting
;; pointer$return_stack
;; rsi jo
pop_return_stack rax
mov [pointer$argument_stack], rax
mov rbx, [current_free_address$local_data_heap]
push_return_stack rbx
add rsi, jo_size
push_return_stack rsi
call __exit_with_six
match =64bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "execute-jo", execute_jo
;; << jo -- UNKNOWN >>
pop_argument_stack rax
jmp qword [rax]
match =32bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "execute-jo", execute_jo
;; << jo -- UNKNOWN >>
pop_argument_stack eax
jmp dword [eax]
define_variable "*jo-size*", V__jo_size
xx jo_size
define_function "jo->name", jo_to_name
;; << jo -- string[address, length] >>
xx literal, jo_size, subtraction
xx literal, jo_size, subtraction
xx fetch
xx address_to_primitive_string
xx end
define_function "jo->link", jo_to_link
;; << jo -- link >>
xx literal, jo_size
xx subtraction
xx end
- first jo in assembly code is the last jo in dictionary
define_function "last-jo,dictionary?", last_jo__dictionary?
;; << jo -- bool >>
xx jo_to_link
xx fetch
xx zero?
xx end
- treat last-jo,dictionary specially i.e. return zero on that case
define_function "jo->pre-jo", jo_to_pre_jo
;; << jo -- pre-jo >>
xx jo_to_link
xx fetch
xx dup, zero?, false?branch, 2
xx end
xx literal, jo_size
xx addition
xx end
- the type of primitive function jo is encoded by 0
- other types of jo are encoded by their explainers
define_function "jo->type", jo_to_type
;; << jo -- type >>
xx dup
xx dup, fetch
xx swap, subtraction, literal, jo_size, equal?, false?branch, 4
xx drop, zero
xx end
xx fetch
xx end
define_variable "*primitive-string-heap*", V__primitive_string_heap
xx address$primitive_string_heap
define_variable "*size,primitive-string-heap*", V__size__primitive_string_heap
xx size$primitive_string_heap
;; *current-free-address,primitive-string-heap*
;; is at epilog
define_function "address->primitive-string", address_to_primitive_string
;; << address -- string[address, length] >>
xx dup
xx literal, 2, addition ;; address
xx swap, fetch_two_bytes ;; length
xx end
define_function "primitive-function-jo?", primitive_function_jo?
;; << jo -- bool >>
xx jo_to_type
xx zero?
xx end
define_function "function-jo?", function_jo?
;; << jo -- bool >>
xx jo_to_type
xx literal, explain$function
xx equal?
xx end
define_function "macro-jo?", macro_jo?
;; << jo -- bool >>
xx jo_to_type
xx literal, explain$macro
xx equal?
xx end
define_function "exception-jo?", exception_jo?
;; << jo -- bool >>
xx jo_to_type
xx literal, explain$exception
xx equal?
xx end
define_function "variable-jo?", variable_jo?
;; << jo -- bool >>
xx jo_to_type
xx literal, explain$variable
xx equal?
xx end
define_primitive_function "end", end
pop_return_stack rbx
pop_return_stack rax
mov [current_free_address$local_data_heap], rax
- tail-call
match =64bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "<>", taca
pop_return_stack rbx
pop_return_stack rax
mov [current_free_address$local_data_heap], rax
mov rax, [rbx]
jmp qword [rax]
match =32bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "<>", taca
pop_return_stack ebx
pop_return_stack ecx
mov [current_free_address$local_data_heap], ecx
mov eax, [ebx]
jmp dword [eax]
;; ><><>< can not be the following
;; maybe still something wrong with pop_return_stack
;; but I care less about this now
;; define_primitive_function "<>", taca
;; pop_return_stack ebx
;; pop_return_stack eax
;; mov [current_free_address$local_data_heap], eax
;; mov eax, [ebx]
;; jmp dword [eax]
- the tail position of a function body must be recognized explicit tail call is used to achieve this
- thus tail-recursive-call can be use to do loop without pushing too many address into return-stack
- for example if we have a function
which is called “example”
define_function "example", example xx fun1 xx fun2 xx taca, example
- and we have the following jojo in return-stack
- [ (example) ] (end)
- next
(example) - [ (end) ] - [ (fun1) ] (fun2) (taca) (example)
- next
(example) (fun1) - [ (end) ] - [ (fun2) ] (taca) (example)
- next
(fun1) (example) (fun2) - [ (end) ] - [ (taca) ] (example)
- next
by the definition of taca
(example) - [ (end) ] - [ (fun1) ] (fun2) (taca) (example)
- you can see return-stack of (8.) is the same as (5.) it is clear how the example function is actually a loop now
match =linux =64bit, platform machine {
cld ;; set DF = 0, then rsi and rdi are incremented
mov pointer$argument_stack, address$argument_stack
mov pointer$return_stack, address$return_stack
mov rax, first_jojo
push_return_stack rax
match =linux =32bit, platform machine {
cld ;; set DF = 0, then rsi and rdi are incremented
mov eax, first_jojo
push_return_stack eax
match =windows =64bit, platform machine {
xx 0
xx 0
cld ;; set DF = 0, then rsi and rdi are incremented
windows64_function 4
sub rsp, 8*4
mov windows64_fun_1_rcx, STD_INPUT_HANDLE
call [GetStdHandle]
mov [_input_handle], rax
windows64_function 4
sub rsp, 8*4
mov windows64_fun_1_rcx, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
call [GetStdHandle]
mov [_output_handle], rax
mov pointer$argument_stack, address$argument_stack
mov pointer$return_stack, address$return_stack
mov rax, first_jojo
push_return_stack rax
match =windows =32bit, platform machine {
xx 0
xx 0
cld ;; set DF = 0, then rsi and rdi are incremented
call [GetStdHandle]
mov [_input_handle], rax
call [GetStdHandle]
mov [_output_handle], rax
mov rax, first_jojo
push_return_stack rax
- you can use the following “xx little_test” to do some little tests
xx welcome
;; xx little_test
xx initialize_dispatch_word_stack
xx initialize_local_variable
match =linux, platform {
xx init_operating_system_environment
xx load_core_file
xx basic_REPL
define_function "welcome", welcome
;; << -- >>
xx literal, string$welcome_to_cicada_nymph
xx literal, length$welcome_to_cicada_nymph
xx write_string
xx end
db 10
db "* welcome to cicada-nymph ^-^"
db 10
length$welcome_to_cicada_nymph = (.end - string$welcome_to_cicada_nymph)
define_primitive_function "bye", exit_with_TOS
call __exit_with_TOS
define_variable "", V__little_test_number
xx 3
define_function "little_test", little_test
;;;; variable
;; xx V__little_test_number
;; xx exit_with_TOS
;;;; exit ocde : 3
;;;; literal
;; xx literal, 4
;; xx exit_with_TOS
;;;; exit ocde : 4
;;;; address
;; xx address, V__little_test_number, fetch, add2
;; xx address, V__little_test_number, save
;; xx V__little_test_number
;; xx exit_with_TOS
;;;; exit ocde : 5
;;;; end
;; xx literal, 2, negate
;; xx literal, 8
;; xx addition
;; xx exit_with_TOS
;;;; 6
;;;; taca
;; xx literal, 2
;; xx literal, 4
;; xx power
;; xx exit_with_TOS
;;;; exit ocde : 16
;;;; write_byte
;; xx literal, 64, write_byte
;; xx literal, 10, write_byte
;; xx zero
;; xx exit_with_TOS
;;;; @
;;;; read_byte
;; xx read_byte, write_byte
;; xx exit_with_TOS
;;;; branch
;; xx read_byte, write_byte
;; xx branch, -3
;;;; read a string that ended by <return>
;;;; write the readed string
;;;; or we can say
;;;; read line and write line
;;;; or we can say
;;;; echo line
;;;; false?branch
;; xx false, false?branch, 9
;; xx literal, 64, write_byte
;; xx literal, 10, write_byte
;; xx zero
;; xx exit_with_TOS
;; xx true, false?branch, 9
;; xx literal, 65, write_byte
;; xx literal, 10, write_byte
;; xx zero
;; xx exit_with_TOS
;; xx zero
;; xx exit_with_TOS
;;;; A
;;;; read_word & write_string
;; xx read_word, write_string
;; xx literal, 10, write_byte
;; xx read_word_for_REPL, write_string
;; xx literal, 10, write_byte
;; xx zero
;; xx exit_with_TOS
;;;; read line
;;;; write first two words of the line
;;;; string->integer
;; xx read_word, string_to_integer
;; xx exit_with_TOS
;;;; type 123
;;;; exit code 123
;;;; use jo_to_name to test the macro make_primitive_string
;; xx literal, jo_to_name, jo_to_name, write_string
;; xx literal, 10, write_byte
;; xx literal, addition, jo_to_name, write_string
;; xx literal, 10, write_byte
;; xx zero
;; xx exit_with_TOS
;;;; print "jo->name"
;;;; print "add"
;;;; xxoverxx
;; xx literal, 1
;; xx literal, 2
;; xx literal, 3
;; xx literal, 4
;; xx xxoverxx
;; xx pretty_write_integer
;; xx pretty_write_integer
;; xx pretty_write_integer
;; xx pretty_write_integer
;; xx pretty_write_integer
;; xx pretty_write_integer
;; xx zero
;; xx exit_with_TOS
;;;; 2 1 4 3 2 1
;;;; find
;; xx read_word, string_to_integer ;; number
;; xx read_word, string_to_integer ;; number
;; xx read_word, find ;; add
;; xx drop ;; true
;; xx execute_jo
;; xx write_integer
;; xx zero
;; xx exit_with_TOS
;;;; 1 2 add
;;;; print "3"
;;;; basic-REPL (without the ability to define function)
;;;; after this test
;;;; we will use basic-REPL to do further tests
;; xx basic_REPL
;;;; 1 2 add .
define_primitive_function "drop", drop
;; << a -- >>
pop_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "drop2", drop2
;; << a b -- >>
pop_argument_stack rax
pop_argument_stack rax
match =64bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "dup", dup
;; << a -- a, a >>
mov rax, [pointer$argument_stack - (1 * jo_size)]
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "dup2", dup2
;; << a b -- a b a b >>
mov rbx, [pointer$argument_stack - (1 * jo_size)]
mov rax, [pointer$argument_stack - (2 * jo_size)]
push_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rbx
match =32bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "dup", dup
;; << a -- a a >>
pop_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "dup2", dup2
;; << a b -- a b a b >>
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rbx
push_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rbx
match =64bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "over", over
;; << a b -- a b | a >>
mov rax, [pointer$argument_stack - (2 * jo_size)]
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "x|over|xx", xoverxx
;; << a | b c -- a | b c | a >>
mov rax, [pointer$argument_stack - (3 * jo_size)]
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "xx|over|x", xxoverx
;; << a b | c -- a b | c | a b >>
mov rax, [pointer$argument_stack - (3 * jo_size)]
push_argument_stack rax
mov rax, [pointer$argument_stack - (3 * jo_size)]
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "xx|over|xx", xxoverxx
;; << a b | c d -- a b | c d | a b >>
mov rax, [pointer$argument_stack - (4 * jo_size)]
push_argument_stack rax
mov rax, [pointer$argument_stack - (4 * jo_size)]
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "x|over|xxx", xoverxxx
;; << a | b c d -- a | b c d | a >>
mov rax, [pointer$argument_stack - (4 * jo_size)]
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "x|over|xxxx", xoverxxxx
;; << a | b c d -- a | b c d | a >>
mov rax, [pointer$argument_stack - (5 * jo_size)]
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "xx|over|xxxx", xxoverxxxx
;; << a b | c d e f -- a b | c d e f | a b >>
mov rax, [pointer$argument_stack - (6 * jo_size)]
push_argument_stack rax
mov rax, [pointer$argument_stack - (6 * jo_size)]
push_argument_stack rax
match =32bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "over", over
;; << a b -- a b | a >>
mov rbx, [pointer$argument_stack]
mov rax, [rbx - (2 * jo_size)]
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "x|over|xx", xoverxx
;; << a | b c -- a | b c | a >>
mov rbx, [pointer$argument_stack]
mov rax, [rbx - (3 * jo_size)]
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "xx|over|x", xxoverx
;; << a b | c -- a b | c | a b >>
mov rbx, [pointer$argument_stack]
mov rax, [rbx - (3 * jo_size)]
push_argument_stack rax
mov rax, [rbx - (2 * jo_size)]
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "xx|over|xx", xxoverxx
;; << a b | c d -- a b | c d | a b >>
mov rbx, [pointer$argument_stack]
mov rax, [rbx - (4 * jo_size)]
push_argument_stack rax
mov rax, [rbx - (3 * jo_size)]
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "x|over|xxx", xoverxxx
;; << a | b c d -- a | b c d | a >>
mov rbx, [pointer$argument_stack]
mov rax, [rbx - (4 * jo_size)]
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "x|over|xxxx", xoverxxxx
;; << a | b c d -- a | b c d | a >>
mov rbx, [pointer$argument_stack]
mov rax, [rbx - (5 * jo_size)]
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "xx|over|xxxx", xxoverxxxx
;; << a b | c d e f -- a b | c d e f | a b >>
mov rbx, [pointer$argument_stack]
mov rax, [rbx - (6 * jo_size)]
push_argument_stack rax
mov rax, [rbx - (5 * jo_size)]
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "tuck", tuck
;; << a b -- b | a b >>
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rbx
push_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rbx
define_primitive_function "x|tuck|xx", xtuckxx
;; << a | b c -- b c | a | b c >>
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rbx
push_argument_stack rcx
push_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rbx
push_argument_stack rcx
define_primitive_function "xx|tuck|x", xxtuckx
;; << a b | c -- c | a b | c >>
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rcx
push_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rbx
push_argument_stack rcx
define_primitive_function "xx|tuck|xx", xxtuckxx
;; << a b | c d -- c d | a b | c d >>
pop_argument_stack rdx
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rcx
push_argument_stack rdx
push_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rbx
push_argument_stack rcx
push_argument_stack rdx
define_primitive_function "xxx|tuck|x", xxxtuckx
;; << a b c | d -- d | a b c | d >>
pop_argument_stack rdx
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rdx
push_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rbx
push_argument_stack rcx
push_argument_stack rdx
match =64bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "swap", swap
;; << a b -- b a >>
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rbx
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "x|swap|xx", xswapxx
;; << a | b c -- b c | a >>
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rbx
push_argument_stack rcx
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "xx|swap|x", xxswapx
;; << a b | c -- c | a b >>
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rcx
push_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rbx
define_primitive_function "x|swap|xxx", xswapxxx
;; << a | b c d -- b c d | a >>
pop_argument_stack rdx
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rbx
push_argument_stack rcx
push_argument_stack rdx
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "xxx|swap|x", xxxswapx
;; << a b c | d -- d | a b c >>
pop_argument_stack rdx
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rdx
push_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rbx
push_argument_stack rcx
define_primitive_function "xx|swap|xx", xxswapxx
;; << a b | c d -- c d | a b >>
pop_argument_stack rdx
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rcx
push_argument_stack rdx
push_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rbx
define_primitive_function "x|swap|xxxx", xswapxxxx
;; << a | b c d e -- b c d e | a >>
pop_argument_stack r8 ;; e
pop_argument_stack rdx
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rbx
push_argument_stack rcx
push_argument_stack rdx
push_argument_stack r8 ;; e
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "xxxx|swap|x", xxxxswapx
;; << a b c d | e -- e | a b c d >>
pop_argument_stack r8 ;; e
pop_argument_stack rdx
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack r8 ;; e
push_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rbx
push_argument_stack rcx
push_argument_stack rdx
define_primitive_function "xx|swap|xxxx", xxswapxxxx
;; << a b | c d e f -- c d e f | a b >>
pop_argument_stack r9 ;; f
pop_argument_stack r8 ;; e
pop_argument_stack rdx
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rcx
push_argument_stack rdx
push_argument_stack r8 ;; e
push_argument_stack r9 ;; f
push_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rbx
define_primitive_function "xxxx|swap|xx", xxxxswapxx
;; << a b c d | e f -- e f | a b c d >>
pop_argument_stack r9 ;; f
pop_argument_stack r8 ;; e
pop_argument_stack rdx
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack r8 ;; e
push_argument_stack r9 ;; f
push_argument_stack rax
push_argument_stack rbx
push_argument_stack rcx
push_argument_stack rdx
match =32bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "swap", swap
;; << a b -- b a >>
pop_argument_stack ebx
pop_argument_stack eax
push_argument_stack ebx
push_argument_stack eax
define_primitive_function "x|swap|xx", xswapxx
;; << a | b c -- b c | a >>
pop_argument_stack ecx
pop_argument_stack ebx
pop_argument_stack eax
push_argument_stack ebx
push_argument_stack ecx
push_argument_stack eax
define_primitive_function "xx|swap|x", xxswapx
;; << a b | c -- c | a b >>
pop_argument_stack ecx
pop_argument_stack ebx
pop_argument_stack eax
push_argument_stack ecx
push_argument_stack eax
push_argument_stack ebx
define_primitive_function "x|swap|xxx", xswapxxx
;; << a | b c d -- b c d | a >>
pop_argument_stack edx
pop_argument_stack ecx
pop_argument_stack ebx
pop_argument_stack eax
push_argument_stack ebx
push_argument_stack ecx
push_argument_stack edx
push_argument_stack eax
define_primitive_function "xxx|swap|x", xxxswapx
;; << a b c | d -- d | a b c >>
pop_argument_stack edx
pop_argument_stack ecx
pop_argument_stack ebx
pop_argument_stack eax
push_argument_stack edx
push_argument_stack eax
push_argument_stack ebx
push_argument_stack ecx
define_primitive_function "xx|swap|xx", xxswapxx
;; << a b | c d -- c d | a b >>
pop_argument_stack edx
pop_argument_stack ecx
pop_argument_stack ebx
pop_argument_stack eax
push_argument_stack ecx
push_argument_stack edx
push_argument_stack eax
push_argument_stack ebx
define_primitive_function "x|swap|xxxx", xswapxxxx
;; << a | b c d e -- b c d e | a >>
pop_argument_stack eax ;; e
push eax
pop_argument_stack edx
pop_argument_stack ecx
pop_argument_stack ebx
pop_argument_stack eax
push_argument_stack ebx
push_argument_stack ecx
push_argument_stack edx
pop eax
push_argument_stack eax ;; e
push_argument_stack eax
define_primitive_function "xxxx|swap|x", xxxxswapx
;; << a b c d | e -- e | a b c d >>
pop_argument_stack eax ;; e
push eax
pop_argument_stack edx
pop_argument_stack ecx
pop_argument_stack ebx
pop_argument_stack eax
pop eax
push_argument_stack eax ;; e
push_argument_stack eax
push_argument_stack ebx
push_argument_stack ecx
push_argument_stack edx
define_primitive_function "xx|swap|xxxx", xxswapxxxx
;; << a b | c d e f -- c d e f | a b >>
pop_argument_stack eax ;; f
push eax
pop_argument_stack eax ;; e
push eax
pop_argument_stack edx
pop_argument_stack ecx
pop_argument_stack ebx
pop_argument_stack eax
push_argument_stack ecx
push_argument_stack edx
pop eax
push_argument_stack eax ;; e
pop eax
push_argument_stack eax ;; f
push_argument_stack eax
push_argument_stack ebx
define_primitive_function "xxxx|swap|xx", xxxxswapxx
;; << a b c d | e f -- e f | a b c d >>
pop_argument_stack eax ;; f
push eax
pop_argument_stack eax ;; e
push eax
pop_argument_stack edx
pop_argument_stack ecx
pop_argument_stack ebx
pop_argument_stack eax
pop eax
push_argument_stack eax ;; e
pop eax
push_argument_stack eax ;; f
push_argument_stack eax
push_argument_stack ebx
push_argument_stack ecx
push_argument_stack edx
define_variable "*the-stack*", V__the_stack
xx address$argument_stack
match =64bit, machine {
define_variable "*the-stack-pointer-snapshot*", V__the_stack_pointer_snapshot
xx address$argument_stack
define_primitive_function "snapshot-the-stack-pointer", snapshot_the_stack_pointer
;; << -- >>
mov [V__the_stack_pointer_snapshot + jo_size], pointer$argument_stack
match =32bit, machine {
define_variable "*the-stack-pointer-snapshot*", V__the_stack_pointer_snapshot
xx address$argument_stack
define_primitive_function "snapshot-the-stack-pointer", snapshot_the_stack_pointer
;; << -- >>
mov eax, [pointer$argument_stack]
mov [V__the_stack_pointer_snapshot + jo_size], eax
- an instruction is a special primitive function which does special side-effect on return-stack
- note that side-effect on return-stack should all be done in primitive functions
- the naming convention in assembly code of instruction is the same as it of jo
- the name of an instruction might not be exported to cicada-language as a function but as a variable
- the name of a special primitive function in assembly code maybe reused as a macro word in cicada-language but the name of the macro in assembly code is prefixed by “M__”
define_variable "*literal*", V__literal
xx literal
define_primitive_function "", literal
;; << -- fixnum >>
pop_return_stack rbx
mov rax, [rbx]
push_argument_stack rax
add rbx, jo_size
push_return_stack rbx
define_variable "*address*", V__address
xx address
define_primitive_function "", address
;; << -- address >>
pop_return_stack rbx
mov rax, [rbx]
add rax, jo_size
push_argument_stack rax
add rbx, jo_size
push_return_stack rbx
define_variable "*branch*", V__branch
xx branch
define_primitive_function "", branch
pop_return_stack rbx
mov rax, [rbx]
imul rax, jo_size
add rbx, rax
push_return_stack rbx
define_variable "*false?branch*", V__false?branch
xx false?branch
define_primitive_function "", false?branch
;; << true of false -- >>
pop_argument_stack rax
test rax, rax
jnz help__false?branch__not_to_branch
pop_return_stack rbx
mov rax, [rbx]
imul rax, jo_size
add rbx, rax
push_return_stack rbx
pop_return_stack rbx
add rbx, jo_size
push_return_stack rbx
- proper exception handling is implemented by doing side-effect on return-stack
- when executing the following code block
xx prepare_for xx exception_head xx !exception_1 xx !exception_2 xx end_of_prepare xx function_1 xx function_2 xx end_of_prepare
- return-stack
- [ (prepare_for) ] (exception_head) (!exception_1) (!exception_2) (end_of_prepare) (function_1) (function_2) (end)
- next
- this is how the return-stack looks
right before exception_head is executed
(prepare_for) - [ (exception_head) ] (!exception_1) (!exception_2) (end_of_prepare) (function_1) (function_2) (end)
- after exception_head is executed
(prepare_for) (exception_head) (!exception_1) (!exception_2) (prepare_for) (end_of_prepare) - [ pointer ] - [ (exception_head) ] - [ (function_1) ] (!exception_1) (function_2) (!exception_2) (end) (end_of_prepare) (function_1) (function_2) (end) the pointer above is into argument-stack
- this is how the return-stack looks
right before exception_head is executed
- prepare for a list of exceptions
match =64bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "", prepare_for
;; << -- >>
pop_return_stack rbx
pop_return_stack rcx
push_return_stack pointer$argument_stack
push_return_stack rbx
push_return_stack rcx
add rbx, jo_size
mov rax, qword [rbx]
cmp rax, end_of_prepare
je .then
jmp .next
add rbx, jo_size
push_return_stack rbx
- prepare for a list of exceptions
match =32bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "", prepare_for
;; << -- >>
pop_return_stack ebx
pop_return_stack ecx
mov eax, [pointer$argument_stack]
push_return_stack eax
push_return_stack ebx
push_return_stack ecx
add ebx, jo_size
mov eax, dword [ebx]
cmp eax, end_of_prepare
je .then
jmp .next
add ebx, jo_size
push_return_stack ebx
- used as an unique id
define_variable "*end-of-prepare*", V__end_of_prepare
xx 0
- this jo is served as a label in return-stack when explained it pops the jojo itself in and it pops the argument-stack pointer after it
- and “explain$exception” will search for them
define_primitive_function "", exception_head
;; << -- >>
pop_return_stack rax
pop_return_stack rax
- they are defined as function and viewed as constant
define_primitive_function "false", false
;; << -- false >>
xor rax, rax
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "true", true
;; << -- true >>
xor rax, rax
inc rax
push_argument_stack rax
define_function "false?", false?
;; << bool -- bool >>
xx false, equal?
xx end
define_function "true?", true?
;; << bool -- bool >>
xx true, equal?
xx end
match =64bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "bitwise-and", bitwise_and
;; << a, b -- a and b >>
pop_argument_stack rbx
and [pointer$argument_stack - (1 * jo_size)], rbx
define_primitive_function "bitwise-or", bitwise_or
;; << a, b -- a or b >>
pop_argument_stack rbx
or [pointer$argument_stack - (1 * jo_size)], rbx
define_primitive_function "bitwise-xor", bitwise_xor
;; << a, b -- a xor b >>
pop_argument_stack rbx
xor [pointer$argument_stack - (1 * jo_size)], rbx
define_primitive_function "bitwise-invert", bitwise_invert
;; << a -- invert a >>
not qword [pointer$argument_stack - (1 * jo_size)]
match =32bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "bitwise-and", bitwise_and
;; << a, b -- a and b >>
pop_argument_stack rbx
mov rax, [pointer$argument_stack]
and [rax - (1 * jo_size)], rbx
define_primitive_function "bitwise-or", bitwise_or
;; << a, b -- a or b >>
pop_argument_stack rbx
mov rax, [pointer$argument_stack]
or [rax - (1 * jo_size)], rbx
define_primitive_function "bitwise-xor", bitwise_xor
;; << a, b -- a xor b >>
pop_argument_stack rbx
mov rax, [pointer$argument_stack]
xor [rax - (1 * jo_size)], rbx
define_primitive_function "bitwise-invert", bitwise_invert
;; << a -- invert a >>
mov rax, [pointer$argument_stack]
not dword [rax - (1 * jo_size)]
- they are defined as function and viewed as constant
define_primitive_function "zero", zero
;; << -- 0 >>
xor rax, rax
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "one", one
;; << -- 1 >>
xor rax, rax
inc rax
push_argument_stack rax
define_function "zero?", zero?
;; << bool -- bool >>
xx zero, equal?
xx end
define_function "one?", one?
;; << bool -- bool >>
xx one, equal?
xx end
match =64bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "add1", add1
;; << n -- n+1 >>
inc qword [pointer$argument_stack - (1 * jo_size)]
define_primitive_function "add2", add2
;; << n -- n+2 >>
add qword [pointer$argument_stack - (1 * jo_size)], 2
define_primitive_function "add3", add3
;; << n -- n+3 >>
add qword [pointer$argument_stack - (1 * jo_size)], 3
define_primitive_function "add4", add4
;; << n -- n+4 >>
add qword [pointer$argument_stack - (1 * jo_size)], 4
define_primitive_function "add8", add8
;; << n -- n+8 >>
add qword [pointer$argument_stack - (1 * jo_size)], 8
define_primitive_function "sub1", sub1
;; << n -- n-1 >>
dec qword [pointer$argument_stack - (1 * jo_size)]
define_primitive_function "sub2", sub2
;; << n -- n-2 >>
sub qword [pointer$argument_stack - (1 * jo_size)], 2
define_primitive_function "sub3", sub3
;; << n -- n-3 >>
sub qword [pointer$argument_stack - (1 * jo_size)], 3
define_primitive_function "sub4", sub4
;; << n -- n-4 >>
sub qword [pointer$argument_stack - (1 * jo_size)], 4
define_primitive_function "sub8", sub8
;; << n -- n-8 >>
sub qword [pointer$argument_stack - (1 * jo_size)], 8
define_primitive_function "add", addition
;; << a b -- a+b >>
pop_argument_stack rax
add qword [pointer$argument_stack - (1 * jo_size)], rax
define_primitive_function "sub", subtraction
;; << a b -- a-b >>
pop_argument_stack rax
sub qword [pointer$argument_stack - (1 * jo_size)], rax
match =32bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "add1", add1
;; << n -- n+1 >>
pop_argument_stack rax
inc rax
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "add2", add2
;; << n -- n+2 >>
pop_argument_stack rax
inc rax
inc rax
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "add3", add3
;; << n -- n+3 >>
pop_argument_stack rax
inc rax
inc rax
inc rax
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "add4", add4
;; << n -- n+4 >>
pop_argument_stack rax
inc rax
inc rax
inc rax
inc rax
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "add8", add8
;; << n -- n+8 >>
pop_argument_stack rax
add rax, 8
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "sub1", sub1
;; << n -- n-1 >>
pop_argument_stack rax
dec rax
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "sub2", sub2
;; << n -- n-2 >>
pop_argument_stack rax
dec rax
dec rax
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "sub3", sub3
;; << n -- n-3 >>
pop_argument_stack rax
dec rax
dec rax
dec rax
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "sub4", sub4
;; << n -- n-4 >>
pop_argument_stack rax
dec rax
dec rax
dec rax
dec rax
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "sub8", sub8
;; << n -- n-8 >>
pop_argument_stack rax
sub rax, 8
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "add", addition
;; << a b -- a+b >>
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
add rax, rbx
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "sub", subtraction
;; << a b -- a-b >>
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
sub rax, rbx
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "mul", multiple
;; << a b -- a*b >>
pop_argument_stack rbx ;; 2ed arg
pop_argument_stack rax ;; 1st arg
imul rbx, rax
;; imul will ignore overflow
;; when there are two registers as arg
;; imul will save the result into the first register
push_argument_stack rbx
define_function "negate", negate
;; << n -- -n >>
xx zero
xx swap, subtraction
xx end
define_function "power", power
;; n must be nature number for now
;; << a, n -- a^n >>
xx literal, 1, swap ;; leave product
xx help__power
xx end
define_function "help,power", help__power
;; << a, product, n -- a^n >>
xx dup, zero?, false?branch, 5
xx drop, swap, drop
xx end
xx sub1
xx swap
xx xoverxx, multiple
xx swap
xx taca, help__power
define_primitive_function "moddiv", moddiv
;; << a, b -- a mod b, quotient >>
;; << dividend, divisor -- remainder, quotient >>
;; the arg of idiv is divisor
;; the lower half of dividend is taken from rax
;; the upper half of dividend is taken from rdx
xor rdx, rdx ;; high-part of dividend is not used
pop_argument_stack rbx ;; 2ed arg
pop_argument_stack rax ;; 1st arg
idiv rbx
;; the remainder is stored in rdx
;; the quotient is stored in rax
push_argument_stack rdx ;; remainder
push_argument_stack rax ;; quotient
define_function "divmod", divmod
;; << a, b -- quotient, a mod b >>
xx moddiv, swap
xx end
define_function "div", division
;; << a, b -- quotient >>
xx divmod, drop
xx end
define_function "mod", modulo
;; << a, b -- a mod b >>
xx moddiv, drop
xx end
define_primitive_function "equal?", equal?
;; << a, b -- a, b, true of false >>
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
cmp rbx, rax
sete al
movzx rax, al
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "less-than?", less_than?
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
cmp rax, rbx
setl al
movzx rax, al
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "greater-than?", greater_than?
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
cmp rax, rbx
setg al
movzx rax, al
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "less-or-equal?", less_or_equal?
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
cmp rax, rbx
setle al
movzx rax, al
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "greater-or-equal?", greater_or_equal?
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
cmp rax, rbx
setge al
movzx rax, al
push_argument_stack rax
define_function "negative?", negative?
;; << integer -- bool >>
xx zero, less_than?
xx end
define_function "positive?", positive?
;; << integer -- bool >>
xx negative?, false?
xx end
- although the following functions are all side-effect but I use “save” instead of “save!”
match =64bit, machine {
;; "save" and "fetch" default to a jo_size
;; the rule of "fetch2" and so on are:
;; in memory:
;; || 1 : value-1 ||
;; || 1 : value-2 ||
;; || 1 : value-3 ||
;; ...
;; on stack:
;; << value-1, value-2, value-3, ... >>
;; of course we have:
;; fetch2 : memory=copy=>stack
;; save2 : stack->memory
define_primitive_function "save", save
;; ( value, address -- )
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
mov [rbx], rax
define_primitive_function "save-byte", save_byte
;; ( value, address -- )
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
mov byte[rbx], al
define_primitive_function "save-two-bytes", save_two_bytes
;; ( value, address -- )
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
mov word [rbx], ax
define_primitive_function "save-four-bytes", save_four_bytes
;; ( value, address -- )
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
mov dword [rbx], eax
define_primitive_function "n-save", n_save
;; << value-n, ..., value-1, address, n -- >>
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rdx
mov rax, jo_size
imul rax, rcx
add rdx, rax
;; for address is based on 0
;; but n is based on 1
sub rdx, jo_size
pop_argument_stack rax
mov qword [rdx], rax
sub rdx, jo_size
loop .loop
define_function "save2", save2
;; << value-2, value-1, address -- >>
xx literal, 2
xx n_save
xx end
define_primitive_function "n-save-byte", n_save_byte
;; << value-n, ..., value-1, address, n -- >>
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rdx
add rdx, rcx
dec rdx
pop_argument_stack rax
mov byte [rdx], al
dec rdx
loop .loop
define_primitive_function "add-save", add_save
;; ( number to add, address -- )
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
add qword [rbx], rax
define_primitive_function "sub-save", sub_save
;; ( number to add, address -- )
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
sub qword [rbx], rax
match =64bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "fetch", fetch
;; ( address -- value )
pop_argument_stack rbx
mov rax, [rbx]
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "fetch-byte", fetch_byte
;; ( address -- value )
pop_argument_stack rbx
xor rax, rax
mov al, byte[rbx]
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "fetch-two-bytes", fetch_two_bytes
;; ( address -- value )
pop_argument_stack rbx
xor rax, rax
mov ax, word [rbx]
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "fetch-four-bytes", fetch_four_bytes
;; ( address -- value )
pop_argument_stack rbx
xor rax, rax
mov eax, dword [rbx]
push_argument_stack rax
;; in memory:
;; || 1 : value-1 ||
;; ...
;; || 1 : value-n ||
define_primitive_function "n-fetch", n_fetch
;; << address, n -- value-1, ..., value-n >>
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rdx
mov rax, qword [rdx]
push_argument_stack rax
add rdx, jo_size
loop .loop
define_primitive_function "n-fetch-byte", n_fetch_byte
;; << address, n -- byte-1, ..., byte-n >>
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rdx
xor rax, rax
mov al, byte [rdx]
push_argument_stack rax
inc rdx
loop .loop
define_function "fetch2", fetch2
;; << address -- value-1, value-2 >>
xx literal, 2
xx n_fetch
xx end
match =32bit, machine {
;; "save" and "fetch" default to a jo_size
;; the rule of "fetch2" and so on are:
;; in memory:
;; || 1 : value-1 ||
;; || 1 : value-2 ||
;; || 1 : value-3 ||
;; ...
;; on stack:
;; << value-1, value-2, value-3, ... >>
;; of course we have:
;; fetch2 : memory=copy=>stack
;; save2 : stack->memory
define_primitive_function "save", save
;; ( value, address -- )
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
mov [rbx], rax
define_primitive_function "save-byte", save_byte
;; ( value, address -- )
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
mov byte[rbx], al
define_primitive_function "save-two-bytes", save_two_bytes
;; ( value, address -- )
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
mov word [rbx], ax
define_primitive_function "save-four-bytes", save_four_bytes
;; ( value, address -- )
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
mov dword [rbx], eax
define_primitive_function "n-save", n_save
;; << value-n, ..., value-1, address, n -- >>
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rdx
mov rax, jo_size
imul rax, rcx
add rdx, rax
;; for address is based on 0
;; but n is based on 1
sub rdx, jo_size
pop_argument_stack rax
mov dword [rdx], rax
sub rdx, jo_size
loop .loop
define_function "save2", save2
;; << value-2, value-1, address -- >>
xx literal, 2
xx n_save
xx end
define_primitive_function "n-save-byte", n_save_byte
;; << value-n, ..., value-1, address, n -- >>
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rdx
add rdx, rcx
dec rdx
pop_argument_stack rax
mov byte [rdx], al
dec rdx
loop .loop
define_primitive_function "add-save", add_save
;; ( number to add, address -- )
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
add dword [rbx], rax
define_primitive_function "sub-save", sub_save
;; ( number to add, address -- )
pop_argument_stack rbx
pop_argument_stack rax
sub dword [rbx], rax
match =32bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "fetch", fetch
;; ( address -- value )
pop_argument_stack rbx
mov rax, [rbx]
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "fetch-byte", fetch_byte
;; ( address -- value )
pop_argument_stack rbx
xor rax, rax
mov al, byte[rbx]
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "fetch-two-bytes", fetch_two_bytes
;; ( address -- value )
pop_argument_stack rbx
xor rax, rax
mov ax, word [rbx]
push_argument_stack rax
define_primitive_function "fetch-four-bytes", fetch_four_bytes
;; ( address -- value )
pop_argument_stack rbx
xor rax, rax
mov eax, dword [rbx]
push_argument_stack rax
;; in memory:
;; || 1 : value-1 ||
;; ...
;; || 1 : value-n ||
define_primitive_function "n-fetch", n_fetch
;; << address, n -- value-1, ..., value-n >>
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rdx
mov rax, dword [rdx]
push_argument_stack rax
add rdx, jo_size
loop .loop
define_primitive_function "n-fetch-byte", n_fetch_byte
;; << address, n -- byte-1, ..., byte-n >>
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rdx
xor rax, rax
mov al, byte [rdx]
push_argument_stack rax
inc rdx
loop .loop
define_function "fetch2", fetch2
;; << address -- value-1, value-2 >>
xx literal, 2
xx n_fetch
xx end
define_primitive_function "clear-memory", clear_memory
;; << size, address -- >>
pop_argument_stack rdx
pop_argument_stack rcx
xor rax, rax
mov byte [rdx], al
inc rdx
dec rcx
loop .loop
- basic io is about byte
match =linux =64bit, platform machine {
db 0
define_primitive_function "write-byte", write_byte
;; << byte -- >>
pop_argument_stack rax
;; write can not just write the char in al to stdout
;; write needs the address of the byte to write
mov [buffer$write_byte], al
mov linux64_sys_3_rdx, 1 ;; max length to be write
mov linux64_sys_2_rsi, buffer$write_byte ;; address
mov linux64_sys_1_rdi, 1 ;; stdout
mov linux64_sys_n_rax, linux64_syscall_write
match =linux =32bit, platform machine {
db 0
define_primitive_function "write-byte", write_byte
;; << byte -- >>
;; just calls the Linux write system call
pop_argument_stack rax
;; write can not just write the char in al to stdout
;; write needs the address of the byte to write
mov [buffer$write_byte], al
mov linux32_sys_3_edx, 1 ;; max length to be write
mov linux32_sys_2_ecx, buffer$write_byte ;; address
mov linux32_sys_1_ebx, 1 ;; stdout
mov linux32_sys_n_eax, linux32_syscall_write
match =windows =64bit, platform machine {
db 0
xx 0
define_primitive_function "write-byte", write_byte
;; << byte -- >>
;; just calls the Linux write system call
pop_argument_stack rax
;; write can not just write the char in al to stdout
;; write needs the address of the byte to write
mov [buffer$write_byte], al
windows64_function 5
push 0
sub rsp, 8*4
mov windows64_fun_4_r9, __counter$write_byte
mov windows64_fun_3_r8, 1
mov windows64_fun_2_rdx, buffer$write_byte
mov windows64_fun_1_rcx, [_output_handle]
call [WriteFile]
match =windows =32bit, platform machine {
db 0
xx 0
define_primitive_function "write-byte", write_byte
;; << byte -- >>
;; just calls the Linux write system call
pop_argument_stack rax
;; write can not just write the char in al to stdout
;; write needs the address of the byte to write
mov [buffer$write_byte], al
push 0
push __counter$write_byte
push 1
push buffer$write_byte
mov rax, [_output_handle]
push rax
call [WriteFile]
- do not exit the program when meeting <end-of-file> so when you hit <C-d> some you will not exit the interpreter
- add the feature to unread one ket-char
- reading from file of stdin is slow
- when reading from file a whole file is readed at a time and saved to a buffer
- when reading from stdin a whole line is readed at a time
- note that reading line instead of keyboard-code will limit the design of the user interface
- by factoring out the low-level calls that read a line from stdin we are able to implement eval-string easily
- nested call of eval-string is handled by using a eval_string_stack to remember the old string
- but in my view meta-programming should NOT be achieved by editing string
- note that this point of view is not conflict with my macro system
max_input_length = 1024 * 1024
buffer$read_byte labeling
preserve max_input_length
- for we do not build border-check into the interface of pop and push we allocation some memory below the stacks
- the size$eval_string_stack defines the max depth of nested call to eval string
- cursor and border of a evaled string can be stored in eval_string_stack so when evaling a string the eval_string_stack will be << counter, cursor >> when evaling is nested depth is 2 << counter, cursor, counter, cursor >>
size$eval_string_stack = 1024 * jo_size
preserve 64 * jo_size
address$eval_string_stack labeling
preserve size$eval_string_stack
xx address$eval_string_stack
match =64bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "push-eval-string-stack", push_eval_string_stack
;; argument-stack -> eval-string-stack
pop_argument_stack rax
mov rbx, [pointer$eval_string_stack]
mov [rbx], rax
add qword [pointer$eval_string_stack], jo_size
define_primitive_function "pop-eval-string-stack", pop_eval_string_stack
;; eval-string-stack -> argument-stack
sub qword [pointer$eval_string_stack], jo_size
mov rbx, [pointer$eval_string_stack]
mov rax, [rbx]
push_argument_stack rax
match =32bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "push-eval-string-stack", push_eval_string_stack
;; argument-stack -> eval-string-stack
pop_argument_stack rax
mov rsi, [pointer$eval_string_stack]
mov [rsi], rax
add dword [pointer$eval_string_stack], jo_size
define_primitive_function "pop-eval-string-stack", pop_eval_string_stack
;; eval-string-stack -> argument-stack
sub dword [pointer$eval_string_stack], jo_size
mov rsi, [pointer$eval_string_stack]
mov rax, [rsi]
push_argument_stack rax
match =64bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "clear-eval-string-stack", clear_eval_string_stack
;; << -- >>
mov qword [pointer$eval_string_stack], address$eval_string_stack
match =32bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "clear-eval-string-stack", clear_eval_string_stack
;; << -- >>
mov eax, address$eval_string_stack
mov dword [pointer$eval_string_stack], eax;address$eval_string_stack
define_primitive_function "eval-string-stack-empty?", eval_string_stack_empty?
;; << -- bool >>
mov rax, [pointer$eval_string_stack]
cmp rax, address$eval_string_stack
;; less-than is treated as equal
setle al
movzx rax, al
push_argument_stack rax
match =linux =64bit, platform machine {
define_primitive_function "read-line-from-stdin", read_line_from_stdin
;; << buffer address, max length -- counter >>
pop_argument_stack linux64_sys_3_rdx
pop_argument_stack linux64_sys_2_rsi
xor linux64_sys_1_rdi, linux64_sys_1_rdi ;; stdin
mov linux64_sys_n_rax, linux64_syscall_read
;; the return value
;; is a count of the number of bytes transferred
push_argument_stack rax
match =linux =32bit, platform machine {
define_primitive_function "read-line-from-stdin", read_line_from_stdin
;; << buffer address, max length -- counter >>
pop_argument_stack linux32_sys_3_edx
pop_argument_stack linux32_sys_2_ecx
xor linux32_sys_1_ebx, linux32_sys_1_ebx ;; stdin
mov linux32_sys_n_eax, linux32_syscall_read
;; the return value
;; is a count of the number of bytes transferred
push_argument_stack rax
match =windows =64bit, platform machine {
xx 0
define_primitive_function "read-line-from-stdin", read_line_from_stdin
;; << buffer address, max length -- counter >>
windows64_function 5
push 0
sub rsp, 8*4
mov windows64_fun_4_r9, __counter$read_line_from_stdin
pop_argument_stack windows64_fun_3_r8
pop_argument_stack windows64_fun_2_rdx
mov windows64_fun_1_rcx, [_input_handle]
call [ReadFile]
;; the return value
;; is a count of the number of bytes transferred
mov rax, [__counter$read_line_from_stdin]
push_argument_stack rax
match =windows =32bit, platform machine {
xx 0
define_primitive_function "read-line-from-stdin", read_line_from_stdin
;; << buffer address, max length -- counter >>
push 0
push __counter$read_line_from_stdin
pop_argument_stack rax
push rax
pop_argument_stack rax
push rax
mov rax, [_input_handle]
push rax
call [ReadFile]
;; the return value
;; is a count of the number of bytes transferred
mov rax, [__counter$read_line_from_stdin]
push_argument_stack rax
define_function "", test__read_line_from_stdin
xx literal, buffer$read_byte
xx literal, max_input_length
xx read_line_from_stdin
xx pretty_write_integer
xx literal, buffer$read_byte
xx literal, 10
xx write_string
xx exit_with_TOS
xx end
define_function "read-byte", read_byte
;; << -- byte >>
xx have_unreaded_ket_char?, false?branch, 9
xx literal, char$unreaded_ket_char, fetch_byte
xx zero, literal, flag$unreaded_ket_char
xx save
xx end
xx read_byte__without_unread
xx end
define_function "read-byte,without-unread", read_byte__without_unread
;; << -- byte >>
xx eval_string_stack_empty?, false?branch, (.not_empty-$)/jo_size
xx literal, buffer$read_byte
xx literal, max_input_length
xx read_line_from_stdin
xx dup, positive?, false?, false?branch, 4
;; ignore <end-of-file>
;; ignore reading error
xx drop
xx taca, read_byte__without_unread
xx push_eval_string_stack
xx literal, buffer$read_byte
xx push_eval_string_stack
xx taca, read_byte__without_unread
xx pop_eval_string_stack
xx pop_eval_string_stack
xx dup, zero?, false?branch, 4
xx drop2
xx taca, read_byte__without_unread
xx sub1, push_eval_string_stack
xx dup
xx add1, push_eval_string_stack
xx fetch_byte
xx end
xx 0
xx 0
define_function "have-unreaded-ket-char?", have_unreaded_ket_char?
;; << -- bool >>
xx literal, flag$unreaded_ket_char
xx fetch
xx end
define_function "unread-ket-char", unread_ket_char
;; << char -- >>
xx literal, char$unreaded_ket_char, save
xx true, literal, flag$unreaded_ket_char
xx save
xx end
define_function "eval-string", eval_string
;; << string[address, length] -- UNKNOWN >>
xx push_eval_string_stack
xx push_eval_string_stack
xx end
match =linux =64bit, platform machine {
name_buffer$open_file__to_read labeling
preserve 512
define_primitive_function "open-file,to-read", open_file__to_read
;; << file-name-string[address, length] --
;; [file handle] or [error code] >>
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rsi
;; copy file-name as a null-terminal string
mov rdi, name_buffer$open_file__to_read
rep movsb
xor rax, rax
mov byte [rdi], al
mov linux64_sys_2_rsi, open_read ;; read only
mov linux64_sys_1_rdi, name_buffer$open_file__to_read
mov linux64_sys_n_rax, linux64_syscall_open
push_argument_stack rax
match =linux =64bit, platform machine {
name_buffer$open_file__to_write labeling
preserve 512
define_primitive_function "open-file,to-write", open_file__to_write
;; << file-name-string[address, length] --
;; [file handle] or [error code] >>
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rsi
;; copy file-name as a null-terminal string
mov rdi, name_buffer$open_file__to_write
rep movsb
xor rax, rax
mov byte [rdi], al
mov linux64_sys_3_rdx, 110100100b
mov linux64_sys_2_rsi, open_readAndWrite or open_creat or open_rewrite
mov linux64_sys_1_rdi, name_buffer$open_file__to_write
mov linux64_sys_n_rax, linux64_syscall_open
push_argument_stack rax
match =linux =64bit, platform machine {
define_primitive_function "close-file", close_file
;; << file-handle -- >>
pop_argument_stack linux64_sys_1_rdi
mov linux64_sys_n_rax, linux64_syscall_close
- from disk to memory
match =linux =64bit, platform machine {
define_primitive_function "read-file", read_file
;; << [file handle], buffer[address, length] --
;; [number of char] or [error code] >>
pop_argument_stack linux64_sys_3_rdx
pop_argument_stack linux64_sys_2_rsi
pop_argument_stack linux64_sys_1_rdi
mov linux64_sys_n_rax, linux64_syscall_read
push_argument_stack rax
- from memory to disk
match =linux =64bit, platform machine {
define_primitive_function "write-file", write_file
;; << [file handle], buffer[address, length] --
;; [number of char] or [error code] >>
pop_argument_stack linux64_sys_3_rdx
pop_argument_stack linux64_sys_2_rsi
pop_argument_stack linux64_sys_1_rdi
mov linux64_sys_n_rax, linux64_syscall_write
push_argument_stack rax
match =linux =32bit, platform machine {
name_buffer$open_file__to_read labeling
preserve 512
define_primitive_function "open-file,to-read", open_file__to_read
;; << file-name-string[address, length] --
;; [file handle] or [error code] >>
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rsi
;; copy file-name as a null-terminal string
mov rdi, name_buffer$open_file__to_read
rep movsb
xor rax, rax
mov byte [rdi], al
mov linux32_sys_2_ecx, open_read ;; read only
mov linux32_sys_1_ebx, name_buffer$open_file__to_read
mov linux32_sys_n_eax, linux32_syscall_open
push_argument_stack rax
match =linux =32bit, platform machine {
name_buffer$open_file__to_write labeling
preserve 512
define_primitive_function "open-file,to-write", open_file__to_write
;; << file-name-string[address, length] --
;; [file handle] or [error code] >>
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rsi
;; copy file-name as a null-terminal string
mov rdi, name_buffer$open_file__to_write
rep movsb
xor rax, rax
mov byte [rdi], al
mov linux32_sys_3_edx, 110100100b
mov linux32_sys_2_ecx, open_readAndWrite or open_creat or open_rewrite
mov linux32_sys_1_ebx, name_buffer$open_file__to_write
mov linux32_sys_n_eax, linux32_syscall_open
push_argument_stack rax
match =linux =32bit, platform machine {
define_primitive_function "close-file", close_file
;; << file-handle -- >>
pop_argument_stack linux32_sys_1_ebx
mov linux32_sys_n_eax, linux32_syscall_close
- from disk to memory
match =linux =32bit, platform machine {
define_primitive_function "read-file", read_file
;; << [file handle], buffer[address, length] --
;; [number of char] or [error code] >>
pop_argument_stack linux32_sys_3_edx
pop_argument_stack linux32_sys_2_ecx
pop_argument_stack linux32_sys_1_ebx
mov linux32_sys_n_eax, linux32_syscall_read
push_argument_stack rax
- from memory to disk
match =linux =32bit, platform machine {
define_primitive_function "write-file", write_file
;; << [file handle], buffer[address, length] --
;; [number of char] or [error code] >>
pop_argument_stack linux32_sys_3_edx
pop_argument_stack linux32_sys_2_ecx
pop_argument_stack linux32_sys_1_ebx
mov linux32_sys_n_eax, linux32_syscall_write
push_argument_stack rax
match =windows =64bit, platform machine {
; Access rights
DELETE_RIGHT = 00010000h
READ_CONTROL = 00020000h
WRITE_DAC = 00040000h
WRITE_OWNER = 00080000h
SYNCHRONIZE = 00100000h
GENERIC_READ = 80000000h
GENERIC_WRITE = 40000000h
GENERIC_ALL = 10000000h
PROCESS_VM_READ = 00000010h
PROCESS_VM_WRITE = 00000020h
FILE_SHARE_READ = 00000001h
FILE_SHARE_WRITE = 00000002h
; CreateFile actions
; File attributes
match =windows =64bit, platform machine {
name_buffer$open_file__to_read labeling
preserve 512
define_primitive_function "open-file,to-read", open_file__to_read
;; << file-name-string[address, length] --
;; [file handle] or [error code] >>
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rsi
;; copy file-name as a null-terminal string
mov rdi, name_buffer$open_file__to_read
rep movsb
xor rax, rax
mov byte [rdi], al
windows64_function 7
push 0 ;; null
sub rsp, 8*4
mov windows64_fun_4_r9, 0 ;; null
mov windows64_fun_3_r8, 0 ;; no sharing
mov windows64_fun_2_rdx, GENERIC_READ
mov windows64_fun_1_rcx, name_buffer$open_file__to_read
call [CreateFileA]
push_argument_stack rax
match =windows =64bit, platform machine {
name_buffer$open_file__to_write labeling
preserve 512
define_primitive_function "open-file,to-write", open_file__to_write
;; << file-name-string[address, length] --
;; [file handle] or [error code] >>
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rsi
;; copy file-name as a null-terminal string
mov rdi, name_buffer$open_file__to_write
rep movsb
xor rax, rax
mov byte [rdi], al
windows64_function 7
push 0 ;; null
sub rsp, 8*4
mov windows64_fun_4_r9, 0 ;; null
mov windows64_fun_3_r8, 0 ;; no sharing
mov windows64_fun_2_rdx, GENERIC_WRITE
mov windows64_fun_1_rcx, name_buffer$open_file__to_write
call [CreateFileA]
push_argument_stack rax
match =windows =64bit, platform machine {
define_primitive_function "close-file", close_file
;; << file-handle -- >>
windows64_function 4
sub rsp, 8*4
pop_argument_stack windows64_fun_1_rcx
call [CloseHandle]
match =windows =64bit, platform machine {
xx 0
define_primitive_function "read-file", read_file
;; << [file handle], buffer[address, length] --
;; [number of char] or [error code] >>
windows64_function 5
push 0
sub rsp, 8*4
mov windows64_fun_4_r9, __counter$read_file
pop_argument_stack windows64_fun_3_r8
pop_argument_stack windows64_fun_2_rdx
pop_argument_stack windows64_fun_1_rcx
call [ReadFile]
mov rax, [__counter$read_file]
push_argument_stack rax
match =windows =64bit, platform machine {
xx 0
define_primitive_function "write-file", write_file
;; << [file handle], buffer[address, length] --
;; [number of char] or [error code] >>
windows64_function 5
push 0
sub rsp, 8*4
mov windows64_fun_4_r9, __counter$write_file
pop_argument_stack windows64_fun_3_r8
pop_argument_stack windows64_fun_2_rdx
pop_argument_stack windows64_fun_1_rcx
call [WriteFile]
mov rax, [__counter$write_file]
push_argument_stack rax
match =windows =32bit, platform machine {
; Access rights
DELETE_RIGHT = 00010000h
READ_CONTROL = 00020000h
WRITE_DAC = 00040000h
WRITE_OWNER = 00080000h
SYNCHRONIZE = 00100000h
GENERIC_READ = 80000000h
GENERIC_WRITE = 40000000h
GENERIC_ALL = 10000000h
PROCESS_VM_READ = 00000010h
PROCESS_VM_WRITE = 00000020h
FILE_SHARE_READ = 00000001h
FILE_SHARE_WRITE = 00000002h
; CreateFile actions
; File attributes
match =windows =32bit, platform machine {
name_buffer$open_file__to_read labeling
preserve 512
define_primitive_function "open-file,to-read", open_file__to_read
;; << file-name-string[address, length] --
;; [file handle] or [error code] >>
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rsi
;; copy file-name as a null-terminal string
mov rdi, name_buffer$open_file__to_read
rep movsb
xor rax, rax
mov byte [rdi], al
push 0 ;; null
push 0 ;; null
push 0 ;; no sharing
push name_buffer$open_file__to_read
call [CreateFileA]
push_argument_stack rax
match =windows =32bit, platform machine {
name_buffer$open_file__to_write labeling
preserve 512
define_primitive_function "open-file,to-write", open_file__to_write
;; << file-name-string[address, length] --
;; [file handle] or [error code] >>
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rsi
;; copy file-name as a null-terminal string
mov rdi, name_buffer$open_file__to_write
rep movsb
xor rax, rax
mov byte [rdi], al
push 0 ;; null
push 0 ;; null
push 0 ;; no sharing
push name_buffer$open_file__to_write
call [CreateFileA]
push_argument_stack rax
match =windows =32bit, platform machine {
define_primitive_function "close-file", close_file
;; << file-handle -- >>
pop_argument_stack rax
push rax
call [CloseHandle]
match =windows =32bit, platform machine {
xx 0
define_primitive_function "read-file", read_file
;; << [file handle], buffer[address, length] --
;; [number of char] or [error code] >>
push 0
push __counter$read_file
pop_argument_stack rax
push rax
pop_argument_stack rax
push rax
pop_argument_stack rax
push rax
call [ReadFile]
mov rax, [__counter$read_file]
push_argument_stack rax
match =windows =32bit, platform machine {
xx 0
define_primitive_function "write-file", write_file
;; << [file handle], buffer[address, length] --
;; [number of char] or [error code] >>
push 0
push __counter$write_file
pop_argument_stack rax
push rax
pop_argument_stack rax
push rax
pop_argument_stack rax
push rax
call [WriteFile]
mov rax, [__counter$write_file]
push_argument_stack rax
define_function "path-exist?", path_exist?
;; << path[address, length] -- bool >>
xx open_file__to_read
xx dup, negative?, false?, false?branch, 4
xx close_file
xx true
xx end
xx literal, -2, equal?, false?branch, 3
xx false
xx end
;; ><><><
xx true
xx end
db 0
define_function "path-directory?", path_directory?
;; << path[address, length] -- bool >>
xx open_file__to_read
xx dup, negative?, false?branch, 4
xx drop
xx false
xx end
xx dup
xx literal, address$path_directory?
xx literal, 1
xx read_file
xx swap, close_file
xx dup, positive?, false?branch, 4
xx drop
xx false
xx end
xx literal, -21, equal?, false?branch, 3
xx true
xx end
;; ><><><
xx false
xx end
db 0
define_function "path-file?", path_file?
;; << path[address, length] -- bool >>
xx open_file__to_read
xx dup, negative?, false?branch, 4
xx drop
xx false
xx end
xx dup
xx literal, address$path_file?
xx literal, 1
xx read_file
xx swap, close_file
xx positive?, false?branch, 3
xx true
xx end
xx false
xx end
- load-file can not be nested for now a stack of buffer would solve this problem
buffer$load_file labeling
preserve 1024 * 1024
define_function "report,load-file", report__load_file
;; << -- >>
xx literal, string$report__load_file
xx literal, length$report__load_file
xx write_string
xx end
db "* LOADING : "
length$report__load_file = (.end - string$report__load_file)
define_function "load-file", load_file
;; << name-string[address, length] -- UNKNOWN >>
xx report__load_file
xx dup2, write_string
xx literal, 10, write_byte
xx open_file__to_read
xx dup
xx literal, buffer$load_file ;; buffer
xx literal, 1024 * 1024 ;; length
xx read_file
xx swap, close_file
xx dup, positive?, false?branch, (.error-$)/jo_size
xx literal, buffer$load_file
xx swap
xx push_eval_string_stack
xx push_eval_string_stack
xx end
xx error_report__load_file
xx write_integer
xx literal, 10, write_byte
xx end
define_function "error-report,load-file", error_report__load_file
;; << -- >>
xx literal, string$error_report__load_file
xx literal, length$error_report__load_file
xx write_string
xx end
db "* (load-file) MEETS ERROR (read-file) ERROR CODE : "
length$error_report__load_file = (.end - string$error_report__load_file)
- pid is the key to all the linux system environment
- command-line /proc/<pid>/cmdline
- environment-string-variable-list /proc/<pid>/environ
match =linux, platform {
define_function "init-operating-system-environment", init_operating_system_environment
;; << -- >>
xx init_pid
xx init_command_line
xx init_environment_string_variable_list
xx end
match =linux =64bit, platform machine {
define_primitive_function "init-pid", init_pid
;; << -- pid >>
mov linux64_sys_n_rax, linux64_syscall_getpid
mov [value$get_pid], rax
match =linux =32bit, platform machine {
define_primitive_function "init-pid", init_pid
;; << -- pid >>
mov linux32_sys_n_eax, linux32_syscall_getpid
mov [value$get_pid], rax
match =linux, platform {
db "/cmdline" ;; length of 8
db "/proc/" ;; length of 6
db "********************************"
times 512 db 0
xx 0
define_function "init-command-line", init_command_line
;; << -- >>
xx get_pid
xx write_nature_number__fill_buffer
xx tuck
xx literal, pid$init_command_line
xx string_to_buffer!
xx literal, file$init_command_line
xx literal, 8
xx literal, pid$init_command_line
xx xoverxxx, addition
xx string_to_buffer!
xx literal, path$init_command_line
xx swap
xx literal, 8, addition
xx literal, 6, addition
xx open_file__to_read
xx literal, address$init_command_line
xx literal, 512
xx read_file
xx literal, length$init_command_line
xx save
xx end
- the size of /proc/<pid>/environ is limited to 4k
match =linux, platform {
db "/environ" ;; length of 8
db "/proc/" ;; length of 6
db "********************************"
times (4 * 1024) db 0
xx 0
define_function "init-environment-string-variable-list", init_environment_string_variable_list
;; << -- >>
xx get_pid
xx write_nature_number__fill_buffer
xx tuck
xx literal, pid$init_environment_string_variable_list
xx string_to_buffer!
xx literal, file$init_environment_string_variable_list
xx literal, 8
xx literal, pid$init_environment_string_variable_list
xx xoverxxx, addition
xx string_to_buffer!
xx literal, path$init_environment_string_variable_list
xx swap
xx literal, 8, addition
xx literal, 6, addition
xx open_file__to_read
xx literal, address$init_environment_string_variable_list
xx literal, (4 * 1024)
xx read_file
xx literal, length$init_environment_string_variable_list
xx save
xx end
match =linux, platform {
xx 2
define_function "get-pid", get_pid
;; << -- pid >>
xx literal, value$get_pid, fetch
xx end
match =linux, platform {
define_function "get-command-line", get_command_line
;; << -- string[address, length] >>
xx literal, address$init_command_line
xx literal, length$init_command_line, fetch
xx end
match =linux, platform {
define_function "get-environment-string-variable-list", get_environment_string_variable_list
;; << -- string[address, length] >>
xx literal, address$init_environment_string_variable_list
xx literal, length$init_environment_string_variable_list, fetch
xx end
- the string used to find an environment-string-variable can not contain “=” no error handling on this
match =linux, platform {
define_function "find-environment-string-variable", find_environment_string_variable
;; << string[address, length]
;; -- string[address, length], true
;; -- false >>
xx literal, address$init_environment_string_variable_list ;; cursor
xx find_environment_string_variable__loop
xx end
define_function "find-environment-string-variable,loop", find_environment_string_variable__loop
;; << string[address, length], cursor
;; -- string[address, length], true
;; -- false >>
xx dup
xx literal, address$init_environment_string_variable_list
xx literal, length$init_environment_string_variable_list, fetch
xx addition
xx greater_than?, false?branch, 5
xx drop, drop2
xx false
xx end
xx xxoverx, xoverxx, swap
xx compare_buffer, false?, false?branch, 7
xx literal, 0
xx cursor_to_next_matching_byte
xx add1
xx taca, find_environment_string_variable__loop
xx dup, xoverxx, addition, fetch_byte
xx literal, '=', equal?, false?, false?branch, 7
xx literal, 0
xx cursor_to_next_matching_byte
xx add1
xx taca, find_environment_string_variable__loop
xx xswapxx, drop
xx addition, add1
xx dup
xx literal, 0
xx cursor_to_next_matching_byte
xx over, subtraction
xx true
xx end
- need error handling
match =linux, platform {
db "HOME"
define_function "get-home-path", get_home_path
;; << -- string[address, length] >>
xx literal, string$get_home_path
xx literal, 4
xx find_environment_string_variable
xx drop
xx end
match =linux, platform {
times 512 db 0
db "/.cicada/core.cn"
length$load_core_file = (.end - string$load_core_file)
db "/etc/cicada/core.cn"
length$load_core_file__system_wide = (.end - string$load_core_file__system_wide)
define_function "load-core-file", load_core_file
xx get_home_path
xx tuck
xx literal, path$load_core_file
xx string_to_buffer!
xx literal, string$load_core_file
xx literal, length$load_core_file
xx xoverxx
xx literal, path$load_core_file
xx addition
xx string_to_buffer!
xx literal, length$load_core_file
xx addition
xx literal, path$load_core_file
xx swap
xx dup2, path_file?, false?branch, 3
xx load_file
xx end
xx literal, string$load_core_file__report
xx literal, length$load_core_file__report
xx write_string
xx write_string
xx literal, 10, write_byte
xx literal, string$load_core_file__system_wide
xx literal, length$load_core_file__system_wide
xx dup2, path_file?, false?branch, 3
xx load_file
xx end
xx drop2
xx literal, string$load_core_file__report2
xx literal, length$load_core_file__report2
xx write_string
xx literal, 10, write_byte
xx end
db "* (load-core-file)", 10
db " * FALLING BACK TO SYSTEM-WIDE CORE FILE : /etc/cicada/core.cn", 10
length$load_core_file__report = (.end - string$load_core_file__report)
db "* (load-core-file) ", 10
db " * CAN NOT LOAD SYSTEM-WIDE CORE FILE : /etc/cicada/core.cn", 10
length$load_core_file__report2 = (.end - string$load_core_file__report2)
match =windows, platform {
db "core.cn"
length$name_of_init_file = (.end - string$name_of_init_file)
define_function "load-core-file", load_core_file
;; << -- >>
xx literal, string$name_of_init_file
xx literal, length$name_of_init_file
xx load_file
xx end
- as for space-char I only use two ASCII 10 (newline) ASCII 32 (whitespace)
- note that I use the term “whitespace” to denotes the char I use the term “space” to denotes the set of chars
- I will simply view number less-or-equal 32 as space-char
define_function "space-char?", space_char?
;; << char -- bool >>
xx literal, 32
xx less_or_equal?
xx end
- () [] {} but not <>
- double-quote is viewed as special bar-ket-char
define_function "bar-ket-char?", bar_ket_char?
;; << char -- bool >>
xx dup, literal, '(', equal?, false?branch, 4
xx drop, true
xx end
xx dup, literal, ')', equal?, false?branch, 4
xx drop, true
xx end
xx dup, literal, '[', equal?, false?branch, 4
xx drop, true
xx end
xx dup, literal, ']', equal?, false?branch, 4
xx drop, true
xx end
xx dup, literal, '{', equal?, false?branch, 4
xx drop, true
xx end
xx dup, literal, '}', equal?, false?branch, 4
xx drop, true
xx end
xx dup, literal, '"', equal?, false?branch, 4
xx drop, true
xx end
xx drop, false
xx end
define_function "digital-char?", decimal_digital_char?
;; << char -- bool >>
xx dup, literal, '0', less_than?, false?branch, 4
xx drop, false
xx end
xx dup, literal, '9', less_or_equal?, false?branch, 4
xx drop, true
xx end
xx drop, false
xx end
define_function "latin-char?", latin_char?
;; << char -- bool >>
xx dup, literal, 'A', less_than?, false?branch, 4
xx drop, false
xx end
xx dup, literal, 'Z', less_or_equal?, false?branch, 4
xx drop, true
xx end
xx dup, literal, 'a', less_than?, false?branch, 4
xx drop, false
xx end
xx dup, literal, 'z', less_or_equal?, false?branch, 4
xx drop, true
xx end
xx drop, false
xx end
- a decimal-digital is number from 0 to 9
- a binary-digital is number from 0 to 1
define_function "char->decimal-digital", char_to_decimal_digital
;; << char -- decimal-digital >>
xx literal, '0'
xx subtraction
xx end
define_function "decimal-digital->char", decimal_digital_to_char
;; << decimal-digital -- char >>
xx literal, '0'
xx addition
xx end
- a buffer is a large vector and some functions do not care about how large it is
;; return false when length == 0
define_primitive_function "compare-buffer", compare_buffer
;; << address, address, length -- bool >>
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rdi
pop_argument_stack rsi
repe cmpsb
sete al
movzx rax, al
push_argument_stack rax
- note that it is the NEXT matching-byte
define_function "cursor->next-matching-byte", cursor_to_next_matching_byte
;; << cursor, byte -- cursor new address >>
xx over, add1, fetch_byte
xx over, equal?, false?branch, 4
xx drop, add1
xx end
xx swap
xx add1, swap
xx taca, cursor_to_next_matching_byte
define_function "write-string", write_string
;; << string[address, length] -- >>
xx dup, zero?, false?branch, 3
xx drop2
xx end
xx sub1, swap
xx dup, fetch_byte, write_byte
xx add1, swap
xx taca, write_string
define_function ".s", pretty_write_string
;; << integer -- >>
xx write_string
xx literal, 10
xx write_byte
xx end
define_function "string-equal?", string_equal?
;; << string[address, length], string[address, length] -- bool >>
xx xoverxx, equal?, false?branch, 4
xx swap
xx compare_buffer
xx end
xx drop, drop2
xx false
xx end
define_function "string-head,char", string_head__char
;; << string[address, length] -- char >>
xx drop, fetch_byte
xx end
define_function "string-tail,char", string_tail__char
;; << string[address, length] -- [address + 1, length + 1] >>
xx sub1, swap
xx add1
xx swap
xx end
define_primitive_function "string->buffer!", string_to_buffer!
;; ( string[address, length], buffer[address] -- )
pop_argument_stack rdi ;; destination
pop_argument_stack rcx ;; counter
pop_argument_stack rsi ;; source
rep movsb
match =64bit, machine {
buffer$string_reverse! labeling
preserve 1024
define_primitive_function "string-reverse!", string_reverse!
;; << string[address, length] -- string[address, length] >>
mov rdi, buffer$string_reverse!
mov rcx, [pointer$argument_stack - (1 * jo_size)]
mov rsi, [pointer$argument_stack - (2 * jo_size)]
rep movsb
mov rcx, [pointer$argument_stack - (1 * jo_size)]
dec rdi ;; cursor back into string in buffer$string_reverse!
mov rsi, [pointer$argument_stack - (2 * jo_size)]
mov al, byte [rdi]
mov byte [rsi], al
dec rdi
inc rsi
loop .loop
match =32bit, machine {
buffer$string_reverse! labeling
preserve 1024
define_primitive_function "string-reverse!", string_reverse!
;; << string[address, length] -- string[address, length] >>
mov rbx, [pointer$argument_stack]
mov rdi, buffer$string_reverse!
mov rcx, [rbx - (1 * jo_size)]
mov rsi, [rbx - (2 * jo_size)]
rep movsb
mov rcx, [rbx - (1 * jo_size)]
dec rdi ;; cursor back into string in buffer$string_reverse!
mov rsi, [rbx - (2 * jo_size)]
mov al, byte [rdi]
mov byte [rsi], al
dec rdi
inc rsi
loop .loop
define_function "digital-string?", digital_string?
;; << string[address, length] -- bool >>
xx dup, zero?, false?branch, 4
xx drop2, true
xx end
xx over, fetch_byte, decimal_digital_char?, false?branch, 4
xx string_tail__char
xx taca, digital_string?
xx drop2, false
xx end
define_function "char-string?", char_string?
;; << string[address, length], char -- bool >>
xx xxswapx
xx dup, one?, false?, false?branch, 5
xx drop2, drop
xx false
xx end
xx string_head__char, equal?, false?branch, 3
xx true
xx end
xx false
xx end
- “0” or “-0” 0 is special when compiling literal number for we are using 0 as “end”
define_function "zero-string?", zero_string?
;; << string[address, length] -- bool >>
xx dup2, literal, '0', char_string?, false?branch, 4
xx drop2, true
xx end
xx dup2
xx string_head__char, literal, '-', equal?, false?, false?branch, 4
xx drop2, false
xx end
xx string_tail__char, literal, '0', char_string?
xx end
define_function "integer-string?", integer_string?
;; << string[address, length] -- bool >>
xx dup, zero?, false?branch, 4
xx drop2, false
xx end
xx dup2, literal, '-', char_string?, false?branch, 4
xx drop2, false
xx end
xx dup2, string_head__char, literal, '-', equal?, false?branch, 4
xx string_tail__char
xx digital_string?
xx end
xx digital_string?
xx end
define_function "string->integer", string_to_integer
;; << string[address, length] -- integer >>
xx dup2, string_head__char, literal, '-', equal?, false?, false?branch, 3
xx digital_string_to_integer
xx end
xx string_tail__char
xx digital_string_to_integer
xx negate
xx end
xx 0
xx 0
define_function "digital-string->integer", digital_string_to_integer
;; << string[address, length] -- integer >>
xx zero, literal, sum$digital_string_to_integer, save
xx zero, literal, counter$digital_string_to_integer, save
xx dup2, string_reverse!
xx help__digital_string_to_integer
xx string_reverse!, drop2
xx literal, sum$digital_string_to_integer
xx fetch
xx end
define_function "help,digital-string->integer", help__digital_string_to_integer
;; << reversed-string[address, length] -- >>
xx dup, zero?, false?branch, 3
xx drop2
xx end
xx dup2, string_head__char, char_to_decimal_digital
xx literal, 10
xx literal, counter$digital_string_to_integer, fetch
xx one
xx literal, counter$digital_string_to_integer
xx add_save
xx power
xx multiple
xx literal, sum$digital_string_to_integer
xx add_save
xx string_tail__char
xx taca, help__digital_string_to_integer
define_function "find-char,string", find_char__string
;; << found:
;; string[address, length], char -- address, true >>
;; << not found:
;; string[address, length], char -- false >>
xx over, zero?, false?branch, 5
xx drop, drop2
xx false
xx end
xx xoverxx, fetch_byte
xx over, equal?, false?branch, 4
xx drop2
xx true
xx end
xx xxswapx
xx string_tail__char
xx xswapxx
xx taca, find_char__string
: XIE Yuheng ;
32 find-char,string . << 1 >>
fetch-byte . << 32 >>
;; 2 ^ 64 = 18446744073709551616
;; which is of length 20
;; so
;; I use 32 to align to 16
buffer$write_nature_number labeling
preserve 32
xx 0
define_function "write-nature-number", write_nature_number
;; << nature-number -- >>
xx write_nature_number__fill_buffer
xx write_string
xx end
define_function "write-nature-number,fill-buffer", write_nature_number__fill_buffer
;; << nature-number -- >>
xx zero
xx literal, counter$write_nature_number, save
xx write_nature_number__loop
xx literal, buffer$write_nature_number
xx literal, counter$write_nature_number, fetch
xx string_reverse!
xx end
define_function "write-nature-number,loop", write_nature_number__loop
;; << rest-number -- >>
xx literal, 10, divmod
xx decimal_digital_to_char
xx literal, buffer$write_nature_number
xx literal, counter$write_nature_number, fetch
xx addition
xx save_byte
xx one
xx literal, counter$write_nature_number
xx add_save
xx dup, zero?, false?branch, 3
xx drop
xx end
xx taca, write_nature_number__loop
define_function "write-integer", write_integer
;; << integer -- >>
xx dup, positive?, false?branch, 3
xx write_nature_number
xx end
xx literal, '-', write_byte
xx negate
xx write_nature_number
xx end
define_function ".", pretty_write_integer
;; << integer -- >>
xx write_integer
xx literal, 32
xx write_byte
xx end
- words are separated by spaces
- a bar-ket is a word even when there are no spaces around it
max_word_length = 1024
buffer$read_word labeling
preserve max_word_length
buffer$read_word_for_REPL labeling
preserve max_word_length
define_function "read-word-begin-char", read_word_begin_char
;; << -- non-blank-char >>
xx read_byte
xx dup, literal, 32 ;; ascii.space
xx greater_than?, false?branch, 2
xx end
xx drop
xx taca, read_word_begin_char
- skip any space-char (whitespace newline)
- call read_char to read characters into buffer until it hits a blank
- return the address of buffer and length to argument_stack
define_function "read-word->buffer", read_word_to_buffer
;; << buffer -- word[address, length] >>
xx read_word_begin_char
;; no metter what the begin char is
;; save it into buffer
xx dup2, swap, save_byte
xx swap, add1, swap
xx one, swap ;; leave length counter
;; << cursor[address in buffer], counter, begin char >>
xx dup, bar_ket_char?, false?branch, 4
xx drop
xx help__read_word_to_buffer__bar_ket
xx end
;; maybe add other type of chars
xx drop
xx help__read_word_to_buffer__regular
xx end
define_function "help,read-word->buffer,bar-ket", help__read_word_to_buffer__bar_ket
;; << cursor[address in buffer], counter -- word[address, length] >>
xx tuck, subtraction
xx swap
xx end
define_function "help,read-word->buffer,regular", help__read_word_to_buffer__regular
;; << cursor[address in buffer], counter -- word[address, length] >>
xx read_byte
xx dup, bar_ket_char?, false?branch, 6
xx unread_ket_char
xx tuck, subtraction
xx swap
xx end
xx dup, space_char?, false?branch, 6
xx drop
xx tuck, subtraction
xx swap
xx end
xx xoverxx, save_byte
xx add1
xx swap, add1, swap
xx taca, help__read_word_to_buffer__regular
- read-word will override the word readed before
define_function "read-word", read_word
;; << -- word[address of buffer$read_word, length] >>
xx literal, buffer$read_word, read_word_to_buffer
xx end
define_function "read-word-for-REPL", read_word_for_REPL
;; << -- word[address of buffer$read_word_for_REPL, length] >>
xx literal, buffer$read_word_for_REPL, read_word_to_buffer
xx end
- one should use space-string? to make sure that the string is not space-string before apply string-[head|tail],word onto the string
define_function "space-string?", space_string?
;; << string[address, length] -- bool >>
xx dup, zero?, false?branch, 4
xx drop2, true
xx end
xx dup2, string_head__char, space_char?, false?branch, 4
xx string_tail__char
xx taca, space_string?
xx drop2, false
xx end
- the error is not handled so before calling (string->word-begin) one should make sure that the argument is not a space-string
define_function "string->word-begin", string_to_word_begin
;; << string[address, length] -- string[address, length] >>
xx dup, zero?, false?branch, 2
;; no error handling
xx end
xx dup2, string_head__char
xx space_char?, false?, false?branch, 2
xx end
xx string_tail__char
xx taca, string_to_word_begin
define_function "string->word-end", string_to_word_end
;; << string[address, length] -- string[address, length] >>
xx dup, zero?, false?branch, 2
;; no error handling
xx end
xx dup2, string_head__char
xx bar_ket_char?, false?branch, 3
xx string_tail__char
xx end
xx help__string_to_word_end
xx end
define_function "help,string->word-end", help__string_to_word_end
;; << string[address, length] -- address >>
xx dup, zero?, false?branch, 2
;; no error handling
xx end
xx dup2, string_head__char
xx space_char?, false?branch, 2
xx end
xx dup2, string_head__char
xx bar_ket_char?, false?branch, 2
xx end
xx string_tail__char
xx taca, help__string_to_word_end
- note that the following functions do not create new strings
define_function "string-head,word", string_head__word
;; << string[address, length] -- word[address, length] >>
xx string_to_word_begin
xx dup2, string_to_word_end
xx swap, drop
xx subtraction
xx end
define_function "string-tail,word", string_tail__word
;; << string[address, length] -- string[address, length] >>
xx string_to_word_begin
xx string_to_word_end
xx end
- the dictionary is a single-linked-list of word-jo-jojo
- a jojo is an vector of jo
- from a jo one can find a jojo for example this is what the “explain$function” will do to help the interpreter to explain the mean of a jo
- from a word one can find a jo for example this is what the “define-function” will do from source code it defines new function into dictionary by creating new structured data into memory
- as find
- find jo in dictionary by word but I simply call it “find”
- a function whoes name is prefixed by “find” maybe fail to find and maybe returns a signal to inform the function who calls it
define_variable "*first-jo-in-dictionary*", V__first_jo_in_dictionary
xx (last_link + jo_size)
define_function "find", find
;; found :
;; << word[address, length] -- jo, true >>
;; not found :
;; << word[address, length] -- false >>
xx V__first_jo_in_dictionary
xx help__find
xx end
define_function "help,find", help__find
;; found :
;; << word[address, length], jo -- jo, true >>
;; not found :
;; << word[address, length], jo -- false >>
xx xxtuckx
xx jo_to_name, xxoverxx
;; for debug
;; xx jo_to_name
;; xx dup2
;; xx dup, write_integer, literal, 32, write_byte
;; xx write_string, literal, 10, write_byte
;; xx xxoverxx
;; xx dup2
;; xx dup, write_integer, literal, 32, write_byte
;; xx write_string, literal, 10, write_byte
xx string_equal?, false?branch, 4
xx drop2, true
xx end
xx xswapxx
xx dup, last_jo__dictionary?, false?branch, 5
xx drop, drop2
xx false
xx end
xx jo_to_pre_jo
xx taca, help__find
define_function "execute-word", execute_word
;; << word[address, length] -- unknown >>
xx dup2, integer_string?, false?branch, 3
xx string_to_integer
xx end
;; maybe more
xx dup2 ;; for to report undefined word
xx find, false?branch, 5
xx xxswapx, drop2
xx execute_jo
xx end
xx write_undefined_word_report__for_execute_word
xx write_string
xx literal, 10
xx write_byte
xx end
define_function "write-undefined-word-report,for-execute-word", write_undefined_word_report__for_execute_word
;; << -- >>
xx literal, string$undefined_word_report__for_execute_word
xx literal, length$undefined_word_report__for_execute_word
xx write_string
xx end
db "* (execute-word) MEETS UNDEFINED WORD : "
length$undefined_word_report__for_execute_word = (.end - string$undefined_word_report__for_execute_word)
define_function "basic-REPL", basic_REPL
xx read_word_for_REPL
xx execute_word
xx taca, basic_REPL
- from the aesthetics point of view I do NOT think which of the following is better then the other but I choose the second one
- first:
define-function factorial << n -- n! >> dup one? if end then dup sub1 factorial * end end
- second:
: factorial << n -- n! >> dup one? if end then dup sub1 factorial * end ; define-function
define_function "colon-string?", colon_string?
;; << string[address, length] -- bool >>
xx literal, ':'
xx char_string?
xx end
define_function "semicolon-string?", semicolon_string?
;; << string[address, length] -- bool >>
xx literal, ';'
xx char_string?
xx end
db "<<"
define_function "comment-begin-string?", comment_begin_string?
;; << string[address, length] -- bool >>
xx literal, string$comment_begin
xx literal, 2
xx string_equal?
xx end
db ">>"
define_function "comment-end-string?", comment_end_string?
;; << -- >>
xx literal, string$comment_end
xx literal, 2
xx string_equal?
xx end
- nested : ; is NOT allow and no error check for it
- nested << >> must be handled
- comment are handled by : ; comment inside : ; are not readed
- note that there might be a ; in << >> when this happens the ; must NOT be readed
- note that a bar-ket is readed as a word double-quote is special bar-ket but “<” & “>” are not viewed as bar-ket
buffer$colon labeling
preserve 1024 * 1024
xx 0
define_function ":", colon
;; << -- string[address of buffer$colon, length] >>
xx literal, buffer$colon
xx literal, cursor$colon, save
xx help__loop__colon
;; address
xx literal, buffer$colon
;; length
xx literal, cursor$colon, fetch
xx literal, buffer$colon
xx subtraction
xx end
define_function "", help__loop__colon
;; << -- >>
xx read_byte
xx help__save_byte__colon
xx help__meet_end__colon?, false?branch, 7
xx literal, 3 ;; for the string " ; "
xx literal, cursor$colon
xx sub_save
xx end
xx help__meet_comment__colon?, false?branch, 9
xx literal, 4 ;; for the string " << "
xx literal, cursor$colon
xx sub_save
xx ignore_comment
xx taca, help__loop__colon
xx taca, help__loop__colon
define_function "", help__save_byte__colon
;; << byte -- >>
xx literal, cursor$colon, fetch
xx save_byte
xx one
xx literal, cursor$colon
xx add_save
xx end
define_function "", help__meet_end__colon?
;; << -- bool >>
xx literal, cursor$colon, fetch
xx literal, 3, subtraction
xx fetch_byte, space_char?
xx false?, false?branch, 3
xx false
xx end
xx literal, cursor$colon, fetch
xx literal, 2, subtraction
xx fetch_byte, literal, ';', equal?
xx false?, false?branch, 3
xx false
xx end
xx literal, cursor$colon, fetch
xx literal, 1, subtraction
xx fetch_byte, space_char?
xx false?, false?branch, 3
xx false
xx end
xx true
xx end
define_function "", help__meet_comment__colon?
;; << -- bool >>
xx literal, cursor$colon, fetch
xx literal, 4, subtraction
xx fetch_byte, space_char?
xx false?, false?branch, 3
xx false
xx end
xx literal, cursor$colon, fetch
xx literal, 3, subtraction
xx fetch_byte, literal, '<', equal?
xx false?, false?branch, 3
xx false
xx end
xx literal, cursor$colon, fetch
xx literal, 2, subtraction
xx fetch_byte, literal, '<', equal?
xx false?, false?branch, 3
xx false
xx end
xx literal, cursor$colon, fetch
xx literal, 1, subtraction
xx fetch_byte, space_char?
xx false?, false?branch, 3
xx false
xx end
xx true
xx end
- this function is for basic-REPL but it is reused by colon
define_function "<<", ignore_comment
;; << -- >>
xx read_word
xx dup2, comment_begin_string?, false?branch, 5
xx drop2
xx ignore_comment ;; for the new nested-comment
xx taca, ignore_comment ;; for the rest-comment
xx dup2, comment_end_string?, false?branch, 3
xx drop2
xx end
xx drop2
xx taca, ignore_comment
1 << 989 >> 64 add .
<< 65 >>
: kkk << 989 << 989 >> >> ; .s
<< kkk >>
size$jo_heap = 1024 * 1024 * jo_size
define_variable "*jo-heap*", V__jo_heap
xx address$jo_heap
define_variable "*size,jo-heap*", V__size__jo_heap
xx size$jo_heap
address$jo_heap labeling
preserve size$jo_heap
define_variable "*current-free-address,jo-heap*", V__current_free_address__jo_heap
xx address$jo_heap
- the make-jojo is a macro dispatcher it can be viewed as make-function-body it gets next word and use predicates on word to do dispatch
- note that make-jojo can be viewed as the “compiler” of the cicada-nymph it does NOT (can not) compile file to file but creates structured data directly into memory
define_exception "!undo-make-jojo", !undo_make_jojo
;; << old V__current_free_address__primitive_string
;; old V__current_free_address__jo_heap
;; old V__first_jo_in_dictionary
;; string[address, length]
;; -- >>
xx literal, string$undo_make_jojo_report
xx literal, length$undo_make_jojo_report
xx write_string
xx write_string
xx literal, 10, write_byte
xx literal, ';', write_byte
xx literal, 10, write_byte
xx address, V__first_jo_in_dictionary, save
xx address, V__current_free_address__jo_heap, save
xx address, V__current_free_address__primitive_string
xx save
xx end
db 10
db ": "
length$undo_make_jojo_report = (.end - string$undo_make_jojo_report)
- 這裏又產生了特殊的一類珠 它木訥雖然以 “M__” 爲前綴 但是沒有作爲字符串的名字 每個這種珠都與一個謂詞相對
define_function "make-jojo", make_jojo
;; << string[address, length] -- >>
xx local_variable_table__clear
xx make_jojo__loop
xx end
define_function "make-jojo,loop", make_jojo__loop
;; << string[address, length] -- >>
xx dup2, space_string?, false?branch, 3
xx drop2
xx end
xx dup2
xx string_tail__word
xx xxswapxx
xx string_head__word
;; << tail[address, length], head[address, length] >>
xx make_jojo__dispatch_word
xx taca, make_jojo__loop
define_function "make-jojo,dispatch-word", make_jojo__dispatch_word
;; << string[address, length], word[address, length] --
;; string[address, length] >>
xx dup2
xx find_dispatch_word_stack, true?, false?branch, 3
xx execute_jo
xx end
xx dup2
xx find, false?
xx false?branch, 7
xx write_undefined_word_report__for_make_jojo
xx write_string
xx literal, 10, write_byte
xx !undo_make_jojo
xx xxswapx, drop2 ;; word
xx make_jojo__dispatch_jo
xx end
define_function "make-jojo,dispatch-jo", make_jojo__dispatch_jo
;; << string[address, length], jo --
;; string[address, length] >>
xx dup, macro_jo?, false?branch, 3
xx execute_jo
xx end
;; the same to
;; function
;; primitive-function
;; variable
;; exception
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx end
define_function "write-undefined-word-report,for-make-jojo", write_undefined_word_report__for_make_jojo
;; << -- >>
xx literal, string$undefined_word_report__for_make_jojo
xx literal, length$undefined_word_report__for_make_jojo
xx write_string
xx end
db "* (make-jojo) MEETS UNDEFINED WORD : "
length$undefined_word_report__for_make_jojo = (.end - string$undefined_word_report__for_make_jojo)
- for we do not build border-check into the interface of pop and push we allocation some memory below the stacks
- the size$dispatch_word_stack defines the max number of word dispatchers
- values in dispatch_word_stack are two by two << dispatcher [macro, predicate] >>
size$dispatch_word_stack = 1024 * jo_size
preserve 64 * jo_size
address$dispatch_word_stack labeling
preserve size$dispatch_word_stack
xx address$dispatch_word_stack
match =64bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "push-dispatch-word-stack", push_dispatch_word_stack
;; argument-stack -> dispatch-word-stack
pop_argument_stack rax
mov rbx, [pointer$dispatch_word_stack]
mov [rbx], rax
add qword [pointer$dispatch_word_stack], jo_size
define_primitive_function "pop-dispatch-word-stack", pop_dispatch_word_stack
;; dispatch-word-stack -> argument-stack
sub qword [pointer$dispatch_word_stack], jo_size
mov rbx, [pointer$dispatch_word_stack]
mov rax, [rbx]
push_argument_stack rax
match =32bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "push-dispatch-word-stack", push_dispatch_word_stack
;; argument-stack -> dispatch-word-stack
pop_argument_stack rax
mov rsi, [pointer$dispatch_word_stack]
mov [rsi], rax
add dword [pointer$dispatch_word_stack], jo_size
define_primitive_function "pop-dispatch-word-stack", pop_dispatch_word_stack
;; dispatch-word-stack -> argument-stack
sub dword [pointer$dispatch_word_stack], jo_size
mov rsi, [pointer$dispatch_word_stack]
mov rax, [rsi]
push_argument_stack rax
match =64bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "clear-dispatch-word-stack", clear_dispatch_word_stack
;; << -- >>
mov qword [pointer$dispatch_word_stack], address$dispatch_word_stack
match =32bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "clear-dispatch-word-stack", clear_dispatch_word_stack
;; << -- >>
mov eax, address$dispatch_word_stack
mov dword [pointer$dispatch_word_stack], eax;address$dispatch_word_stack
define_function "find-dispatch-word-stack", find_dispatch_word_stack
;; << word[address, length]
;; -- jo, true
;; -- false >>
xx literal, pointer$dispatch_word_stack, fetch
xx literal, cursor$find_dispatch_word_stack, save
xx find_dispatch_word_stack__loop
xx end
xx 0
define_function "find-dispatch-word-stack,loop", find_dispatch_word_stack__loop
;; << word[address, length]
;; -- jo, true
;; -- false >>
xx literal, cursor$find_dispatch_word_stack, fetch
xx literal, address$dispatch_word_stack
xx equal?, false?branch, 4
xx drop2
xx false
xx end
xx dup2
xx literal, cursor$find_dispatch_word_stack, fetch
xx V__jo_size, subtraction, fetch
xx execute_jo, true?, false?branch, (.not_found-$)/jo_size
xx drop2
xx literal, cursor$find_dispatch_word_stack, fetch
xx V__jo_size, subtraction
xx V__jo_size, subtraction, fetch
xx true
xx end
xx literal, cursor$find_dispatch_word_stack, fetch
xx V__jo_size, subtraction
xx V__jo_size, subtraction
xx literal, cursor$find_dispatch_word_stack, save
xx taca, find_dispatch_word_stack__loop
define_function "initialize-dispatch-word-stack", initialize_dispatch_word_stack
;; << -- >>
xx clear_dispatch_word_stack
xx literal, M__integer_string, push_dispatch_word_stack
xx literal, integer_string?, push_dispatch_word_stack
xx end
- a macro is a function to be called at compile time with a string to be compiled as one argument and do side-effect to store data into memory and return a shorter string [this can be viewed as moving a cursor forward]
- a macro should be highlight by text editor in a special way
define_macro "address", M__address
;; << string[address, length] -- string[address, length] >>
xx literal, address
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx dup2
xx string_head__word
xx find, false?branch, 4
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx string_tail__word
xx end
xx write_undefined_word_report__for_address
xx dup2, string_head__word, write_string
xx literal, 10, write_byte
xx !undo_make_jojo
define_function "write-undefined-word-report,for-address", write_undefined_word_report__for_address
;; << -- >>
xx literal, string$undefined_word_report__for_address
xx literal, length$undefined_word_report__for_address
xx write_string
xx end
db "* (make-jojo (address)) THE WORD FOLLOWS (address) IS UNDEFINED : "
length$undefined_word_report__for_address = (.end - string$undefined_word_report__for_address)
define_macro "branch", M__branch
;; << string[address, length] -- string[address, length] >>
xx literal, branch
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx dup2
xx string_head__word
xx dup2, integer_string?, false?branch, 5
xx string_to_integer
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx string_tail__word
xx end
xx write_not_integer_string_report__for_branch
xx dup2, string_head__word, write_string
xx literal, 10, write_byte
xx !undo_make_jojo
define_function "write-not-integer-string-report,for-branch", write_not_integer_string_report__for_branch
;; << -- >>
xx literal, string$not_integer_string_report__for_branch
xx literal, length$not_integer_string_report__for_branch
xx write_string
xx end
db "* (make-jojo (branch)) THE WORD FOLLOWS (branch) MUST BE A INTEGER STRING : "
length$not_integer_string_report__for_branch = (.end - string$not_integer_string_report__for_branch)
define_macro "false?branch", M__false?branch
;; << string[address, length] -- string[address, length] >>
xx literal, false?branch
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx dup2
xx string_head__word
xx dup2, integer_string?, false?branch, 5
xx string_to_integer
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx string_tail__word
xx end
xx write_not_integer_string_report__for_false?branch
xx dup2, string_head__word, write_string
xx literal, 10, write_byte
xx !undo_make_jojo
define_function "write-not-integer-string-report,for-false?branch", write_not_integer_string_report__for_false?branch
;; << -- >>
xx literal, string$not_integer_string_report__for_false?branch
xx literal, length$not_integer_string_report__for_false?branch
xx write_string
xx end
db "* (make-jojo (false?branch)) THE WORD FOLLOWS (false?branch) MUST BE A INTEGER STRING : "
length$not_integer_string_report__for_false?branch = (.end - string$not_integer_string_report__for_false?branch)
- primitive-string-heap is used to allocate string literal in function body
- in ASCII encode double-quote is 34
define_macro '"', M__double_quote
;; << string[address, length] -- string[address, length] >>
xx dup2
xx literal, '"', find_char__string
xx false?branch, (.not_found-$)/jo_size
xx xoverxx, subtraction
;; << string[address, length], length >>
;; address
xx literal, literal
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx V__current_free_address__primitive_string, add2
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx xoverxx, over
xx save_into__primitive_string_heap
;; length
xx literal, literal
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx dup
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx tuck, subtraction
xx xxswapx
xx addition
xx swap
xx string_tail__char ;; over the ending double-quote
xx end
xx write_not_integer_string_report__for_double_quote
xx literal, 10, write_byte
xx !undo_make_jojo
define_function "write-not-integer-string-report,for-double-quote", write_not_integer_string_report__for_double_quote
;; << -- >>
xx literal, string$not_integer_string_report__for_double_quote
xx literal, length$not_integer_string_report__for_double_quote
xx write_string
xx end
db "* (make-jojo (double-quote)) CAN NOT FIND THE ENDING DOUBLE-QUOTE"
length$not_integer_string_report__for_double_quote = (.end - string$not_integer_string_report__for_double_quote)
define_macro "", M__integer_string
;; << string[address, length], word[address, length] --
;; string[address, length] >>
xx literal, literal
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx string_to_integer
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx end
- for the following function I add the “CICADA__” as prefix to distinguish from their assembly code version
define_function "define-function", CICADA__define_function
;; << string[address, length] -- >>
xx V__current_free_address__primitive_string, xxswapx
xx V__current_free_address__jo_heap, xxswapx
xx V__first_jo_in_dictionary, xxswapx
xx prepare_for
xx exception_head
xx !undo_make_jojo
xx end_of_prepare
xx V__current_free_address__primitive_string
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx dup2, string_head__word
xx save_into__primitive_string_heap
xx V__first_jo_in_dictionary
xx jo_to_link
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx V__current_free_address__jo_heap
xx address, V__first_jo_in_dictionary
xx save
xx literal, explain$function
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx dup2, string_tail__word
xx make_jojo
xx drop2
xx drop, drop, drop
xx end
: addadd add add end ; define-function
1 2 3 addadd . << 6 >>
: add1 1 add end ; define-function
1 add1 . << 2 >>
: negate 0 swap sub end ; define-function
1 negate . << -1 >>
define_function "define-macro", CICADA__define_macro
;; << string[address, length] -- >>
xx V__current_free_address__primitive_string, xxswapx
xx V__current_free_address__jo_heap, xxswapx
xx V__first_jo_in_dictionary, xxswapx
xx prepare_for
xx exception_head
xx !undo_make_jojo
xx end_of_prepare
xx V__current_free_address__primitive_string
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx dup2, string_head__word
xx save_into__primitive_string_heap
xx V__first_jo_in_dictionary
xx jo_to_link
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx V__current_free_address__jo_heap
xx address, V__first_jo_in_dictionary
xx save
xx literal, explain$macro
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx dup2, string_tail__word
xx make_jojo
xx drop2
xx drop, drop, drop
xx end
define_function "define-exception", CICADA__define_exception
;; << string[address, length] -- >>
xx V__current_free_address__primitive_string, xxswapx
xx V__current_free_address__jo_heap, xxswapx
xx V__first_jo_in_dictionary, xxswapx
xx prepare_for
xx exception_head
xx !undo_make_jojo
xx end_of_prepare
xx V__current_free_address__primitive_string
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx dup2, string_head__word
xx save_into__primitive_string_heap
xx V__first_jo_in_dictionary
xx jo_to_link
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx V__current_free_address__jo_heap
xx address, V__first_jo_in_dictionary
xx save
xx literal, explain$exception
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx dup2, string_tail__word
xx make_jojo
xx drop2
xx drop, drop, drop
xx end
- not undo is needed for define-variable
define_function "define-variable", CICADA__define_variable
;; << variable, string[address, length] -- >>
xx V__current_free_address__primitive_string
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx dup2, string_head__word
xx save_into__primitive_string_heap
xx V__first_jo_in_dictionary
xx jo_to_link
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx V__current_free_address__jo_heap
xx address, V__first_jo_in_dictionary
xx save
xx literal, explain$variable
xx save_into__jo_heap
;; when debugging
;; instead of drop2
;; one may wish to do some thing to the string
xx drop2
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx end
- you can see how the naming convention is used for functions that create structured data into memory
define_function "save-into,primitive-string-heap", save_into__primitive_string_heap
;; << string[address, length] -- >>
xx dup, V__current_free_address__primitive_string
xx save_two_bytes
xx literal, 2
xx address, V__current_free_address__primitive_string
xx add_save
xx tuck
xx V__current_free_address__primitive_string
xx string_to_buffer!
xx address, V__current_free_address__primitive_string
xx add_save
xx end
define_function "save-into,jo-heap", save_into__jo_heap
;; << number -- >>
xx V__current_free_address__jo_heap
xx save
xx literal, jo_size
xx address, V__current_free_address__jo_heap
xx add_save
xx end
233 : *three* ; define-variable
: add-three *three* add end ; define-function
1 add-three . << 234 >>
<< you get the address of the variable *three*
by add "address" in front of it >>
: fix-*three* 3 address *three* save end ; define-function
1 add-three . << 4 >>
: name-hash-table,insert,loop
<< string[address, length], number, counter
-- name, true
-- name, false >>
xx|tuck|xx name-hash-table,hash
<< number, counter, name, string[address, length], name >>
name,used? false? if
x|over|xx name,save-string
xx|tuck|x << name as return value >>
<< name, number, counter, name >>
x|over|xx 0 name-hash-table,hash
swap name,save-orbiton
<< name, number, counter >>
swap 0 name-hash-table,hash
1 address *name-hash-table,counter* add-save
<< number, counter, name, string[address, length] >>
x|over|xx name,fetch-string
xx|over|xx string-equal? if
drop2 xx|swap|x drop2
<< number, counter, name, string[address, length] >>
x|over|xxx *name-hash-table,size* equal? if
drop2 xx|swap|x drop2
<< number, counter, name, string[address, length] >>
x|swap|xx drop
xx|swap|xx add1
<> name-hash-table,insert,loop
; define-function
: name-hash-table,insert
<< string[address, length]
-- name, true
-- name, false >>
dup2 string->finite-carry-sum
0 name-hash-table,insert,loop
; define-function
: name-hash-table,insert,loop
<< string[address, length], number, counter
-- name, true
-- name, false >>
>:counter >:number >::string
:number :counter name-hash-table,hash
:number 0 name-hash-table,hash
:name name,used? false? if
::string :name
:orbit :name
:counter :orbit
1 address *name-hash-table,counter* add-save
:name true
:name name,fetch-string
::string string-equal? if
:name true
:counter *name-hash-table,size* equal? if
:name false
:number :counter add1
<> name-hash-table,insert,loop
; define-function
: name-hash-table,insert
<< string[address, length]
-- name, true
-- name, false >>
dup2 string->finite-carry-sum
0 name-hash-table,insert,loop
; define-function
- 在進行時 每次進入一個函數體的執行 即 每次將一串珠珠入棧時 同時在這串珠子底部加上 current_free_address$local_data_heap 即 在 explain$function 中需要做特殊處理 注意 explain$exception explain$macro 等等 和 explain$function 並沒有區別 只是名字不一樣而已 所以也需要做特殊處理
- 這個值在函數退出時 [即 在 end 這個函數中] 用以重置 current_free_address$local_data_heap 也就是 釋放在這次函數作用過程中所分配的內存
- 每次 >:name 的時候 都更新 current_free_address$local_data_heap 以分配內存就行了
- 也就是說 return-stack 中的大多數有效值 都是以兩個值一對的方式存在的
- 兩個結尾詞是 end 和 <> 對於 <> 即 對於明顯的尾遞歸調用 需要利用棧中的值重置 current_free_address$local_data_heap 但是並不入棧新值
- 這裏需要識別 >:name 還有 :name 等等 並對它們做特殊處理 這些東西應該藉助設計良好的語法擴展機制來實現
- 也就是說 單純的 define-macro 是不充分的 需要讓 make-jojo 維護一個列表 以動態的方式查找 語法謂詞
- 實際上 我將使用一個 語法謂詞 的棧 可以發現 這樣的話 我就能很容易地臨時改變語法了
- 需要重寫的部分還有 exception-handling
- 首先要滿足最基本的 長度爲 jo-size 的倍數的 局部變量的需求 其次 還要能夠在所申請的局部空間裏使用字符串 這兩種長度的數據結構需要共存 使用 offset 就行了
- 底層 local-data-allocate,byte 這個只讓 current_free_address$local_data_heap 前進 而不後退
- 注意 最爲重要的特點是 所有的對 局部數據堆 的使用 都必須在編譯時期被靜態地算出來 所以必須設計語法幫助編譯器作計算 >:name :name 用以 分配 和 使用 jo-size 倍數大小的內存 而 16 %>:address 將分配 16 byte 的內存 然後把內存首的地址存放到 :address 這個局部變量中
- 語義方面
>:name 的重複出現有兩種語義
- 更新這個局部變元的值
- 覆蓋上一個局部變元綁定
我選擇第一種 因爲這樣 我就不必設計額外的語法來更新局部變元的值了 比較簡潔
- 所有有名局部變元的名字與值的對應 都由編譯器處理
- 每個函數體就是一個非常線性的東西 函數體中不能嵌套別的函數體
- 所有的函數都是全局的 包括輔助函數
- 所以設計輔助函數的時候 應該格外小心 儘量使得輔助函數能夠被重用
- 改代碼並調整對輔助函數的使用 就被稱作是 “re-factoring” 即 函數的因子的重新分解
size$local_data_heap = 3 * 1024 * 1024
address$local_data_heap labeling
preserve size$local_data_heap
xx address$local_data_heap
define_function "local-data-allocate,byte", local_data_allocate__byte
;; << number -- >>
xx literal, current_free_address$local_data_heap
xx add_save
xx end
define_function "local-data-allocate,jo", local_data_allocate__jo
;; << number -- >>
xx V__jo_size, multiple
xx literal, current_free_address$local_data_heap
xx add_save
xx end
- in memory
1 : value-1 1 : value-2 1 : value-3 - on stack << value-1, value-2, value-3, … >>
match =64bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "n-fetch-local-data", n_fetch_local_data
;; << offset, n -- value-1, ..., value-n >>
mov rbx, [pointer$return_stack - (2 * jo_size)]
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rdx
add rbx, rdx
mov rax, [rbx]
push_argument_stack rax
add rbx, jo_size
loop .loop
define_primitive_function "n-save-local-data", n_save_local_data
;; << value-n, ..., value-1, offset, n -- >>
mov rbx, [pointer$return_stack - (2 * jo_size)]
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rdx
add rbx, rdx
mov rax, jo_size
imul rax, rcx
add rbx, rax
;; for address is based on 0
;; but n is based on 1
sub rbx, jo_size
pop_argument_stack rax
mov [rbx], rax
sub rbx, jo_size
loop .loop
match =32bit, machine {
define_primitive_function "n-fetch-local-data", n_fetch_local_data
;; << offset, n -- value-1, ..., value-n >>
mov rax, [pointer$return_stack]
mov rbx, [rax - (2 * jo_size)]
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rdx
add rbx, rdx
mov rax, [rbx]
push_argument_stack rax
add rbx, jo_size
loop .loop
define_primitive_function "n-save-local-data", n_save_local_data
;; << value-n, ..., value-1, offset, n -- >>
mov rax, [pointer$return_stack]
mov rbx, [rax - (2 * jo_size)]
pop_argument_stack rcx
pop_argument_stack rdx
add rbx, rdx
mov rax, jo_size
imul rax, rcx
add rbx, rax
;; for address is based on 0
;; but n is based on 1
sub rbx, jo_size
pop_argument_stack rax
mov [rbx], rax
sub rbx, jo_size
loop .loop
- with >::name
without @:address
: example << number1, number2, number3, number4 -- number1, number2 >> >::var2 >::var2 ::var2 end ; define-function
define_function "example", example ;; >::var2 xx literal, 2, local_data_allocate__jo xx literal, 0, literal, 2, n_save_local_data ;; >::var2 xx literal, 0, literal, 2, n_save_local_data ;; ::var2 xx literal, 0, literal, 2, n_fetch_local_data xx end
- with @:address
without >::name
: example << -- >> @:address 16 @:address 32 end ; define-function
define_function "example", example ;; @:address 16 xx literal, 1, local_data_allocate__jo xx literal, 16 xx literal, current_free_address$local_data_heap xx fetch, swap xx local_data_allocate__byte xx literal, (0 + jo_size + 16), n_save_local_data ;; @:address 32 xx literal, 32 xx literal, current_free_address$local_data_heap xx fetch, swap xx local_data_allocate__byte xx literal, (0 + jo_size + 16), n_save_local_data xx end
: local-variable,test
<< number1, number2, number3 -- number1 + number2 >>
; define-function
1 2 4 local-variable,test << 3 >> .
: local-variable,test,2
<< number1, number2 -- number2 + number3 >>
; define-function
1 2 local-variable,test,2 << 1 2 >> . .
: local-variable,test,3
<< number1, number2, number3 -- number2 + number3 >>
; define-function
1 2 4 local-variable,test,3 << 6 >> .
define_function "count-front-colon", count_front_colon
;; << string[address, length] -- number >>
xx literal, 0 ;; counter
xx count_front_colon__loop
xx end
define_function "count-front-colon,loop", count_front_colon__loop
;; << string[address, length], counter -- number >>
xx over, zero?, false?branch, 4
xx xxswapx, drop2
xx end
xx xxoverx, string_head__char
xx literal, ':', equal?, false?, false?branch, 4
xx xxswapx, drop2
xx end
xx add1, xxswapx
xx string_tail__char, xswapxx
xx taca, count_front_colon__loop
- :name ::name
define_function "local-variable-fetch-string?", local_variable_fetch_string?
;; << string[address, length] -- bool >>
xx dup, zero?, false?branch, 4
xx drop2, false
xx end
xx dup2, count_front_colon
xx dup, literal, 0, greater_than?, false?, false?branch, 5
xx drop, drop2, false
xx end
xx subtraction
xx swap, drop
xx literal, 0, greater_than?
xx end
define_macro "", M__local_variable_fetch_string
;; << string[address, length], word[address, length] --
;; string[address, length] >>
xx dup2
xx local_variable_table__find, false?branch, (.not_found-$)/jo_size
;; literal, <offese>, literal, n, n_fetch_local_data
xx literal, literal
xx save_into__jo_heap
;; offset
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx literal, literal
xx save_into__jo_heap
;; n
xx count_front_colon
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx literal, n_fetch_local_data
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx end
;; ><><>< exception handling
xx write_local_variable_not_bound_report
xx write_string
xx literal, 10, write_byte
xx !undo_make_jojo
define_function "write-local-variable-not-bound-report", write_local_variable_not_bound_report
xx literal, string$local_variable_not_bound_report
xx literal, length$local_variable_not_bound_report
xx write_string
xx end
length$local_variable_not_bound_report = (.end - string$local_variable_not_bound_report)
- >:name >::name
define_function "local-variable-save-string?", local_variable_save_string?
;; << string[address, length] -- bool >>
xx dup, zero?, false?branch, 4
xx drop2, false
xx end
xx dup2, string_head__char
xx literal, '>', equal?, false?, false?branch, 4
xx drop2, false
xx end
xx string_tail__char
xx dup2, count_front_colon
xx dup, literal, 0, greater_than?, false?, false?branch, 5
xx drop, drop2, false
xx end
xx subtraction
xx swap, drop
xx literal, 0, greater_than?
xx end
define_macro "", M__local_variable_save_string
;; << string[address, length], word[address, length] --
;; string[address, length] >>
xx string_tail__char
xx dup2
xx local_variable_table__find, false?branch, (.not_found-$)/jo_size
;; literal, <offese>, literal, n, n_save_local_data
xx literal, literal
xx save_into__jo_heap
;; offset
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx literal, literal
xx save_into__jo_heap
;; n
xx count_front_colon
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx literal, n_save_local_data
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx end
xx dup2
xx local_variable_table__insert
xx xxswapx
xx count_front_colon
;; literal, <number>, local_data_allocate__jo
xx literal, literal
xx save_into__jo_heap
;; number of jo
xx dup, save_into__jo_heap
xx literal, local_data_allocate__jo
xx save_into__jo_heap
;; literal, <offese>, literal, n, save_local_data
xx literal, literal
xx save_into__jo_heap
;; offset
xx swap
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx literal, literal
xx save_into__jo_heap
;; n
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx literal, n_save_local_data
xx save_into__jo_heap
xx end
- @:address
define_function "local-variable-save-address-string?", local_variable_save_address_string?
;; << string[address, length] -- bool >>
xx dup, literal, 3, less_than?, false?branch, 4
xx drop2, false
xx end
xx dup2, string_head__char
xx literal, '@', equal?, false?, false?branch, 4
xx drop2, false
xx end
xx dup2, string_head__char
xx literal, ':', equal?, false?, false?branch, 4
xx drop2, false
xx end
xx string_head__char
xx literal, ':', equal?, false?
xx end
- @:address <literal-number> <literal-number> must be literal for the amount of memory be allocated must be decided as compile-time
define_macro "", M__local_variable_save_address_string
;; << string[address, length], word[address, length] --
;; string[address, length] >>
xx string_tail__char
xx dup2
xx end
size$local_variable_table = 100 * 1024
address$local_variable_table labeling
preserve size$local_variable_table
xx address$local_variable_table
xx 0
define_function "local-variable-table,clear", local_variable_table__clear
;; << -- >>
xx literal, address$local_variable_table
xx literal, border$local_variable_table, save
xx literal, 0
xx literal, offset$local_variable_table, save
xx end
define_function "local-variable-table,insert", local_variable_table__insert
;; << string[address, length] -- offset >>
;; leave offset
xx literal, offset$local_variable_table, fetch
xx xxtuckx ;; return value
xx literal, border$local_variable_table, fetch, save
xx V__jo_size
xx literal, border$local_variable_table, add_save
;; update offset$local_variable_table
xx dup2
xx count_front_colon
xx V__jo_size, multiple
xx literal, offset$local_variable_table, add_save
;; leave length
xx dup
xx literal, border$local_variable_table, fetch, save
xx V__jo_size
xx literal, border$local_variable_table, add_save
xx tuck ;; for to update border$local_variable_table
;; leave string
xx literal, border$local_variable_table, fetch
xx string_to_buffer!
;; update border$local_variable_table
xx literal, border$local_variable_table, add_save
xx end
xx address$local_variable_table
define_function "local-variable-table,find", local_variable_table__find
;; << string[address, length]
;; -- offset, true
;; -- false >>
xx literal, address$local_variable_table
xx literal, cursor$local_variable_table, save
xx local_variable_table__find__loop
xx end
define_function "local-variable-table,find,loop", local_variable_table__find__loop
;; << string[address, length]
;; -- offset, true
;; -- false >>
xx literal, cursor$local_variable_table, fetch
xx literal, border$local_variable_table, fetch
xx greater_or_equal?, false?branch, 4
xx drop2
xx false
xx end
xx dup2
xx literal, cursor$local_variable_table, fetch
xx V__jo_size, addition
xx V__jo_size, addition ;; address of string
xx literal, cursor$local_variable_table, fetch
xx V__jo_size, addition
xx fetch ;; length of string
xx string_equal?, false?branch, 8
xx drop2
xx literal, cursor$local_variable_table, fetch
xx fetch ;; offset
xx true
xx end
xx literal, cursor$local_variable_table, fetch
xx V__jo_size, addition
xx fetch ;; length of string
xx V__jo_size, addition
xx V__jo_size, addition
xx literal, cursor$local_variable_table, add_save
xx taca, local_variable_table__find__loop
define_function "initialize-local-variable", initialize_local_variable
;; << -- >>
xx literal, M__local_variable_save_string, push_dispatch_word_stack
xx literal, local_variable_save_string?, push_dispatch_word_stack
xx literal, M__local_variable_fetch_string, push_dispatch_word_stack
xx literal, local_variable_fetch_string?, push_dispatch_word_stack
xx end
- this word is implemented as a function
define_function "platform", the_platform
xx literal, string$platform
xx literal, length$platform
xx end
match =linux, platform {
db "linux"
match =windows, platform {
db "windows"
length$platform = (.end - string$platform)
define_variable "*un-initialized-memory*", V__un_initialized_memory
xx address$un_initialized_memory
define_variable "*size,un-initialized-memory*", V__size__un_initialized_memory
xx size$un_initialized_memory
define_variable "*current-free-address,un-initialized-memory*", V__current_free_address__un_initialized_memory
xx current_free_address$un_initialized_memory
- the last_primitive_string_in_assembly is just ”current-free-address,primitive-string-heap”
define_variable "*current-free-address,primitive-string-heap*", V__current_free_address__primitive_string
xx current_free_address$primitive_string_heap
- this word helps to initialize V__first_jo_in_dictionary
last_link = link
size$un_initialized_memory = 64 * 1024 * 1024 ;; (byte)
match =linux =64bit, platform machine {
segment readable writeable
rb size$un_initialized_memory
match =linux =32bit, platform machine {
segment readable writeable
rb size$un_initialized_memory
match =windows =64bit, platform machine {
section '.data' data readable writeable
rb size$un_initialized_memory
if platform eq windows
if machine eq 64bit
;; Macroinstructions for making import section (64-bit)
macro library [name,string] {
local _label
if defined name#.redundant
if ~ name#.redundant
dd RVA name#.lookup,0,0,RVA _label,RVA name#.address
finish if
finish if
name#.referred = 1
dd 0,0,0,0,0
if defined name#.redundant
if ~ name#.redundant
_label db string,0
rb RVA $ and 1
finish if
finish if
macro import name,[label,string] {
rb (- rva $) and 7
if defined name#.referred
if used label
if string eqtype ''
local _label
dq RVA _label
dq 8000000000000000h + string
finish if
finish if
if $ > name#.lookup
name#.redundant = 0
dq 0
name#.redundant = 1
finish if
if used label
if string eqtype ''
label dq RVA _label
label dq 8000000000000000h + string
finish if
finish if
if ~ name#.redundant
dq 0
finish if
if used label & string eqtype ''
_label dw 0
db string,0
rb RVA $ and 1
finish if
finish if
finish if
finish if
match =windows =64bit, platform machine {
section '.idata' import data readable writeable
library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL'
import kernel32,\
CloseHandle, 'CloseHandle',\
CreateFileA, 'CreateFileA'
match =windows =32bit, platform machine {
section '.data' data readable writeable
rb size$un_initialized_memory
if platform eq windows
if machine eq 32bit
; Macroinstructions for making import section
macro library [name,string] {
local _label
if defined name#.redundant
if ~ name#.redundant
dd RVA name#.lookup,0,0,RVA _label,RVA name#.address
finish if
finish if
name#.referred = 1
dd 0,0,0,0,0
if defined name#.redundant
if ~ name#.redundant
_label db string,0
rb RVA $ and 1
finish if
finish if
macro import name,[label,string]
{ common
rb (- rva $) and 3
if defined name#.referred
if used label
if string eqtype ''
local _label
dd RVA _label
dd 80000000h + string
finish if
finish if
if $ > name#.lookup
name#.redundant = 0
dd 0
name#.redundant = 1
finish if
if used label
if string eqtype ''
label dd RVA _label
label dd 80000000h + string
finish if
finish if
if ~ name#.redundant
dd 0
finish if
if used label & string eqtype ''
_label dw 0
db string,0
rb RVA $ and 1
finish if
finish if
finish if
finish if
match =windows =32bit, platform machine {
section '.idata' import data readable writeable
library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL'
import kernel32,\
CloseHandle, 'CloseHandle',\
CreateFileA, 'CreateFileA'