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Typed BNF Documentations

Typed BNF (TBNF) has a language specification described by TBNF itself (TypedBNF.tbnf), which generates a parser for Typed BNF.

A syntax specification to Typed BNF is given at the end of this documentation: Spec. This specification uses the standard BNF notation extended by the ANTLR4 lexer language. Such a specification is automatically generated from TypedBNF.tbnf.

Typed BNF Language Constructs

Nonterminal definitions

a : b "c" "d" { ($1, $2) }

b : e <F> { $1 }
  |   { 0 }

A nonterminal definition can take one or more productions. A production must take a semantic action at the end. A production can take zero or more terminals. Even an empty production must take a semantic action.

Named terminals and literal terminals

A symbol surrounded by angles (<F>) is a named terminal (which is opposite to the standard BNF). A symbol surrounded by double-quoted string is a literal terminal, and literal terminals support escaping (e.g., "\n", \b).

Parametric nonterminals

Typed BNF support parameteric polymorphisms.

Given a parametric rule:

f(a) : a f(a) { expr1 }
     | b      { expr2 }

The following two rules for c are equivalent.

fd : d fd { expr1 }
   | b    { expr2 }

c : f(d) { $1 }
c : fd   { $1 }

Semantic actions

A semantic action in Typed BNF is written in a dedicated DSL called "Simpler", which is a simple ML programming language with the following features:

  1. No let-polymorphisms. User code shall not include definitions for polymorphic values.
  2. Multi-ary functions. No curried functions.
  3. Universal quantifiers are ordered. The type <A, B> (A, B) -> A is different from <B, A>(A, B) -> A.

Semantic values (slots)

a : b c { $1 } // '$1' is the result of parsing 'b'!
a : b c { $2 } // '$2' is the result of parsing 'c'!

Let bindings and variables

a : b c { let x = $1 in x }


Integers, floats, booleans are constants.

a : b c { 1.0 }
a : b c { "1.0" }
a : b c { 1 }
a : b c { true }
a : b c { false }

Function calls

a : b c { myfunc($1, $2) }


a : b c { let first = fun (x: int, y: int) -> x in first($1, $2) }

Parameters need annotations.

NOTE: This is slightly different from the paper. In the paper, we show the core language where parameters need no type annotations. However, for practical use, we want to support the handy field accessing a.b, where the type checker reports better error messages when parameter types are explicitly given.

Tuples and lists

a: b c { ($1, $2) }
a: b b { [$1, $2] }

Type/value definitions/declarations

Before writing the nonterminal rules, you can define/declare some values/types, where a few of them can be polymorphic!

External value declarations

extern var parseInt: token -> int

And you need to provide the implementation in the backend. For instance, in the Python+Lark backend, you need a file ${LANG} to give a function called parseInt. You can rename variable names using tbnf.config.js (See homepage README for details).

from lark import Token
def parseInt(x: Token):
    return int(str(x))

External type declarations

extern type A
extern type GenericType<A, B, C>

ADT definitions

type expr
case IntExpr : int -> expr // define constructors
case LetExpr : (name: string, value: expr, body: expr) -> expr

expr : <INT> { IntExpr(parseInt($1)) } // constructors can be called directly

Record definitions

type Pair<A, B>(fst: A, snd: B)

pair(a, b) : a b { Pair($1, $2) } // the typename of a record type can be called directly.

Lexical rules

A lexical rule LEX can be defined as a

  • Range: [a-z], [た-わ], [我-超]. Notations like [a-zA-Z] are so far rejected.
  • Literal: "a", "\"".
  • Unicode range: [\u0001-\u9999]
  • Number: \d
  • Negations: ! LEX
  • Star: LEX*
  • Plus: LEX+
  • Optional: LEX?
  • Nested lexical rules: ( LEX )

For the precedences, users are referred to the SPEC.

CLI Usage

> node tbnf.js --help
usage: tbnf.js [-h] [-o OUTDIR] [-lang LANGUAGE]
               [-be {python-lark,ocaml-menhir,csharp-antlr,purebnf}]
               [-conf CONFIGPATH]

Argparse example

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTDIR, --outDir OUTDIR
  -lang LANGUAGE, --language LANGUAGE
                        name of your own language
  -be {python-lark,ocaml-menhir,csharp-antlr,purebnf}, --backend {python-lark,ocaml-menhir,csharp-antlr,purebnf}
  -conf CONFIGPATH, --configPath CONFIGPATH
                        path to a config file

Typed BNF Syntax Specification

<list(toplevel)> ::= <toplevel>
                 |   <list(toplevel)> <toplevel>
<start> ::= <list(toplevel)>
<identstr> ::= CNAMEPLUS
<typ> ::= <arrow_typ>
<slist(",",param_type)> ::= <param_type>
                        |   <slist(",",param_type)> ',' <param_type>
<empty(slist(",",param_type))> ::= 
                               |   <slist(",",param_type)>
<eslist(",",param_type)> ::= <empty(slist(",",param_type))>
<arrow_typ> ::= <typ2> '->' <arrow_typ>
            |   '(' <eslist(",",param_type)> ')' '->' <arrow_typ>
            |   <type_product>
<slist(",",typ)> ::= <typ>
                 |   <slist(",",typ)> ',' <typ>
<typ2> ::= CNAMEPLUS
       |   <tvar>
       |   <typ2> '<' <slist(",",typ)> '>'
<type_product> ::= <type_product> '*' <typ2>
               |   <typ2>
<top_typ> ::= '<' <slist(",",tvar_str)> '>' <typ>
          |   <typ>
<tvar> ::= '\'' CNAMEPLUS
<tvar_str> ::= '\'' CNAMEPLUS
<param_type> ::= CNAMEPLUS ':' <typ>
             |   <typ>
<slist(",",tvar_str)> ::= <tvar_str>
                      |   <slist(",",tvar_str)> ',' <tvar_str>
<type_params> ::= '<' <slist(",",tvar_str)> '>'
<field_ann> ::= CNAMEPLUS ':' <typ>
<slist(",",field_ann)> ::= <field_ann>
                       |   <slist(",",field_ann)> ',' <field_ann>
<empty(slist(",",field_ann))> ::= 
                              |   <slist(",",field_ann)>
<eslist(",",field_ann)> ::= <empty(slist(",",field_ann))>
<field_anns> ::= '(' <eslist(",",field_ann)> ')'
<decl> ::= 'extern' 'var' <identstr> ':' <top_typ>
       |   'case' <identstr> ':' <typ>
       |   'extern' 'type' <identstr> <type_params> <field_anns>
       |   'type' <identstr> <type_params> <field_anns>
<toplevel> ::= <def>
           |   <decl>
           |   <lexerdef>
           |   'ignore' <slist(",",identstr)>
<slist(",",identstr)> ::= <identstr>
                      |   <slist(",",identstr)> ',' <identstr>
<def> ::= CNAMEPLUS '(' <slist(",",identstr)> ')' <productions>
      |   CNAMEPLUS <productions>
<productions> ::= ':' <production>
              |   <productions> '|' <production>
<list(psym)> ::= <psym>
             |   <list(psym)> <psym>
<empty(list(psym))> ::= 
                    |   <list(psym)>
<elist(psym)> ::= <empty(list(psym))>
<production> ::= <elist(psym)> '{' <expr> '}'
<slist(",",psym)> ::= <psym>
                  |   <slist(",",psym)> ',' <psym>
<psym> ::= '<' <identstr> '>'
       |   <identstr>
       |   CNAMEPLUS '(' <slist(",",psym)> ')'
<ann> ::= <identstr> ':' <typ>
<slist(",",ann)> ::= <ann>
                 |   <slist(",",ann)> ',' <ann>
<empty(slist(",",ann))> ::= 
                        |   <slist(",",ann)>
<eslist(",",ann)> ::= <empty(slist(",",ann))>
<func_parameters> ::= '(' <eslist(",",ann)> ')'
<expr> ::= 'let' <identstr> '=' <expr> 'in' <expr>
       |   'fun' <func_parameters> '->' <expr>
       |   <call>
       |   <call> ';' <expr>
<call> ::= <call> '(' <eslist(",",expr)> ')'
       |   <atomexp>
<empty(slist(",",expr))> ::= 
                         |   <slist(",",expr)>
<eslist(",",expr)> ::= <empty(slist(",",expr))>
<slist(",",expr)> ::= <expr>
                  |   <slist(",",expr)> ',' <expr>
<atomexp> ::= INT
          |   FLOAT
          |   ESCAPED_STRING
          |   '$' INT
          |   '[' <eslist(",",expr)> ']'
          |   '(' ')'
          |   '(' <slist(",",expr)> ')'
          |   CNAMEPLUS
          |   <atomexp> '.' CNAMEPLUS
          |   'true'
          |   'false'
<slist("|",lexer_and)> ::= <lexer_and>
                       |   <slist("|",lexer_and)> '|' <lexer_and>
<lexer> ::= <slist("|",lexer_and)>
<list(lexer_atomexpr)> ::= <lexer_atomexpr>
                       |   <list(lexer_atomexpr)> <lexer_atomexpr>
<lexer_and> ::= <list(lexer_atomexpr)>
<lexer_atomexpr> ::= <lexer_atomexpr> '+'
                 |   <lexer_atomexpr> '*'
                 |   <lexer_atomexpr> '?'
                 |   <lexer_atom>
<lexer_atom> ::= ESCAPED_STRING
             |   '!' <lexer_atom>
             |   '(' <lexer> ')'
             |   '\\d'
             |   RANGE
             |   UNICODE_RANGE
             |   '_'
             |   '.'
             |   CNAMEPLUS
<lexerdef> ::= CNAMEPLUS '=' <lexer> ';'
fragment UCODE : (DIGIT | [\u0061-\u0066] | [\u0041-\u0046]) ;
RANGE : '[' . '-' . ']' ;
fragment LCASE_LETTER : [\u0061-\u007A] ;
fragment UCASE_LETTER : [\u0041-\u005A] ;
fragment WORD : LETTER+ ;
CNAMEPLUS : ('_' | LETTER) ('_' | '-' | LETTER | DIGIT)* ;
fragment DIGIT : [\u0030-\u0039] ;
WS : (' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n') -> channel(HIDDEN);
FLOAT : INT ('.' INT)? (('E' | 'e') INT)? ;
fragment ESC : ('a' | 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'r' | '\\' | '"') ;
ESCAPED_STRING : '"' (('\\' ESC) | ~('"' | '\\'))* '"' ;
CPP_COMMENT : '/*' .*? '*/' -> channel(HIDDEN);
C_COMMENT : '//' ~'\n'* -> channel(HIDDEN);