This script will map metagenomic reads to bacterial pangenomes and quantify these genes in your data. You can either target one or more specific species (--species_id
), or provide this script a species abundance file.
The pipeline can be broken down into the following steps:
- build a database of pangenomes for abundance bacterial species
- map high-quality metagenomic reads to the database
- use mapped reads to quantify pangenome genes
Usage: genes <outdir> [options]
positional arguments:
outdir Path to directory to store results.
Directory name should correspond to sample identifier
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--remove_temp Remove intermediate files generated by MIDAS (False).
Useful to reduce disk space of MIDAS output
Pipeline options (choose one or more; default=all):
--build_db Build bowtie2 database of pangenomes
--align Align reads to pangenome database
--call_genes Compute coverage of genes in pangenome database
Database options (if using --build_db):
-d DB Path to reference database
By default, the MIDAS_DB environmental variable is used
--species_cov FLOAT Include species with >X coverage (3.0)
--species_topn INT Include top N most abundant species
--species_id CHAR Include specified species. Separate ids with a comma
Read alignment options (if using --align):
-1 M1 FASTA/FASTQ file containing 1st mate if using paired-end reads.
Otherwise FASTA/FASTQ containing unpaired reads.
Can be gzip'ed (extension: .gz) or bzip2'ed (extension: .bz2)
-2 M2 FASTA/FASTQ file containing 2nd mate if using paired-end reads.
Can be gzip'ed (extension: .gz) or bzip2'ed (extension: .bz2)
--interleaved FASTA/FASTQ file in -1 are paired and contain forward AND reverse reads
-s {very-fast,fast,sensitive,very-sensitive}
Alignment speed/sensitivity (very-sensitive)
-m {local,global} Global/local read alignment (local)
-n MAX_READS # reads to use from input file(s) (use all)
-t THREADS Number of threads to use (1)
Quantify genes options (if using --call_genes):
--readq INT Discard reads with mean quality < READQ (20)
--mapid FLOAT Discard reads with alignment identity < MAPID (94.0)
--aln_cov FLOAT Discard reads with alignment coverage < ALN_COV (0.75)
--trim INT Trim N base-pairs from 3'/right end of read (0)
run entire pipeline using defaults: genes /path/to/outdir -1 /path/to/reads_1.fq.gz -2 /path/to/reads_2.fq.gz
run entire pipeline for a specific species: genes /path/to/outdir --species_id Bacteroides_vulgatus_57955 -1 /path/to/reads_1.fq.gz -2 /path/to/reads_2.fq.gz
just align reads, use faster alignment, only use the first 10M reads, use 4 CPUs: genes /path/to/outdir --align -1 /path/to/reads_1.fq.gz -2 /path/to/reads_2.fq.gz -s very-fast -n 10000000 -t 4
just quantify genes, keep reads with >=95% alignment identity and reads with an average quality-score >=30: genes /path/to/outdir --call_genes --mapid 95 --readq 20
output: directory of per-species output files; files are tab-delimited, gzip-compressed, with header.
species.txt: list of species_ids included in local database
summary.txt: tab-delimited with header; summarizes alignment results per-species
log.txt: log file containing parameters used
temp: directory of intermediate files; run with --remove_temp
to remove these files
- gene_id: id of non-redundant gene used for read mapping; 'peg' and 'rna' indicate coding & RNA genes respectively
- count_reads: number of aligned reads to gene_id after quality filtering
- coverage: average read-depth of gene_id based on aligned reads (# aligned bp / gene length in bp)
- copy_number: estimated copy-number of gene_id based on aligned reads (coverage of gene_id / median coverage of 15 universal single copy genes)
- species_id: species id
- pangenome_size: number of non-redundant genes in reference pan-genome
- covered_genes: number of genes with at least 1 mapped read
- fraction_covered: proportion of genes with at least 1 mapped read
- mean_coverage: average read-depth across genes with at least 1 mapped read
- marker_coverage: median read-depth across 15 universal single copy genes
- aligned_reads: number of aligned reads BEFORE quality filtering
- mapped_reads: number of aligned reads AFTER quality filtering
- Memory usage will depend on the number of species you search and the number of reference genomes sequenced per species.
- In practice, peak memory usage will not exceed 1 Gb for most samples
- Speed will depend on the number of species you search and the number of reference genomes sequenced per species.
- For a single species with 1 reference genome, expect ~16,000 reads/second
- Use
to increase throughput