======= Minor Update: Custom selector for content
News: Navi 2.0 is still under production. Lots of features being added and making code more efficent. Please be patient :)
Navi makes it easy to dynamically display content on your sites. Instead of cluttering up your site tree with extra files, you can easily write all of your html code for multiple pages in one file. Navi leverages the hashchange event to change content based on the current hash, or falls back to Ben Alman's hashchange plugin to allow the use of the back button functionality.
Navi was created to be an easy way for anyone wanting to change content. Navi has serveral options to tweak and allows for loading content based on the page hash.
Notice: Navi.js will resume support for multiple sections / nested content in the next version.
- Ajax Support
- Google Analytics Support
- Change page title to reflect content
- Breadcrumbs support
- Back/forward button support
- Can change page title
- Easy HTML/JS markup
- Use any hash
- Multiple other uses including:
- Tabs
- Navigation
- Carousels
- Presentations
- Pagination
- BreadCrumbs
- Write multiple pages in one file
- Animations between changes:
- Slide Up
- Slide Left
- Slide Up-Left
- Fade
- Rotate Out-Down-Left
- Bounce Out-Down
- Bounce Out
- Light Speed
- Roll
- Flip-X
- Flip-Y
- More to come in 2.0
- Will be updated as frequently as possible
- jQuery 1.5 or newer
- Working on Chrome, Firefox, IE9/10, mobile
- 7/15/13 - Version 1.9.1 released | Minor Update: Allows custom selector for content
- 5/28/13 - Version 1.9 released | Major Update: New Animations, Removed Unnessesary code
- 3/05/13 - Version 1.8 released | Major Update: Ajax Support, Google Analytics Support
- 2/10/13 - Version 1.6 released | Minor Update: Made animation slideUpLeft look better / fixed IE bug
- 1/31/13 - Version 1.5 released | New Function: BreadCrumbs support
- 1/28/13 - Version 1.4 released | New Animation: slideUpLeft
- 1/28/13 - Version 1.3 released | New Animation: slideLeft
- 1/28/13 - Version 1.2 released | New Animation: Fade
- 1/16/13 - Version 1.1 released | New Function: Page Title Switcher
- 1/14/13 - Version 1.0 released | Default functionality