A Flutter plugin provides Lua virtual machine
This plugin is inspired by flutter_lua, a Go based Lua implementation for Flutter.
- Supports the latest stable vanilla Lua 5.4.1
- Supports multiple Lua instances (don't be too much. <=100 instances)
- Each Lua instance runs in a separate thread
- Lua "print" function outputs to Flutter console & Logging
- Lua script runs in platform thread
- Use Java/ObjC to avoid the annoying Swift version compatibility problem
Modules are loaded when a Lua VM starts. Can be used in Lua code directly.
Name | Global Name | Version |
LuaFileSystem | lfs | 1.8.0 |
lua-cjson | cjson | 2.1.0 |
cjson_safe | 2.1.0 | |
vmplugin | vmplugin | Plugin Specific |
- Lua library "os" is NOT supported yet, due to unsupported functions in iOS: system and tmpnam
- All returned values will be converted to string
VM instances are named to distinguish each other.
import 'package:luavm/luavm.dart';
await Luavm.open("vm-name");
When VM is opened, run Lua code with 'eval' function:
- To load a Lua function:
await Luavm.eval("name","function luafn(a,b) return a+b end" );
- To simply run Lua code:
final res = await Luavm.eval("name","return _VERSION")
res should be returned as:
["Lua 5.4"]
- To call a Lua function:
final res = await Luavm.eval("name","return luafn(1,2)");
Luavm.eval returns a list of String, contains each value returned from Lua function.
final res = await Luavm.eval("name","return 1,2,'hello'");
should return a Dart list:
await Luavm.close("name");
Errors will be thrown as LuaError which contains error message as a string.
To use internal Lua modules, no require is needed.
require is now used to import Lua code only, please set package.path properly before require.
This may import local lua file:
package.path = vmplugin.doc_dir.."/?.lua"
local add = require('lib-add')
It is a plugin specific module that provides platform support.
local doc_dir = vmplugin.doc_dir -- Absolute directory for Application Document
local platform = vmplugin.platform -- "ios" or "android"
local temp_dir = vmplugin.temp_dir -- Absolute directory for Temporary files, corresponding to Temporary Directory of iOS and CacheDir of Android
local res = vmplugin.invoke_method("method-name","method-args") -- this will invoke a Method Channel call, can be handled by Dart/Other Flutter plugins, currently only support pure string arguments
The invoke_method function can be very useful.
For instance, http get can be archieved this way (together with plugin dio) :
- In Lua
local jres = vmplugin.invoke_method('httpGet','https://api.myip.com');
- In Dart
Future<String> httpGet(String url) async {
final res = await Dio().get<String>(url);
return res.data;
Luavm.setMethodHandler('httpGet', httpGet);
Please try http-test.lua in example project to see more information.
local cj = cjson.new()
local tbl = {a=1,b=2,c={'a','b','c'}}
local txt = cj.encode(tbl)
local tres = cj.decode(txt)
Besides cjson, cjson_safe is also available to use.
for file in lfs.dir(spath) do
print ('-',file)
Welcome to create issue about bug, feature request, etc.