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685 lines (561 loc) Β· 23.7 KB

File metadata and controls

685 lines (561 loc) Β· 23.7 KB

Step 7: Adding LocalStack

The application is using an AWS lambda function to calculate some statistics (average and total count) for the ratings of a talk. The lambda function is invoked by the application any time the ratings for a talk are requested, using HTTP calls to the function URL of the lambda.

To enhance the developer experience of consuming this lambda function while developing the application, we will use LocalStack to emulate the AWS cloud environment locally.

LocalStack is a cloud service emulator that runs in a single container on your laptop or in your CI environment. With LocalStack, we can run your AWS applications or Lambdas entirely on your local machine without connecting to a remote cloud provider!

Creating the lambda function

The lambda function is a simple Go function that calculates the average rating of a talk. The function is defined in the main.go file under a lambda-go directory:

package main

import (


type RatingsEvent struct {
	Ratings map[string]int `json:"ratings"`

type Response struct {
	Avg        float64 `json:"avg"`
	TotalCount int     `json:"totalCount"`

var emptyResponse = Response{
	Avg:        0,
	TotalCount: 0,

// HandleStats returns the stats for the given talk, obtained from a call to the Lambda function.
// The payload is a JSON object with the following structure:
//	{
//	  "ratings": {
//	    "0": 10,
//	    "1": 20,
//	    "2": 30,
//	    "3": 40,
//	    "4": 50,
//	    "5": 60
//	  }
//	}
// The response from the Lambda function is a JSON object with the following structure:
//	{
//	   "avg": 3.5,
//	   "totalCount": 210,
//	}
func HandleStats(event events.APIGatewayProxyRequest) (Response, error) {
	ratingsEvent := RatingsEvent{}
	err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(event.Body), &ratingsEvent)
	if err != nil {
		return emptyResponse, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal ratings event: %s", err)

	var totalCount int
	var sum int
	for rating, count := range ratingsEvent.Ratings {
		totalCount += count

		r, err := strconv.Atoi(rating)
		if err != nil {
			return emptyResponse, fmt.Errorf("failed to convert rating %s to int: %s", rating, err)

		sum += count * r

	var avg float64
	if totalCount > 0 {
		avg = float64(sum) / float64(totalCount)

	resp := Response{
		Avg:        avg,
		TotalCount: totalCount,

	return resp, nil

func main() {

Now, in the lambda-go directory, create the go.mod file for the lambda function:


go 1.20

require v1.46.0

Now, create a Makefile in the lambda-go directory. It will simplify how the Go lambda is compiled and packaged as a ZIP file for being deployed to LocalStack. Please add the following content:

	go mod tidy

build-lambda: mod-tidy
	# If you are using Testcontainers Cloud, please add 'GOARCH=amd64' in order to get the localstack's lambdas using the right architecture
	GOOS=linux go build -tags lambda.norpc -o bootstrap main.go

zip-lambda: build-lambda
	zip -j bootstrap

At this point of the workshop, we are treating the lambda as a dependency of our ratings application. In the following steps, we will see how to add integration tests for the lambda function.

Finally, to integrate the package of the lambda into the local development mode of the application, please replace the contents of the Makefile in the root of the project with the following:

	$(MAKE) -C lambda-go zip-lambda

dev: build-lambda
	go run -tags dev -v ./...

We are adding a build-lambda goal that will build the lambda function and package it as a ZIP file. The dev goal will build the lambda function and start the application in development mode. The rest of the goals are the same as before.

Adding the LocalStack instance

Let's add a LocalStack instance using Testcontainers for Go.

  1. In the internal/app/dev_dependencies.go file, add the following imports:
import (
	osexec "os/exec"

  1. Add these two functions to the file:
// buildLambda return the path to the ZIP file used to deploy the lambda function.
func buildLambda() string {
	_, b, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
	basepath := filepath.Dir(b)

	lambdaPath := filepath.Join(basepath, "..", "..", "lambda-go")

	makeCmd := osexec.Command("make", "zip-lambda")
	makeCmd.Dir = lambdaPath

	err := makeCmd.Run()
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to zip lambda: %w", err))

	return filepath.Join(lambdaPath, "")

func startRatingsLambda() (testcontainers.Container, error) {
	ctx := context.Background()

	flagsFn := func() string {
		labels := testcontainers.GenericLabels()
		flags := ""
		for k, v := range labels {
			flags = fmt.Sprintf("%s -l %s=%s", flags, k, v)
		return flags

	var functionURL string

	c, err := localstack.Run(ctx,
			ContainerRequest: testcontainers.ContainerRequest{
				Env: map[string]string{
					"SERVICES":            "lambda",
					"LAMBDA_DOCKER_FLAGS": flagsFn(),
				Files: []testcontainers.ContainerFile{
						HostFilePath:      buildLambda(),
						ContainerFilePath: "/tmp/",
				LifecycleHooks: []testcontainers.ContainerLifecycleHooks{
						PostStarts: []testcontainers.ContainerHook{
							func(ctx context.Context, c testcontainers.Container) error {
								lambdaName := "localstack-lambda-url-example"

								// the three commands below are doing the following:
								// 1. create a lambda function
								// 2. create the URL function configuration for the lambda function
								// 3. wait for the lambda function to be active
								lambdaCommands := [][]string{
										"awslocal", "lambda",
										"create-function", "--function-name", lambdaName,
										"--runtime", "provided.al2",
										"--handler", "bootstrap",
										"--role", "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/lambda-ex",
										"--zip-file", "fileb:///tmp/",
									{"awslocal", "lambda", "create-function-url-config", "--function-name", lambdaName, "--auth-type", "NONE"},
									{"awslocal", "lambda", "wait", "function-active-v2", "--function-name", lambdaName},
								for _, cmd := range lambdaCommands {
									_, _, err := c.Exec(ctx, cmd)
									if err != nil {
										return err

								// 4. get the URL for the lambda function
								cmd := []string{
									"awslocal", "lambda", "list-function-url-configs", "--function-name", lambdaName,
								_, reader, err := c.Exec(ctx, cmd, exec.Multiplexed())
								if err != nil {
									return err

								buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
								_, err = buf.ReadFrom(reader)
								if err != nil {
									return err

								content := buf.Bytes()

								type FunctionURLConfig struct {
									FunctionURLConfigs []struct {
										FunctionURL      string `json:"FunctionUrl"`
										FunctionArn      string `json:"FunctionArn"`
										CreationTime     string `json:"CreationTime"`
										LastModifiedTime string `json:"LastModifiedTime"`
										AuthType         string `json:"AuthType"`
									} `json:"FunctionUrlConfigs"`

								v := &FunctionURLConfig{}
								err = json.Unmarshal(content, v)
								if err != nil {
									return err

								// 5. finally, set the function URL from the response
								functionURL = v.FunctionURLConfigs[0].FunctionURL

								return nil
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// replace the port with the one exposed by the container
	mappedPort, err := c.MappedPort(ctx, "4566/tcp")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	Connections.Lambda = strings.ReplaceAll(functionURL, "4566", mappedPort.Port())
	return c, nil

The first function will perform a make zip-lambda to build the lambda function and package it as a ZIP file, which is convenient to integrate the Make build system into the local development experience.

The second function will:

  • start a LocalStack instance, copying the zip file into the container before it starts. See the Files attribute in the container request.
  • leverate the container lifecycle hooks to execute commands in the container right after it has started. We are going to execute awslocal lambda commands inside the LocalStack container to:
    • create the lambda from the zip file
    • create the URL function configuration for the lambda function
    • wait for the lambda function to be active
    • read the response of executing an awslocal lambda command to get the URL of the lambda function, parsing the JSON response to get the URL of the lambda function.
    • finally store the URL of the lambda function in a variable
  • update the Connections struct with the lambda function URL.
  1. Update the comments for the init function startupDependenciesFn slice to include the LocalStack store:
// init will be used to start up the containers for development mode. It will use
// testcontainers-go to start up the following containers:
// - Postgres: store for talks
// - Redis: store for ratings
// - Redpanda: message queue for the ratings
// - LocalStack: cloud emulator for AWS Lambdas
// All the containers will contribute their connection strings to the Connections struct.
// Please read this blog post for more information:
func init() {
  1. Update the startupDependenciesFn slice to include the function that starts the ratings store:
	startupDependenciesFns := []func() (testcontainers.Container, error){

The complete file should look like this:

//go:build dev
// +build dev

package app

import (
	osexec "os/exec"


// init will be used to start up the containers for development mode. It will use
// testcontainers-go to start up the following containers:
// - Postgres: store for talks
// - Redis: store for ratings
// - Redpanda: message queue for the ratings
// - LocalStack: cloud emulator for AWS Lambdas
// All the containers will contribute their connection strings to the Connections struct.
// Please read this blog post for more information:
func init() {
	startupDependenciesFns := []func() (testcontainers.Container, error){

	for _, fn := range startupDependenciesFns {
		_, err := fn()
		if err != nil {

// buildLambda return the path to the ZIP file used to deploy the lambda function.
func buildLambda() string {
	_, b, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
	basepath := filepath.Dir(b)

	lambdaPath := filepath.Join(basepath, "..", "..", "lambda-go")

	makeCmd := osexec.Command("make", "zip-lambda")
	makeCmd.Dir = lambdaPath

	err := makeCmd.Run()
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to zip lambda: %w", err))

	return filepath.Join(lambdaPath, "")

func startRatingsLambda() (testcontainers.Container, error) {
	ctx := context.Background()

	flagsFn := func() string {
		labels := testcontainers.GenericLabels()
		flags := ""
		for k, v := range labels {
			flags = fmt.Sprintf("%s -l %s=%s", flags, k, v)
		return flags

	var functionURL string

	c, err := localstack.Run(ctx,
			ContainerRequest: testcontainers.ContainerRequest{
				Env: map[string]string{
					"SERVICES":            "lambda",
					"LAMBDA_DOCKER_FLAGS": flagsFn(),
				Files: []testcontainers.ContainerFile{
						HostFilePath:      buildLambda(),
						ContainerFilePath: "/tmp/",
				LifecycleHooks: []testcontainers.ContainerLifecycleHooks{
						PostStarts: []testcontainers.ContainerHook{
							func(ctx context.Context, c testcontainers.Container) error {
								lambdaName := "localstack-lambda-url-example"

								// the three commands below are doing the following:
								// 1. create a lambda function
								// 2. create the URL function configuration for the lambda function
								// 3. wait for the lambda function to be active
								lambdaCommands := [][]string{
										"awslocal", "lambda",
										"create-function", "--function-name", lambdaName,
										"--runtime", "provided.al2",
										"--handler", "bootstrap",
										"--role", "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/lambda-ex",
										"--zip-file", "fileb:///tmp/",
									{"awslocal", "lambda", "create-function-url-config", "--function-name", lambdaName, "--auth-type", "NONE"},
									{"awslocal", "lambda", "wait", "function-active-v2", "--function-name", lambdaName},
								for _, cmd := range lambdaCommands {
									_, _, err := c.Exec(ctx, cmd)
									if err != nil {
										return err

								// 4. get the URL for the lambda function
								cmd := []string{
									"awslocal", "lambda", "list-function-url-configs", "--function-name", lambdaName,
								_, reader, err := c.Exec(ctx, cmd, exec.Multiplexed())
								if err != nil {
									return err

								buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
								_, err = buf.ReadFrom(reader)
								if err != nil {
									return err

								content := buf.Bytes()

								type FunctionURLConfig struct {
									FunctionURLConfigs []struct {
										FunctionURL      string `json:"FunctionUrl"`
										FunctionArn      string `json:"FunctionArn"`
										CreationTime     string `json:"CreationTime"`
										LastModifiedTime string `json:"LastModifiedTime"`
										AuthType         string `json:"AuthType"`
									} `json:"FunctionUrlConfigs"`

								v := &FunctionURLConfig{}
								err = json.Unmarshal(content, v)
								if err != nil {
									return err

								// 5. finally, set the function URL from the response
								functionURL = v.FunctionURLConfigs[0].FunctionURL

								return nil
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// replace the port with the one exposed by the container
	mappedPort, err := c.MappedPort(ctx, "4566/tcp")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	Connections.Lambda = strings.ReplaceAll(functionURL, "4566", mappedPort.Port())
	return c, nil

func startRatingsStore() (testcontainers.Container, error) {
	ctx := context.Background()

	c, err := redis.Run(ctx, "redis:6-alpine")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	ratingsConn, err := c.ConnectionString(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	Connections.Ratings = ratingsConn
	return c, nil

func startStreamingQueue() (testcontainers.Container, error) {
	ctx := context.Background()

	c, err := redpanda.Run(

	seedBroker, err := c.KafkaSeedBroker(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	Connections.Streams = seedBroker
	return c, nil

func startTalksStore() (testcontainers.Container, error) {
	ctx := context.Background()
	c, err := postgres.Run(ctx,
		postgres.WithInitScripts(filepath.Join(".", "testdata", "dev-db.sql")),
			wait.ForLog("database system is ready to accept connections").
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	talksConn, err := c.ConnectionString(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	Connections.Talks = talksConn
	return c, nil

Now run go mod tidy from the root of the project to download the Go dependencies, this time only the Testcontainers for Go's LocalStack module.

Also run go mod tidy from the lambda-go directory to download the Go dependencies for the lambda function.

Finally, stop the application with Ctrl+C and run the application again with make dev. This time, the application will build the lambda, will start all the services, and the application will be able to connect to it.

go mod tidy
GOOS=linux go build -tags lambda.norpc -o bootstrap main.go
zip -j bootstrap
  adding: bootstrap (deflated 45%)
go run -tags dev -v ./...

2023/10/26 12:09:37 - Connected to docker: 
  Server Version: 23.0.6 (via Testcontainers Desktop 1.5.0)
  API Version: 1.42
  Operating System: Alpine Linux v3.18
  Total Memory: 5256 MB
  Resolved Docker Host: tcp://
  Resolved Docker Socket Path: /var/run/docker.sock
  Test SessionID: daefc07421b8d6bafd1212dbe6e8e550c6fa29cac9a025b46385f75eb5e2cb57
  Test ProcessID: 884e159f-f492-41d8-b9ee-7fe78b576108
2023/10/26 12:09:37 🐳 Creating container for image postgres:15.3-alpine
2023/10/26 12:09:38 βœ… Container created: d5ec7cecb562
2023/10/26 12:09:38 🐳 Starting container: d5ec7cecb562
2023/10/26 12:09:38 βœ… Container started: d5ec7cecb562
2023/10/26 12:09:38 🚧 Waiting for container id d5ec7cecb562 image: postgres:15.3-alpine. Waiting for: &{timeout:<nil> deadline:0x140003fb400 Strategies:[0x1400040b1a0]}
2023/10/26 12:09:50 🐳 Creating container for image redis:6-alpine
2023/10/26 12:09:50 βœ… Container created: bf4fcb4cd74c
2023/10/26 12:09:50 🐳 Starting container: bf4fcb4cd74c
2023/10/26 12:09:51 βœ… Container started: bf4fcb4cd74c
2023/10/26 12:09:51 🚧 Waiting for container id bf4fcb4cd74c image: redis:6-alpine. Waiting for: &{timeout:<nil> Log:* Ready to accept connections IsRegexp:false Occurrence:1 PollInterval:100ms}
2023/10/26 12:09:51 🐳 Creating container for image
2023/10/26 12:09:51 βœ… Container created: 07fb1e908b1e
2023/10/26 12:09:51 🐳 Starting container: 07fb1e908b1e
2023/10/26 12:09:52 βœ… Container started: 07fb1e908b1e
2023/10/26 12:09:53 Setting LOCALSTACK_HOST to (to match host-routable address for container)
2023/10/26 12:09:53 🐳 Creating container for image localstack/localstack:2.3.0
2023/10/26 12:09:53 βœ… Container created: c514896580c1
2023/10/26 12:09:53 🐳 Starting container: c514896580c1
2023/10/26 12:09:53 βœ… Container started: c514896580c1
2023/10/26 12:09:53 🚧 Waiting for container id c514896580c1 image: localstack/localstack:2.3.0. Waiting for: &{timeout:0x14000369ca0 Port:4566/tcp Path:/_localstack/health StatusCodeMatcher:0x1024f5090 ResponseMatcher:0x1025c66a0 UseTLS:false AllowInsecure:false TLSConfig:<nil> Method:GET Body:<nil> PollInterval:100ms UserInfo:}
[GIN-debug] [WARNING] Creating an Engine instance with the Logger and Recovery middleware already attached.

[GIN-debug] [WARNING] Running in "debug" mode. Switch to "release" mode in production.
 - using env:   export GIN_MODE=release
 - using code:  gin.SetMode(gin.ReleaseMode)

[GIN-debug] GET    /                         --> (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /ratings                  --> (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] POST   /ratings                  --> (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] [WARNING] You trusted all proxies, this is NOT safe. We recommend you to set a value.
Please check for details.
[GIN-debug] Listening and serving HTTP on :8080

In the second terminal, check the containers, we will see the LocalStack instance is running alongside the Postgres database, the Redis store and the Redpanda streaming queue:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                               COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS                   PORTS                                                                                                                                             NAMES
c514896580c1   localstack/localstack:2.3.0                         ""   2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes (healthy)   4510-4559/tcp, 5678/tcp,>4566/tcp, :::32792->4566/tcp                                                                              priceless_antonelli
07fb1e908b1e   "/ r…"   3 minutes ago   Up 3 minutes             8082/tcp,>8081/tcp, :::32791->8081/tcp,>9092/tcp, :::32790->9092/tcp,>9644/tcp, :::32789->9644/tcp   loving_murdock
bf4fcb4cd74c   redis:6-alpine                                      "docker-entrypoint.s…"   3 minutes ago   Up 3 minutes   >6379/tcp, :::32788->6379/tcp                                                                                                       angry_shirley
d5ec7cecb562   postgres:15.3-alpine                                "docker-entrypoint.s…"   3 minutes ago   Up 3 minutes   >5432/tcp, :::32787->5432/tcp                                                                                                       laughing_kare

The LocalStack instance is now running, and a lambda function is deployed in it. We can verify the lambda function is running by sending a request to the function URL. But we first need to obtain the URL of the lambda. Please do a GET request to the / endpoint of the API, where we'll get the metadata of the application. Something similar to this:

$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/

The JSON response:

{"metadata":{"ratings_lambda":"","ratings":"redis://","streams":"","talks":"postgres://postgres:[email protected]:32768/talks-db?"}}

In your terminal, copy the ratings_lambda URL from the response and send a POST request to it with curl (please remember to replace the URL with the one we got from the response):

curl -X POST -d '{"ratings":{"2":1,"4":3,"5":1}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

The JSON response:

{"avg": 3.8, "totalCount": 5}%

Great! the response contains the average rating of the talk, and the total number of ratings, calculated in the lambda function.

Next: Adding integration tests