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ODBC Driver and DSN

Gregory Kanevsky edited this page Mar 28, 2016 · 2 revisions

toaster requires Aster database ODBC driver installed. You can download it here for all major platforms and follow instructions for installing it. This is how installed ODBC Driver for Aster looks in Windows:

ODBC Aster Driver|thumbnail

For each database define a separate ODBC data source:

ODBC System DSN|thumbnail

toaster depends on package RODBC and uses its connection object to access Aster database:

     dsn = "MyAsterDbDSN"
     conn = odbcConnect(dsn)

Or connecting without defining an ODBC data source (only Aster ODBC driver must be installed):

conn = odbcDriverConnect(connection="driver={Aster ODBC Driver};server=xx.xx.xx.xx;port=2406;database=beehive;uid=beehive;pwd=beehive",
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