This file documents how to contribute to ttyplot and things to know before facing them. It will likely never be complete, but if something important turns out to be missing here, let's add it!
The CI does basic UI testing by making ANSI "screenshots"
of the running application and comparing them
against pre-recorded ANSI "screenshots" recordings/expected.txt
When you make changes to ttyplot that change the runtime appearance of
ttyplot, the CI will hopefully catch these changes
and reject them as a regression. In a case where these
changes are made with full intention, the screenshots
that the CI is comparing to at recordings/expected.txt
will then need to be regenerated.
For your convenience, an easy way to do that is:
$ ./recordings/
The script will re-render these screenshots and even create a Git commit for you.
For all that to work well on macOS, you would need to install:
$ brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
$ brew install \
On a Debian-based Linux including Ubuntu, you would need to install:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends -V \