diff --git a/core/src/main/java/io/temporal/samples/hello/HelloAccumulator.java b/core/src/main/java/io/temporal/samples/hello/HelloAccumulator.java
index f23f8874..d1ac2a63 100644
--- a/core/src/main/java/io/temporal/samples/hello/HelloAccumulator.java
+++ b/core/src/main/java/io/temporal/samples/hello/HelloAccumulator.java
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2024 Temporal Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+ * Copyright (c) 2020 Temporal Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved
* Copyright 2012-2016 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
@@ -17,618 +17,615 @@
* permissions and limitations under the License.
- package io.temporal.samples.hello;
- import io.temporal.activity.ActivityInterface;
- import io.temporal.activity.ActivityOptions;
- import io.temporal.api.workflow.v1.WorkflowExecutionInfo;
- import io.temporal.api.workflowservice.v1.DescribeWorkflowExecutionRequest;
- import io.temporal.api.workflowservice.v1.DescribeWorkflowExecutionResponse;
- import io.temporal.client.BatchRequest;
- import io.temporal.client.WorkflowClient;
- import io.temporal.client.WorkflowFailedException;
- import io.temporal.client.WorkflowNotFoundException;
- import io.temporal.client.WorkflowOptions;
- import io.temporal.client.WorkflowStub;
- import io.temporal.serviceclient.WorkflowServiceStubs;
- import io.temporal.worker.Worker;
- import io.temporal.worker.WorkerFactory;
- import io.temporal.workflow.SignalMethod;
- import io.temporal.workflow.Workflow;
- import io.temporal.workflow.WorkflowInterface;
- import io.temporal.workflow.WorkflowMethod;
- import java.io.Serializable;
- import java.time.Duration;
- import java.util.ArrayDeque;
- import java.util.Deque;
- import java.util.HashSet;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Optional;
- import java.util.Random;
- import java.util.Set;
- import java.util.stream.Collectors;
- import org.slf4j.Logger;
- import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
- /*
- * Sample Temporal Workflow Definition that accumulates events.
- * This sample implements the Accumulator Pattern: collect many meaningful
- * things that need to be collected and worked on together, such as
- * all payments for an account, or all account updates by account.
- *
- * This sample models robots being created throughout the time period,
- * groups them by what color they are, and greets all the robots
- * of a color at the end.
- *
- * A new workflow is created per grouping. Workflows continue as new as needed.
- * A sample activity at the end is given, and you could add an activity to
- * process individual events in the processGreeting() method.
- */
- public class HelloAccumulator {
- // set a time to wait for another signal to come in, e.g.
- // Duration.ofDays(30);
- static final Duration MAX_AWAIT_TIME = Duration.ofMinutes(1);
- static final String TASK_QUEUE = "HelloAccumulatorTaskQueue";
- static final String WORKFLOW_ID_PREFIX = "HelloAccumulatorWorkflow";
- public static class Greeting implements Serializable {
- String greetingText;
- String bucket;
- String greetingKey;
- public String getGreetingText() {
- return greetingText;
- }
- public void setGreetingText(String greetingText) {
- this.greetingText = greetingText;
- }
- public String getBucket() {
- return bucket;
- }
- public void setBucket(String bucket) {
- this.bucket = bucket;
- }
- public String getGreetingKey() {
- return greetingKey;
- }
- public void setGreetingKey(String greetingKey) {
- this.greetingKey = greetingKey;
- }
- public Greeting(String greetingText, String bucket, String greetingKey) {
- this.greetingText = greetingText;
- this.bucket = bucket;
- this.greetingKey = greetingKey;
- }
- public Greeting() {}
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- return "Greeting [greetingText="
- + greetingText
- + ", bucket="
- + bucket
- + ", greetingKey="
- + greetingKey
- + "]";
- }
- }
- /**
- * The Workflow Definition's Interface must contain one method annotated with @WorkflowMethod.
- *
- *
Workflow Definitions should not contain any heavyweight computations, non-deterministic
- * code, network calls, database operations, etc. Those things should be handled by the
- * Activities.
- *
- * @see io.temporal.workflow.WorkflowInterface
- * @see io.temporal.workflow.WorkflowMethod
- */
- @WorkflowInterface
- public interface AccumulatorWorkflow {
- /**
- * This is the method that is executed when the Workflow Execution is started. The Workflow
- * Execution completes when this method finishes execution.
- */
- @WorkflowMethod
- String accumulateGreetings(
- String bucketKey, Deque greetings, Set allGreetingsSet);
- // Define the workflow sendGreeting signal method. This method is executed when
- // the workflow receives a greeting signal.
- @SignalMethod
- void sendGreeting(Greeting greeting);
- // Define the workflow exit signal method. This method is executed when the
- // workflow receives an exit signal.
- @SignalMethod
- void exit();
- }
- /**
- * This is the Activity Definition's Interface. Activities are building blocks of any Temporal
- * Workflow and contain any business logic that could perform long running computation, network
- * calls, etc.
- *
- * Annotating Activity Definition methods with @ActivityMethod is optional.
- *
- * @see io.temporal.activity.ActivityInterface
- * @see io.temporal.activity.ActivityMethod
- */
- @ActivityInterface
- public interface GreetingActivities {
- String composeGreeting(Deque greetings);
- }
- /** Simple activity implementation. */
- static class GreetingActivitiesImpl implements GreetingActivities {
- // here is where we process all of the signals together
- @Override
- public String composeGreeting(Deque greetings) {
- List greetingList =
- greetings.stream().map(u -> u.greetingText).collect(Collectors.toList());
- return "Hello (" + greetingList.size() + ") robots: " + greetingList + "!";
- }
- }
- // Main workflow method
- public static class AccumulatorWorkflowImpl implements AccumulatorWorkflow {
- private final GreetingActivities activities =
- Workflow.newActivityStub(
- GreetingActivities.class,
- ActivityOptions.newBuilder().setStartToCloseTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(2)).build());
- private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AccumulatorWorkflowImpl.class);
- String bucketKey;
- ArrayDeque greetings;
- HashSet allGreetingsSet;
- boolean exitRequested = false;
- ArrayDeque unprocessedGreetings;
- @Override
- public String accumulateGreetings(
- String bucketKeyInput, Deque greetingsInput, Set allGreetingsSetInput) {
- bucketKey = bucketKeyInput;
- if (unprocessedGreetings == null) unprocessedGreetings = new ArrayDeque();
- greetings = new ArrayDeque();
- allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
- greetings.addAll(greetingsInput);
- allGreetingsSet.addAll(allGreetingsSetInput);
- // If you want to wait for a fixed amount of time instead of a time after a
- // message
- // as this does now, you might want to check out
- // ../../updatabletimer
- // Main Workflow Loop:
- // - wait for signals to come in
- // - every time a signal comes in, wait again for MAX_AWAIT_TIME
- // - if time runs out, and there are no messages, process them all and exit
- // - if exit signal is received, process any remaining signals and exit
- do {
- Workflow.await(MAX_AWAIT_TIME, () -> !unprocessedGreetings.isEmpty() || exitRequested);
- if (!unprocessedGreetings.isEmpty()) {
- processGreeting(unprocessedGreetings.removeFirst());
- } else {
- String greetEveryone = processGreetings(greetings);
- if (unprocessedGreetings.isEmpty()) {
- logger.info("Greeting queue is still empty");
- return greetEveryone;
- } else {
- // you can get here if you send a signal after an exit, causing rollback just
- // after the
- // last processed activity
- logger.info("Greeting queue not empty, looping");
- }
- }
- } while (!unprocessedGreetings.isEmpty() || !Workflow.getInfo().isContinueAsNewSuggested());
- logger.info("starting continue as new processing");
- // Create a workflow stub that will be used to continue this workflow as a new
- AccumulatorWorkflow continueAsNew = Workflow.newContinueAsNewStub(AccumulatorWorkflow.class);
- // Request that the new run will be invoked by the Temporal system:
- continueAsNew.accumulateGreetings(bucketKey, greetings, allGreetingsSet);
- // this could be improved in the future with the are_handlers_finished API. For
- // now if a signal comes in
- // after this, it will fail the workflow task and retry handling the new
- // signal(s)
- return "continued as new; results passed to next run";
- }
- // Here is where we can process individual signals as they come in.
- // It's ok to call activities here.
- // This also validates an individual greeting:
- // - check for duplicates
- // - check for correct bucket
- public void processGreeting(Greeting greeting) {
- logger.info("processing greeting-" + greeting);
- if (greeting == null) {
- logger.warn("Greeting is null:" + greeting);
- return;
- }
- // this just ignores incorrect buckets - you can use workflowupdate to validate
- // and reject
- // bad bucket requests if needed
- if (!greeting.bucket.equals(bucketKey)) {
- logger.warn("wrong bucket, something is wrong with your signal processing: " + greeting);
- return;
- }
- if (!allGreetingsSet.add(greeting.greetingKey)) {
- logger.info("Duplicate signal event: " + greeting.greetingKey);
- return;
- }
- // add in any desired event processing activity here
- greetings.add(greeting);
- }
- private String processGreetings(Deque greetings) {
- logger.info("Composing greetings for: " + greetings);
- return activities.composeGreeting(greetings);
- }
- // Signal method
- // Keep it simple, these should be fast and not call activities
- @Override
- public void sendGreeting(Greeting greeting) {
- // signals can be the first workflow code that runs, make sure we have
- // an ArrayDeque to write to
- if (unprocessedGreetings == null) {
- unprocessedGreetings = new ArrayDeque();
- }
- logger.info("received greeting-" + greeting);
- unprocessedGreetings.add(greeting);
- }
- @Override
- public void exit() {
- logger.info("exit signal received");
- exitRequested = true;
- }
- }
- /**
- * With the Workflow and Activities defined, we can now start execution. The main method starts
- * the worker and then the workflow.
- */
- public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
- // Get a Workflow service stub.
- WorkflowServiceStubs service = WorkflowServiceStubs.newLocalServiceStubs();
- /*
- * Get a Workflow service client which can be used to start, Signal, and Query
- * Workflow Executions.
- */
- WorkflowClient client = WorkflowClient.newInstance(service);
- client.getWorkflowServiceStubs().healthCheck();
- /*
- * Define the workflow factory. It is used to create workflow workers for a
- * specific task queue.
- */
- WorkerFactory factory = WorkerFactory.newInstance(client);
- /*
- * Define the workflow worker. Workflow workers listen to a defined task queue
- * and process
- * workflows and activities.
- */
- Worker worker = factory.newWorker(TASK_QUEUE);
- /*
- * Register the workflow implementation with the worker.
- * Workflow implementations must be known to the worker at runtime in
- * order to dispatch workflow tasks.
- */
- worker.registerWorkflowImplementationTypes(AccumulatorWorkflowImpl.class);
- /*
- * Register our Activity Types with the Worker. Since Activities are stateless
- * and thread-safe,
- * the Activity Type is a shared instance.
- */
- worker.registerActivitiesImplementations(new GreetingActivitiesImpl());
- /*
- * Start all the workers registered for a specific task queue.
- * The started workers then start polling for workflows and activities.
- */
- factory.start();
- System.out.println("Worker started for task queue: " + TASK_QUEUE);
- // setup which tests to run
- // by default it will run an accumulation with a few (20) signals
- // to a set of 4 buckets with Signal To Start
- boolean testContinueAsNew = false;
- boolean testSignalEdgeCases = true;
- // configure signal edge cases to test
- boolean testSignalAfterWorkflowExit = true;
- boolean testSignalAfterExitSignal = !testSignalAfterWorkflowExit;
- boolean testDuplicate = true;
- boolean testIgnoreBadBucket = true;
- // setup to send signals
- String bucket = "blue";
- String workflowId = WORKFLOW_ID_PREFIX + "-" + bucket;
- ArrayDeque greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
- HashSet allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
- String greetingKey = "key-";
- String greetingText = "Robby Robot";
- Greeting starterGreeting = new Greeting(greetingText, bucket, greetingKey);
- final String[] buckets = {"red", "blue", "green", "yellow"};
- final String[] names = {"Genghis Khan", "Missy", "Bill", "Ted", "Rufus", "Abe"};
- // Create the workflow options
- WorkflowOptions workflowOptions =
- WorkflowOptions.newBuilder().setTaskQueue(TASK_QUEUE).setWorkflowId(workflowId).build();
- AccumulatorWorkflow workflow =
- client.newWorkflowStub(AccumulatorWorkflow.class, workflowOptions);
- // send many signals to start several workflows
- int max_signals = 20;
- if (testContinueAsNew) max_signals = 10000;
- for (int i = 0; i < max_signals; i++) {
- Random randomBucket = new Random();
- int bucketIndex = randomBucket.nextInt(buckets.length);
- bucket = buckets[bucketIndex];
- starterGreeting.setBucket(bucket);
- Thread.sleep(20); // simulate some delay
- workflowId = WORKFLOW_ID_PREFIX + "-" + bucket;
- Random randomName = new Random();
- int nameIndex = randomName.nextInt(names.length);
- starterGreeting.setGreetingText(names[nameIndex] + " Robot");
- workflowOptions =
- WorkflowOptions.newBuilder().setTaskQueue(TASK_QUEUE).setWorkflowId(workflowId).build();
- // Create the workflow client stub. It is used to start the workflow execution.
- workflow = client.newWorkflowStub(AccumulatorWorkflow.class, workflowOptions);
- BatchRequest request = client.newSignalWithStartRequest();
- starterGreeting.greetingKey = greetingKey + i;
- request.add(workflow::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- request.add(workflow::sendGreeting, starterGreeting);
- client.signalWithStart(request);
- }
- // Demonstrate we still can connect to WF and get result using untyped:
- if (max_signals > 0) {
- WorkflowStub untyped = WorkflowStub.fromTyped(workflow);
- // wait for it to finish
- try {
- String greeting = untyped.getResult(String.class);
- printWorkflowStatus(client, workflowId);
- System.out.println("Greeting: " + greeting);
- } catch (WorkflowFailedException e) {
- System.out.println("Workflow failed: " + e.getCause().getMessage());
- printWorkflowStatus(client, workflowId);
- }
- }
- if (!testSignalEdgeCases) {
- System.exit(0); // skip other demonstrations below
- }
- // set workflow parameters
- bucket = "purple";
- greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
- allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
- workflowId = WORKFLOW_ID_PREFIX + "-" + bucket;
- workflowOptions =
- WorkflowOptions.newBuilder().setTaskQueue(TASK_QUEUE).setWorkflowId(workflowId).build();
- starterGreeting = new Greeting("Suzy Robot", bucket, "11235813");
- // Create the workflow client stub. It is used to start the workflow execution.
- AccumulatorWorkflow workflowSync =
- client.newWorkflowStub(AccumulatorWorkflow.class, workflowOptions);
- // Start workflow asynchronously and call its getGreeting workflow method
- WorkflowClient.start(workflowSync::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- // After start for accumulateGreetings returns, the workflow is guaranteed to be
- // started, so we can send a signal to it using the workflow stub.
- // This workflow keeps receiving signals until exit is called or the timer
- // finishes with no
- // signals
- // When the workflow is started the accumulateGreetings will block for the
- // previously defined conditions
- // Send the first workflow signal
- workflowSync.sendGreeting(starterGreeting);
- // Test sending an exit, waiting for workflow exit, then sending a signal.
- // This will trigger a WorkflowNotFoundException if using the same workflow
- // handle
- if (testSignalAfterWorkflowExit) {
- workflowSync.exit();
- String greetingsAfterExit =
- workflowSync.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- System.out.println(greetingsAfterExit);
- }
- // Test sending an exit, not waiting for workflow to exit, then sending a signal
- // this demonstrates Temporal history rollback
- // see https://community.temporal.io/t/continueasnew-signals/1008/7
- if (testSignalAfterExitSignal) {
- workflowSync.exit();
- }
- // Test sending more signals after workflow exit
- try {
- // send a second workflow signal
- Greeting janeGreeting = new Greeting("Jane Robot", bucket, "112358132134");
- workflowSync.sendGreeting(janeGreeting);
- if (testIgnoreBadBucket) {
- // send a third signal with an incorrect bucket - this will be ignored
- // can use workflow update to validate and reject a request if needed
- workflowSync.sendGreeting(new Greeting("Sally Robot", "taupe", "112358132134"));
- }
- if (testDuplicate) {
- // intentionally send a duplicate signal
- workflowSync.sendGreeting(janeGreeting);
- }
- if (!testSignalAfterWorkflowExit) {
- // wait for results if we haven't waited for them yet
- String greetingsAfterExit =
- workflowSync.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- System.out.println(greetingsAfterExit);
- }
- } catch (WorkflowNotFoundException e) {
- System.out.println("Workflow not found - this is intentional: " + e.getCause().getMessage());
- printWorkflowStatus(client, workflowId);
- }
- try {
- /*
- * Here we create a new workflow stub using the same workflow id.
- * We do this to demonstrate that to send a signal to an already running
- * workflow you only need to know its workflow id.
- */
- AccumulatorWorkflow workflowById =
- client.newWorkflowStub(AccumulatorWorkflow.class, workflowId);
- Greeting laterGreeting = new Greeting("XVX Robot", bucket, "1123581321");
- // Send the second signal to our workflow
- workflowById.sendGreeting(laterGreeting);
- // Now let's send our exit signal to the workflow
- workflowById.exit();
- /*
- * We now call our accumulateGreetings workflow method synchronously after our
- * workflow has started.
- * This reconnects our workflowById workflow stub to the existing workflow and
- * blocks until a result is available. Note that this behavior assumes that
- * WorkflowOptions
- * are not configured with WorkflowIdReusePolicy.AllowDuplicate. If they were,
- * this call would fail
- * with the WorkflowExecutionAlreadyStartedException exception.
- * You can use the policy to force workflows for a new time period, e.g. a
- * collection day, to have a new workflow ID.
- */
- String greetings = workflowById.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- // Print our results for greetings which were sent by signals
- System.out.println(greetings);
- } catch (WorkflowNotFoundException e) {
- System.out.println("Workflow not found - this is intentional: " + e.getCause().getMessage());
- printWorkflowStatus(client, workflowId);
- }
- /*
- * Here we try to send the signals as start to demonstrate that after a workflow
- * exited
- * and signals failed to send
- * we can send signals to a new workflow
- */
- if (testSignalAfterWorkflowExit) {
- greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
- allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
- workflowId = WORKFLOW_ID_PREFIX + "-" + bucket;
- Greeting laterGreeting = new Greeting("Final Robot", bucket, "1123");
- // Send the second signal to our workflow
- workflowOptions =
- WorkflowOptions.newBuilder().setTaskQueue(TASK_QUEUE).setWorkflowId(workflowId).build();
- // Create the workflow client stub. It is used to start the workflow execution.
- workflow = client.newWorkflowStub(AccumulatorWorkflow.class, workflowOptions);
- BatchRequest request = client.newSignalWithStartRequest();
- request.add(workflow::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- request.add(workflow::sendGreeting, laterGreeting);
- client.signalWithStart(request);
- printWorkflowStatus(client, workflowId);
- String greetingsAfterExit =
- workflow.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- // Print our results for greetings which were sent by signals
- System.out.println(greetingsAfterExit);
- printWorkflowStatus(client, workflowId);
- while (getWorkflowStatus(client, workflowId).equals("WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_STATUS_RUNNING")) {
- System.out.println("Workflow still running ");
- Thread.sleep(1000);
- }
- }
- System.exit(0);
- }
- private static void printWorkflowStatus(WorkflowClient client, String workflowId) {
- WorkflowStub existingUntyped =
- client.newUntypedWorkflowStub(workflowId, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty());
- DescribeWorkflowExecutionRequest describeWorkflowExecutionRequest =
- DescribeWorkflowExecutionRequest.newBuilder()
- .setNamespace(client.getOptions().getNamespace())
- .setExecution(existingUntyped.getExecution())
- .build();
- DescribeWorkflowExecutionResponse resp =
- client
- .getWorkflowServiceStubs()
- .blockingStub()
- .describeWorkflowExecution(describeWorkflowExecutionRequest);
- System.out.println(
- "**** PARENT: " + resp.getWorkflowExecutionInfo().getParentExecution().getWorkflowId());
- WorkflowExecutionInfo workflowExecutionInfo = resp.getWorkflowExecutionInfo();
- System.out.println("Workflow Status: " + workflowExecutionInfo.getStatus().toString());
- }
- private static String getWorkflowStatus(WorkflowClient client, String workflowId) {
- WorkflowStub existingUntyped =
- client.newUntypedWorkflowStub(workflowId, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty());
- DescribeWorkflowExecutionRequest describeWorkflowExecutionRequest =
- DescribeWorkflowExecutionRequest.newBuilder()
- .setNamespace(client.getOptions().getNamespace())
- .setExecution(existingUntyped.getExecution())
- .build();
- DescribeWorkflowExecutionResponse resp =
- client
- .getWorkflowServiceStubs()
- .blockingStub()
- .describeWorkflowExecution(describeWorkflowExecutionRequest);
- System.out.println(
- "**** PARENT: " + resp.getWorkflowExecutionInfo().getParentExecution().getWorkflowId());
- WorkflowExecutionInfo workflowExecutionInfo = resp.getWorkflowExecutionInfo();
- return workflowExecutionInfo.getStatus().toString();
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+package io.temporal.samples.hello;
+import io.temporal.activity.ActivityInterface;
+import io.temporal.activity.ActivityOptions;
+import io.temporal.api.workflow.v1.WorkflowExecutionInfo;
+import io.temporal.api.workflowservice.v1.DescribeWorkflowExecutionRequest;
+import io.temporal.api.workflowservice.v1.DescribeWorkflowExecutionResponse;
+import io.temporal.client.BatchRequest;
+import io.temporal.client.WorkflowClient;
+import io.temporal.client.WorkflowFailedException;
+import io.temporal.client.WorkflowNotFoundException;
+import io.temporal.client.WorkflowOptions;
+import io.temporal.client.WorkflowStub;
+import io.temporal.serviceclient.WorkflowServiceStubs;
+import io.temporal.worker.Worker;
+import io.temporal.worker.WorkerFactory;
+import io.temporal.workflow.SignalMethod;
+import io.temporal.workflow.Workflow;
+import io.temporal.workflow.WorkflowInterface;
+import io.temporal.workflow.WorkflowMethod;
+import java.io.Serializable;
+import java.time.Duration;
+import java.util.ArrayDeque;
+import java.util.Deque;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Optional;
+import java.util.Random;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.stream.Collectors;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+ * Sample Temporal Workflow Definition that accumulates events.
+ * This sample implements the Accumulator Pattern: collect many meaningful
+ * things that need to be collected and worked on together, such as
+ * all payments for an account, or all account updates by account.
+ *
+ * This sample models robots being created throughout the time period,
+ * groups them by what color they are, and greets all the robots
+ * of a color at the end.
+ *
+ * A new workflow is created per grouping. Workflows continue as new as needed.
+ * A sample activity at the end is given, and you could add an activity to
+ * process individual events in the processGreeting() method.
+ */
+public class HelloAccumulator {
+ // set a time to wait for another signal to come in, e.g.
+ // Duration.ofDays(30);
+ static final Duration MAX_AWAIT_TIME = Duration.ofMinutes(1);
+ static final String TASK_QUEUE = "HelloAccumulatorTaskQueue";
+ static final String WORKFLOW_ID_PREFIX = "HelloAccumulatorWorkflow";
+ public static class Greeting implements Serializable {
+ String greetingText;
+ String bucket;
+ String greetingKey;
+ public String getGreetingText() {
+ return greetingText;
+ }
+ public void setGreetingText(String greetingText) {
+ this.greetingText = greetingText;
+ }
+ public String getBucket() {
+ return bucket;
+ }
+ public void setBucket(String bucket) {
+ this.bucket = bucket;
+ }
+ public String getGreetingKey() {
+ return greetingKey;
+ }
+ public void setGreetingKey(String greetingKey) {
+ this.greetingKey = greetingKey;
+ }
+ public Greeting(String greetingText, String bucket, String greetingKey) {
+ this.greetingText = greetingText;
+ this.bucket = bucket;
+ this.greetingKey = greetingKey;
+ }
+ public Greeting() {}
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return "Greeting [greetingText="
+ + greetingText
+ + ", bucket="
+ + bucket
+ + ", greetingKey="
+ + greetingKey
+ + "]";
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * The Workflow Definition's Interface must contain one method annotated with @WorkflowMethod.
+ *
+ * Workflow Definitions should not contain any heavyweight computations, non-deterministic
+ * code, network calls, database operations, etc. Those things should be handled by the
+ * Activities.
+ *
+ * @see io.temporal.workflow.WorkflowInterface
+ * @see io.temporal.workflow.WorkflowMethod
+ */
+ @WorkflowInterface
+ public interface AccumulatorWorkflow {
+ /**
+ * This is the method that is executed when the Workflow Execution is started. The Workflow
+ * Execution completes when this method finishes execution.
+ */
+ @WorkflowMethod
+ String accumulateGreetings(
+ String bucketKey, Deque greetings, Set allGreetingsSet);
+ // Define the workflow sendGreeting signal method. This method is executed when
+ // the workflow receives a greeting signal.
+ @SignalMethod
+ void sendGreeting(Greeting greeting);
+ // Define the workflow exit signal method. This method is executed when the
+ // workflow receives an exit signal.
+ @SignalMethod
+ void exit();
+ }
+ /**
+ * This is the Activity Definition's Interface. Activities are building blocks of any Temporal
+ * Workflow and contain any business logic that could perform long running computation, network
+ * calls, etc.
+ *
+ * Annotating Activity Definition methods with @ActivityMethod is optional.
+ *
+ * @see io.temporal.activity.ActivityInterface
+ * @see io.temporal.activity.ActivityMethod
+ */
+ @ActivityInterface
+ public interface GreetingActivities {
+ String composeGreeting(Deque greetings);
+ }
+ /** Simple activity implementation. */
+ static class GreetingActivitiesImpl implements GreetingActivities {
+ // here is where we process all of the signals together
+ @Override
+ public String composeGreeting(Deque greetings) {
+ List greetingList =
+ greetings.stream().map(u -> u.greetingText).collect(Collectors.toList());
+ return "Hello (" + greetingList.size() + ") robots: " + greetingList + "!";
+ }
+ }
+ // Main workflow method
+ public static class AccumulatorWorkflowImpl implements AccumulatorWorkflow {
+ private final GreetingActivities activities =
+ Workflow.newActivityStub(
+ GreetingActivities.class,
+ ActivityOptions.newBuilder().setStartToCloseTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(2)).build());
+ private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AccumulatorWorkflowImpl.class);
+ String bucketKey;
+ ArrayDeque greetings;
+ HashSet allGreetingsSet;
+ boolean exitRequested = false;
+ ArrayDeque unprocessedGreetings = new ArrayDeque();
+ @Override
+ public String accumulateGreetings(
+ String bucketKeyInput, Deque greetingsInput, Set allGreetingsSetInput) {
+ bucketKey = bucketKeyInput;
+ greetings = new ArrayDeque();
+ allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
+ greetings.addAll(greetingsInput);
+ allGreetingsSet.addAll(allGreetingsSetInput);
+ // If you want to wait for a fixed amount of time instead of a time after a
+ // message
+ // as this does now, you might want to check out
+ // ../../updatabletimer
+ // Main Workflow Loop:
+ // - wait for signals to come in
+ // - every time a signal comes in, wait again for MAX_AWAIT_TIME
+ // - if time runs out, and there are no messages, process them all and exit
+ // - if exit signal is received, process any remaining signals and exit
+ do {
+ Workflow.await(MAX_AWAIT_TIME, () -> !unprocessedGreetings.isEmpty() || exitRequested);
+ if (!unprocessedGreetings.isEmpty()) {
+ processGreeting(unprocessedGreetings.removeFirst());
+ } else {
+ String greetEveryone = processGreetings(greetings);
+ if (unprocessedGreetings.isEmpty()) {
+ logger.info("Greeting queue is still empty");
+ return greetEveryone;
+ } else {
+ // you can get here if you send a signal after an exit, causing rollback just
+ // after the
+ // last processed activity
+ logger.info("Greeting queue not empty, looping");
+ }
+ }
+ } while (!unprocessedGreetings.isEmpty() || !Workflow.getInfo().isContinueAsNewSuggested());
+ logger.info("starting continue as new processing");
+ // Create a workflow stub that will be used to continue this workflow as a new
+ AccumulatorWorkflow continueAsNew = Workflow.newContinueAsNewStub(AccumulatorWorkflow.class);
+ // Request that the new run will be invoked by the Temporal system:
+ continueAsNew.accumulateGreetings(bucketKey, greetings, allGreetingsSet);
+ // this could be improved in the future with the are_handlers_finished API. For
+ // now if a signal comes in
+ // after this, it will fail the workflow task and retry handling the new
+ // signal(s)
+ return "continued as new; results passed to next run";
+ }
+ // Here is where we can process individual signals as they come in.
+ // It's ok to call activities here.
+ // This also validates an individual greeting:
+ // - check for duplicates
+ // - check for correct bucket
+ public void processGreeting(Greeting greeting) {
+ logger.info("processing greeting-" + greeting);
+ if (greeting == null) {
+ logger.warn("Greeting is null:" + greeting);
+ return;
+ }
+ // this just ignores incorrect buckets - you can use workflowupdate to validate
+ // and reject
+ // bad bucket requests if needed
+ if (!greeting.bucket.equals(bucketKey)) {
+ logger.warn("wrong bucket, something is wrong with your signal processing: " + greeting);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!allGreetingsSet.add(greeting.greetingKey)) {
+ logger.info("Duplicate signal event: " + greeting.greetingKey);
+ return;
+ }
+ // add in any desired event processing activity here
+ greetings.add(greeting);
+ }
+ private String processGreetings(Deque greetings) {
+ logger.info("Composing greetings for: " + greetings);
+ return activities.composeGreeting(greetings);
+ }
+ // Signal method
+ // Keep it simple, these should be fast and not call activities
+ @Override
+ public void sendGreeting(Greeting greeting) {
+ // signals can be the first workflow code that runs, make sure we have
+ // an ArrayDeque to write to
+ if (unprocessedGreetings == null) {
+ unprocessedGreetings = new ArrayDeque();
+ }
+ logger.info("received greeting-" + greeting);
+ unprocessedGreetings.add(greeting);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void exit() {
+ logger.info("exit signal received");
+ exitRequested = true;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * With the Workflow and Activities defined, we can now start execution. The main method starts
+ * the worker and then the workflow.
+ */
+ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+ // Get a Workflow service stub.
+ WorkflowServiceStubs service = WorkflowServiceStubs.newLocalServiceStubs();
+ /*
+ * Get a Workflow service client which can be used to start, Signal, and Query
+ * Workflow Executions.
+ */
+ WorkflowClient client = WorkflowClient.newInstance(service);
+ client.getWorkflowServiceStubs().healthCheck();
+ /*
+ * Define the workflow factory. It is used to create workflow workers for a
+ * specific task queue.
+ */
+ WorkerFactory factory = WorkerFactory.newInstance(client);
+ /*
+ * Define the workflow worker. Workflow workers listen to a defined task queue
+ * and process
+ * workflows and activities.
+ */
+ Worker worker = factory.newWorker(TASK_QUEUE);
+ /*
+ * Register the workflow implementation with the worker.
+ * Workflow implementations must be known to the worker at runtime in
+ * order to dispatch workflow tasks.
+ */
+ worker.registerWorkflowImplementationTypes(AccumulatorWorkflowImpl.class);
+ /*
+ * Register our Activity Types with the Worker. Since Activities are stateless
+ * and thread-safe,
+ * the Activity Type is a shared instance.
+ */
+ worker.registerActivitiesImplementations(new GreetingActivitiesImpl());
+ /*
+ * Start all the workers registered for a specific task queue.
+ * The started workers then start polling for workflows and activities.
+ */
+ factory.start();
+ System.out.println("Worker started for task queue: " + TASK_QUEUE);
+ // setup which tests to run
+ // by default it will run an accumulation with a few (20) signals
+ // to a set of 4 buckets with Signal To Start
+ boolean testContinueAsNew = false;
+ boolean testSignalEdgeCases = true;
+ // configure signal edge cases to test
+ boolean testSignalAfterWorkflowExit = true;
+ boolean testSignalAfterExitSignal = !testSignalAfterWorkflowExit;
+ boolean testDuplicate = true;
+ boolean testIgnoreBadBucket = true;
+ // setup to send signals
+ String bucket = "blue";
+ String workflowId = WORKFLOW_ID_PREFIX + "-" + bucket;
+ ArrayDeque greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
+ HashSet allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
+ String greetingKey = "key-";
+ String greetingText = "Robby Robot";
+ Greeting starterGreeting = new Greeting(greetingText, bucket, greetingKey);
+ final String[] buckets = {"red", "blue", "green", "yellow"};
+ final String[] names = {"Genghis Khan", "Missy", "Bill", "Ted", "Rufus", "Abe"};
+ // Create the workflow options
+ WorkflowOptions workflowOptions =
+ WorkflowOptions.newBuilder().setTaskQueue(TASK_QUEUE).setWorkflowId(workflowId).build();
+ AccumulatorWorkflow workflow =
+ client.newWorkflowStub(AccumulatorWorkflow.class, workflowOptions);
+ // send many signals to start several workflows
+ int max_signals = 20;
+ if (testContinueAsNew) max_signals = 10000;
+ for (int i = 0; i < max_signals; i++) {
+ Random randomBucket = new Random();
+ int bucketIndex = randomBucket.nextInt(buckets.length);
+ bucket = buckets[bucketIndex];
+ starterGreeting.setBucket(bucket);
+ Thread.sleep(20); // simulate some delay
+ workflowId = WORKFLOW_ID_PREFIX + "-" + bucket;
+ Random randomName = new Random();
+ int nameIndex = randomName.nextInt(names.length);
+ starterGreeting.setGreetingText(names[nameIndex] + " Robot");
+ workflowOptions =
+ WorkflowOptions.newBuilder().setTaskQueue(TASK_QUEUE).setWorkflowId(workflowId).build();
+ // Create the workflow client stub. It is used to start the workflow execution.
+ workflow = client.newWorkflowStub(AccumulatorWorkflow.class, workflowOptions);
+ BatchRequest request = client.newSignalWithStartRequest();
+ starterGreeting.greetingKey = greetingKey + i;
+ request.add(workflow::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ request.add(workflow::sendGreeting, starterGreeting);
+ client.signalWithStart(request);
+ }
+ // Demonstrate we still can connect to WF and get result using untyped:
+ if (max_signals > 0) {
+ WorkflowStub untyped = WorkflowStub.fromTyped(workflow);
+ // wait for it to finish
+ try {
+ String greeting = untyped.getResult(String.class);
+ printWorkflowStatus(client, workflowId);
+ System.out.println("Greeting: " + greeting);
+ } catch (WorkflowFailedException e) {
+ System.out.println("Workflow failed: " + e.getCause().getMessage());
+ printWorkflowStatus(client, workflowId);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!testSignalEdgeCases) {
+ System.exit(0); // skip other demonstrations below
+ }
+ // set workflow parameters
+ bucket = "purple";
+ greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
+ allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
+ workflowId = WORKFLOW_ID_PREFIX + "-" + bucket;
+ workflowOptions =
+ WorkflowOptions.newBuilder().setTaskQueue(TASK_QUEUE).setWorkflowId(workflowId).build();
+ starterGreeting = new Greeting("Suzy Robot", bucket, "11235813");
+ // Create the workflow client stub. It is used to start the workflow execution.
+ AccumulatorWorkflow workflowSync =
+ client.newWorkflowStub(AccumulatorWorkflow.class, workflowOptions);
+ // Start workflow asynchronously and call its getGreeting workflow method
+ WorkflowClient.start(workflowSync::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ // After start for accumulateGreetings returns, the workflow is guaranteed to be
+ // started, so we can send a signal to it using the workflow stub.
+ // This workflow keeps receiving signals until exit is called or the timer
+ // finishes with no
+ // signals
+ // When the workflow is started the accumulateGreetings will block for the
+ // previously defined conditions
+ // Send the first workflow signal
+ workflowSync.sendGreeting(starterGreeting);
+ // Test sending an exit, waiting for workflow exit, then sending a signal.
+ // This will trigger a WorkflowNotFoundException if using the same workflow
+ // handle
+ if (testSignalAfterWorkflowExit) {
+ workflowSync.exit();
+ String greetingsAfterExit =
+ workflowSync.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ System.out.println(greetingsAfterExit);
+ }
+ // Test sending an exit, not waiting for workflow to exit, then sending a signal
+ // this demonstrates Temporal history rollback
+ // see https://community.temporal.io/t/continueasnew-signals/1008/7
+ if (testSignalAfterExitSignal) {
+ workflowSync.exit();
+ }
+ // Test sending more signals after workflow exit
+ try {
+ // send a second workflow signal
+ Greeting janeGreeting = new Greeting("Jane Robot", bucket, "112358132134");
+ workflowSync.sendGreeting(janeGreeting);
+ if (testIgnoreBadBucket) {
+ // send a third signal with an incorrect bucket - this will be ignored
+ // can use workflow update to validate and reject a request if needed
+ workflowSync.sendGreeting(new Greeting("Sally Robot", "taupe", "112358132134"));
+ }
+ if (testDuplicate) {
+ // intentionally send a duplicate signal
+ workflowSync.sendGreeting(janeGreeting);
+ }
+ if (!testSignalAfterWorkflowExit) {
+ // wait for results if we haven't waited for them yet
+ String greetingsAfterExit =
+ workflowSync.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ System.out.println(greetingsAfterExit);
+ }
+ } catch (WorkflowNotFoundException e) {
+ System.out.println("Workflow not found - this is intentional: " + e.getCause().getMessage());
+ printWorkflowStatus(client, workflowId);
+ }
+ try {
+ /*
+ * Here we create a new workflow stub using the same workflow id.
+ * We do this to demonstrate that to send a signal to an already running
+ * workflow you only need to know its workflow id.
+ */
+ AccumulatorWorkflow workflowById =
+ client.newWorkflowStub(AccumulatorWorkflow.class, workflowId);
+ Greeting laterGreeting = new Greeting("XVX Robot", bucket, "1123581321");
+ // Send the second signal to our workflow
+ workflowById.sendGreeting(laterGreeting);
+ // Now let's send our exit signal to the workflow
+ workflowById.exit();
+ /*
+ * We now call our accumulateGreetings workflow method synchronously after our
+ * workflow has started.
+ * This reconnects our workflowById workflow stub to the existing workflow and
+ * blocks until a result is available. Note that this behavior assumes that
+ * WorkflowOptions
+ * are not configured with WorkflowIdReusePolicy.AllowDuplicate. If they were,
+ * this call would fail
+ * with the WorkflowExecutionAlreadyStartedException exception.
+ * You can use the policy to force workflows for a new time period, e.g. a
+ * collection day, to have a new workflow ID.
+ */
+ String greetings = workflowById.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ // Print our results for greetings which were sent by signals
+ System.out.println(greetings);
+ } catch (WorkflowNotFoundException e) {
+ System.out.println("Workflow not found - this is intentional: " + e.getCause().getMessage());
+ printWorkflowStatus(client, workflowId);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Here we try to send the signals as start to demonstrate that after a workflow
+ * exited
+ * and signals failed to send
+ * we can send signals to a new workflow
+ */
+ if (testSignalAfterWorkflowExit) {
+ greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
+ allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
+ workflowId = WORKFLOW_ID_PREFIX + "-" + bucket;
+ Greeting laterGreeting = new Greeting("Final Robot", bucket, "1123");
+ // Send the second signal to our workflow
+ workflowOptions =
+ WorkflowOptions.newBuilder().setTaskQueue(TASK_QUEUE).setWorkflowId(workflowId).build();
+ // Create the workflow client stub. It is used to start the workflow execution.
+ workflow = client.newWorkflowStub(AccumulatorWorkflow.class, workflowOptions);
+ BatchRequest request = client.newSignalWithStartRequest();
+ request.add(workflow::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ request.add(workflow::sendGreeting, laterGreeting);
+ client.signalWithStart(request);
+ printWorkflowStatus(client, workflowId);
+ String greetingsAfterExit =
+ workflow.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ // Print our results for greetings which were sent by signals
+ System.out.println(greetingsAfterExit);
+ printWorkflowStatus(client, workflowId);
+ while (getWorkflowStatus(client, workflowId).equals("WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_STATUS_RUNNING")) {
+ System.out.println("Workflow still running ");
+ Thread.sleep(1000);
+ }
+ }
+ System.exit(0);
+ }
+ private static void printWorkflowStatus(WorkflowClient client, String workflowId) {
+ WorkflowStub existingUntyped =
+ client.newUntypedWorkflowStub(workflowId, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty());
+ DescribeWorkflowExecutionRequest describeWorkflowExecutionRequest =
+ DescribeWorkflowExecutionRequest.newBuilder()
+ .setNamespace(client.getOptions().getNamespace())
+ .setExecution(existingUntyped.getExecution())
+ .build();
+ DescribeWorkflowExecutionResponse resp =
+ client
+ .getWorkflowServiceStubs()
+ .blockingStub()
+ .describeWorkflowExecution(describeWorkflowExecutionRequest);
+ System.out.println(
+ "**** PARENT: " + resp.getWorkflowExecutionInfo().getParentExecution().getWorkflowId());
+ WorkflowExecutionInfo workflowExecutionInfo = resp.getWorkflowExecutionInfo();
+ System.out.println("Workflow Status: " + workflowExecutionInfo.getStatus().toString());
+ }
+ private static String getWorkflowStatus(WorkflowClient client, String workflowId) {
+ WorkflowStub existingUntyped =
+ client.newUntypedWorkflowStub(workflowId, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty());
+ DescribeWorkflowExecutionRequest describeWorkflowExecutionRequest =
+ DescribeWorkflowExecutionRequest.newBuilder()
+ .setNamespace(client.getOptions().getNamespace())
+ .setExecution(existingUntyped.getExecution())
+ .build();
+ DescribeWorkflowExecutionResponse resp =
+ client
+ .getWorkflowServiceStubs()
+ .blockingStub()
+ .describeWorkflowExecution(describeWorkflowExecutionRequest);
+ System.out.println(
+ "**** PARENT: " + resp.getWorkflowExecutionInfo().getParentExecution().getWorkflowId());
+ WorkflowExecutionInfo workflowExecutionInfo = resp.getWorkflowExecutionInfo();
+ return workflowExecutionInfo.getStatus().toString();
+ }
diff --git a/core/src/test/java/io/temporal/samples/hello/HelloAccumulatorTest.java b/core/src/test/java/io/temporal/samples/hello/HelloAccumulatorTest.java
index a14c6401..53477bbd 100644
--- a/core/src/test/java/io/temporal/samples/hello/HelloAccumulatorTest.java
+++ b/core/src/test/java/io/temporal/samples/hello/HelloAccumulatorTest.java
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2024 Temporal Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+ * Copyright (c) 2020 Temporal Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved
* Copyright 2012-2016 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
@@ -17,418 +17,417 @@
* permissions and limitations under the License.
- package io.temporal.samples.hello;
- import static io.temporal.samples.hello.HelloAccumulator.MAX_AWAIT_TIME;
- import io.temporal.client.BatchRequest;
- import io.temporal.client.WorkflowClient;
- import io.temporal.client.WorkflowOptions;
- import io.temporal.samples.hello.HelloAccumulator.Greeting;
- import io.temporal.testing.TestWorkflowEnvironment;
- import io.temporal.testing.TestWorkflowRule;
- import java.time.Duration;
- import java.util.ArrayDeque;
- import java.util.HashSet;
- import org.junit.Rule;
- import org.junit.Test;
- public class HelloAccumulatorTest {
- private TestWorkflowEnvironment testEnv;
- @Rule
- public TestWorkflowRule testWorkflowRule =
- TestWorkflowRule.newBuilder()
- .setWorkflowTypes(HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflowImpl.class)
- .setActivityImplementations(new HelloAccumulator.GreetingActivitiesImpl())
- .build();
- @Test
- public void testWorkflow() {
- String bucket = "blue";
- ArrayDeque greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
- HashSet allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
- testEnv = testWorkflowRule.getTestEnvironment();
- testEnv.start();
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow =
- testWorkflowRule
- .getWorkflowClient()
- .newWorkflowStub(
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
- WorkflowOptions.newBuilder().setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue()).build());
- WorkflowClient.start(workflow::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- Greeting xvxGreeting = new Greeting("XVX Robot", bucket, "1123581321");
- workflow.sendGreeting(xvxGreeting);
- String results = workflow.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- assert results.contains("Hello (1)");
- assert results.contains("XVX Robot");
- }
- @Test
- public void testJustExit() {
- String bucket = "blue";
- ArrayDeque greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
- HashSet allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
- testEnv = testWorkflowRule.getTestEnvironment();
- testEnv.start();
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow =
- testWorkflowRule
- .getWorkflowClient()
- .newWorkflowStub(
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
- WorkflowOptions.newBuilder().setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue()).build());
- WorkflowClient.start(workflow::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- workflow.exit();
- String results = workflow.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- assert results.contains("Hello (0)");
- assert !results.contains("Robot");
- }
- @Test
- public void testNoExit() {
- String bucket = "blue";
- ArrayDeque greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
- HashSet allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
- testEnv = testWorkflowRule.getTestEnvironment();
- testEnv.start();
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow =
- testWorkflowRule
- .getWorkflowClient()
- .newWorkflowStub(
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
- WorkflowOptions.newBuilder().setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue()).build());
- WorkflowClient.start(workflow::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- Greeting xvxGreeting = new Greeting("XVX Robot", bucket, "1123581321");
- workflow.sendGreeting(xvxGreeting);
- String results = workflow.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- assert results.contains("Hello (1)");
- assert results.contains("XVX Robot");
- }
- @Test
- public void testMultipleGreetings() {
- String bucket = "blue";
- ArrayDeque greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
- HashSet allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
- testEnv = testWorkflowRule.getTestEnvironment();
- testEnv.start();
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow =
- testWorkflowRule
- .getWorkflowClient()
- .newWorkflowStub(
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
- WorkflowOptions.newBuilder().setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue()).build());
- WorkflowClient.start(workflow::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- workflow.sendGreeting(new Greeting("XVX Robot", bucket, "1123581321"));
- workflow.sendGreeting(new Greeting("Han Robot", bucket, "112358"));
- String results = workflow.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- assert results.contains("Hello (2)");
- assert results.contains("XVX Robot");
- assert results.contains("Han Robot");
- }
- @Test
- public void testDuplicateGreetings() {
- String bucket = "blue";
- ArrayDeque greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
- HashSet allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
- testEnv = testWorkflowRule.getTestEnvironment();
- testEnv.start();
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow =
- testWorkflowRule
- .getWorkflowClient()
- .newWorkflowStub(
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
- WorkflowOptions.newBuilder().setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue()).build());
- WorkflowClient.start(workflow::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- workflow.sendGreeting(new Greeting("XVX Robot", bucket, "1123581321"));
- workflow.sendGreeting(new Greeting("Han Robot", bucket, "1123581321"));
- String results = workflow.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- assert results.contains("Hello (1)");
- assert results.contains("XVX Robot");
- assert !results.contains("Han Robot");
- }
- @Test
- public void testWrongBucketGreeting() {
- String bucket = "blue";
- ArrayDeque greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
- HashSet allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
- testEnv = testWorkflowRule.getTestEnvironment();
- testEnv.start();
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow =
- testWorkflowRule
- .getWorkflowClient()
- .newWorkflowStub(
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
- WorkflowOptions.newBuilder().setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue()).build());
- WorkflowClient.start(workflow::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- workflow.sendGreeting(new Greeting("Bad Robot", "orange", "1123581321"));
- workflow.sendGreeting(new Greeting("XVX Robot", bucket, "11235"));
- String results = workflow.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- assert results.contains("Hello (1)");
- assert results.contains("XVX Robot");
- assert !results.contains("Bad Robot");
- }
- @Test
- public void testSignalWithStart() {
- String bucket = "blue";
- ArrayDeque greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
- HashSet allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
- testEnv = testWorkflowRule.getTestEnvironment();
- testEnv.start();
- WorkflowClient client = testWorkflowRule.getWorkflowClient();
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow =
- client.newWorkflowStub(
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
- WorkflowOptions.newBuilder().setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue()).build());
- Greeting starterGreeting = new Greeting("Robby Robot", bucket, "112");
- BatchRequest request = client.newSignalWithStartRequest();
- request.add(workflow::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- request.add(workflow::sendGreeting, starterGreeting);
- client.signalWithStart(request);
- String results = workflow.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- assert results.contains("Hello (1)");
- assert results.contains("Robby Robot");
- }
- @Test
- public void testWaitTooLongForFirstWorkflow() {
- String bucket = "blue";
- ArrayDeque greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
- HashSet allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
- testEnv = testWorkflowRule.getTestEnvironment();
- testEnv.start();
- WorkflowClient client = testWorkflowRule.getWorkflowClient();
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow =
- client.newWorkflowStub(
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
- WorkflowOptions.newBuilder()
- .setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue())
- .setWorkflowId(bucket)
- .setWorkflowId("helloacc-blue")
- .build());
- Greeting starterGreeting = new Greeting("Robby Robot", bucket, "112");
- BatchRequest request = client.newSignalWithStartRequest();
- request.add(workflow::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- request.add(workflow::sendGreeting, starterGreeting);
- client.signalWithStart(request);
- // testEnv.sleep(MAX_AWAIT_TIME.plus(Duration.ofMillis(1))); is not long enough
- // to guarantee the
- // first workflow will end
- testEnv.sleep(MAX_AWAIT_TIME.plus(Duration.ofMillis(100)));
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow2 =
- client.newWorkflowStub(
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
- WorkflowOptions.newBuilder()
- .setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue())
- .setWorkflowId(bucket)
- .setWorkflowId("helloacc-blue")
- .build());
- Greeting secondGreeting = new Greeting("Dave Robot", bucket, "1123");
- request = client.newSignalWithStartRequest();
- request.add(workflow2::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- request.add(workflow2::sendGreeting, secondGreeting);
- client.signalWithStart(request);
- String results = workflow.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- assert results.contains("Hello (1)");
- assert !results.contains("Robby Robot");
- assert results.contains("Dave Robot");
- }
- @Test
- public void testWaitNotLongEnoughForNewWorkflow() {
- String bucket = "blue";
- ArrayDeque greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
- HashSet allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
- testEnv = testWorkflowRule.getTestEnvironment();
- testEnv.start();
- WorkflowClient client = testWorkflowRule.getWorkflowClient();
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow =
- client.newWorkflowStub(
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
- WorkflowOptions.newBuilder()
- .setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue())
- .setWorkflowId(bucket)
- .setWorkflowId("helloacc-blue")
- .build());
- Greeting starterGreeting = new Greeting("Robby Robot", bucket, "112");
- BatchRequest request = client.newSignalWithStartRequest();
- request.add(workflow::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- request.add(workflow::sendGreeting, starterGreeting);
- client.signalWithStart(request);
- testEnv.sleep(MAX_AWAIT_TIME.minus(Duration.ofMillis(1)));
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow2 =
- client.newWorkflowStub(
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
- WorkflowOptions.newBuilder()
- .setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue())
- .setWorkflowId(bucket)
- .setWorkflowId("helloacc-blue")
- .build());
- Greeting secondGreeting = new Greeting("Dave Robot", bucket, "1123");
- request = client.newSignalWithStartRequest();
- request.add(workflow2::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- request.add(workflow2::sendGreeting, secondGreeting);
- client.signalWithStart(request);
- String results = workflow.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- assert results.contains("Hello (2)");
- assert results.contains("Robby Robot");
- assert results.contains("Dave Robot");
- }
- @Test
- public void testWaitExactlyMAX_TIME() {
- String bucket = "blue";
- ArrayDeque greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
- HashSet allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
- testEnv = testWorkflowRule.getTestEnvironment();
- testEnv.start();
- WorkflowClient client = testWorkflowRule.getWorkflowClient();
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow =
- client.newWorkflowStub(
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
- WorkflowOptions.newBuilder()
- .setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue())
- .setWorkflowId(bucket)
- .setWorkflowId("helloacc-blue")
- .build());
- Greeting starterGreeting = new Greeting("Robby Robot", bucket, "112");
- BatchRequest request = client.newSignalWithStartRequest();
- request.add(workflow::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- request.add(workflow::sendGreeting, starterGreeting);
- client.signalWithStart(request);
- testEnv.sleep(MAX_AWAIT_TIME);
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow2 =
- client.newWorkflowStub(
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
- WorkflowOptions.newBuilder()
- .setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue())
- .setWorkflowId(bucket)
- .setWorkflowId("helloacc-blue")
- .build());
- Greeting secondGreeting = new Greeting("Dave Robot", bucket, "1123");
- request = client.newSignalWithStartRequest();
- request.add(workflow2::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- request.add(workflow2::sendGreeting, secondGreeting);
- client.signalWithStart(request);
- String results = workflow.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- assert results.contains("Hello (2)");
- assert results.contains("Robby Robot");
- assert results.contains("Dave Robot");
- }
- @Test
- public void testSignalAfterExit() {
- String bucket = "blue";
- ArrayDeque greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
- HashSet allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
- testEnv = testWorkflowRule.getTestEnvironment();
- testEnv.start();
- WorkflowClient client = testWorkflowRule.getWorkflowClient();
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow =
- client.newWorkflowStub(
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
- WorkflowOptions.newBuilder()
- .setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue())
- .setWorkflowId(bucket)
- .setWorkflowId("helloacc-blue")
- .build());
- Greeting starterGreeting = new Greeting("Robby Robot", bucket, "112");
- BatchRequest request = client.newSignalWithStartRequest();
- request.add(workflow::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- request.add(workflow::sendGreeting, starterGreeting);
- client.signalWithStart(request);
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow2 =
- client.newWorkflowStub(
- HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
- WorkflowOptions.newBuilder()
- .setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue())
- .setWorkflowId(bucket)
- .setWorkflowId("helloacc-blue")
- .build());
- Greeting secondGreeting = new Greeting("Dave Robot", bucket, "1123");
- request = client.newSignalWithStartRequest();
- request.add(workflow2::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- request.add(workflow2::sendGreeting, secondGreeting);
- // exit signal the workflow we signaled-to-start
- workflow.exit();
- // try to signal with start the workflow
- client.signalWithStart(request);
- String results = workflow.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
- assert results.contains("Hello (2)");
- assert results.contains("Robby Robot");
- assert results.contains("Dave Robot");
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+package io.temporal.samples.hello;
+import static io.temporal.samples.hello.HelloAccumulator.MAX_AWAIT_TIME;
+import io.temporal.client.BatchRequest;
+import io.temporal.client.WorkflowClient;
+import io.temporal.client.WorkflowOptions;
+import io.temporal.samples.hello.HelloAccumulator.Greeting;
+import io.temporal.testing.TestWorkflowEnvironment;
+import io.temporal.testing.TestWorkflowRule;
+import java.time.Duration;
+import java.util.ArrayDeque;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import org.junit.Rule;
+import org.junit.Test;
+public class HelloAccumulatorTest {
+ private TestWorkflowEnvironment testEnv;
+ @Rule
+ public TestWorkflowRule testWorkflowRule =
+ TestWorkflowRule.newBuilder()
+ .setWorkflowTypes(HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflowImpl.class)
+ .setActivityImplementations(new HelloAccumulator.GreetingActivitiesImpl())
+ .build();
+ @Test
+ public void testWorkflow() {
+ String bucket = "blue";
+ ArrayDeque greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
+ HashSet allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
+ testEnv = testWorkflowRule.getTestEnvironment();
+ testEnv.start();
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow =
+ testWorkflowRule
+ .getWorkflowClient()
+ .newWorkflowStub(
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
+ WorkflowOptions.newBuilder().setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue()).build());
+ WorkflowClient.start(workflow::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ Greeting xvxGreeting = new Greeting("XVX Robot", bucket, "1123581321");
+ workflow.sendGreeting(xvxGreeting);
+ String results = workflow.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ assert results.contains("Hello (1)");
+ assert results.contains("XVX Robot");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testJustExit() {
+ String bucket = "blue";
+ ArrayDeque greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
+ HashSet allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
+ testEnv = testWorkflowRule.getTestEnvironment();
+ testEnv.start();
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow =
+ testWorkflowRule
+ .getWorkflowClient()
+ .newWorkflowStub(
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
+ WorkflowOptions.newBuilder().setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue()).build());
+ WorkflowClient.start(workflow::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ workflow.exit();
+ String results = workflow.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ assert results.contains("Hello (0)");
+ assert !results.contains("Robot");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testNoExit() {
+ String bucket = "blue";
+ ArrayDeque greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
+ HashSet allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
+ testEnv = testWorkflowRule.getTestEnvironment();
+ testEnv.start();
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow =
+ testWorkflowRule
+ .getWorkflowClient()
+ .newWorkflowStub(
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
+ WorkflowOptions.newBuilder().setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue()).build());
+ WorkflowClient.start(workflow::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ Greeting xvxGreeting = new Greeting("XVX Robot", bucket, "1123581321");
+ workflow.sendGreeting(xvxGreeting);
+ String results = workflow.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ assert results.contains("Hello (1)");
+ assert results.contains("XVX Robot");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testMultipleGreetings() {
+ String bucket = "blue";
+ ArrayDeque greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
+ HashSet allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
+ testEnv = testWorkflowRule.getTestEnvironment();
+ testEnv.start();
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow =
+ testWorkflowRule
+ .getWorkflowClient()
+ .newWorkflowStub(
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
+ WorkflowOptions.newBuilder().setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue()).build());
+ WorkflowClient.start(workflow::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ workflow.sendGreeting(new Greeting("XVX Robot", bucket, "1123581321"));
+ workflow.sendGreeting(new Greeting("Han Robot", bucket, "112358"));
+ String results = workflow.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ assert results.contains("Hello (2)");
+ assert results.contains("XVX Robot");
+ assert results.contains("Han Robot");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testDuplicateGreetings() {
+ String bucket = "blue";
+ ArrayDeque greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
+ HashSet allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
+ testEnv = testWorkflowRule.getTestEnvironment();
+ testEnv.start();
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow =
+ testWorkflowRule
+ .getWorkflowClient()
+ .newWorkflowStub(
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
+ WorkflowOptions.newBuilder().setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue()).build());
+ WorkflowClient.start(workflow::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ workflow.sendGreeting(new Greeting("XVX Robot", bucket, "1123581321"));
+ workflow.sendGreeting(new Greeting("Han Robot", bucket, "1123581321"));
+ String results = workflow.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ assert results.contains("Hello (1)");
+ assert results.contains("XVX Robot");
+ assert !results.contains("Han Robot");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testWrongBucketGreeting() {
+ String bucket = "blue";
+ ArrayDeque greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
+ HashSet allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
+ testEnv = testWorkflowRule.getTestEnvironment();
+ testEnv.start();
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow =
+ testWorkflowRule
+ .getWorkflowClient()
+ .newWorkflowStub(
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
+ WorkflowOptions.newBuilder().setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue()).build());
+ WorkflowClient.start(workflow::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ workflow.sendGreeting(new Greeting("Bad Robot", "orange", "1123581321"));
+ workflow.sendGreeting(new Greeting("XVX Robot", bucket, "11235"));
+ String results = workflow.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ assert results.contains("Hello (1)");
+ assert results.contains("XVX Robot");
+ assert !results.contains("Bad Robot");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testSignalWithStart() {
+ String bucket = "blue";
+ ArrayDeque greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
+ HashSet allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
+ testEnv = testWorkflowRule.getTestEnvironment();
+ testEnv.start();
+ WorkflowClient client = testWorkflowRule.getWorkflowClient();
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow =
+ client.newWorkflowStub(
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
+ WorkflowOptions.newBuilder().setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue()).build());
+ Greeting starterGreeting = new Greeting("Robby Robot", bucket, "112");
+ BatchRequest request = client.newSignalWithStartRequest();
+ request.add(workflow::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ request.add(workflow::sendGreeting, starterGreeting);
+ client.signalWithStart(request);
+ String results = workflow.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ assert results.contains("Hello (1)");
+ assert results.contains("Robby Robot");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testWaitTooLongForFirstWorkflow() {
+ String bucket = "blue";
+ ArrayDeque greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
+ HashSet allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
+ testEnv = testWorkflowRule.getTestEnvironment();
+ testEnv.start();
+ WorkflowClient client = testWorkflowRule.getWorkflowClient();
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow =
+ client.newWorkflowStub(
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
+ WorkflowOptions.newBuilder()
+ .setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue())
+ .setWorkflowId(bucket)
+ .setWorkflowId("helloacc-blue")
+ .build());
+ Greeting starterGreeting = new Greeting("Robby Robot", bucket, "112");
+ BatchRequest request = client.newSignalWithStartRequest();
+ request.add(workflow::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ request.add(workflow::sendGreeting, starterGreeting);
+ client.signalWithStart(request);
+ // testEnv.sleep(MAX_AWAIT_TIME.plus(Duration.ofMillis(1))); is not long enough
+ // to guarantee the
+ // first workflow will end
+ testEnv.sleep(MAX_AWAIT_TIME.plus(Duration.ofMillis(100)));
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow2 =
+ client.newWorkflowStub(
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
+ WorkflowOptions.newBuilder()
+ .setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue())
+ .setWorkflowId(bucket)
+ .setWorkflowId("helloacc-blue")
+ .build());
+ Greeting secondGreeting = new Greeting("Dave Robot", bucket, "1123");
+ request = client.newSignalWithStartRequest();
+ request.add(workflow2::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ request.add(workflow2::sendGreeting, secondGreeting);
+ client.signalWithStart(request);
+ String results = workflow.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ assert results.contains("Hello (1)");
+ assert !results.contains("Robby Robot");
+ assert results.contains("Dave Robot");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testWaitNotLongEnoughForNewWorkflow() {
+ String bucket = "blue";
+ ArrayDeque greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
+ HashSet allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
+ testEnv = testWorkflowRule.getTestEnvironment();
+ testEnv.start();
+ WorkflowClient client = testWorkflowRule.getWorkflowClient();
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow =
+ client.newWorkflowStub(
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
+ WorkflowOptions.newBuilder()
+ .setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue())
+ .setWorkflowId(bucket)
+ .setWorkflowId("helloacc-blue")
+ .build());
+ Greeting starterGreeting = new Greeting("Robby Robot", bucket, "112");
+ BatchRequest request = client.newSignalWithStartRequest();
+ request.add(workflow::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ request.add(workflow::sendGreeting, starterGreeting);
+ client.signalWithStart(request);
+ testEnv.sleep(MAX_AWAIT_TIME.minus(Duration.ofMillis(1)));
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow2 =
+ client.newWorkflowStub(
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
+ WorkflowOptions.newBuilder()
+ .setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue())
+ .setWorkflowId(bucket)
+ .setWorkflowId("helloacc-blue")
+ .build());
+ Greeting secondGreeting = new Greeting("Dave Robot", bucket, "1123");
+ request = client.newSignalWithStartRequest();
+ request.add(workflow2::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ request.add(workflow2::sendGreeting, secondGreeting);
+ client.signalWithStart(request);
+ String results = workflow.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ assert results.contains("Hello (2)");
+ assert results.contains("Robby Robot");
+ assert results.contains("Dave Robot");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testWaitExactlyMAX_TIME() {
+ String bucket = "blue";
+ ArrayDeque greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
+ HashSet allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
+ testEnv = testWorkflowRule.getTestEnvironment();
+ testEnv.start();
+ WorkflowClient client = testWorkflowRule.getWorkflowClient();
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow =
+ client.newWorkflowStub(
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
+ WorkflowOptions.newBuilder()
+ .setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue())
+ .setWorkflowId(bucket)
+ .setWorkflowId("helloacc-blue")
+ .build());
+ Greeting starterGreeting = new Greeting("Robby Robot", bucket, "112");
+ BatchRequest request = client.newSignalWithStartRequest();
+ request.add(workflow::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ request.add(workflow::sendGreeting, starterGreeting);
+ client.signalWithStart(request);
+ testEnv.sleep(MAX_AWAIT_TIME);
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow2 =
+ client.newWorkflowStub(
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
+ WorkflowOptions.newBuilder()
+ .setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue())
+ .setWorkflowId(bucket)
+ .setWorkflowId("helloacc-blue")
+ .build());
+ Greeting secondGreeting = new Greeting("Dave Robot", bucket, "1123");
+ request = client.newSignalWithStartRequest();
+ request.add(workflow2::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ request.add(workflow2::sendGreeting, secondGreeting);
+ client.signalWithStart(request);
+ String results = workflow.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ assert results.contains("Hello (2)");
+ assert results.contains("Robby Robot");
+ assert results.contains("Dave Robot");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testSignalAfterExit() {
+ String bucket = "blue";
+ ArrayDeque greetingList = new ArrayDeque();
+ HashSet allGreetingsSet = new HashSet();
+ testEnv = testWorkflowRule.getTestEnvironment();
+ testEnv.start();
+ WorkflowClient client = testWorkflowRule.getWorkflowClient();
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow =
+ client.newWorkflowStub(
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
+ WorkflowOptions.newBuilder()
+ .setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue())
+ .setWorkflowId(bucket)
+ .setWorkflowId("helloacc-blue")
+ .build());
+ Greeting starterGreeting = new Greeting("Robby Robot", bucket, "112");
+ BatchRequest request = client.newSignalWithStartRequest();
+ request.add(workflow::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ request.add(workflow::sendGreeting, starterGreeting);
+ client.signalWithStart(request);
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow workflow2 =
+ client.newWorkflowStub(
+ HelloAccumulator.AccumulatorWorkflow.class,
+ WorkflowOptions.newBuilder()
+ .setTaskQueue(testWorkflowRule.getTaskQueue())
+ .setWorkflowId(bucket)
+ .setWorkflowId("helloacc-blue")
+ .build());
+ Greeting secondGreeting = new Greeting("Dave Robot", bucket, "1123");
+ request = client.newSignalWithStartRequest();
+ request.add(workflow2::accumulateGreetings, bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ request.add(workflow2::sendGreeting, secondGreeting);
+ // exit signal the workflow we signaled-to-start
+ workflow.exit();
+ // try to signal with start the workflow
+ client.signalWithStart(request);
+ String results = workflow.accumulateGreetings(bucket, greetingList, allGreetingsSet);
+ assert results.contains("Hello (2)");
+ assert results.contains("Robby Robot");
+ assert results.contains("Dave Robot");
+ }