This is draft specification for website.
Find the latest version and revision history at
As the Kiev riichi mahjong club "Tempai" grows, organization of games and other club communication becomes progressively more tedious. There is an increasing need for efficient game planning tools. Club also needs a presentational webpage as its Internet “face”, a social media integration point, and a technical platform for other web services and applications.
The goal of this document is to serve as the central design authority at the time of implementation.
An important consideration is that it should be possible to deploy all the services for any other club in Ukraine or abroad if they wish to (Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, Simferopol, Lviv, Minsk riichi clubs).
Key features:
mobile-first (responsive layout)
modern (simple, plain & sequential, vertical-scrolling)
Landing page visitors are anticipated to roughly divide into these categories:
curios/wandering people with some knowledge about the game or the club, seeking more information about the game and the club — most visitors;
riichi players looking specifically for a mahjong club in Kiev — few, but important ones.
Regular club players are not expected to visit the landing page often, at least not for full reading. Landing page must have convenient navigation controls to address regular players’ needs. These include:
- link to game planner
- organizer contacts
- ??? 📝
Full name, avatar, optional status/description, social profiles and contacts like phone number/email/skype/telegram/etc.
Game even scheduler will require reminders and notifications.
Core support for RSS and iCal is mandatory.
More notification venues may be added gradually or integrated via IFTTT: @kievtempai feed, group updates in social networks, emails, messengers, perhaps even SMS.
It'd be good to allow opt-in stats collection for later analysis. These may include:
- total game events visited
- positions won (if the table wants to record this)
- final hanchan scores
- yakuman journal
Mahjong games require 4 players per table. To ease and automate organization of games, all game arrangement scenarios must be able to happen solely via unidirectional "player-website" interaction; it should not require regular involvement of club organizers/mentors.
However, a big deal of flexibility is possible with 3 player tables (sanma, a.k.a. "hiroshima"), 5 player tables, up to 6 player tables (4+2 spectators) and 2 player bamboo/minefield sessions.
Events can be planned for IRL meetups as well as virtual, e.g. Tenho, MahjongTime etc.
- Club member wishes to play at any future date. He/she inspects the schedule and decides further.
From the architecture perspective, this usecase is just "fetch, filter, format and display the current schedule".
- Club member wishes to play at a specific game already scheduled by someone else for a future date.
This is when a member join
-s an existing game.
- Club member wants to schedule his own event.
This is where game events are created.
- A guest visitor wishes to inspect the schedule.
Basically, this coincides with use case 1 modulo privacy. Obviously, the guest only sees public events.
- Club member is in doubts and can't decide, but stays engaged with the interface (i.e. the tab isn't closed yet). We can help with a chat and social tools (ping someone, invite friends, modmessage/flag), maybe a separate Help section with guidance.
A planned game session may be created publicly, or in private with a specified group of members (set either manually by the user, or through a user-group/friend-circle/forum-topic mechanism).
Symbolic event log intermixed with user conversations and status changes.
Websockets? Whatever.
Maybe a roster with members online/offline (again, with due respect to privacy).
Primarily for tournament games.
TL;DR: a reasonably fast shuffler of [1..n]
which tries to minimize total overlap.
[mandatory] player count,
[mandatory] hanchan budget,
[optional] a whole table of player information records: {name, country/city, tournament ID number}, for better presentation,
[optional] number of available replacement players.
The primary output comprises of seatings per each hanchan, where seating is a mapping of players to pair: (gametable ID, Maybe starting wind).
The crucial feature is that the mappings must be minimized with respect to total overlap between players.
There should be a warning if registered players would not be able to play because of lack of replacement players and uneven seating.
The total overlap of a seating is defined as the sum of table overlaps.
Table overlap is defined as the amount of "already played with in the session" players, summed relative to each player.
One of core components which sends out notifications. Email, SMS, twitter, Telegram, whatnot.
Personal notifications can be about:
- start/approach of a game event in which the player is participating, as configured via event creation/join like in calendar apps
- game invites notifications
- standard user registration routines: email confirmation, password reset.
- etc
The primary domain for the club is
Staging domain: 📝 TODO
GitHub org:
CI: CircleCI, TravisCI or alike
Language of development: preferably Ruby, but isolated components can be developed in any language of choice as soon as the functionality is exposed via HTTP APIs
Documentary collaboration at (Google Apps instance) at GitHub.
Mail for notifications [email protected] (Google Apps)