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Orion subscription cache


To gain performance, subscriptions are kept in a list in RAM. Please refer to this section in the Orion administration manual for an user-perspective of the cache.

The implementation of the subscription cache in found in src/lib/cache/subCache.cpp, and the cache is initialized from the main program. I.e. subCacheInit() in lib/cache/subCache.cpp is called from main() in app/contextBroker/contextBroker.cpp.


CLI options

If the broker is started with the CLI option -noCache, then the subscription cache is not used at all. In such case, all accesses to subscriptions go via the database. This makes Orion considerably slower and it not a recommended usage, but when troubleshooting, if an error in the subscription cache is suspected, it is good to be able to execute Orion without the subscription cache.

The interval of refreshing the subscription cache is determined by the CLI option -subCacheIval. The default value is 60 (seconds), which will make the broker refresh the subscription cache once every minute.

To turn off the subscription cache refresh completely (the subscription cache is still in use, it is just never refreshed), the broker must be started with a value of 0 for -subCacheIval. However, this is not recommended (see this section in the Orion administration manual for details).


Active-active configurations

When more than one Orion is running in an Active-Active configuration (i.e. several brokers, all of them using the same MongoDB instance), subscriptions created in one broker must get propagated to the other broker and this is done by periodically merging the database collection of subscriptions and the subscription cache.

This goes under the name of 'sub-cache-refresh' and it consists of merging the subscription collection in the database with the subscription cache and then updating both the subscription cache and the database accordingly.

Note that in order to refresh the cache, the semaphore that protects the subscription cache must be taken during the entire operation of reading in all subscriptions from the database, merging the subscriptions and repopulation the subscription cache, which may take quite some time. All requests that need access to subscriptions will have to stand by while the cache is refreshed. So, this momentarily affects the responsiveness of the broker.


Subscription cache fields

In subscription creation/modification the subscription cache is write-through, i.e. updates to subscriptions are performed both in the subscription item in the subscription cache and in the database (except for some that dynamic fields described next that are not updated in DB upon subscription modification, has they are consolidate in DB at cache sync time)

When the broker starts, the subscription cache is populated with the subscriptions found in the MongoDB database. A subscription in the subscription cache contains the following fields (check code reference at subCache.h file):

  std::vector<EntityInfo*>         entityIdInfos;
  std::vector<std::string>         attributes;
  std::vector<std::string>         metadata;
  std::vector<std::string>         notifyConditionV;
  std::vector<ngsiv2::SubAltType>  subAltTypeV;
  char*                            tenant;
  char*                            servicePath;
  char*                            subscriptionId;
  int64_t                          failsCounter;
  int64_t                          failsCounterFromDb;
  bool                             failsCounterFromDbValid;
  int64_t                          maxFailsLimit;
  int64_t                          throttling;
  int64_t                          expirationTime;
  int64_t                          lastNotificationTime;
  std::string                      status;
  double                           statusLastChange;
  int64_t                          count;
  RenderFormat                     renderFormat;
  SubscriptionExpression           expression;
  bool                             blacklist;
  bool                             onlyChanged;
  bool                             covered;
  bool                             notifyOnMetadataChange;
  ngsiv2::HttpInfo                 httpInfo;
  ngsiv2::MqttInfo                 mqttInfo;
  int64_t                          lastFailure;  // timestamp of last notification failure
  int64_t                          lastSuccess;  // timestamp of last successful notification
  std::string                      lastFailureReason;
  int64_t                          lastSuccessCode;
  struct CachedSubscription*       next;        // The cache is a linked list of CachedSubscription ...

Special subscription fields

There are a few special fields that need special care when refreshing the cache:

  • lastNotificationTime
  • count
  • failsCounter
  • lastFailure (and related field lastFailureReason)
  • lastSuccess (and related field lastSuccessCode)
  • status

These fields have a special treatment inside the subscription cache:

  • lastNotificationTime, is updated in the database only if it is a later time than the lastNotificationTime stored in the database (some other broker may have updated it with a more recent value)
  • count and failsCounter in the subscription cache are set to zero at each sub-cache-refresh, so the count and failsCounter that are in the cache simply are accumulators and its accumulated values are added to the counters in the database and then the counters in cache are reset back to zero
  • failsCounterFromDb (and side failsCounterFromDbValid) are used to kept track of the fails counter as seen at DB, to be combined with failsCounter at cache (which counts only the fails within the same cache refresh cycle)
  • lastFailure (along with lastFailureReason), like lastNotificationTime, set if greater than lastFailure in the database
  • lastSuccess (along with lastSuccessCode), like lastNotificationTime, set if greater than lastSuccess in the database
  • status, is updated in the database only if it is a later time than the one stored in the database. To check which one is newer the side field statusLastChange is used.

They are updated in the database on refreshing the cache by the mongoSubUpdateOnCacheSync() function. Some of them are also updated at notification time, see mongoSubUpdateOnNotif() function.

All this is to ensure that the values are correct in the case of having more than one broker working against the database (so called active-active configurations).



Orion is capable of working with different databases in a single instance of Orion. This is called multitenancy capabilities (described in the Orion user manual).

Every Service (or Tenant) has its own MongoDB database (in the same MongoDB instance), as described in the administration manual.

Each of these Services may have subscriptions. However, while databases are per-service, the subscription cache is unique in an instance of Orion, so it contains all subscriptions of all Services.
If you go back and take a look at the CachedSubscription struct, you will see a field char* tenant. That is where the Service/Tenant is stored for each subscription in the subscription cache.

So, when populating and refreshing the subscription cache, we need to go over all Services in the Orion instance. Services are created 'on-the-fly' so if any new subscription is created in a new service, this subscription is added to the subscription cache, and in the case of an active-active configuration, the subscriptions of the new Service will be propagated to the second Orion once the second Orion refreshes its subscription cache with the database.



If the CLI option -noCache is set, then nothing at all is done about the subscription cache.

The main program calls subCacheInit() and then, if sub-cache-refresh is turned off (the interval is zero), subCacheRefresh() is called, just to populate the cache with the entire collection of subscriptions from the database.

The corresponding collection in MongoDB database is csub.

If sub-cache-refresh is turned on, then a separate thread is started by calling the function subCacheStart(). This thread periodically (depending on the value of subCacheInterval which holds the seconds for the periodicity of subscription cache refreshes) refreshes the subscription cache. It starts by populating the cache from the database.


The initialization function just sets a few variables to prepare the subscription cache for usage.


The start function calls subCacheRefresh() to initially populate the subscription cache from the database and then a thread is spawned, with the entry point being the function subCacheRefresherThread(). Finally the thread is detached.


Subscription cache refresh

The following figure shows the program flow during a refresh of the subscription cache.

Subscription cache refresh

SC-01: Subscription cache refresh

  • To respect the interval between subscription cache refreshes, a simple sleep() with the amount of seconds taken from the CLI parameter -subCacheIval (that defaults to 60 seconds) is the first thing in the loop (step 1). Remember that before entering this loop, when Orion starts, the subscription cache is populated from the database content.
  • subCacheSync() in step 2 synchronizes the subscription cache with the contents in the database
  • The semaphore protecting the subscription cache is taken using the function cacheSemTake() (step 3).
  • In step 4, the special fields that live in the subscription cache are saved before the cub-cache is emptied. See more about this in the section on special subscription fields.
  • When subscriptions are created or modified, apart from modifying the subscription cache, the changes are saved to the database, so it is safe to completely clear the subscription cache, once the special fields are saved and this is the first step in subCacheRefresh(), step 6 in the figure.
  • To populate the subscription cache again, the first thing needed is a list of all services (tenants) in the system. getOrionDatabases() offers that service (step 7-9)
  • Steps 10 to 14 are about filling the subscription cache wit the contents from the database (from the collection with subscriptions, called csub). This is a loop that is executed once per service (tenant) in the system.
  • After populating the subscription cache from the database content, the special fields are restored to the subscription cache and to the database (again, see special subscription fields for more info). This is steps 15 and 16 in the figure.
  • Finally, in step 17 and the end of the figure, the subscription cache semaphore is released and the flow goes back to the beginning of the infinite loop.

The following sub-chapters intend to spread some light on the more significant functions in the image.


The refresher thread is simply an infinite loop that sleeps the amount of seconds that is stated in subCacheInterval and then calls subCacheSync() to refresh the cache. See steps 1 and 2 in diagram SC-01.


This is possibly the most important function of the entire subscription cache as it is the point where the subscription cache is merged with what's in the database and it leaves both the subscription cache and the database modified and synchronized.

subCacheSync() saves the nine special fields of the subscriptions, using a vector of the following struct (check code reference at subCache.cpp file):

typedef struct CachedSubSaved
  int64_t      lastNotificationTime;
  int64_t      count;
  int64_t      failsCounter;
  int64_t      lastFailure;
  int64_t      lastSuccess;
  std::string  lastFailureReason;
  int64_t      lastSuccessCode;
  std::string  status;
  double       statusLastChange;
} CachedSubSaved;

After having saved that important information in a vector, the entire subscription cache is wiped out and populated from the database, by calling subCacheRefresh().

After repopulation of the subscription cache, the saved information in the CachedSubSaved vector is merged into the subscription cache and finally, the CachedSubSaved vector is merged into the database, using the function mongoSubUpdateOnCacheSync, see special subscription fields.

This is a costly operation and the semaphore that protects the subscription cache must be taken during the entire process to guarantee a successful outcome. As subCacheSync() calls a few subscription cache functions, these functions must not take the semaphore - the semaphore needs to be taken in a higher level. So, in case the functions are used separately, the caller must ensure the semaphore is taken before usage. Underlying functions may also not take/give the semaphore.

The functions in question are:

  • subCacheRefresh()
  • mongoSubUpdateOnCacheSync()
  • subCacheDestroy() (used by subCacheRefresh())
  • mongoSubCacheRefresh() (used by subCacheRefresh())

See steps 3 to 5 and 15 to 16 in diagram SC-01.


The simplest approach is used, which is to:

  • Completely delete the current contents in the subscription cache
  • Populate the subscription cache from the database content of each Service (mongo database)

Note that the subscription cache refresher thread saves the values of the nine special fields before calling subCacheRefresh()

A more efficient approach would be to compare the content of the subscription cache to the content in the database during the refresh, but this would mean a lot more time spent implementing the subscription cache refreshing algorithm and this simpler (and slower) approach was chosen.

Now, subCacheRefresh() does the following:

  • Empty the subscription cache
  • Get the complete list of Services (which correspond to MongoDB databases)
  • For each Service, invoke mongoSubCacheRefresh() to populate the subscription cache with the subscriptions of the Service in turn

See steps 6, 7 and 10 in diagram SC-01.


This function gets all subscriptions (NGSI10 subscriptions that is) from the database for the Service in question and then loops over the result and inserts all the subscriptions in the subscription cache by calling mongoSubCacheItemInsert().

See step 11 and 13 in diagram SC-01.


A subscription in BSON object-form is translated into a struct CachedSubscription, while inserting default values for missing fields. Some checks are performed and finally subCacheItemInsert() is called to insert the subscription in the subscription cache.

See step 14 in diagram SC-01.


The subscription cache is made up by a simple single linked list, written in pure C. Pointers to the list head and tail (for efficiency) are kept in memory and inserts are done at the end of the list.


Propagation of subscriptions in active-active configurations

A subscription is created/updated in one instance of Orion (Orion 1 in figure SC-02 below), the one that receives the subscription request. This subscription in inserted/modified in the subscription cache and in the database. The second instance of Orion (Orion 2 in figure SC-02 below) knows nothing of the new/modified subscription until its subCacheRefresh() executes and merges the database content with its subscription cache contents.

Subscription propagation in active-active configuration

SC-02: Subscription propagation in active-active configuration

  • Incoming request in Orion Instance 1 (Orion 1) for a subscription creation/update (step 1). Let's call this subscription "Sub-X".
  • Orion 1 stores "Sub-X" in the database (step 2).
  • Orion 1 adds/updates "Sub-X" in its subscription cache (step 3).
  • subCacheRefresh() in Orion 2 (when the next sleep ends in subCacheRefresherThread()), refreshes its subscription cache in step 4 by:
    • emptying the subscription cache (after saving the special fields)
    • reading in the subscriptions from the database (which is when Orion 2 gets knowledge of "Sub-X")
    • and in step 5:
  • In step 5, the subscription cache of Orion 2 is merged with the database content and so "Sub-X" is now part of the subscription cache of Orion 2

The case of the lastNotificationTime, count, failsCounter, lastFailure, lastFailureReason, lastSuccess and lastSuccessReason special fields is a bit more complex as the most recent information of these fields lives only in the subscription cache. So, to propagate for instance lastNotificationTime from one Orion (Orion1) to another (Orion2), first Orion1 needs to refresh its subscription cache and after that, Orion2 must refresh its subscription cache. Not before this happens, in that order, Orion2 will be aware of the lastNotificationTime coming from Orion1.


GET subscription operations

Note that the GET requests on subscriptions

  • GET /v2/subscriptions
  • GET /v2/subscriptions/{subscription-id}

take the subscription from the DB but combine it with the information in the subscription cache (see setNotification() in mongoGetSubscriptions.cpp file for details).

However, given that the subscription cache is local, lastNotificationTime, count, failsCounter, lastFailure, lastFailureReason, lastSuccess and lastSuccessReason special fields may not seem coherent in GET operations.


PATCH subscription operation

This is the operation

  • PATCH /v2/subscriptions/{subscription-id}

The strategy used to update the subscription is as follows:

  1. Update the sub in DB based in $set/$unset MongoDB operators with the data extracted from the PATCH requests.
  2. Update cache sub based in the resulting document in MongoDB (findAndModify MongoDB operation is used in previous step to achieve, so we can update sub in DB and get the resulting document in the same atomical operation on the DB)

This is better than an strategy based on taking the sub from DB, combine it with cache in a single document, then update in MongoDB the resulting document. This was done in the past (Orion 3.3.0 and before) but that calculation was starting to get very complex when functionality related with failsCounter/maxFailsLimit entered into play. Another advantage is that we only do an operation on MongoDb (findAndModify) instead of two ones (findOne + update).

Important to remark is that special dynamic fields (count, lastNotification, etc.) are not updated in DB at subscription update time, as they are consolidated in DB at cache sync time.

Due to the same reason, dynamic attributes are not updated in the cache from DB, i.e. the ones in cache remains until next cache refresh operation. There is one expection: the status field. This field may come in the PATCH request (different from count, lastNotification, etc. that never commes), in which case the status in the cache gets updated with the status in PATCH/DB.


Subscription lookup on entity/attribute creation/modification

In MongoCommonUpdate, the function addTriggeredSubscriptions_withCache() calls subCacheMatch() to retrieve a vector of subscriptions (from the subscription cache), that match the Update request in question:

static bool addTriggeredSubscriptions_withCache(...)
  std::vector<CachedSubscription*>  subVec;

  cacheSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "match subs for notifications");
  subCacheMatch(tenant.c_str(), servicePath.c_str(), entityId.c_str(), entityType.c_str(), modifiedAttrs, &subVec);
  for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < subVec.size(); ++ix)
    CachedSubscription* cSubP = subVec[ix];
  cacheSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "match subs for notifications");


For an Update request to match a subscription, a number of fields need to match:

  • Service (if Orion is started in multi-service-mode)
  • Service-Path
  • Entity
  • Attribute (unless the attribute list of the subscription is empty)

The functions that take care of these matching questions are:

  • subMatch()
  • servicePathMatch()
  • attributeMatch()
  • EntityInfo::match()
