You can run the broker by typing the following command:
The broker runs in the background by default, so you will need to stop it using signals.
You can use command line arguments, e.g. to specify the port in which Orion Context Broker listens, using the -port option:
contextBroker -port 5057
To know all the possible options, have a look at the next section.
To obtain a list of available options, use:
contextBroker -u
To get more information on the options (including default values and limits), use:
contextBroker -U
The list of available options is the following:
- -u and -U. Shows usage in brief or long format, respectively.
- --help. Shows help (very similar to previous).
- --version. Shows version number
- -port . Specifies the port that the broker listens to. Default port is 1026.
- -ipv4. Runs broker in IPv4 only mode (by default, the broker runs in both IPv4 and IPv6). Cannot be used at the same time as -ipv6.
- -ipv6. Runs broker in IPv6 only mode (by default, the broker runs in both IPv4 and IPv6). Cannot be used at the same time as -ipv4.
- -multiservice. Enables multiservice/multitenant mode (see multi service tenant section).
- -db . The MongoDB database to use or
is in use) the prefix to per-service/tenant databases (see section on service/tenant database separation. This field is restricted to 10 characters max length. - -dbURI : The URI to use the MongoDB.
If the URI contains the string
, it will be replaced with the password specified in-dbpwd
or the environment variableORION_MONGO_PASSWORD
. - -dbpwd . The MongoDB password to use. If your MongoDB doesn't use authorization then this option must be avoided. See database authorization section.
- -dbPoolSize . Database connection pool. Default size of the pool is 10 connections.
- -writeConcern <0|1>. Write concern for MongoDB write operations: acknowledged (1) or unacknowledged (0). Default is 1.
- -https. Work in secure HTTP mode (See also
). - -cert. Certificate file for https. Use an absolute file path. Have a look at this script for an example on how to generate this file.
- -key. Private server key file for https. Use an absolute file path. Have a look at this script for an example on how to generate this file.
- -logDir <dir>. Specifies the directory to use for the contextBroker log file.
- -logAppend. If used, the log lines are appended to the existing contextBroker log file, instead of starting with an empty log file.
- -logLevel. Select initial logging level (check logs documentation for details). We
remark initial as log level can be modified in run-time, using the admin API.
The supported levels are:
- NONE (suppress ALL log output, including fatal error messages),
- FATAL (show only fatal error messages),
- ERROR (show only error messages),
- WARN (show error and warning messages - this is the default setting),
- INFO (show error, warning and informational messages),
- DEBUG (show ALL messages).
- -t . Specifies the initial trace levels for logging. You can use a single value (e.g. "-t 70"), a range (e.g. "-t 20-80"), a comma-separated list (e.g. "-t 70,90") or a combination of them (e.g. "-t 60,80-90"). If you want to use all trace levels for logging, use "-t 0-255". Note that trace levels can be changed dynamically using the management REST interface. Details of the available tracelevels and their values can be found here (as a C struct).
- -fg. Runs broker in foreground (useful for debugging). Log output is printed on standard output (in addition to the log file, but using a simplified format).
- -localIp . Specifies on which IP interface the broker listens to. By default it listens to all the interfaces.
- -pidpath <pid_file>. Specifies the file to store the PID of the broker process.
- -httpTimeout . Specifies the timeout in milliseconds
for HTTP forwarding messages and for notifications. Default timeout (if this parameter is not specified)
is 5000 (5 seconds). Max value is 1800000 (30 minutes). This parameter can be defined individually for subscriptions. If defined on the subscription's
JSON, the default parameter would be ignored. See section in the
. - -mqttTimeout . Specifies the timeout in milliseconds for connection to MQTT brokers in MQTT notifications. Default timeout (if this parameter is not specified) is 5000 (5 seconds). Max value is 1800000 (30 minutes).
- -reqTimeout . Specifies the timeout in seconds for REST connections. Note that the default value is zero, i.e., no timeout (wait forever).
- -cprForwardLimit. Maximum number of forwarded requests to Context Providers for a single client request (default is no limit). Use 0 to disable Context Providers forwarding completely.
- -corsOrigin . Enables Cross-Origin Resource Sharing,
specifing the allowed origin (use
). More information about CORS support in Orion can be found in the users manual. - -corsMaxAge . Specifies the maximum time (in seconds) preflight requests are allowed to be cached. Defaults to 86400 if not set. More information about CORS support in Orion can be found in the users manual.
- -reqMutexPolicy <all|none|write|read>. Specifies the internal mutex policy. See performance tuning documentation for details.
- -subCacheIval. Interval in seconds between calls to subscription cache refresh. A zero value means "no refresh". Default value is 60 seconds, apt for mono-CB deployments (see more details on the subscriptions cache in this document).
- -noCache. Disables the context subscription cache, so subscriptions searches are always done in DB (not recommended but useful for debugging).
- -notificationMode. Explained in detail here.
Allows to select notification mode, either:
. Default mode istransient
.- In transient mode, connections are closed by the CB right after sending the notification.
- In persistent connection mode, a persistent connection is created the first time a notification is sent to a given URL path (if the receiver supports persistent connections). Following notifications to the same URL path will reuse the connection, saving HTTP connection time.
- In threadpool mode, notifications are enqueued into a queue of size
threads take the notifications from the queue and perform the outgoing requests asynchronously. Reserved per-service queues/threads can be also set. Please have a look at the thread model section if you want to use this mode.
- -notifFlowControl guage:stepDelay:maxInterval. Enables flow control mechanism. See this section in the documentation.
- -simulatedNotification. Notifications are not sent, but recorded internally and shown in the
statistics operation (
counter). This is not aimed for production usage, but it is useful for debugging to calculate a maximum upper limit in notification rate from a CB internal logic point of view. - -connectionMemory. Sets the size of the connection memory buffer (in kB) per connection used internally by the HTTP server library. Default value is 64 kB.
- -maxConnections. Maximum number of simultaneous connections. Default value is 1020, for legacy reasons, while the lower limit is 1 and there is no upper limit (limited by max file descriptors of the operating system).
- -reqPoolSize. Size of thread pool for incoming connections. Default value is 0, meaning no thread pool.
- -inReqPayloadMaxSize. Max allowed size for incoming requests payloads, in bytes. Default value is 1MB.
- -outReqMsgMaxSize. Max allowed total size for request outgoing message, in bytes. Default value is 8MB.
- -statCounters, -statSemWait, -statTiming and -statNotifQueue. Enable statistics generation. See statistics documentation.
- -logSummary. Log summary period in seconds. Defaults to 0, meaning Log Summary is off. Min value: 0. Max value: one month (3600 * 24 * 31 == 2678400 seconds). See logs documentation for more detail.
- -relogAlarms. To see every possible alarm-provoking failure in the log-file, even when an alarm is already active, use this option. See logs documentation for more detail.
- -disableCustomNotifications. Disabled NGSIv2 custom notifications. In particular:
is interpreted ashttp
, i.e. all sub-fields excepturl
are ignored- No
macro substitution is performed.
- -disableFileLog. To prevent Orion from logging into a file (default behaviour is use a log file). This option might be useful if you are running on kubernetes.
- -logForHumans. To make the traces to standard out formated for humans (note that the traces in the log file are not affected)
- -logLineMaxSize. Log line maximum length (when exceeded Orion prints
as log trace). Minimum allowed value: 100 bytes. Default value: 32 KBytes. It can be changed after Orion startup with the log admin REST API, with thelineMaxSize
field. - -logInfoPayloadMaxSize. For those log traces at INFO level that print request and/or response payloads, this is the maximum allowed size for those payloads. If the payload size is greater than this setting, then only the first
bytes are included (and an ellipsis in the form of(...)
is shown in trace). Default value: 5 KBytes. It can be changed after Orion startup with the log admin REST API, with theinfoPayloadMaxSize
field. - -disableMetrics. To turn off the 'metrics' feature. Gathering of metrics is a bit costly, as system calls and semaphores are involved. Use this parameter to start the broker without metrics overhead.
- -disableNgsiv1. To turn off NGSIv1 operations. Note that only API endpoints are disabled, notifications using
"attrsFormat": "legacy"
or forward requests corresponding to registrations using"legacyForwarding": true
will work. - -insecureNotif. Allow HTTPS notifications to peers which certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates. This is similar
to the
parameteres of the curl command. - -mqttMaxAge. Max time (in minutes) that an unused MQTT connection is kept. Default: 60
- -logDeprecate. Log deprecation usages as warnings. More information in this section of the documentation. Default is: false. It can be changed after Orion startup with the log admin REST API, with the
Orion supports argument passing using environment variables. Each CLI parameter
has an equivalent environment variable, as shown in the table below
(contextBroker -U
can be also used to get the same information).
Two facts have to be taken into account:
- Environment variables for CLI parameters that work in a "flag" way
(i.e. they are either enabled or not, but don't have an actual value -
is one of them) can take the case-sensitive valuesTRUE
(to enable the parameter) orFALSE
(to disable it). - In case of conflict (i.e. using at the same time the environment variable and the CLI parameter) the CLI parameter is used.
Environment variable | Equivalent CLI parameter |
ORION_LOG_DIR | logDir |
ORION_LOG_LEVEL | logLevel |
ORION_LOG_APPEND | logAppend |
ORION_PORT | port |
ORION_PID_PATH | pidpath |
ORION_USEIPV4 | ipv4 |
ORION_USEIPV6 | ipv6 |
ORION_HTTPS | https |
ORION_MULTI_SERVICE | multiservice |
ORION_HTTP_TIMEOUT | httpTimeout |
ORION_MQTT_TIMEOUT | mqttTimeout |
ORION_REQ_TIMEOUT | reqTimeout |
ORION_MUTEX_POLICY | reqMutexPolicy |
ORION_CONN_MEMORY | connectionMemory |
ORION_MAX_CONN | maxConnections |
ORION_NOTIF_MODE | notificationMode |
ORION_DROP_NOTIF | simulatedNotification |
ORION_STAT_COUNTERS | statCounters |
ORION_STAT_TIMING | statTiming |
ORION_RELOG_ALARMS | relogAlarms |
ORION_CHECK_ID_V1 | strictNgsiv1Ids |
ORION_DISABLE_CUSTOM_NOTIF | disableCustomNotifications |
ORION_DISABLE_METRICS | disableMetrics |
ORION_DISABLE_NGSIV1 | disableNgsiv1 |
ORION_INSECURE_NOTIF | insecureNotif |
ORION_NGSIV1_AUTOCAST | ngsiv1Autocast |
ORION_LOG_DEPRECATE | logDeprecate |