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67 lines (59 loc) · 5.9 KB


This action enables updating Python development dependencies using the Poetry package manager in-sync with pre-commit hooks.


If the job that is using this action needs to commit the changes that this action makes, the job must have at least the following permissions:

  contents: write

The code must also be checked out by a user with write permissions to the repository. This means that the default GITHUB_TOKEN for the actions/checkout step will more than likely not allow the changes made by this action to be committed back to the repository.


Input variable Necessity Description Default
repo-root optional The root directory of the repository. .
install-dependencies optional A boolean indicating if packages should be installed via poetry (this is not usually needed). false
dependency-dict optional Specify a valid JSON dictionary of dependency groups to update, where each key is a dependency group name, and each value is a list of dependencies to update within that group, e.g. '{"dev": ["pylint", "ruff"], "tests": ["ruff"]}'. Use an empty string, e.g. "", for dependencies located in the default group' {}
update-pre-commit optional A boolean indicating if the pre-commit hooks should be updated. false
run-pre-commit optional A boolean indicating to run the pre-commit hooks to perform auto-fixing after updating the dependencies. Setting this input to true will also set the update-pre-commit input to true. false
pre-commit-repo-update-skip-list optional A comma-separated list of pre-commit repo urls to skip updates for (only applicable when update-pre-commit=true). ""
pre-commit-hook-skip-list optional A comma-separated list of pre-commit hooks to skip (only applicable when run-pre-commit=true). ""
export-dependency-groups optional A comma-separated list of dependency groups to export to a requirements.txt file. The format is group1,group2:custom-path/to/test/folder. ""


    name: Update python linters and pre-commit dependencies
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      contents: write
      - uses: actions/checkout@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332
          fetch-depth: 0
          ref: ${{ github.head_ref }}
          token: ${{ secrets.checkout-token }}

      - uses: tektronix/python-package-ci-cd/actions/[email protected]
          repo-root: .  # optional, defaults to the current working directory
          install-dependencies: false  # optional, this will almost never need to be set to true
          dependency-dict: '{"dev": ["pylint", "ruff"], "tests": ["ruff"]}'  # optional, but without it nothing will get updated by Poetry
          update-pre-commit: true  # optional
          run-pre-commit: true  # optional
          pre-commit-repo-update-skip-list: ''  # optional
          pre-commit-hook-skip-list: 'pylint'  # optional, hooks that don't auto-fix things can (and probably should be) skipped
          export-dependency-groups: 'docs,tests:custom-path/to/test/folder'  # optional

      - uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v5
          commit_message: 'chore: Update python dependencies and pre-commit dependencies.'
          commit_user_name: 'User Name'
          commit_user_email: 'user-email'
          commit_author: User Name <user-email>