This example shows how to quantize a trained Caffe model to 8-bits and deploy it on Arm Cortex-M CPUs using CMSIS-NN.
Code generation from a trained Caffe model is performed in the following steps:
- Network parsing from caffe prototxt
- Quantization to 8-bit weights and activations
- Code generation using optimized NN Functions Needs Caffe model definition (.prototxt) used for training/testing the model that consists of valid paths to datasets (lmdb) and trained model file (.caffemodel). It parses the network graph connectivity, quantize the caffemodel to 8-bit weights/activations layer-by-layer incrementally with minimal loss in accuracy on the test dataset. It dumps the network graph connectivity, quantization parameters into a pickle file. Gets the quantization parameters and network graph connectivity from previous step and generates the code consisting of NN function calls. Supported layers: convolution, innerproduct, pooling (max/average) and relu. It generates (a) weights.h (b) parameter.h: consisting of quantization ranges and (c) main.cpp: the network code.
Note: Make sure caffe is installed and it's python path is added in $PYTHONPATH environment variable.
- Update the dataset path (lmdb) in .prototxt file and run to parse and quantize the network. This step takes a while if run on CPU as it quantizes the network layer-by-layer while validating the accuracy on test dataset
python --model models/cifar10_m4_train_test.prototxt \
--weights models/cifar10_m4_iter_70000.caffemodel.h5 \
--save models/cifar10_m4.pkl
Note: To enable GPU for quantization sweeps, use --gpu argument.
- Generate code to run on Arm Cortex-M CPUs.
python --model models/cifar10_m4.pkl --out_dir code/m4
ImportError: No module named caffe
Add Caffe python installation path to $PYTHONPATH environment variable, e.g.,export PYTHONPATH="/home/ubuntu_user/caffe/python:$PYTHONPATH"
F0906 15:49:48.701362 11933 db_lmdb.hpp:15] Check failed: mdb_status == 0 (2 vs. 0) No such file or directory
Make sure valid dataset (lmdb) is present in the model prototxt definition, as the dataset is required to find the quantization ranges for activations.
- Parser supports conv, pool, relu, fc layers only.
- Quantizer supports only networks with feed-forward structures (e.g. conv-relu-pool-fc) without branch-out/branch-in (as in inception/squeezeNet, etc.).