These are the rules and the moderation guidelines for the forum. Note that moderators may always take any action they deem necessary, considering the circumstances. Breaking a rule is always a bannable offense.
- Use the search function
- Chances are your issue has already been addressed.
- Never post the same topic in two or more forums
The thread in the least relevant forum will be deleted.
Breaking these rules will most likely result in a warning.
- Write in English -- No exceptions!
- Non-english posts will be deleted.
- Post in the correct forum
- Threads will be moved to an appropriate forum.
- Write clear and concise topics
- Moderators may edit topics to clarify questions or delete them entirely.
- Don't post or link to offensive/pornographic/illegal material, or cheats
- Threads and posts will be immediately closed. Breaking this rule will very likely result in a ban.
- Respect the other forum members, moderators and developers
- Moderators may delete offensive posts and ban users at their leisure.
- Stay on topic
- Spam, "me too"-posts and similar content of low information value may be deleted. This includes memes.
- Use the report function
- Do NOT add to the fire by commenting on the offending post. You're just adding to the problem, and you'll risk a warning or a ban.
- Do not discuss moderation publicly
- Any issues with moderation should be resolved by PM:ing the moderator, or contacting him / her on IRC. Posts concerning moderation will be removed.
- Moderators have final say in all matters
- Remember the golden rule: Moderators are always right, even when they're wrong.