Using this you should be able to download hotel images from tripadvisor.
To get started make sure you have Google Chrome and then install the requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
Open the file and make edits as needed. You might be using the script multiple times for this reason I title argument super_download_folder_title. Think of it as your project name. Then there is a dictionary search_dict. You can use the search dict to execute multiple searches in in one project.
For example, you might want to scrape images based on hotel names, continents, countries, etc. The downloader will iterate over the dictionary and will download images for one key: value pair at a time.
The intermediary URLs are saved in the folder. The final folder structure is as follows:
- super_download_folder_title
- search_dict[key1]
- list_item 1
- list_item 2
- search_dict[key2]
- list_item 1
- list_item 2
An example could be
- Continents
- Europe
- England
- 0_1.jpg
- 0_2.jpg
- Asia
- India
- 0_1.jpg
- 0_2.jpg
- China
- 0_1.jpg
- 0_2.jpg
- Continent
- Europe
- 0_1.jpg
- 0_2.jpg
Simply edit the file as per your requirements and run it from the terminal using