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File metadata and controls

653 lines (500 loc) · 27.4 KB



The tmt show command now prints in verbose mode manual test instructions as well.

A new context :ref:`/spec/context/dimension` deployment-mode has been added to the specification. It can be used to :ref:`/spec/core/adjust` test and plan metadata for the package or image mode context.

The ansible-core package is now a recommended dependency package for tmt. It is used by plugins that use Ansible under the hood, :ref:`prepare/ansible</plugins/prepare/ansible>`, :ref:`finish/ansible</plugins/finish/ansible>`, and :ref:`prepare/feature</plugins/prepare/feature>`.

A new core attribute :ref:`/spec/core/author` has been implemented for tracking the original author of the test, plan or story. In contrast to the :ref:`/spec/core/contact` key, this field is not supposed to be updated and can be useful when trying to track down the original author for consultation.

The container executor now works in Fedora Toolbx when Podman is run using flatpak-spawn --host on the host system.


Tests defined using the :ref:`/plugins/discover/shell` discover method are now executed in the exact order as listed in the config file. This fixes a problem which has been introduced in the recent fmf update.

The :ref:`/plugins/report/reportportal` plugin now exports all test contact information, rather than just the first contact instance.

The :ref:`/plugins/provision/beaker` provision plugin gains support for submitting jobs on behalf of a group through the beaker-job-group key. The submitting user must be a member of the given job group.

The note field of tmt :ref:`/spec/results` changes from a string to a list of strings, to better accommodate multiple notes.

The Node alias for the Core class has been dropped as it has been deprecated a long time ago.

Previously when the test run was interrupted in the middle of the test execution the :ref:`/spec/plans/report` step would be skipped and no results would be reported. Now the report step is performed always so that users can access results of those tests which were successfully executed.

The tmt try command now accepts the whole action word in addition to just a first letter, i.e. l and login now both work.


The execution of individual step configurations can be controlled using the new :ref:`when<when-config>` key. Enable and disable selected step phase easily with the same syntax as used for the context :ref:`/spec/core/adjust` rules.

When the login command is used to enter an interactive session on the guest, for example during a tmt try session, the current working directory is set to the path of the last executed test, so that users can easily investigate the test code there and experiment with it directly on the guest.

A new --workdir-root option is now supported in the tmt clean and tmt run commands so that users can specify the directory which should be cleaned up and where new test runs should be stored.

New --keep option has been implemented for the tmt clean guests and tmt clean commands. Users can now choose to keep the selected number of latest guests, and maybe also runs, clean the rest to release the resources.

The log file paths of tmt subresults created by shell tests by calling the tmt-report-result or by calling beakerlib's rlPhaseEnd saved in results.yaml are now relative to the execute directory.

The :ref:`/plugins/report/reportportal` plugin now handles the timestamps for custom and restraint results correctly. It should prevent the start-time of a result being higher than the end-time. It should be also ensured that the end time of all launch items is the same or higher than the start time of a parent item/launch.

The :ref:`/plugins/provision/beaker` provision plugin gained support for adding public keys to the guest instance by populating the kickstart file.

Documentation pages now use the new tmt logo designed by Maria Leonova.


The :ref:`/plugins/provision/beaker` provision plugin gains support for :ref:`system.model-name</spec/hardware/system>`, :ref:`system.vendor-name</spec/hardware/system>`, :ref:`</spec/hardware/system>` and :ref:`cpu.frequency</spec/hardware/cpu>` hardware requirements.

The tmt lint command now reports a failure if empty environment files are found.

The tmt try command now supports the new :ref:`/stories/cli/try/option/arch` option.

As a tech preview, a new :ref:`/plugins/provision/bootc` provision plugin has been implemented. It takes a container image as input, builds a bootc disk image from the container image, then uses the :ref:`/plugins/provision/virtual.testcloud` plugin to create a virtual machine using the bootc disk image.

The tmt reportportal plugin has newly introduced size limit for logs uploaded to ReportPortal because large logs decreases ReportPortal UI usability. Default limit are 1 MB for a test output and 50 kB for a traceback (error log). Limits can be controlled using the newly introduced reportportal plugin options --log-size-limit and --traceback-size-limit or the respective environment variables.


Test checks affect the overall test result by default. The :ref:`/spec/tests/check` specification now supports a new result key for individual checks. This attribute allows users to control how the result of each check affects the overall test result. Please note that tests, which were previously passing with failing checks will now fail by default, unless the xfail or info is added.

In order to prevent dangerous commands to be unintentionally run on user's system, the :ref:`/plugins/provision/local` provision plugin now requires to be executed with the --feeling-safe option or with the environment variable TMT_FEELING_SAFE set to True. See the :ref:`/stories/features/feeling-safe` section for more details and motivation behind this change.

The beakerlib test framework tests now generate tmt subresults. The behavior is very similar to the shell test framework with tmt-report-result command calls (see above). The tmt-report-result now gets called with every rlPhaseEnd macro and the tmt subresult gets created. The difference is that the subresults outcomes are not evaluated by tmt. The tmt only captures them and then relies on a beakerlib and its result reporting, which does take the outcomes of phases into account to determine the final test outcome. The subresults are always assigned under the main tmt result and can be easily showed e.g. by :ref:`/plugins/report/display` plugin when verbose mode is enabled. There is only one exception - if the result: restraint option is set to a beakerlib test, the phase subresults get converted as normal tmt custom results.

Each execution of tmt-report-result command inside a shell test will now create a tmt subresult. The main result outcome is reduced from all subresults outcomes. If tmt-report-result is not called during the test, the shell test framework behavior remains the same - the test script exit code still has an impact on the main test result. See also :ref:`/stories/features/report-result`.

Support for RHEL-like operating systems in Image Mode has been added. The destination directory of the scripts added by tmt on these operating systems is /var/lib/tmt/scripts. For all others the /usr/local/bin destination directory is used. A new environment variable TMT_SCRIPTS_DIR is available to override the default locations.

The :ref:`/plugins/discover/fmf` discover plugin now supports a new adjust-tests key which allows modifying metadata of all discovered tests. This can be useful especially when fetching tests from remote repositories where the user does not have write access.

The tmt link command now supports providing multiple links by using the --link option. See the :ref:`link-issues` section for example usage.

The :ref:`/plugins/provision/beaker` provision plugin gains support for :ref:`cpu.stepping</spec/hardware/cpu>` hardware requirement.

The :ref:`/plugins/report/junit` report plugin now removes all invalid XML characters from the final JUnit XML.

A new :ref:`test-runner` section has been added to the tmt :ref:`guide`. It describes some important differences between running tests on a :ref:`user-system` and scheduling test jobs in :ref:`testing-farm`.

A race condition in the :ref:`/plugins/provision/virtual.testcloud` plugin has been fixed, thus multihost tests using this provision method should now work reliably without unexpected connection failures.


The new tmt link command has been included as a Tech Preview to gather early feedback from users about the way how issues are linked with newly created and existing tests and plans. See the :ref:`link-issues` section for details about the configuration.

The tmt try command now supports the new :ref:`/stories/cli/try/option/epel` option backed by the :ref:`prepare/feature</plugins/prepare/feature>` plugin and the new :ref:`/stories/cli/try/option/install` option backed by the :ref:`prepare/feature</plugins/prepare/install>` plugin.

In verbose mode, the discover step now prints information about the beakerlib libraries which were fetched for the test execution. Use tmt run discover -vvv to see the details.

The :ref:`/plugins/provision/beaker` provision plugin now newly supports providing a custom :ref:`/spec/plans/provision/kickstart` configuration.

The new key :ref:`/spec/hardware/iommu` allowing to provision a guest with the Input–output memory management unit has been added into the :ref:`/spec/hardware` specification and implemented in the :ref:`/plugins/provision/beaker` provision plugin.

The :ref:`/plugins/report/junit` report plugin now validates all the XML flavors against their respective XSD schemas and tries to prettify the final XML output. These functionalities are always disabled for custom flavors. The prettify functionality can be controlled for non-custom templates by --prettify and --no-prettify arguments.

The :ref:`/plugins/report/junit` report plugin now uses Jinja instead of junit-xml library to generate the JUnit XMLs. It also adds support for a new --flavor argument. Using this argument the user can choose between a default flavor, which keeps the current behavior untouched, and a custom flavor where user must provide a custom template using a --template-path argument.

The :ref:`/plugins/report/polarion` report plugin now uses Jinja template to generate the XUnit file. It doesn't do any extra modifications to the XML tree using an ElementTree anymore. Also the schema is now validated against the XSD.

The :ref:`/plugins/report/reportportal` plugin now uploads the complete set of discovered tests, including those which have not been executed. These tests are marked as skipped.

The fmf-id.ref will now try to report the most human-readable committish reference, either branch, tag, git-describe, or if all fails the commit hash. You may encounter this in the verbose log of tmt tests show or plan/test imports.

:ref:`Result specification</spec/results>` now defines original-result key holding the original outcome of a test, subtest or test checks. The effective outcome, stored in result key, is computed from the original outcome, and it is affected by inputs like :ref:`test result interpretation</spec/tests/result>` or :ref:`test checks</spec/tests/check>`.

The values in the generated tmt-report-results.yaml file are now wrapped in double quotes, and any double quotes within the values are escaped to ensure that the resulting file is always valid YAML.


tmt will now put SSH master control socket into ssh-socket subdirectory of a workdir. Originally, sockets were stored in /run/user/$UID directory, but this path led to conflicts when multiple tmt instances shared sockets incorrectly. A fix landed in 1.36 that put sockets into provision subdirectory of each plan, but this solution will break for plans with longer names because of unavoidable UNIX socket path limit of 104 (or 108) characters.


tmt will now emit a warning when :ref:`custom test results</spec/tests/result>` file does not follow the :ref:`result specification</spec/results>`.

We have started to use warnings.deprecated to advertise upcoming API deprecations.

The :ref:`/plugins/provision/beaker` provision plugin gains support for submitting jobs on behalf of other users, through beaker-job-owner key. The current user must be a submission delegate for the given job owner.

In preparation for subresults: subresults and their checks have been integrated into HTML report and display plugin, result phase renamed to subresult.


If during test execution guest freezes in the middle of reboot, test results are now correctly stored, all test artifacts from the TMT_TEST_DATA and TMT_PLAN_DATA directories should be fetched and available for investigation in the report.

New best practices in the :ref:`docs` section now provide many useful hints how to write good documentation when contributing code.

The new key include-output-log and corresponding command line options --include-output-log and --no-include-output-log can now be used in the :ref:`/plugins/report/junit` and :ref:`/plugins/report/polarion` plugins to select whether only failures or the full standard output should be included in the generated report.

Change of Polarion field to store tmt id. Now using 'tmt ID' field, specifically created for this purpose instead of 'Test Case ID' field.

The :ref:`/plugins/provision/beaker` provision plugin gains support for :ref:`cpu.vendor-name</spec/hardware/cpu>` and :ref:`beaker.pool</spec/hardware/beaker>` hardware requirements.

The linting of tests, plans and stories has been extended by detecting duplicate ids.

Test directories pruning now works correctly for nested fmf trees and there is also a test for it.

The test key :ref:`/spec/tests/result` now supports new value restraint which allows to treat each execution of the tmt-report-result, rstrnt-report-result and rhts-report-result commands as an independent test for which a separate result is reported. The behaviour for existing tests which already utilise these commands remains unchanged (the overall result is determined by selecting the result with the value which resides highest on the hierarchy of skip, pass, warn, fail).

Add support for --last, --id, and --skip params for the clean subcommand. Users can clean resources from the last run or from a run with a given id. Users can also choose to skip cleaning guests, runs or images.


The :ref:`/spec/tests/duration` now supports multiplication.

Added option --failed-only to the tmt run tests subcommand, enabling rerunning failed tests from previous runs.

The :ref:`/plugins/report/reportportal` plugin copies launch description also into the suite description when the --suite-per-plan option is used.

The :ref:`virtual</plugins/provision/virtual.testcloud>` provision plugin gains support for adding multiple disks to guests, by adding the corresponding disk[N].size :ref:`HW requirements</spec/hardware/disk>`.


The :ref:`/plugins/provision/beaker` provision plugin gains support for :ref:`cpu.cores</spec/hardware/cpu>` and :ref:`virtualization.hypervisor</spec/hardware/virtualization>` hardware requirements.

It is now possible to set SSH options for all connections spawned by tmt by setting environment variables TMT_SSH_*. This complements the existing way of setting guest-specific SSH options by ssh-options key of the guest. See :ref:`command-variables` for details.

New section :ref:`review` describing benefits and various forms of pull request reviews has been added to the :ref:`contribute` docs.

The :ref:`dmesg test check</plugins/test-checks/dmesg>` can be configured to look for custom patterns in the output of dmesg command, by setting its failure-pattern key.

Tests can now define their exit codes that would cause the test to be restarted. Besides the TMT_REBOOT_COUNT environment variable, tmt now exposes new variable called TMT_TEST_RESTART_COUNT to track restarts of a said test. See :ref:`/spec/tests/restart` for details.

Requirements of the :ref:`/plugins/execute/upgrade` execute plugin tasks are now correctly installed before the upgrade is performed on the guest.


Set priorities for package manager discovery. They are now probed in order: rpm-ostree, dnf5, dnf, yum, apk, apt. This order picks the right package manager in the case when the guest is ostree-booted but has the dnf installed.


The hardware specification for :ref:`/spec/hardware/disk` has been extended with the new keys driver and model-name. Users can provision Beaker guests with a given disk model or driver using the :ref:`/plugins/provision/beaker` provision plugin.

The :ref:`virtual</plugins/provision/virtual.testcloud>` provision plugin gains support for :ref:`TPM hardware requirement</spec/hardware/tpm>`. It is limited to TPM 2.0 for now, the future release of testcloud, the library behind virtual plugin, will extend the support to more versions.

A new :ref:`watchdog test check</plugins/test-checks/watchdog>` has been added. It monitors a guest running the test with either ping or SSH connections, and may force reboot of the guest when it becomes unresponsive. This is the first step towards helping tests handle kernel panics and similar situations.

Internal implementation of basic package manager actions has been refactored. tmt now supports package implementations to be shipped as plugins, therefore allowing for tmt to work natively with distributions beyond the ecosystem of rpm-based distributions. As a preview, apt, the package manager used by Debian and Ubuntu, rpm-ostree, the package manager used by rpm-ostree-based Linux systems and apk, the package manager of Alpine Linux have been included in this release.

New environment variable TMT_TEST_ITERATION_ID has been added to :ref:`test-variables`. This variable is a combination of a unique run ID and the test serial number. The value is different for each new test execution.

New environment variable TMT_REPORT_ARTIFACTS_URL has been added to :ref:`command-variables`. It can be used to provide a link for detailed test artifacts for report plugins to pick.

:ref:`Beaker</plugins/provision/beaker>` provision plugin gains support for :ref:`System z cryptographic adapter</spec/hardware/zcrypt>` HW requirement.

The :ref:`/spec/plans/discover/dist-git-source` apply patches now using rpmbuild -bp command. This is done on provisioned guest during the prepare step, before required packages are installed. It is possible to install build requires automatically with dist-git-install-builddeps flag or specify additional packages required to be present with dist-git-require option.


The :ref:`/spec/plans/provision` step is now able to perform provisioning of multiple guests in parallel. This can considerably shorten the time needed for guest provisioning in multihost plans. However, whether the parallel provisioning would take place depends on what provision plugins were involved, because not all plugins are compatible with this feature yet. As of now, only :ref:`/plugins/provision/artemis`, :ref:`/plugins/provision/connect`, :ref:`/plugins/provision/container`, :ref:`/plugins/provision/local`, and :ref:`virtual</plugins/provision/virtual.testcloud>` are supported. All other plugins would gracefully fall back to the pre-1.31 behavior, provisioning in sequence.

The :ref:`/spec/plans/prepare` step now installs test requirements only on guests on which the said tests would run. Tests can be directed to subset of guests with a :ref:`/spec/plans/discover/where` key, but, until 1.31, tmt would install all requirements of a given test on all guests, even on those on which the said test would never run. This approach consumed resources needlessly and might be a issue for tests with conflicting requirements. Since 1.31, handling of :ref:`/spec/tests/require` and :ref:`/spec/tests/recommend` affects only guests the test would be scheduled on.

New option --again can be used to execute an already completed step once again without completely removing the step workdir which is done when --force is used.

New environment variable TMT_REBOOT_TIMEOUT has been added to :ref:`command-variables`. It can be used to set a custom reboot timeout. The default timeout was increased to 10 minutes.

New hardware specification key :ref:`/spec/hardware/zcrypt` has been defined. It will be used for selecting guests with the given System z cryptographic adapter.

A prepare step plugin :ref:`/plugins/prepare/feature` has been implemented. As the first supported feature, epel repositories can now be enabled using a concise configuration.

The report plugin :ref:`/spec/plans/report` has received new options. Namely option --launch-per-plan for creating a new launch per each plan, option --suite-per-plan for mapping a suite per each plan, all enclosed in one launch (launch uuid is stored in run of the first plan), option --launch-description for providing unified launch description, intended mainly for suite-per-plan mapping, option --upload-to-launch LAUNCH_ID to append new plans to an existing launch, option --upload-to-suite SUITE_ID to append new tests to an existing suite within launch, option --launch-rerun for reruns with 'Retry' item in RP, and option --defect-type for passing the defect type to failing tests, enables report idle tests to be additionally updated. Environment variables were rewritten to the uniform form TMT_PLUGIN_REPORT_REPORTPORTAL_${option}.


The new :ref:`tmt try</stories/cli/try>` command provides an interactive session which allows to easily run tests and experiment with the provisioned guest. The functionality might still change. This is the very first proof of concept included in the release as a tech preview to gather early feedback and finalize the outlined design. Give it a :ref:`/stories/cli/try` and let us know what you think! :)

Now it's possible to use :ref:`custom_templates` when creating new tests, plans and stories. In this way you can substantially speed up the initial phase of the test creation by easily applying test metadata and test script skeletons tailored to your individual needs.

The :ref:`/spec/core/contact` key has been moved from the :ref:`/spec/tests` specification to the :ref:`/spec/core` attributes so now it can be used with plans and stories as well.

The :ref:`/plugins/provision/container` provision plugin enables a network accessible to all containers in the plan. So for faster :ref:`multihost-testing` it's now possible to use containers as well.

For the purpose of tmt exit code, info test results are no longer considered as failures, and therefore the exit code of tmt changes. info results are now treated as pass results, and would be counted towards the successful exit code, 0, instead of the exit code 2 in older releases.

The :ref:`/spec/plans/report/polarion` report now supports the fips field to store information about whether the FIPS mode was enabled or disabled on the guest during the test execution.

The name field of the :ref:`/spec/tests/check` specification has been renamed to how, to be more aligned with how plugins are selected for step phases and export formats.

A new :ref:`/spec/tests/tty` boolean attribute was added to the :ref:`/spec/tests` specification. Tests can now control if they want to keep tty enabled. The default value of the attribute is false, in sync with the previous default behaviour.

See the full changelog for more details.


Test directories can be pruned with the prune option usable in the :ref:`/plugins/discover/fmf` plugin. When enabled, only test's path and required files will be kept.

The :ref:`/spec/plans/discover/dist-git-source` option download-only skips extraction of downloaded sources. All source files are now downloaded regardless this option.

Environment variables can now be also stored into the TMT_PLAN_ENVIRONMENT_FILE. Variables defined in this file are sourced immediately after the prepare step, making them accessible in the tests and across all subsequent steps. See the :ref:`step-variables` section for details.

When the tmt-report-result command is used it sets the test result exclusively. The framework is not consulted any more. This means that the test script exit code does not have any effect on the test result. See also :ref:`/stories/features/report-result`.

The tmt-reboot command is now usable outside of the test process. See the :ref:`/stories/features/reboot` section for usage details.

The :ref:`/spec/plans/provision` step methods gain the become option which allows to use a user account and execute prepare, execute and finish steps using sudo -E when necessary.

The :ref:`/spec/plans/report/html` report plugin now shows :ref:`/spec/tests/check` results so that it's possible to inspect detected AVC denials directly from the report.

See the full changelog for more details.


The new :ref:`/stories/cli/multiple phases/update-missing` option can be used to update step phase fields only when not set in the fmf files. In this way it's possible to easily fill the gaps in the plans, for example provide the default distro image.

The :ref:`/spec/plans/report/html` report plugin now shows provided :ref:`/spec/plans/context` and link to the test data directory so that additional logs can be easily checked.

The avc :ref:`/spec/tests/check` allows to detect avc denials which appear during the test execution.

A new skip custom result outcome has been added to the :ref:`/spec/results` specification.

All context :ref:`/spec/context/dimension` values are now handled in a case insensitive way.

See the full changelog for more details.