title | subtitle | author | version |
Godot Quest |
The Begining |
The Author |
v1.0a |
[color=greenyellow]Noob[/color] - A noob.
Godette - A game developer.
Godot - A game engine.
icon.png - Texture placeholder.
Good Ending - Learned about GODOT.
icon = godette head
Bad Ending - Went home. icon = godette head mad
Ask GODETTE about learning GODOT.
- Learn Functions
- Learn Arrays toll = 3
music happytune
.input noob.name "What is the characters name?"
Another boring school day ends.
@godette main; scale 0.3
.play hey GODETTE: Oh NOOB, I was wondering... Have you ever heard of GODOT?
.play laughter GODETTE: Well, I should be going.
.play bye @godette leaving
- Ask her about GODOT. n: Hey, wait! .play what @godette confused g: What? You want to learn about GODOT? -> Good Ending
- Go on with your day. GODETTE walks on away. n: Nah, not me. I could never make a game. -> Bad Ending
INT. CLASS_FRONT .music no_hope .ambient rain @rain
NOOB: What was she talking about? Go-go-dot? I guess I'll never know.
.achieve bad_ending
[[center]] This is the [color=red]Bad Ending[/color].
@godette main; scale 0.3; at left; .play hello g: Oh, you showed up?
@godette; move center 0.5 g: I'm so glad you wanted to learn GODOT!
g: Oh, look who it is.
@godette; move centerleft @icon_png; at midright; g: This is ICON.PNG. You'll be seeing a lot of him around.
achieve good_ending
[[center]] This is the [color=yellowgreen]Good Ending[/color]!
screen_size = 800, 600 menu_image = class_front menu_music = intro theme
Sound Effects
- Juan Linietsky
- Ariel Manzur
Thanks for playing!