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Tools of Titans

The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers

by Tim Ferriss


Arnold Schwarzenegger did not achieve success in isolation; he received a lot of outside help, motivation, and insight from other people "stood on the shoulders of giants" to achieve the success he did. Without the advice of his parents, teachers, coaches, and others, he wouldn't be where he is today.

On the Shoulders of Giants

(An alphabetical listing of the people included in the book.)

Read this First — How to Use This Book

Part 1: Healthy

Amelia Boone

Rhonda Perciavalle Patrick

Christopher Sommer

Dominic D'Agostino

Patrick Arnold

Joe De Sena

Wim "The Iceman" Hof

Jason Nemer

Peter Attia

Justin Mager

Charles Poliquin

Pavel Tsatsouline

Laird Hamilton, Gabby Reece & Brian MacKenzie

James Fadiman

Martin Polanco & Dan Engle

Kelly Starrett

Paul Levesque (Triple H)

Jane McGonigal

Adam Gazzaley

Non-Profile Chapters

Gymnast Strong

Rick Rubin's Barrel Sauna

AcroYoga — Thai and Fly

Deconstructing Sports and Skills with Questions

The Slow-Carb Diet® Cheat Sheet

My 6-Piece Gym in a Bag

5 Tools for Faster and Better Sleep

5 Morning Rituals that Help Me Win the Day

Mind Training 101

Three Tips from a Google Pioneer

Coach Sommer — The Single Decision

Part 2: Wealthy

Chris Sacca

Marc Andreessen

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Derek Sivers

Alexis Ohanian

Matt Mullenweg

Nicholas McCarthy

Tony Robbins

Casey Neistat

Morgan Spurlock

Reid Hoffman

Peter Thiel

Seth Godin

James Altucher

Scott Adams

Shaun White

Chase Jarvis

Dan Carlin

Ramit Sethi

Alex Blumberg

Ed Catmull

Tracy DiNunzio

Phil Libin

Chris Young

Daymond John

Noah Kagan


Luis von Ahn

Kevin Rose

Neil Strauss

Mike Shinoda

Justin Boreta

Scott Belsky

Peter Diamandis

Sophia Amoruso

B.J. Novak

Non-Profile Chapters

"Productivity" Tricks for the Neurotic, Manic-Depressive, and Crazy (Like Me)

What My Morning Journal Looks Like

How to Create a Real-World MBA

The Law of Category

1,000 True Fans — Revisited

Hacking Kickstarter

The Podcast Gear I Use

The Canvas Strategy

Gut Investing

Kevin Rose's early-stage startup investment strategy is largely emotional vs a specific investment thesis like "Software is eating the world." Instead he asks questions like, "Do you think this technology will be more or less a part of our lives in 3 years?" as a prerequisite before due diligence.

When evaluating a new product, I take the novel features (not every feature) and exhaustively play out how they might impact the emotions of the consumers who use them. After that, I take the same features and consider how they might evolve over time.

For example, his investment in Twitter in 2008 was motivated by: (1) quick public sharing (tweets), (2) following vs bidirectional friendship, (3) syndication beyond one's own social graph (retweets).

He's avoided investing in VR because current gear is bulky, clunky, or otherwise doesn't pass the emotional test for mainstream adoption: the experience isn't a 10x of traditional gaming.

How to Earn Your Freedom

How to Say "No" When It Matters Most

Part 3: Wise

BJ Miller

Maria Popova

Jocko Willink

Sebastian Junger

Marc Goodman

Samy Kamkar

General Stanley McChrystal & Chris Fussell

Shay Carl

Will MacAskill

Kevin Costner

Sam Harris

Caroline Paul

Kevin Kelly

Whitney Cummings

Bryan Callen

Alain de Botton

Cal Fussman

Joshua Skenes

Rick Rubin

Jack Dorsey

Paulo Coelho

Ed Cooke

Amanda Palmer

Eric Weinstein

Seth Rogen & Evan Goldberg

Margaret Cho

Andrew Zimmern

Rainn Wilson

Naval Ravikant

Glenn Beck

Tara Brach

Sam Kass

Edward Norton

Richard Betts

Mike Birbiglia

Malcolm Gladwell

Stephen J. Dubner

Josh Waitzkin

Brené Brown

Jason Silva

Jon Favreau

Jamie Foxx

Bryan Johnson

Brian Koppelman

Robert Rodriguez

Sekou Andrews

Non-Profile Chapters

Tools of a Hacker

The Dickens Process — What Are Your Beliefs Costing You?

My Favorite Thought Exercise: Fear-Setting

Is This What I So Feared?

Lazy: A Manifesto

The Soundtrack of Excellence

Writing Prompts from Cheryl Strayed

8 Tactics for Dealing with Haters

The Jar of Awesome

Why You Need a "Deloading" Phase in Life

Testing the "Impossible": 17 Questions that Changed My Life

Some Practical Thoughts on Suicide



The Top 25 Episodes of The Tim Ferriss Show

My Rapid-Fire Questions

The Most-Gifted and Recommended Books of All Guests

Favorite Films and TV Shows
