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Tutorial: incompressible‐‐pimpleHFDIBFoam‐‐fallingParticleDistribution

OStudenik edited this page Aug 22, 2024 · 26 revisions

Case description

This tutorial represents a situation where a number of non-spherical particles of different sizes is sedimenting in a rectangular domain.

Note that in order for the tutorial to be fast to evaluate even on personal computers, it is constructed as two-dimensional. However, the DEM part of the code is suitable only for three-dimensional simulations and the particles properties were adjusted in such a way that the tutorial gives plausible results.

Geometry and boundary conditions

The test case is built with dimensions (120mm,0.1mm,6mm) defined as a single block, as the figure below depicts. The front and back in Y directions are prescribed as type empty, and the active boundaries prescribed as type wall are highlighted in green. These boundaries are prescribed with zeroGradient boundary condition for pressure and noSlip for fluid velocity. Remaining type patch boundary, highlighted in blue, is prescribed with fixedValue set to uniform 0 boundary condition for pressure and zeroGradient for fluid velocity. For detail see files "tutorialDirectory"/system/blockMeshDict for details regarding mesh construction and "tutorialDirectory"/ "tutorialDirectory"/ for details regarding boundary and initial condition settings Incompresible_BlockFigure

DEM material properties

Running the case

The case is run using ./Allrun script:

. $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/RunFunctions

rm -rf 0

cp -r 0

runApplication blockMesh     # mesh generation, see system/blockMeshDict

application=`getApplication` # selects application (pimpleHFDIBFoam) from system/controlDict

runApplication $application  # run the simulation itself

Results visualization