If held position implements IContactDetails behavior, then show contact details fields on add contact form. [thomasdesvenain]
If 'use parent address' has been selected, ensure content address fields are cleared. [thomasdesvenain]
Simple validator for phone number. [thomasdesvenain]
UI: Open external web site in a new window. [vincentfretin]
UI: Avoid the contact information of a person be displayed two times when it fall backs from organization or function. [thomasdesvenain]
UI: If a contact field is dependent to a position or an organization, we update 'add new' link of the contact field so that the 'position' or 'organization' field is pre-selected in the overlay. [thomasdesvenain]
UI: use classes instead of ids on address because it can be used several times on the same page. [thomasdesvenain]
API: added a nonfallbackcontactdetails view that displays only direct contact details. Useful when you want to display contact details of a contact and contact details of objects it is related to on the same page: it avoids double displays. Apply it on held positions view. [thomasdesvenain]
- Fix: Hide use parent address:
- works in overlays,
- always display use parent address on held position if it implements contact details.
Fix: Avoid failure on person if for any reason person title, firstname or lastname attribute is not set. [thomasdesvenain]
Fix: Switch street and additional data on address view. [thomasdesvenain]
Fix: address fallback in excel export. [thomasdesvenain]
Fix: VCard - avoid failure if no 'person_title' is set on content. [thomasdesvenain]
Fix: Contact might not have any aq_parent [ebrehault]
- Contact details of a person fallbacks to person's main position get from IPersonHeldPositions adapter. [thomasdesvenain]
- Added an IPersonHeldPositions adapter that gets positions sorted by status : a main position, all current positions, closed positions. [thomasdesvenain]
- Sort get_held_positions on organization. [cedricmessiant]
- Add plone.abovecontenttitle viewlet manager to person, organization, position and contact (held_position) views. [vincentfretin]
- js functions have a namespace. [thomasdesvenain]
- Add an api to make dependencies between a contact field and an other one. (needs collective.contact.widget >= 1.2) [thomasdesvenain]
- Add parameter to choose if we want to display person title in person's displayed title. [cedricmessiant]
- Tools for excel export with collective.excelexport: - renderer for contact field, - exportable to show person infos on held_position export. [thomasdesvenain]
- Remove meta_type override because it breaks copy support. [thomasdesvenain]
- Fix if for any reason use_parent_address is True, content has an address and has no parent with an address. [thomasdesvenain]
- Add help messages on add contact form. [thomasdesvenain]
- Display more information about "other contacts" in organization view. [cedricmessiant]
- Add ICustomSettings adapter lookup in widget settings utility to be able to overrides add_url_for_portal_type method in some projects. [vincentfretin]
- Rewrite every contact content view in separate views (basefields, contactdetails, etc) so that we can override only a specific part of the view in customer projects. [cedricmessiant]
- Rename all contact content views to "view". [cedricmessiant]
- Add hcard microformat (see http://microformats.org/wiki/hcard) for person and organization. [cedricmessiant]
- Use a macro to display contact details. [thomasdesvenain]
- Manage case users have uploaded non-image formats for logo or photo. [thomasdesvenain]
- Display behavior fields on contactable views once they are in default fieldset. [thomasdesvenain]
- Fixed: keep order of TTW fields displayed on view pages. [thomasdesvenain]
- Add tooltip overviews for held positions, persons, positions and organizations. [cedricmessiant]
- Use thumb scale for logos and photos. [cedricmessiant]
- Add icon for 'Create Contact' link on position and organization pages. [cedricmessiant]
- Customize sortable_title indexer for Person and Held Position and add a corresponding brain metadata (to enable use of this index in collective.contact.facetednav alphabetic search widget). [cedricmessiant]
- A content that just implements IContactDetails behavior is adaptatable to IContactable and have a VCal export. [thomasdesvenain]
- We can hide Use parent address field using a permission: "collective.contact.core.UseParentAddress" So it is possible to remove this feature via rolemap or remove it on some content types via workflow. [thomasdesvenain]
- Don't crash when deleting position or organization if a held position is associated with it. Show relations that will be broken (plone.app.linkintegrity integration). [vincentfretin]
- Fix ObjectModifiedEvent subscribers to not reindex if event is a ContainerModifiedEvent. [vincentfretin]
- Don't show use_parent_address checkbox if there is no parent address. [cedricmessiant]
- Fix parent address in add forms. [cedricmessiant]
- Add more robot framework tests. [cedricmessiant]
- Add 'Create Contact' link on position view. [cedricmessiant]
- Use full title instead of Title in position view title. [cedricmessiant]
- Show organization's and root organization's name in position's full title. [cedricmessiant]
- Add first organization title in held position's title. [cedricmessiant]
- Added logo and activity rich field on organization type. [thomasdesvenain]
- Fixed generate id from title on held positions and persons. [thomasdesvenain]
- When we get the address of a contact, if the most direct address is empty, look for the next. [thomasdesvenain]
- Added Fax and Website fields to IContactDetails and IContactable. [thomasdesvenain]
- Fixed javascript in @@add-organization view. [vincentfretin]
- Fixed use parent address if we set Contact Details behaviour on held positions. [thomasdesvenain]
- Add vCard support to organizations [ebrehault]
Birthday is now optional as a behaviour. [thomasdesvenain]
Use (-200, 1) years range for birthday field. [vincentfretin]
"Add new" popup link is renamed from "Add ..." to "Create ..." [thomasdesvenain]
New behaviour to add a "Related organizations" field on a content type. [thomasdesvenain]
- Plain text search improvements :
- we can find persons with organization names, functions names,
- the same for held positions,
- indexation is updated when organization or function changes
Messages that document better the organization / position held position adding process. [thomasdesvenain]
Display position label in title of held position view page. [thomasdesvenain]
Added an additional input text label to held positions, used on titles if held_position is directly related to an organization. [thomasdesvenain]
Display contacts on organization page. [thomasdesvenain]
We can find a function with the organization name. [thomasdesvenain]
Fixed field customization view. [vincentfretin, thomasdesvenain]
Fixed held_position field showing in Add contact overlay if Plone site id is different of Plone. [vincentfretin]
Added workflows for contact objects. [cedricmessiant]
- Fixed bug with default views. [cedricmessiant]
- Fixed MANIFEST.in [cedricmessiant]
- Initial release [cedricmessiant]