Imitation of Gobuster/ffuf in Rust
Usage: rustbuster [OPTIONS] --url <URL> --wordlist <WORDLIST>
-u, --url <URL>
The target URL
-w, --wordlist <WORDLIST>
Path to the wordlist
-x, --extensions <EXTENSIONS>
File extensions to search for, e.g. json,xml [default: ]
-m, --method <METHOD>
Use the following HTTP method [default: GET]
-H, --headers <HEADERS>
Custom headers; use the format "Header1: Content1, Header2: Content2"
-b, --body <BODY>
Request body
-d, --delay <DELAY>
Delay between requests, in seconds
-t, --threads <THREADS>
Number of threads, default 10 [default: 10]
--filter-status-codes <FILTER_STATUS_CODES>
Status code that will be ignored, e.g. 404,500 [default: 404]
--filter-content-length <FILTER_CONTENT_LENGTH>
Content lengths that will be ignored, e.g. 20,300, or a range, e.g. 20-300 [default: Empty]
--filter-body <FILTER_BODY>
Ignore if text appears in the response body [default: Empty]
-v, --verbose
Verbose output including response status code, content length, etc
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version
Virtual host fuzzing can be done similar to ffuf
rustbuster -v -H "Host:" -w "/path/to/wordlist.txt" -u $URL
[ ] Add body parameter