- fixing #43
- updating jslint version
- adding ES6 support
- updating README with es6 support (#27)
- updating JSlint documentation link - fixes #39
- adding the new jslint version to config selection
- updating jslint to 0.9.0
- Fixed subscription / disposables issue
- updating amp
- upgrading to use getPaths (1.0 API) (#32)
- removing deprecated calls (#30, #31)
- adding titles to config settings
- adding ability to choose jslint version
- making lint variables global (#21)
- fixes issue #22
- total rewrite
- now written i Coffeescript
- now supports the new atom API
- removing atom-keymap-plus
- updating atom-message-panel to 1.1.4
- updating jslint to 0.7.2
- adding .editorconfig
- adding LICENSE
- removing static preview
- Escape BOM (thx to @ghoudmon)
- fixing an error on windows
- adding support for windows and linux
- fix the line indicator bug
- adding support for `.jslintrc´ config files
- adding option to hide if no errors was found
- adding option to use fold mode as default
- adding a little bug icon for the fun of it
- updating atom-message-panel to 0.3.0
- if a line has an error the line number will turn red
- updating atom-message-panel to 0.2.*
- changing keycap to