Make sure you have prepared required environment. Enter 'dataset' folder
cd dataset
and Open
Line 193 dataset_dir = 'data' # output directory
Line 194 combo_range = [5, 14] # the number of features in a solid, format: [min num of features, max num of features]
Line 195 num_samples = 22000 # the number of generated STEP files.
# The actual number of STEPs is usually less than this because some fail to generate.
Line 196 num_workers = 12 # the number of workers, if you want to use multiprocess, set > 1
And then
Next we need to confirm whether the generated STEPs and labels are valid:
python --dataset <your generated dataset path>
Machining features used in the MFInstSeg dataset. The green faces are the non-bottom feature faces, red faces are the bottom feature faces, and brown faces are the stock faces.
The labels include semantic segmentation labels which are expressed in python dict form as follows:
In the previous step, the generated folder includes STEPs and its instance segmentation labels. Now, we need to extract topology and geometry information from the STEP data feed to neural network.
python .\ --step_path <your STEP folder> --output <output directory> --num_workers <the number of workers>
A novel B-Rep descriptor called Geometric Attributed Adjacency Graph (gAAG) is proposed, which provides the flexibility to handle varying number of entities in B-Rep models and preserves their geometric, topological information and extended attributes.
We has provided the MFInstSeg split file in the 'MFInstseg_partition' folder. If you want to use you dataset, you also need to prepare your data split file and place them into the 'MFInstseg_partition' folder. There 3 text files in the 'MFInstseg_partition' folder:
- train.txt
- val.txt
- test.txt
In each file, there are only 1 columns, which is the file name of STEP. for example: We have 5 STEP files in the test set,
So, the 'test.txt' file should be like this:
Delete the corrupt samples
python --dataset <your generated dataset path>
Extract labels from the STEP files of MFCAD/MFCAD++ and store them in JSON
Line 63 shape_dir = "steps" # path to MFCAD/MFCAD++ dataset/steps
Line 64 graph_dir = "labels" # output dir for extracted labels
the run it
convert STEPs to gAAG
python .\ --step_path <your STEP folder> --output <output directory> --num_workers <the number of workers>
This dataset generation code is based on the following papers: