1. Email (internal title): Email 1-1: I love you but I’m not in love with you
When: 1 day after someone comes into the funnel
Subject: I love you but I’m not in love with you
Preview text: Here’s how you flip the script…
Is that one of the worst things a man can hear?
… I love you but I’m not in love with you.
What does that even mean?
Most men actually don’t hear those words but they can sense that they are on the tip of their wife’s tongue…
… and it sucks.
Tim Matthews and I did a podcast on this topic because it was coming up so often. You can check it out here: https://www.thepowerfulman.com/podcast/i-love-you-but-im-not-in-love-with-you/.
Most men fail to realize that when their wife checks out of the marriage she’s been thinking about it for a long time. Rarely is it ever a rash decision…
… although it often comes out of the left field for us guys.
There’s a reason over 70% of divorces are initiated by women.
According to the American Sociological Association that number jumps to 90% if the woman has a college education.
That reason is apparent to me because I literally see it every day and I also get to see men pull that plane up from crashing and turn it into a marriage that’s soaring.
Don’t sleep on this. Instead do what most men don’t do - take action… …NOW!
Here are a couple of things you can do today:
1. Take a stand and decide that you will go all in on your marriage. No regrets. It’s time to man up. She’s been wanting this from you.
2. Book a call with an advisor and see if getting “activated” is your next best step. No obligation. Just fill out the application found here: https://www.thepowerfulman.com/apply-a/.
3. Success leaves clues. This is true in business and marriage. Read how other men just like you have turned their marriages around without the need of their wife being involved. Here’s the link: https://www.thepowerfulman.com/results/ (Ryan on that page turned things around and now is one of our advisors helping men. If you book a call you may be speaking with him so you can get the lowdown on how he did it)
4. Mark these emails as “Important” in your inbox. I’m going to start sending over some more insights and action steps that you won’t want to miss. When in doubt go back to the first action step listed above.
Don’t become a statistic.
I’m in your corner!
Email (internal title): 1-2: I love you but I’m not in love with you
When: RESEND. If lead hasn’t opened the last email after 24 hours we resend with a new subject line.
New Subject: Divorce is initiated by 90% of these types of women
Preview text: And here’s how NOT to become a statistic…
2. Email (internal title): Email 2-1:
When: 1 day after
Subject: Is it worth saving?
Preview text: Here’s how you know..
How do I know if it’s even worth saving?
That’s a question I asked myself several times when my wife and I were in our darkest places.
Since then I’ve talked to thousands of men that have had the same question.
Even more important is that I’ve helped thousands of men not only answer that question but also turn their marriages around - some even after divorce papers had been filed.
If you’re interested I did a short 1-minute video answering this question: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/tsYIV5wvrQI.
Tim and I also did a few podcasts on this if you’re interested in a deeper dive:
● https://www.thepowerfulman.com/podcast/how-to-know-whether-to-save-your-marriage/
● https://www.thepowerfulman.com/podcast/is-this-worth-saving/
Now the answer may sound confusing but here’s the deal…
If your wife doesn’t get pissed at you from time to time…
If she’s not reacting at all…
Then she’s completely checked out. That’s not a good sign.
However, if your wife’s still giving you shit and you guys are still arguing, then there’s still an emotional charge between you two and after helping thousands of businessmen I can tell you that there’s a fighting chance for you.
You need to step up and take the lead.
We’ve got a few openings in the next 48 hours for you to jump onto a call with an Advisor.
No obligation. No BS.
If you like what you hear you can get on a call with one of our sales guys but not until you get through the first step.
We only work with men we can help and have thousands of testimonials to back up what we’re saying.
We don’t mess around and we don’t work with guys that aren’t serious so there’s an application so we don’t waste your time or ours.
So open your calendar and fill out this short application - you have nothing to lose by getting onto a call and everything to lose if you don’t.
I’m in your corner!
Email (internal title): Email 2-2:
When: 1 day after
New Subject: Cut your losses…
Preview text: Here’s how you’ll know when it’s time…
3. Email (internal title): Email 3-1:
When: 1 day after
Subject: Can I be honest with you?
Preview text: I shoot it straight.
Look, I’m going to shoot it to you straight.
There’s an old joke where a wife asks her husband: “Do I look fat in these jeans?”
Of course, the husband isn’t supposed to say yes.
Well, I’m not your husband.
My job is to tell it like it is - the good and the bad…
… as long as it’s the truth.
The men we work with like it that way. It’s a sign of respect.
I respect you enough to be straight up and honest with you.
Here’s the deal.
You’re screwing up.
And if you’re getting this email then I know two things:
1. Your marriage isn’t where you want it to be.
2. You haven’t filled out an application or booked a call with one of our advisors.
I’ve done this for a long time and I can guess with a high level of certainty that your wife has been waiting for you to make these kinds of decisions and step up for a long time.
No disrespect.
I’m just being honest with you.
I wish someone would have done the same with me when I was going through my with my wife but no one did and things got worse before they got better… so I’m going to be that guy for you.
Yes, I’m biased. I love The Powerful Man and what we do. I freak’n love it. But my life won’t change if you join The Activation Method…
… Yours will.
Regardless of your reasoning for waiting, getting on a short call won’t hurt you. If anything, you’ll gain clarity regardless of whether TPM is the right fit for you.
If you’re ready, fill out an application here: https://www.thepowerfulman.com/apply-a
If you’re still on the fence then the least I can do is offer you some free support and coaching. Check out this podcast: https://www.thepowerfulman.com/podcast/being-a-deer-vs-being-a-wolf
In Your Corner!
PS - It’s not the jeans…
Email (internal title): Email 3-3:
When: 1 day after
New Subject: Why others lie to you
Preview text: Shoot it straight.
4. Email (internal title): Email 4-1:
When: 2 days after
Subject: What would your wife say?
Preview text: Here’s one man’s wife’s perception of her man…
There she goes again…
When some men bring up investing in themselves, they get hit in the face with a series of angry objections.
I know I did.
“Don’t spend money on that…”
“How come you get to do what you want while I watch the kids all day?!”
The reasons are various but the truth is they’re really all shit tests.
I’m just glad I stopped listening to them when I did and got the coaching I needed to turn not only my marriage around but in truth, I found myself again.
Here’s what Matt’s wife had to say about him joining the program: https://www.thepowerfulman.com/kelly-jennings/
These tests (known as “shit tests”) are so common that most people don’t even realize that they’re occurring. In fact, I did a 4-week Master Class on How to Handle Shit Tests Like An Aikido Master.
Short of you going through that entire 4-week program, you can learn a lot about these tests and why they exist in the time it takes you to run to the store and back: https://www.thepowerfulman.com/podcast/how-to-identify-shit-tests/
It’s important to remember that when the marriage isn’t working, it’s natural for your wife to be defensive and scared.
She’s looking for you to lead…
… and when you try, she’s going to test you until you’ve proven to be the Activated man she’s been looking for.
In your corner!
Email (internal title): Email 4-1:
When: 2 days after
Subject: This is what she really thinks…
Preview text: A real opinion from a real woman.
5. Email (internal title): Email 5-1:
When: 3 days after
Subject: A married woman’s POV
Preview text: Hear it straight from another married woman.
Ever wonder what women really think?
I’ve always wondered what it would be like to sit down with a woman who was unbiased regarding my situation and could tell me like it is rather than me having to guess.
Of course, meeting a woman at a bar or even a coffee shop could have posed more issues for my marriage than I was already dealing with, so I didn’t have that opportunity.
Well, you do.
We have several women on our team, and a few of them serve as advisors.
The founder of TPM, Tim Matthews, interviewed one of these women, and she told us what it means for the man to lead in a relationship.
You don’t want to miss this one.
Here’s the link: https://www.thepowerfulman.com/podcast/a-womans-take-on-what-it-means-for-the-man-to-lead/
If you’re ready to take the lead and ready to take massive action, you can actually talk to Mo or one of our other advisors by filling out this short 5-minute application:
Whatever you do… take the lead!
I’m in your corner!
Email (internal title): Email 5-2:
When: 3 days after not opening
Subject: A Woman’s Take on “What it means for the man to lead”
Preview text: Grab your pens and paper, gents, there’s some wisdom dropping in this one.
6. Email (internal title): Email 6-1:
When: 3 days after
Subject: You don’t really care
Preview text: Let’s be honest with each other. You don’t care.
Look. We live in an age where people get a trophy for participating.
That’s not real life.
If you were serious about fixing your marriage, you would have at the very least gotten onto a call to find out if the Activation Method, our flagship program, is a good fit for you.
How do I know this?
Two reasons…
1. I’ve been in your shoes. Sure, the details of my situation are different than yours, but if you’re reading this, then I know you’re a businessman whose marriage isn’t panning out the way you had hoped. I get it.
2. The Powerful Man has talked to tens of thousands of men just like you and me. This gives me an unusual understanding of how this is going to work out for you. It’s like having a crystal ball. I can’t promise that if you go through the program, the rest of your life will be rainbows and butterflies, but I can promise that if you do nothing, it will only get worse… seen it time and time again, and it kills me.
My job is to be honest with you…
… it’s to do my best to guide you out of the darkness and into the light.
This is my mission and the mission of everyone here at The Powerful Man.
There are three types of men that inquire about fixing their marriage:
1. Those that wait and hope that things will somehow magically change on their own.
2. Those that hope that one of the emails, podcasts, or books they consume will have the keys to the kingdom they desire.
3. Those that take massive action, burn the boats, and go all in.
Only one of those three types of men achieves success consistently.
Which kind of man are you?
Take 4 minutes and fill out this application to see if getting on a short call with an advisor makes sense for your particular situation: https://www.thepowerfulman.com/apply-a/
I’m in your corner!
Email (internal title): Email 6-1:
When: 3 days after
Subject: Removing you from the list
Preview text: Stop wasting your time and mine.
7. Email (internal title): Email 7-1:
When: shit