- in what follows, see The Macroscope
- original illustrations by Scott Weingart
These are nodes. Nodes can be anything.
These are edges. Any relationship can be an edge.
a dyad
a dyad where the relationship is reciprocated
- Transivity is the concept that when A is connected to B and C, B and C will also be connected.
- What does that imply in, for instance, correspondence networks?
- unweighted
- weighted
- directed
- citation graph as directed network
- bipartite or 2-mode network
- Build a social network of students in this class
- Who are the nodes?
- What are the links?
- nb many network metrics assume 1-mode graph. That's not to say they can't be calculated on a 2-mode graph; it's just they might not mean what you think they mean.
Path Length
- Here we go to Clement Levallois' tutorial on why networks p35
- same network, different centralities!
- and directionality matters!