#HIST3907b, Carleton University
- You will demonstrate via your project mastery of the six modules in this course
- ie, you conceive, create, document, a work of digital history that visualizes some argument about the past
- could be an infographic (picktochart, for instance)
- could be online
- could be a poster for printing
- ... key thing: the form serves the function!
- The Migrant Experience at Home: the Colonial Newspapers Database
- The Business History of Ottawa: advertisements, etc
- A topic of your own devising cleared with me by January 14
I will expect to see the following:
- searching digitized newspapers for materials appropriate for the larger research project
- transcribing and encoding these materials in xml (with all of the reflective decision making that entails)
- creation of a dataset with appropriate encoding
You will share these materials via contributions to the course repository on Github (no later than March 1st)
- Fork the 'final project' repository https://github.com/hist3907b-winter2015/finalproject
- Create a folder inside that one, with your name
- Place a copy of your dataset there.
- Make a pull request to me to incorporate your dataset into the repo.
- but remember that exploration & deformation are valid too
- use your online notebooks to keep track of what you are doing and why
You will draw on your online notebook for your paradata document.
- if everything goes pearshape, we can use your notebook to craft a post-mortem: this, too, is productive!
Take a quick glance at one of those projects. What strikes you immediately?
Many projects make their materials available via github, ex:
- David McClure, Textplot
- ANP455, MSU, Fall 2014 Digital Atlas of Ancient Egypt
see DevDH for helpful tutorials
Appleford, Simon, and Jennifer Guiliano. 'Best Practice Principles Of Designing Your First Project.' DevDH.org, 2013. http://devdh.org/lectures/design/bestpractice/
- the question, problem, or provocation
- sources (primary, secondary)
- analytical activity
- audience
- product
Will respond to these five points.
It will also contain a workplan
See Appleford, Simon, and Jennifer Guiliano. 'Building Your First Work Plan.' DevDH.org, 2013. http://devdh.org/lectures/manageproject/workplan/.
- How many hours, total, do you think you have this term?
- Look at the modules for this course. Which parts do you think will be hardest for you?
The modules correspond to the various steps in working with data. Build into your plan time to learn the tool you think you're most likely going to use.
A project of Melodee Beals, Sheffield Hallam University
Read: Losing my methodology
Let's explore the database now, and talk about how we could
- contribute to it
- ask interesting questions with it
- see how it's constructed (we'll get into xml in more depth later)
and start imagining what you could do...