I tried to use iCloud drive to host my code folder as an instant backup. It
didn't go so great, I found a process (bird) that was constantly working my
processor. After more investigation, I found it had problems with node_modules
and .git
folders. I looked to see if I could simply ignore the trouble
folders, but couldn't find any support for that.
Use rsync to filter out the unwanted files and folders.
My main code folder is located in $HOME/Code
. I then rsyc the $HOME/Code
folder (without the unwanted files and folders) to "${HOME}/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Code/"
Clone this repo and execute $ ./bootstrap.sh
rsync -avz --exclude '*node_modules*' --exclude '*.git*' --exclude '*.DS_Store' '/Users/tatumszymczak/Code/' '/Users/tatumszymczak/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Code/'
launchctl load /Users/tatumszymczak/Library/LaunchAgents/rsync.code.to.icloud.folder.plist
launchctl unload /Users/tatumszymczak/Library/LaunchAgents/rsync.code.to.icloud.folder.plist
launchctl start rsync.code.to.icloud.folder