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ConnectedLib: Helping librarians use digital media to make learning connections with youth

1. Introduction {#1-introduction}

This module will discuss how connected learning fits in with a 21st century library, provide an overview of the program design process, and offer some springboards to help inspire your next teen initiative.

After completing Section 1: Introduction, you will be able to...
  • Recognize the characteristics of connected learning in a 21st century library
  • Explain how connected learning can help you implement the principles outlined by The Future of Library Services For and With Teens and the YALSA Teen Programming Guidelines

In this introduction, we’ll talk about how connected learning will help you implement many of the principles outlined in The Future of Library Services for and with Teens: A Call to Action and YALSA's Teen Programming Guidelines. Section 2 provides a high-level look at the process of developing a program, and Section 3 is a “playbook” or “menu” of elements that can inspire your programs.

Connected learning is an educational framework for creating engaging learning experiences. In brief, connected learning is characterized by...
  • Teens learning through relationships, with other teens as well as adults
  • Programs that are aligned with teens’ goals, motivations and interests
  • Orientation towards academic, civic, or economic opportunities
  • Production centered learning through creation
  • Providing teens with resources and building pathways to success
  • Instilling a sense of shared purpose
  • Sponsorship of teens’ interests, validating them through mentorship and other support

If these terms are unfamiliar to you, or if you need a refresher course on connected learning, review the Introduction to Connected Learning module before continuing.