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Types of self-supervised models

  1. Generative models

    • AE (autoencoders) [1] (sec 3.3): reconstruct (part of) inputs from (corrupted) inputs
      • AEs
      • Denoising AEs
      • Variational AEs
    • Flow-based models [1] (sec 3.2): estimate high-dimensional densities p(x) from data
    • AR (auto-regressive) models [1] (sec 3.1): model images pixel by pixel, examples
      • PixelRNN
      • PixelCNN
  2. Contrastive models (i.e. discriminative models)

    • Context-instance contrast == global-local contrast [1] (sec 4.1): focus on modeling the belonging relationship between local feature of a sample and its global context representation
      • PRP (Predict Relative Position): learn relative postiions between components
        • predict relative postitions of 2 patches from a sample
        • recover positions of shuffled segments of the image (sove jigsaw)
        • predict rotation angle
      • MI (Maximize Mutual Information): learn the explicit belonging relationships between local parts and global context
        • Deep InfoMax - 1st one to explicitly model mutual information through a contrastive learning task, maximizing the MI btwn a local pathc and its global context
        • Contrastive Predictinve Coding
        • AMDIM - similar to Deep InfoMax
    • Context-context contrast [1] (sec 4.2)
      • Cluster-based Discrimination
      • Instance Discrimination
        • InstDisc - prototype
        • CMC
        • MoCo
          • use momentum contrast to substantially increacse the amount of negative samples
          • however uses a too simple positive sample strategy (a pair of positives comes from the same sample without transformation or augmentation
        • PIRL adds jigsaw augmentation
        • SimCLR illustrates importance of a hard positive strategy by introduing data augmenttaion in 10 forms
        • BYOL discards negative sampling
          • critics suggest BYOL actually doesn't work
        • InfoMin
          • investigate positive samples augemntation
          • suggest to select augemented views with less mutual infromation for better performance
  3. Generative-contrastive (= adversarial) models [1] (sec 5)

    • generate from complete input
      • AAE (adversarial autoencoder)
      • BiGAN
      • ALI (same architecture as BiGAN)
    • reconstruct from partial input
      • coloriztion
      • inpainting
      • super-resolution

Generative models:

  • +
    • can fit data distribution -> strong expressiveness
  • -
    • sensitive to rare samples (since p(x|c)=0 => L_{MLE} -> +\infty)
    • low level abstraction objective (learn to model pixels, not necesserily higher level representations) Problems can be solved by contrastive (discriminative) objectives. Hence generaive-contrastive models - best of 2 worlds

GANs vs contrastive: reconstructive representation (expressive) vs just distinguishable representation

Comparison of AE, GAN, contrastive Structure: generator (encoder + decoder) + discriminator

latent space Z discriminator objectives
AE explicit - generative
GAN implicit + (heavier) discriminative
contrastive explicit + (lighter) discriminative

Alt text


[1] Liu et al. 2020 Self-supervised Learning: Generative or Contrastive arxiv pdf