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SSL for Semantic Segmentation

Contrastive Learning for Label-Efficient Semantic Segmentation

Zhao et al.

Note: they use SSL pretraining using masks (i.e. labels)

How the use SSL:

  • Fully-supervised mode

    1. take images & masks
    2. train UNet-like NN in SSL manner (with SSL loss, using masks)
    3. replace projection head (top layer) with softmax
    4. tune for segmentation task using BCE
  • Semi-supervised mode

    1. train a model in fully-supervised mode with labelled data
    2. use this model to create labels for the unlabelled data
    3. train a model in fully-supervised mode with labelled a& pseudo-labelled data

Pixel-wise label-based contrastive loss (their SSL loss): Image I, distorted version I^, |I|=N
Mask Y={yi}, yi \in 1..C, |I=c| = Nc
F, F^ - representations of I, I^
tau - temperature parameter Alt text

Note: they computer SSL loss separately for each image. They tried to to computer per-batch, but that worsened the performance.

Note: It is crucial to train the entire network in the fine-tuning stage, as there is no interaction between pixels from different images during contrastive pretraining. While contrastive pretraining encourages pixels within an image to cluster according to their class labels, softmax fine-tuning rearranges these clusters so that they fall on the correct side of the appropriate decision boundary.

Self-supervised learning for segmentation

A. Dhere, J. Sivaswamy

Downstream task: segment kidneys

Method: use SSL to pretrain the encoder, that is later used in segmentation model
Segmentation model is shares the encoder with a autoencoder, trained simultaneously.

Pretext task: split all CT scan images of kidneys into left and right halves -> given 2 halves predict if they are from the same side

SSL Loss: Alt text
y - label: y= \mathbb{1}_{a & b from the same side}

Medical Image Segmentation via Unsupervised Convolutional Neural Network

Chen, Frey

сложный лосс, пока нафиг

Self-supervision with Superpixels: Training Few-shot Medical Image Segmentation without Annotation

Ouyang et al.

They use superpixels in pretext task, but their tasks are totally different (few-shot learning tasks, with queries & supports)

Self-Supervised Depth Learning Improves Semantic Segmentation

Irrelevant: pretext task specific for videos - depth prediction

Self-Supervised Feature Learning for Semantic Segmentation of Overhead Imagery

Pretext task: inpainting
How they use: pretrain Unet-like NN on pretext, the adapt by removing top layer and tune for segmentation
Specialty: they train a special coach NN in parallel with the main NN. The coach NN learns to generate difficult occluding masks (difficult for the main NN)

Instance-aware Self-supervised Learning for Nuclei Segmentation

Xie et al.

Downstream task: segmenting nuclei
Difficulty: images of different scale => nuclei of different sizes & differen count of nuclei in an image
Notation: A (anchor), P (positive sample), N (negative sample)
For sampling technique see picture
Alt text
Note: S(I) - size of nuclei in img I, C(I) - count of nuclei in img I
2 pretext tasks:
Task #1: triplet loss learning of A, P, N
This tasks addresses primarily different nuclei sizes problem
Task #2: Loss(P,N) = max(0, f(N)-f(P)+m), where f-NN, m-margin
This task addresses different nuclei count problem (count in N should be less than in P by a margin m)

Fine-Grained Segmentation Networks: Self-Supervised Segmentation for Improved Long-Term Visual Localization

Larsson et al.

They use k-means clustering, but they have reference images and target images (with different view angle, different season of the year etc.)

SeSe-Net: Self-Supervised deep learning for segmentation

Zeng et al.

Используют обучение с учителем (есть сетка основная и сетка учитель, оценивающая основную)
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