Thank you for taking the time to contribute to this project! 🎉
We loosely follow the Google commit guidelines found in several projects like angular.
Please use this template for commit messages:
action(feature): message
Where action is one of the following:
- feat: adding a new feature
- fix: fixing a bug
- build: modifying local or ci building
- style: changing code style via new linting rules.
- chore: updating packages, refactoring existing code. This serves as an escape hatch when your changes do not fit into the other actions.
The feature should point to some aspect of the codebase. The message should be a concise, descriptive and use imperative present tense.
feat(drives): add support for drives
fix(lists): convert title case to camel in content type
build(cypress): upload e2e videos to review system
All code contributions are added via Pull Request. If you are working on an issue, please create a branch in your fork with a sensible name. You can create a PR immediately and mark it as Draft. Once your changes are complete, you should mark your PR as ready for review.
We operate with a master <- feature
branch pattern.
This project has 2 testing layers: unit and e2e. We use jest for unit testing and cypress for e2e testing. If you want to help us fix bugs or add new features, please make sure you include unit (and if necessary, e2e) testing with your code contributions.