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File metadata and controls

66 lines (57 loc) · 2.77 KB


Docker file and docker-compose for ROS noetic supporting packages for the UR5e and Robotiq 2F-85 gripper. The compose file starts two containers: the one running ROS and another running noVNC to use the GUI-based tools rviz and Gazebo.


  • Install either docker engine (Linux) or Docker Desktop.
  • Clone this repo and navigate to the parent directory.
  • Enable X11 forwarding
    • Linux: xhost +
    • Windows: use VcXsrv
  • Run docker-compose up.

Enable GPU Acceleration (Tested on Ubuntu 22.04 with Nvidia GPU)

Calibrate the Real Robot

roslaunch homestri_bringup a_bot_calibration.launch

Start the Real Robot (also starts Realsense camera and AprilTag tracking)

roslaunch homestri_bringup a_bot_bringup.launch

Start the Simulated Robot in Gazebo

roslaunch homestri_bringup a_bot_gazebo.launch

Start the realsense camera

  • roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch
  • To ensure the camera is working, view the /camera/color/image_raw topic in RViz

Start Aruco Tracking

  • ensure /camera_info and /image topics are properly remapped in aruco_ros/launch/double.launch
  • roslaunch aruco_ros double.launch

Launch Teleop Cartesian Control

  • Bringup the real robot
  • Switch to velocity controller using rqt_gui
    • rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui
    • In rqt_gui go to Plugins > Robot Tools > Controller Manager
    • Stop scaled_pos_joint_traj_controller
    • Run joint_group_vel_controller
  • Launch joystick publisher
    • roslaunch homestri_moveit_servo joystick_teleop.launch
  • Read and confirm joystick values and twist conversion
    • rostopic echo /joy
    • rostopic echo /servo_server/cmd_vel
  • Launch moveit_servo
    • roslaunch homestri_moveit_servo servo_server.launch

Execute Behavior Tree (With Aruco Tracking)

  • Bringup the real robot (previous step)
  • Start Aruco Tracking (previous step)
  • Run manipulation_action_server
    • rosrun homestri_manipulation
  • If you are grasping with an offset from a tag, use a static transform publisher to consider the offset (This will be changed later)
  • Launch Explainable Behavior Tree UI
    • rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui
    • In rqt_gui go to Plugins > Actions > Explain BT Plugin
  • Execute behavior tree
    • roslaunch homestri_behavior_trees my_bt.launch