diff --git a/Functions/Add Social Media Link .md b/Functions/Add Social Media Link .md
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+++ b/Functions/Add Social Media Link .md
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+// This code allows you to add a hyperlink to an image in a Qualtrics survey.
+// My primary use case has been to create sharing buttons for social media platforms at the end of the survey.
+// ##### IMP ####
+// You'll have to use a URL shortner, if Qualtrics detects a social media site, it won't allow the image to load.
+// I've gotten it to work for ONLY Graphic Questions. Though they can be on the same page. If you find a way for other question types, please let me know.
+// I've also not been able to get the mouse pointed to change. Qualtrics' system settings keep overriding any CSS I add.
+// BOTH attributes need to added
+// "href" refers to the URL where you want the participants to go
+// "target : _blank" opens the link a new window. If you don't add this, the link opens in the same window and Qualtrics doesn't allow social media sites to load.
+Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function () { // Didn't work on Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload
+ let QuestionId = "#" + this.questionId; // Get the Question ID
+ jQuery(QuestionId).wrap(
+ jQuery("").attr({
+ href: "your-url-goes-here",
+ target: "_blank",
+ })
+ );
diff --git a/Functions/Change Question Text.md b/Functions/Change Question Text.md
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+// This script allows you to change the Question Text based on the choice made.
+// There were three choices in the qurestion, and I wanted to change the text of the question, based on what they clicked.
+ this.questionclick = function(event,element){
+ //for a single answer multiple choice question, the element type will be radio
+ if (element.type == 'radio')
+ {
+ var choiceNum = element.id.split('~')[2];
+ if (choiceNum == 1) {
+ jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .QuestionText").html("Please continue and click next when you are done."); // Changes the question text
+ } else if (choiceNum == 2) {
+ jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .QuestionText").html("Please click next to exit or select the other choice if you would like to");
+ } else if (choiceNum == 3) {
+ jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .QuestionText").html("Looking for alternate methods....");
+ };
+ };
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diff --git a/Functions/Character Limit Reminder.md b/Functions/Character Limit Reminder.md
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+++ b/Functions/Character Limit Reminder.md
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+ //Create a placeholder to display the reminder message
+ char_rem = document.createElement("p");
+ char_rem.setAttribute("id", "char_reminder");
+ char_rem.setAttribute("style", "color:LightGray;");
+ this.getChoiceContainer().parentNode.appendChild(char_rem);
+ const qid = this.questionId;
+ document.querySelector("#QR\\~" + qid).oninput = function () {limited();};
+ function limited(){
+ curr_len = document.querySelector("#QR\\~" + qid).value.length;
+ //Set the max_len as an embedded data field equal to maximum length in validation options
+ max_len = "${e://Field/max_len}";
+ //Nothing will be displayed if the characters are less than 10
+ //If you want to always have the reminder, then delete the statement below and remove the if condition
+ reminder = "";
+ if(curr_len>10){
+ rem_len = max_len - curr_len;
+ reminder = rem_len + "/20 characters remaining";
+ }
+ document.querySelector("#char_reminder").innerText = reminder;
+ }
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diff --git a/Functions/Check sum dynamically via JS.md b/Functions/Check sum dynamically via JS.md
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index 0000000..a4bf4c5
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+++ b/Functions/Check sum dynamically via JS.md
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+Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function () {
+ //Diables the next button at the start
+ // You can delete this if you are fine with the sum as being zero
+ this.disableNextButton();
+Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function () {
+ //Get the Question Id
+ const qid = this.questionId;
+ // Get the number of choices
+ n_choices = Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.registry[qid].getChoices();
+ const base_msg = jQuery("#"+qid+" .QuestionText").html();
+ // Detect a change in any of the choices
+ n_choices.forEach((item) => {
+ console.log("input detected");
+ document.querySelector("#QR\\~" + qid + "\\~" + item).oninput = function () {chk_sum();};
+ });
+ that = this;
+ function chk_sum() {
+ var max_sum = parseInt("${e://Field/max_sum}");
+ var current_sum = 0;
+ padding_pre = '
+ padding_post = '';
+ err_msg = "The total should be more than zero and less than " + max_sum + " to proceed";
+ //Iterate over each of choices
+ n_choices.forEach((item) => {
+ curr_val = parseInt(document.querySelector("#QR\\~" + qid + "\\~" + item).value);
+ // Check for empty blocks
+ if (isNaN(curr_val)) {
+ if (document.querySelector("#QR\\~" + qid + "\\~" + item).value == "") {
+ curr_val = 0;
+ } else {
+ err_msg = "Please enter only valid integer numbers.";
+ }
+ }
+ //Check for invalid characters
+ if (document.querySelector("#QR\\~" + qid + "\\~" + item).value.search(/\D/) != -1){
+ err_msg = "Please enter only valid integer numbers.";
+ curr_val = max_sum + 1;
+ }
+ current_sum += curr_val;
+ });
+ err_msg = base_msg + padding_pre + err_msg + padding_post;
+ //Checks for zero and the value being more than zero and less than the max_sum
+ // If you are fine with zero then delete "current_sum >0 &&"
+ if (current_sum > 0 && current_sum <= max_sum) {
+ that.enableNextButton();
+ jQuery("#"+qid+" .QuestionText").html(base_msg);
+ } else {
+ that.disableNextButton();
+ jQuery("#"+qid+" .QuestionText").html(err_msg);
+ }
+ }
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diff --git a/Functions/Clear Text Entry Box.md b/Functions/Clear Text Entry Box.md
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index 0000000..282a4ff
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+++ b/Functions/Clear Text Entry Box.md
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ const qid = this.questionId;
+ n_choices = Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.registry[qid].getChoices().length;
+ // Set this according to where you are placing your text entry box
+ //This refers to the last choice, -1 to the second last choice etc....
+ text_choice = n_choices;
+ this.questionclick = function(event,element){
+ var selected_choice = element.id.split('~')[2];
+ if(selected_choice !=text_choice)
+ {
+ document.querySelector("#QR\\~" + qid + "\\~" + text_choice + "\\~TEXT").value = "";
+ }
+ }
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diff --git a/Functions/Complex Display Logic.md b/Functions/Complex Display Logic.md
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+++ b/Functions/Complex Display Logic.md
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+Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function () {
+ // Hide the question as soon as the page loads
+ this.getQuestionContainer().hide();
+ //Variable to decide whether to show the question or not. Initially false
+ show_answer = false;
+ //Create an embedded variable with all the valid choices using a seperator
+ // In this a comma "," is used
+ var valid_choices = "${e://Field/valid_choices}";
+ valid_choices = valid_choices.split(",");
+ //Get your entered choice. This is showning an embedded variable
+ // Which you can set based on your question type.
+ const entered_choice = "${e://Field/entered_choice}";
+ // Check if the entered choice is equal to any of the valid choices
+ valid_choices.forEach((item) => {
+ if (item.trim() == entered_choice) {
+ show_answer = true;
+ }
+ });
+ //Show the question, if the condition is met
+ if (show_answer == true) {
+ this.getQuestionContainer().show();
+ }
+ //Optionally you can add a condition to click the next button
+ // If you only have that one question on the page
+ if (show_answer == false) {
+ this.clickNextButton();
+ }
diff --git a/Functions/Constant Sum Allow only integers.md b/Functions/Constant Sum Allow only integers.md
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+++ b/Functions/Constant Sum Allow only integers.md
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+Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function () {
+ //Get the Question Id
+ const qid = this.questionId;
+ // Get the number of choices
+ n_choices = Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.registry[qid].getChoices();
+ const base_msg = jQuery("#" + qid + " .QuestionText").html();
+ padding_pre = '
+ padding_post = "";
+ err_msg = base_msg + padding_pre + "Please enter only valid integer numbers." + padding_post;
+ // Detect a change in any of the choices
+ n_choices.forEach((item) => {
+ document.querySelector("#QR\\~" + qid + "\\~" + item).oninput = function () {
+ if (document.querySelector("#QR\\~" + qid + "\\~" + item).value.search(/\D/) != -1) {
+ jQuery("#" + qid + " .QuestionText").html(err_msg);
+ } else {
+ jQuery("#" + qid + " .QuestionText").html(base_msg);
+ }
+ };
+ });
diff --git a/Functions/Deselect Choices.md b/Functions/Deselect Choices.md
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index 0000000..e02aa49
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+// This is JS to allow participants to deselect their choices on the single answer type questions
+// Courtesy mattyb513 Ref: https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/1387/deselecting-a-radio-button
+// Working Demo: https://iima.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3mJczLmUFE9c7L7
+// You'll need to first create a Deselect Button.
+// If you have multiple such buttons on the same page, you'll need to change their ids
+// This for a single question. For Matrix type, find below