All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Support for PubSub.
- Setter/getter for pubsub client.
to push messages to pubsub client.- Unit tests for pubsub integration.
params. (Takes status, clear and data)
- Setter/getter for redis client.
- documentation for configuring redis.
- allow fallback to local redis if no configuration provided.
- configuration yeilder class.
- specs for update_attributes
- Raise ArgumentError if invalid attributes are passed in
- Raise StandardError if transaction has expired.
- specs for
- Readme examples
- Transaction finished with default status
- Support for ruby >= 2.4
- Rake to 12.3
- Codeclimate configuration.
- Rubocop autofixes and exclude patterns.
- Enable test coverage.
- Travis configuration.
- Unit tests for methods.
- Status is now always returned as a string (not a sym)
- Changelog to track version changes.
- Removed redis from gemfile. Use it as a runtime dependency.
- Default attributes
- Base library
- Redis connection