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Applications and Examples

szapp edited this page May 5, 2019 · 24 revisions

This page gives brief insight into some applications and examples of how to implement different ideas into patches.

Add New NPC

As mentioned in Inserting NPC, NPC that are inserted by a patch are by Ninja-default not persistent across saving and loading. As described, they can either forcibly be made persistent, or - if continuity allows - re-inserted at every initialization. On initialization after Init_Global, the NPC can be inserted as follows:

func void Ninja_[PatchName]_Init() {
    // ...

    if (!Hlp_IsValidNpc(hero)) {
        // Try again next frame
        FF_ApplyOnceExt(Ninja_[PatchName]_Init, 1, 1);

    if (!Hlp_IsValidNpc(Ninja_[PatchName]_Npc1)) {
        Wld_InsertNpc(Ninja_[PatchName]_Npc1, Npc_GetNearestWP(hero));

    // Set geographical position by daily routine
    Npc_ExchangeRoutine(Ninja_[PatchName]_Npc1, "SOMEROUTINE");

    // ...

Although not required for inserting the NPC, the player (hero) is waited for to obtain a valid way point (remember: we cannot make any assumptions about existing way points in any mod). Afterwards the actual geographical position of the NPC is determined by applying its routine "SOMEROUTINE".

When making the NPC persistent in game saves instead (which seems to be the easier option), it should be kept in mind that the NPC will vanish from the game save if the patch is unloaded. Thus, checking if the NPC still exists on initialization is inevitable in either approach.

Add New Dialogs

Adding new dialogs does not differ from the conventional way. A dialog script is created - of course with unique names following the Naming Conventions. Ninja will add the new dialog instances to the cutscene info library. The output units can be extracted from the new script with the Gothic Spacer or tools like Redefix. The resulting output unit file is added to patch and the new dialog is fully integrated into patch.

Across saving and loading Gothic will remember which dialogs were told and which weren't. However, if removing the patch is unloaded this information will be lost when saving the game.

Add New Spells

First and foremost, the idea of adding new spells to the game is controversial. From the annual Gothic modding meeting in April 2019 it became apparent that mod developers have different opinions on adding spells to a mod that was not intended to provide them. Aside from balancing issues on mana usage and combat, new spells may inherently break the entire game.

Keeping that in mind, it is also very difficult to add new spells on a technical level. This is due to the various static Daedalus arrays that spells, their animations and effects are registered in. These static arrays (spellFxInstanceNames, spellFxAniLetters and TXT_SPELLS) cannot be enlarged by Ninja without completely rewriting their content. This is of course no option, because mods will have different spells in these arrays.

To still be able to incorporate new spells into the game with a patch, these static arrays can be enlarged "after the fact", that is, dynamically with Daedalus using Ikarus at initialization of the patch. The scripts below were developed for the FirstMageKit patch, but kindly is provided here for re-use (mentioning this page as the source is highly encouraged).

Click to show code

 * Enlarging stating arrays is tricky
 * Source:
func void Ninja_[PatchName]_EnlargeStatStringArr(var int symbPtr, var int numNewTotal) {
    const int zCPar_Symbol___zCPar_Symbol_G1 = 7306624; //0x6F7D80
    const int zCPar_Symbol___zCPar_Symbol_G2 = 8001264; //0x7A16F0
    const int zCPar_Symbol__AllocSpace_G1    = 7306832; //0x6F7E50
    const int zCPar_Symbol__AllocSpace_G2    = 8001472; //0x7A17C0

    // First: Backup all the relevant information of the symbol
    var zCPar_Symbol symb; symb = _^(symbPtr);
    var string name; name =;
    var int bitfield; bitfield = symb.bitfield;
    var int numEle; numEle = bitfield & zCPar_Symbol_bitfield_ele;

    // I refuse to make it smaller
    if (numNewTotal <= numEle) {

    // The string content we'll have to backup this way (one string at a time, deep copy)
    var int buffer; buffer = MEM_Alloc(numEle * sizeof_zSTRING);
    repeat(i, numEle); var int i;
        MEM_WriteStringArray(buffer, i, MEM_ReadStringArray(symb.content, i));

    // Free the content of the symbol
    const int call = 0;
    if (CALL_Begin(call)) {
        CALL__thiscall(_@(symbPtr), MEMINT_SwitchG1G2(zCPar_Symbol___zCPar_Symbol_G1,
        call = CALL_End();

    // Reset the properties how we want them - mind the increase in elements = name;
    symb.bitfield = (bitfield & ~zCPar_Symbol_bitfield_ele) | numNewTotal;
    symb.bitfield = symb.bitfield & ~4194304; // Set 'allocated' to false

    // Have Gothic allocate the space for the content (we cannot do this ourselves, because it's tied to a pool)
    const int call2 = 0;
    if (CALL_Begin(call2)) {
        CALL__thiscall(_@(symbPtr), MEMINT_SwitchG1G2(zCPar_Symbol__AllocSpace_G1, zCPar_Symbol__AllocSpace_G2));
        call2 = CALL_End();

    // Restore the content - again one by one
    repeat(i, numEle);
        MEM_WriteStringArray(symb.content, i, MEM_ReadStringArray(buffer, i));

 * Add a new spell at "runtime" (kind of). Expects the static arrays to be already enlarged (see above)
func int Ninja_[PatchName]_SetSpell(var string spellFxInst, var string spellFxAniLetter, var string spellTxt) {
    // Increase index
    var int spellID; spellID = MAX_SPELL;
    MAX_SPELL += 1;

    // Set static arrays
    MEM_WriteStatStringArr(spellFxInstanceNames, spellID, spellFxInst);
    MEM_WriteStatStringArr(spellFxAniLetters,    spellID, spellFxAniLetter);
    MEM_WriteStatStringArr(TXT_SPELLS,           spellID, spellTxt);

    return spellID;

The first function relocates and enlarges a static array. This is safe as the address to each array element is always resolved dynamically from the symbol. The second function can be used subsequently to add the new entries to the three enlarged static arrays related to spells.

The usage is straight forward as shown below. The script should be called once from the Content Initialization Functions.

// ... 

const int NumNewSpells = 2;

// Enlarge static arrays
Ninja_[PatchName]_EnlargeStatStringArr(MEM_GetSymbol("spellFxInstanceNames"), MAX_SPELL + NumNewSpells);
Ninja_[PatchName]_EnlargeStatStringArr(MEM_GetSymbol("spellFxAniLetters"),    MAX_SPELL + NumNewSpells);
Ninja_[PatchName]_EnlargeStatStringArr(MEM_GetSymbol("TXT_SPELLS"),           MAX_SPELL + NumNewSpells);

// Add spells (also increments MAX_SPELL)
// Spell ID                             spellFXInstanceNames   spellFxAniLetters   TXT_SPELLS
SPL_SpellA = Ninja_[PatchName]_SetSpell("SpellA",              "FIB",              NAME_SPL_SpellA);
SPL_SpellB = Ninja_[PatchName]_SetSpell("SpellB",              "SLE",              NAME_SPL_SpellB);
// More spells ...

Additionally, the mana processing functions need to be hooked and extended with the new spells.

// Add mana processing calls

// Also mana processing release (only if they are release spells)

These hooks should look something like the following.

Click to show code

 * Additions to the mana processing functions
func int Ninja_[PatchName]_Spell_ProcessMana(var int manaInvested) {
    var int activeSpell; activeSpell = Npc_GetActiveSpell(self);

    if (activeSpell == SPL_SpellA     ) { return Spell_Logic_SpellA(manaInvested);   };
    if (activeSpell == SPL_SpellB     ) { return Spell_Logic_SpellB(manaInvested);   };
    // More spells ...

func int Ninja_[PatchName]_Spell_ProcessMana_Release(var int manaInvested) {
    var int activeSpell; activeSpell = Npc_GetActiveSpell(self);

    if (activeSpell == SPL_SpellA     ) { return SPL_SENDCAST;                      };
    if (activeSpell == SPL_SpellB     ) { return SPL_SENDCAST;                      };
    // More spells ...


Following the [[Localization|Inject-Changes#localization] example, the spell names and descriptions can be made auto-adjustable on the mod language.

To get a complete picture, it is recommended to view the source code of the FirstMageKit patch.

Add New World

Adding a new world with a patch usual presupposes a new story/quest line. Whether a patch is the best place to add new story elements is questionable, difficult to implement (conceptually and technically), requires a lot of technical foresight, but is definitely possible.

This implementation necessitates to Disallow Saving. Alternatively, as described, the player can be educated that a game save will depend on the patch once it has been installed.

The new world will require a world-specific initialization function as done usually as well. The guild attitudes should be set as well. However, it is not given that the function B_InitMonsterAttitudes still exists all mods, as they may have renamed or deleted it. Therefore such an approach is advisable:

if (MEM_GetSymbol("B_InitMonsterAttitudes")) {

To actually change the world from within the game, the following function will become handy.

Click to show code

func void Ninja_[PatchName]_ChangeWorld(var string level, var string waypoint) {
    const int oCGame__TriggerChangeLevel_G1 = 6542464; //0x63D480
    const int oCGame__TriggerChangeLevel_G2 = 7109360; //0x6C7AF0

    var int waypointPtr; waypointPtr = _@s(waypoint);
    var int levelPtr; levelPtr = _@s(level);
    var int gamePtr; gamePtr = _@(MEM_Game);

    const int call = 0;
    if (CALL_Begin(call)) {
        CALL__thiscall(_@(gamePtr), MEMINT_SwitchG1G2(oCGame__TriggerChangeLevel_G1,
        call = CALL_End();

To actually traverse back and forth between the worlds these wrapper functions are very useful. There, the last world as well as the nearest way point is stored before entering the new world. This allows to return exactly to where the player left the previous world. However, this only works if the saving is disallowed, because these string variables are not persistent across saving and loading. The variable Ninja_[PathName]_NewWorld allows to check if the player is currently in the patch specific world.

var string Ninja_[PatchName]_ReturnWld;
var string Ninja_[PatchName]_ReturnWP;
var int Ninja_[PathName]_NewWorld;

 * Enter the unknown world
func void Ninja_[PathName]_EnterWorld() {
    Ninja_[PathName]_ReturnWld = MEM_World.worldFilename; // Remember where we came from
    Ninja_[PathName]_ReturnWP = Npc_GetNearestWP(hero); // Remember waypoint to return to
    Ninja_[PathName]_ChangeWorld("NINJA[PATHNAME].ZEN", "SOMEWAYPOINT");
    Ninja_[PathName]_NewWorld = TRUE; // Be aware of where we are currently

 * There is no place like ~
func void Ninja_[PathName]_LeaveWorld() {
    Ninja_[PathName]_ChangeWorld(Ninja_[PathName]_ReturnWld, Ninja_[PathName]_ReturnWP);
    Ninja_[PathName]_NewWorld = FALSE; // Be aware of where we are currently

Translation Patch

Ninja allows a very convenient way to translate mods. By replacing localized Daedalus strings of the content and menu scripts as well as the output units, the mod remains untouched, does not need to be recompiled and redistributed. This has the advantage of stability as de- and re-compiling is prone to cause bugs or subtle problems.

Nevertheless, a huge disadvantage of the approach with a patch is that the symbol names of the inline strings change if the scripts change. Thus, if the mod was ever updated after it has been translated, the translation has to be redone or the symbol names at least confirmed and rearranged.

Extracting a list of all strings (including the auto-named inline strings) from a mod can be done with a modified version of the tool DecDat. This tool was originally developed by the World of Players user Gottfried. For proof of concept this program was only quickly extended to specifically extract the strings, but this modified version is not stable. Correctness and stability cannot be guaranteed and its usage is not recommended. To extract all string symbols, choose Type as the option and filter for "const string". Then click ExportierenAlle gefilterten Symbole... and save the results to a D file. This file now contains all constant string symbol definitions including the inline strings.

To edit the output units, they should be available in CSL format, as the binary counterpart (BIN format) is not easy to edit. Here as well, only as proof of concept, a python script (right click, save as) was written to convert BIN files to CSL files. The script is not very optimized and very slow. Correctness and stability cannot be guaranteed and its usage is not recommended.

    Virtual Disk File System
        Single File Formats
        Collected File Formats
    Limitations to Overcome
        Output Units

    Patch Structure
        VDF File Tree
        VDF Header
    Patch Template
    Patch Validator
    Inter-Game Compatibility

Inject Changes
    Daedalus Scripts
        Overwriting Symbols
            Naming Conventions
            Preserved Symbols
        Initialization Functions
            Menu Creation
        Ikarus and LeGo
            Initializing LeGo
            Modifications to LeGo
            PermMem and Handles
        Daedalus Hooks
        Inserting NPC
        Disallow Saving
        Helper Symbols
        Common Symbols
    Animations and Armor
    Output Units

Other Mechanics
    Remove Invalid NPC
    Safety Checks in Externals
    Preserve Integer Variables
    Detect zSpy
    Incompatibility List for Mods

Technical Details

Applications and Examples
    Add New NPC
    Set AI Variables
    Add New Dialogs
    Add New Spells
    Add New World
    Translation Patch



    Is Ninja Active
    Is Patch Loaded
    Error Messages




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