diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst index 55412b0c..a2a35626 100644 --- a/docs/index.rst +++ b/docs/index.rst @@ -100,6 +100,29 @@ ZenGL does not implement OpenGL function loading. glcontext is used when no alte ctx = zengl.context(zengl.loader(headless=True)) +**Rendering** + +.. py:method:: Context.new_frame(reset: bool = True, frame_time: bool = False) + +**reset** + | A boolean to clear ZenGL internals assuming OpenGL global state. + +**frame_time** + | A boolean to start a query with ``GL_TIME_ELAPSED``. + | The :py:attr:`Context.frame_time` is set by :py:meth:`Context.end_frame`. + +.. py:method:: Context.end_frame(clean: bool = True, flush: bool = True, sync: bool = False) + +**clean** + | A boolean to unset OpenGL object bindings managed by ZenGL. + | The values are not restored from any previous states, they are set to zero. + +**flush** + | A boolean to call ``glFlush``. + +**sync** + | A boolean to wait for a ``glFenceSync``. + Buffer ------ @@ -243,10 +266,6 @@ Image | A boolean to enable linear to srgb conversion. | By default it is None and it means False except for srgb source images. -**flush** - | A boolean to enable flush after blitting. - | By default it is None and it means False for image targets and True for blitting to the default framebuffer. - .. py:method:: Image.clear() Clear the image with the :py:attr:`Image.clear_value` @@ -340,8 +359,8 @@ Pipeline **stencil** | The stencil settings -**blending** - | The blending settings +**blend** + | The blend settings **polygon_offset** | The polygon offset @@ -378,10 +397,6 @@ Pipeline | When this flag is False the ``GL_UNSIGNED_INT`` is used. | The default value is False. -**primitive_restart** - | A boolean to enable the primitive restart index. The default primitive restart index is -1. - | The default value is True. - **cull_face** | A string representing the cull face. It must be ``'front'``, ``'back'`` or ``'none'`` | The default value is ``'none'`` @@ -414,9 +429,6 @@ Pipeline | The render viewport, defined as tuples of four ints in (x, y, width, height) format. | The default is the full size of the framebuffer. -**skip_validation** - | You know better. You are on your own. - .. py:attribute:: Pipeline.vertex_count | The number of vertices or the number of elements to draw. @@ -612,6 +624,11 @@ Utils - max_draw_buffers - max_samples +.. py:attribute:: Context.frame_time + +| An int representing the time elapsed between the :py:meth:`Context.new_frame` and :py:meth:`Context.end_frame`. +| The value is in nanoseconds and it is zero if the frame_time was not enabled. + .. py:method:: zengl.camera(eye, target, up, fov, aspect, near, far, size, clip) -> bytes | Returns a Model-View-Projection matrix for uniform buffers. @@ -642,7 +659,6 @@ ZenGL format internal format format type r8unorm GL_R8 GL_RED GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE rg8unorm GL_RG8 GL_RG GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE rgba8unorm GL_RGBA8 GL_RGBA GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE -bgra8unorm GL_RGBA8 GL_BGRA GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE r8snorm GL_R8_SNORM GL_RED GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE rg8snorm GL_RG8_SNORM GL_RG GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE rgba8snorm GL_RGBA8_SNORM GL_RGBA GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE @@ -671,8 +687,6 @@ r32float GL_R32F GL_RED GL_FLOAT rg32float GL_RG32F GL_RG GL_FLOAT rgba32float GL_RGBA32F GL_RGBA GL_FLOAT rgba8unorm-srgb GL_RGBA8 GL_RGBA GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE -bgra8unorm-srgb GL_RGBA8 GL_BGRA GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE -stencil8 GL_STENCIL_INDEX8 GL_STENCIL_INDEX GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE depth16unorm GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16 GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT depth24plus GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24 GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT GL_UNSIGNED_INT depth24plus-stencil8 GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24 GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT GL_UNSIGNED_INT