Releases: synadia-io/nex
Releases · synadia-io/nex
- 9183e88 Acquire mutex before attempting to stop a running machine
- 59f22ed Add Node struct and refactor node up (#104)
- 6cb983c Add essential flag to deploy requests
- 7eac199 Add initial ELF workload deployment specs
- 7eaaab2 Add initial node host services impl for key/value
- e0102b3 Add initial v8 host services impl for key/value
- b7615eb Add machine manager proxy for test purposes
- ff37fc6 Add node tests including v8 workload deployment
- 7fdc3e7 Add preserve_network flag to node config
- 415539b Add retry count and timestamp to reattempted deploy requests
- 7c360d4 Add test case asserting first VM ip address starts at .2
- f115034 Add tests for triggering v8 workloads and key/value host service
- 6eca1f1 Add undeploy flag to machine manager stop machine
- bc9f9a1 Add validation of machine pool size to config
- 462e830 Always use a buffered channel for the warmVMs pool
- 0f07655 Bind hostServices.kv.keys() method in v8 context
- 3dcb4c4 Change panic recovery log level
- 5a95e94 Check agent binary and use cmd.Wait() to release resources associated with building the rootfs
- 434b36b Cleanup logic related to vm shutdown
- cd59d08 Cleanup whitespace
- 562c49b Commit go.sum
- d4f9358 Consolidate agentcomms.go into machine_mgr.go
- 464b1af Downgrade OTel (#114)
- 0105c62 Drain internal NATS connection before public connection during shutdown
- cb8759f Drain internal and external NATS connections during node shutdown
- 370ff0b Drain subscriptions associated with a VM upon shutdown
- 95957ee Enforce singleton node instance via /var/run/
- 4011bb0 Fix bug preventing graceful shutdown of VMs in some instances
- ed31286 Fix linte
- 8c62adc Fix linter
- 5cdb2f4 Fix linter
- a659aeb Fix prereq.go build issue
- c5eb15f Fix syntax error in v8.go
- 69ca202 Fix test
- 6ec24ca Fix typo in (#98)
- c304ecf Github Pages Installer (#106)
- 9f8d08d Handle error in node init if config fails to load
- 15d617d Increase api client timeout to 1000ms in node specs
- fda55a2 Initialize stop mutex for vm upon creation
- e38d9b5 Initialize stopMutex map in machine manager
- 4d8c34b Inner Versions (#108)
- b24398f Install script easy button (#105)
- 8d662cd Move warm VM log statement
- 36a4825 Never attempt to undeploy workloads we know have already stopped
- 80360d9 Only redeploy essential workloads when exited with non-zero status code
- 3d17cbd OpenTelemetry Integration (#96)
- 0a7c413 Parse service and method from subject properly in various host services
- b1df720 Publish function exec pass and fail cloud events with log emit (#119)
- de4f82e Publish node stopped message prior to draining connection
- 6c862b5 Read memory location of mutex for use in deferred unlocking
- 5aa4c86 Reduce sleep time in specs and use debug log level
- debaedc Refactor VM handling in machine manager
- 17f4b45 Refactor agent main() to match node execution pattern
- 881cfc9 Refactor cloudevent dispatch mechanics for node and machine manager
- 33d3d50 Reformat machine manager struct
- fb6dbd0 Remove unused code
- 3d06024 Remove unused method
- 1862a0d Run specs using go run
- 7a6e9b3 Set VM metadata outside of VM creation
- 39b9f31 Sleep for 5 seconds after tearing down spec fixtures
- a791cc1 Split linux kernel and root filesystem items into separate requirements
- 4ca43a8 Stop calling panic from node up and preflight
- ec97715 Stop machine if a workload deploy attempt is not accepted
- 072d4df Test statically-linked ELF binary
- 348a2db Test wasm workload deployment
- be1d4fd Throw exceptions when errors occur during v8 host service execution
- f61d81c Use 150 MiB as default rootfs size
- 535c9d7 Use machine manager to stop machine upon receipt of agent workload_stopped event
- eff48a5 Use noop meter provider when otel metrics are disabled
- 78f2576 Use randomly generated temp file when caching workload
- d38b218 Use workload name when constructing key/value host service bucket
- 7e7b10a Write fresh config just before each node spec
- d87f2c7 add argv to deploy request (#116)
- ee0f246 add better logging to example (#103)
- f7996a5 chore: improve cache workload
- 1fab220 dependabot updates (#99)
- b4873fc feat: search PATH for CNI plugins and required binaries (#107)
- a5c6109 Add Trace Level to Logger (#90)
- 797ff5f Badges (#95)
- 8445ba2 Give workloads a chance to gracefully shut down (#93)
- f8c82e3 RootFS Docs Update (#92)
- 2ec5538 adds debs and rpms to release (#89)
- 3853b64 fix more missing perms (#94)
- f31ddb5 initial support for using nats contexts in the nex cli (#88)
- 6094872 Add echofunction.js to examples/v8
- 6e12e28 Add ginkgo and gomega for testing
- 447bf74 Add initial hello-nex v8 example project
- e72f674 Add trigger execution support to wasm provider
- 7e0ce8b Add trigger subjects to various types
- d351c72 Adding builds to taskfile
- 49fe348 Adding (#62)
- 3cce186 Adding getting started guide (#2)
- 40fc07e Adding issue and PR templates (#63)
- 838d30a Adding more logs for VM networking (#25)
- dafda0f Adding multiple retries for agent metadata query (#1)
- 10bbfe1 Adding preflight command to check deps
- 42420ad Adds a README to the ui folder (#67)
- 3e2424e Allow handshake to complete quicker add internal NATS connection status log
- 218f3bc Better logging, scoping. Exposing memory stats to info query
- 4417ecc Cast millis to time.Duration
- 94fb2c8 Cleanup fail/run/exit channel monitor
- 8413a3a Cleanup handshake naming in agent
- 35a46fa Commit go module artifacts
- 4f3195e Complete initial plumbing for executing functions via trigger subjects (#36)
- 2785796 Constantize some defaults and improve readability in nex-node
- d49e27b Create CODEOWNERS
- d237d1a Create go.yml
- 3a6f8fd Dereference string pointer in run request subject
- 62bc967 Emit workAck and return upon workload validation failure
- 992954a Feat/preflight binaries (#33)
- 3259c0f Fix RootFS URL (#43)
- 9a4b1d6 Fix lint error
- 8c7b7e1 Fix lint errors
- 433ff31 Fix nil pointer in v8 initializer
- 310d18d Fix wasm lifecycle and enable reuse of compiled module
- a0f486e Fix/goreleaser error (#80)
- efce62c Fixes #21 (#31)
- 25e86ca Fixing lint errors, adding lint check to CI (#7)
- 203ed1a Implement generic fail, run, and exit channels for agent workload execution
- d9fc7a0 Implement v8 execution provider
- 86f21fe Initialize wasm execution provider
- 3d13e78 Log machine id and message values instead of ptrs in handshake handler
- 10799db Make NATS host and port naming consistent and add additional logging
- 6fe9043 Make execution provider params naming convention uniform
- 1650425 Merge branch 'main' of
- c3ba9ff Merge pull request #5 from ConnectEverything/sjb/preflight
- 0b6dd73 Node UI Release CI (#59)
- 46bf780 Only background ELF command execution
- 2ea2079 Pass payload as argument to v8 function
- 00c7b88 Pass x-nex-trigger-subject header to function execution
- 2177f3f Programatic RootFS Build (#57)
- 3388c80 Push run flag into channel in v8 deploy instead of execute
- ab19f49 Refactor agent and node workload types
- f978ee4 Refactor agent workload execution
- d0a4b92 Refactor event and log monitor tests to use ginkgo
- 572d14d Refactor execution provider to support trigger subjects
- c35e738 Refactor to use workload "deploy" naming convention
- fd241ef Remove extraneous code from elf validate method
- fedf4e5 Remove hash and total bytes from work request validation
- 07f293a Remove unimplemented interface method
- fd8d975 Rename ConnectEverything -> synadia-io
- 2a0b816 Rename metadata client timeout constant
- 280483a Reorganize packaging (#55)
- a12eee2 Reply with response from executed function
- 2d87466 Run ginkgo suite in control-api as part of github actions
- 7cb2ec1 Run pnpm install to ensure node_modules/ exists in ui
- cd88e0b Setup spec/ and test/ directories and test task
- f7d5f64 Skip wasm test
- 90474b3 Some cleaning and refactoring
- d1978d1 Stop leaking firecracker VM
- 4684406 Stop returning nil after binding trigger funcs
- 680646f Stop using dagger for local ui build
- 3acab96 Unified CLI (#37)
- 2e7c258 Update Actions (#42)
- d61d076 Update
- d5d6335 Update
- a2a1b32 Update agent metadata polling mechanics
- 76c0aa8 Update codeowners (#26)
- 5f69612 Updating README to include links to docs and contributing (#65)
- 2523ef8 Upgrade/build params (#78)
- 1dc64e7 Use --trigger_subject flag on cli when running workloads
- fd28c2b Use correct public key on machine manager
- 3add539 Use string representation of []byte when executing v8 function
- 8cbe575 Use vm id for internal trigger subject construction
- 1a137ca Using random ephemeral port for internal NATS (#4)
- 7793a64 Wait for eth0 interface before starting agent on firecracker VM (#29)
- ee74166 Workloads can now be securely stopped
- 14bded0 Write executable artifact to tmpfile prior to execution params initializer
- b58d300 add last modified
- c807f01 add pre-flight check
- 0f3a363 add sudo to goreleaser (#76)
- 490bc28 adding diagram
- fb40530 adding healthz endpoint, strengthening agent-node nats connection (#22)
- e25dc02 adding more verbose output to release ci (#75)
- 9a68e7e adding timeout to mmds query (#3)
- 8a11ac4 adding user interface scaffolding (#16)
- da31483 agent now reboots (halts) firecracker VM when it encounters a fatal error (#6)
- cb92482 because agent only in linux/x86 archive (#79)
- c9cdf98 better error handling on run
- 3f7eb96 carries tags from node configs. allows workload type limits (#20)
- d45bba9 changes satisfied dep path from red to green (#53)
- 2fd064b connects wasm provider to interface (#39)
- 56bac52 executing wasi functions (#34)
- 2750925 fix fs path status
- 10ba586 fix typo
- f207f74 friendly time
- 1ffb7e1 go mod tidy
- 2dd7e72 initial commit
- 561e059 key needs more juice (#51)
- f2fc311 license
- 7d10c08 log emissions working (sorta)
- ff6f8f4 namespaced info and run
- a63b646 nex info CLI command
- 1a6a0cc pretty observers for logs and events
- 3443dd2 removewd gRPC. host and agent now communicate via embedded NATS
- 05ccc55 removing binary
- 6af0607 removing comment block
- 84d5c60 safety checkin
- 5b3bead safety checkin
- d590f07 separates subscribe from log output, moves monitor to api client (#13)
- ae27c9c tpyo
- d0a42d2 tweaks
- 75414a5 tweaks
- a1e4b09 tweaks
- d4b1da9 update ci badges (#45)
- 35b30b0 update nex bin name (#41)
- bb71184 update readme
- 562f210 updating READMEs. adding log forwarding via NATS
- aa18b0a updating nex-node readme with configuration sample
- 3beb905 updating readme
- 31d3d1a will the conference WiFi work?? or will it fail?? NO ONE CAN POSSIBLY KNOW.
- 29e2b80 woopsy (#24)
- 6094872 Add echofunction.js to examples/v8
- 6e12e28 Add ginkgo and gomega for testing
- 447bf74 Add initial hello-nex v8 example project
- e72f674 Add trigger execution support to wasm provider
- 7e0ce8b Add trigger subjects to various types
- d351c72 Adding builds to taskfile
- 49fe348 Adding (#62)
- 3cce186 Adding getting started guide (#2)
- 40fc07e Adding issue and PR templates (#63)
- 838d30a Adding more logs for VM networking (#25)
- dafda0f Adding multiple retries for agent metadata query (#1)
- 10bbfe1 Adding preflight command to check deps
- 42420ad Adds a README to the ui folder (#67)
- 3e2424e Allow handshake to complete quicker add internal NATS connection status log
- 218f3bc Better logging, scoping. Exposing memory stats to info query
- 4417ecc Cast millis to time.Duration
- 94fb2c8 Cleanup fail/run/exit channel monitor
- 8413a3a Cleanup handshake naming in agent
- 35a46fa Commit go module artifacts
- 4f3195e Complete initial plumbing for executing functions via trigger subjects (#36)
- 2785796 Constantize some defaults and improve readability in nex-node
- d49e27b Create CODEOWNERS
- d237d1a Create go.yml
- 3a6f8fd Dereference string pointer in run request subject
- 62bc967 Emit workAck and return upon workload validation failure
- 992954a Feat/preflight binaries (#33)
- 3259c0f Fix RootFS URL (#43)
- 9a4b1d6 Fix lint error
- 8c7b7e1 Fix lint errors
- 433ff31 Fix nil pointer in v8 initializer
- 310d18d Fix wasm lifecycle and enable reuse of compiled module
- efce62c Fixes #21 (#31)
- 25e86ca Fixing lint errors, adding lint check to CI (#7)
- 203ed1a Implement generic fail, run, and exit channels for agent workload execution
- d9fc7a0 Implement v8 execution provider
- 86f21fe Initialize wasm execution provider
- 3d13e78 Log machine id and message values instead of ptrs in handshake handler
- 10799db Make NATS host and port naming consistent and add additional logging
- 6fe9043 Make execution provider params naming convention uniform
- 1650425 Merge branch 'main' of
- c3ba9ff Merge pull request #5 from ConnectEverything/sjb/preflight
- 0b6dd73 Node UI Release CI (#59)
- 46bf780 Only background ELF command execution
- 2ea2079 Pass payload as argument to v8 function
- 00c7b88 Pass x-nex-trigger-subject header to function execution
- 2177f3f Programatic RootFS Build (#57)
- 3388c80 Push run flag into channel in v8 deploy instead of execute
- ab19f49 Refactor agent and node workload types
- f978ee4 Refactor agent workload execution
- d0a4b92 Refactor event and log monitor tests to use ginkgo
- 572d14d Refactor execution provider to support trigger subjects
- c35e738 Refactor to use workload "deploy" naming convention
- fd241ef Remove extraneous code from elf validate method
- fedf4e5 Remove hash and total bytes from work request validation
- 07f293a Remove unimplemented interface method
- 2a0b816 Rename metadata client timeout constant
- 280483a Reorganize packaging (#55)
- a12eee2 Reply with response from executed function
- 2d87466 Run ginkgo suite in control-api as part of github actions
- 7cb2ec1 Run pnpm install to ensure node_modules/ exists in ui
- f7d5f64 Skip wasm test
- 90474b3 Some cleaning and refactoring
- d1978d1 Stop leaking firecracker VM
- 4684406 Stop returning nil after binding trigger funcs
- 680646f Stop using dagger for local ui build
- 3acab96 Unified CLI (#37)
- 2e7c258 Update Actions (#42)
- d5d6335 Update
- d61d076 Update
- a2a1b32 Update agent metadata polling mechanics
- 76c0aa8 Update codeowners (#26)
- 5f69612 Updating README to include links to docs and contributing (#65)
- 1dc64e7 Use --trigger_subject flag on cli when running workloads
- fd28c2b Use correct public key on machine manager
- 3add539 Use string representation of []byte when executing v8 function
- 8cbe575 Use vm id for internal trigger subject construction
- 1a137ca Using random ephemeral port for internal NATS (#4)
- 7793a64 Wait for eth0 interface before starting agent on firecracker VM (#29)
- ee74166 Workloads can now be securely stopped
- 14bded0 Write executable artifact to tmpfile prior to execution params initializer
- b58d300 add last modified
- c807f01 add pre-flight check
- b0e374d add sudo to goreleaser
- 490bc28 adding diagram
- fb40530 adding healthz endpoint, strengthening agent-node nats connection (#22)
- e25dc02 adding more verbose output to release ci (#75)
- 9a68e7e adding timeout to mmds query (#3)
- 8a11ac4 adding user interface scaffolding (#16)
- da31483 agent now reboots (halts) firecracker VM when it encounters a fatal error (#6)
- c9cdf98 better error handling on run
- 3f7eb96 carries tags from node configs. allows workload type limits (#20)
- d45bba9 changes satisfied dep path from red to green (#53)
- 2fd064b connects wasm provider to interface (#39)
- 56bac52 executing wasi functions (#34)
- 2750925 fix fs path status
- 10ba586 fix typo
- f207f74 friendly time
- 1ffb7e1 go mod tidy
- 2dd7e72 initial commit
- 561e059 key needs more juice (#51)
- f2fc311 license
- 7d10c08 log emissions working (sorta)
- ff6f8f4 namespaced info and run
- a63b646 nex info CLI command
- 1a6a0cc pretty observers for logs and events
- 3443dd2 removewd gRPC. host and agent now communicate via embedded NATS
- 05ccc55 removing binary
- 6af0607 removing comment block
- 84d5c60 safety checkin
- 5b3bead safety checkin
- d590f07 separates subscribe from log output, moves monitor to api client (#13)
- ae27c9c tpyo
- d0a42d2 tweaks
- a1e4b09 tweaks
- 75414a5 tweaks
- d4b1da9 update ci badges (#45)
- 35b30b0 update nex bin name (#41)
- bb71184 update readme
- 562f210 updating READMEs. adding log forwarding via NATS
- aa18b0a updating nex-node readme with configuration sample
- 3beb905 updating readme
- 31d3d1a will the conference WiFi work?? or will it fail?? NO ONE CAN POSSIBLY KNOW.
- 29e2b80 woopsy (#24)